2019-2020年七年级英语上册 Module 10《Computers》教案 外研版.doc

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2019-2020年七年级英语上册 Module 10puters教案 外研版Teaching aims:1. To learn the important words:puter, mouse, connect, switch, finally, first, use,next, save, then, again, travel, check2. To learn the usage of what, how many.Teaching methods:Bottom-up, Interactive approachTeaching steps:Unit 1 How do I write my homework on the puter?Vocabulary and listening:1. Listen and number the words as you hear them.Read the words in the box and have the students repeat them chorally and individually.Ask them to look at the picture and decide individually if they know what any of the words refer to already.Ensure that they know what the words mean.Play the recording through while they just listen.Play it again for them to number the words, then check with a partner.Play it again for them to plete/check their answers.Call back the answers from the whole class.Answers: puter-1 keyboard-3 monitor-2 mouse-4 printer-52. Label the parts of the puter.Ask the students to write the words on the parts of the puter.Answers:1. printer 2. monitor 3. puter4. keyboard 5. mouse3. plete these sentences with these words.Read through the verbs and have the students repeat them.Make sure they understand their meaning.Ask them to plete the sentences individually, then check with a partner.Call back the answers from the whole class as plete sentences.Answers:1. connect 2. switch on4. Listen and read.Ask the students to read the conversation silently. At this stage, its a good idea not to explain every word they dont understand.Play the recording and ask the students to listen and read the conversation.Extension:Play the recording again and pause after each phrase, asking the students to repeat chorally and individually.Put the students into groups of four to practice the conversation.They should repeat it several times, changing roles each time.5. Find these words in the conversation. Write the words they go with.Read through the words in the box with the class and make sure they understand them.Read the example with the class.Ask them to do the activity individually, then check with a partner.Call back the answers, having one student read a word from the box and another say what word (s ) go with it.Answers:1. open-a new document2. use- the mouse/the keyboard3. write-your homework/a name /the name/it5. save-the document5. print-it6. Number the instructions in the correct order.Ask the students to do this activity individually, then check with a partner.Call back the answers from the whole class, asking for a different instruction in order from different students.7. Answer the questions.Read through the questions with the students and have Ss repeat them chorally and individually.Ask them to answer the questions individually, then check with a partner.Call back the answers from the whole class, having one student ask and another answer.Pronunciation and speaking:8. Listen and repeat.Explain that this activity focuses on an English phoneme which is difficult to pronounce for speakers of Chinese.Play the recording. Ask the whole class to repeat the sound and the word.9. Listen and repeat the questions.Ask the students to read through the questions to themselves.Play the recording and have them listen.Play the recording again, pausing for them to repeat.10. Work in pairs. Test your partner about puters.Read the examples with the students.Ask them to look at the picture at the start of this module.Pair them and ask them to point at the different parts and ask and answer about them.Circulate and monitor their production.Do exercise:.用所给单词的适当形式填空1. Where can I (write) my name?2. (one), you need to open a new document.3. My sister often (watch) TV in the evening.4. Are there any (mouse) in that room?5. Excuse me, wheres the (print)?.单句改错1. Do Lin Feng write on his puter every day?2. There are three boxes on the table.3. -Hows Lily?-Shes behind the tree.4. He doesnt uses the printer to print his homework.5. Are there some students in the zoo?Key:. 1. write 2. First 3. watches 4. mice 5. printer. 1. Do does2. boxs boxes3. Hows Wheres4. uses use5. some anyUnit 2 How often do you use a puter?Reading and vocabulary:1. Match the questions with the people who answer them.Read through the questions with the students and make sure that they understand them.Ask them to read the answers below and match them individually. They can then check with a partner.Call back the answers from the whole class, having one student ask a question and another answer.2. Match the words in the two boxes.Read through the words in the two boxes with the students.Make sure they understand them. Ask them to do the matching individually, then check with a partner. (You may want to ask the students to cover up the passage from the previous activity to do thisCall back the answers from the whole class, having one student read one word and another give the matching word.3. Check () the true sentences.Read through the sentences and have the students follow.Ask them to decide which are true individually and then check their answers with a partner. Call back the answers from the whole class, having the students read out a sentence and then say “Its true/not true.”Answers:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Writhing:4. Correct the false sentences in Activity 3.Ask the students to do this individually, then check with a partner. Call back the answers from the whole class.5. Look at these sentences. Join the two parts of the sentences with but.Read through the example with the students.Ask them to plete the answers individually, then check with a partner.Call back the answers from the whole class.6. Write sentences about what you do and dont do on your puter. Use but.Ask the students to do this individually.They can then exchange their writhing with a partner for peer correction of language.Learning to learn:Discuss this with the students as a useful way of correction their work.Do exercise:.单项填空1. My sister never puter games on Sunday.A. play B. plays C. playing D. to play2. You can write novels the puter.A. on B. of C. at D. in3. They send emails and on the Internet.A. photoes B. photo C. photos D. photos4. Can he go online?No, he .A. doesnt B. cant C. dont D. isnt5. There is a book on the desk. book is Lucys.A. A B. An C. The D. /.补全对话,每空一词A: 1 this in English?B: Its 2 puter.A: Tell me something 3 it. What 4 you use it 5 ?B: Sometimes I use it to 6 my homework. Sometimes I use it to get 7 for my lessons. I also send 8 .A: Oh, I see. 9 a lot B: Youre 10_ .Key:. 1. B 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. C. 1. Whats 2. a 3. about 4. do 5. to do 6. wite 7. information 8. emails 9. Thanks 10. weleUnit 3 Language in useLanguage practice: Present simple questions:Read through the questions with the students.Make sure they understand the structures and the meanings.Ask them to give you some similar examples.1. Work in pairs. Ask and answer. Use usually and often.Read the example with the students.Ask them to write the questions and answers individually, then work with a partner to ask and answer them.Answers:1. Do you do homework on your puter?2. What games do you play?3. Do you send emails?4. Who do you write to?5. Do you use a puter at school?6. Do you download music?7. What kind of music do you download?2. Write about your partner. Use usually and often.Ask the students to work in pairs and talk in turns about their partner according to the answers they noted down in Activity 1.Then write down the descriptions individually.If time allows, ask students to exchange their writings.Encourage the students to read their writings in class.3. plete the sentences.Ask the studnets to plete the sentences individually, then check with a partner.Call back the answers from the whole class as plete sentences.Answers:1. doesnt visit; sends 2. use; dont play3. doesnt use; downloads4. makes; doesnt buy5. dont have; use4. plete the word map with words about puters.Ask the students to plete the word map individually, then check with a partner.Call back answers from the whole class.8. Work in groups. Talk about the answers to your questionnaires.Read the example “statistics” given with the students.Give them time to produce similar information.Put them in groups to tell their information.Do exercise:.根据句意及首字母提示补全单词1. His father takes a t to go to work every day.2. My aunt is from L , England.3. Excuse me, may I u your ruler?4. I hope to see you a .5. We can get some I from the book.用所给单词的适当形式填空1. He likes (travel) around the world.2. There are many (kind) of trees on the hill.3. You can (use) this pen to write a letter.4. Please (connect) the telephone line to the puter.5. She (not print) her document with it.Key:. 1. train 2. London 3. use 4. again 5. information. 1. travelling (to travel) 2. kinds 3. use 4. connect 5. doesnt print


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