2019-2020年高考英语 对话体语篇型语法填空试题范例.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语 对话体语篇型语法填空试题范例Reporter: David, we all know you _61_ (take) up skateboarding at ten. But did your parents support you?David: Yeah, my parents _62_ let me skate in the house.Reporter: Did they?David: Yeah, they were pretty cool.Reporter: How about your school work?David: That was fine. I was able to get my school work _63_ (do) with good grades. My only problem was _64_ I had so much physical energy that I could not sit still in class. Then some teachers started taking my skateboard away.Reporter: That couldnt stop you from _65_ (skate)?David: No way. The cool thing was that my parents managed to find me _66_ different school. The headmaster there was wonderful. He let us plan _67_ own P.E. classes. So guess _68_ class I created.Reporter: Skateboarding.David: You got it. That was my P.E. class. By that time I was turning professional and starting to show off some techniques at _69_ (pete).Reporter: Is that when your new style became famous?David: Yeah. Other skaters had this smooth flowing style, but I was kind of like a robot always ing up _70_ new tricks.KEYS:61. took62. even63. done64. that65. staking66. a67. our68. what69. petitions70. with对话体2 Interviewer: Please sit down. And why dont you begin by telling me _61_ about yourself?Interviewee: What do you want to know?Interviewer: The usual, you know, something about your background and experience and anything personal _62_ you feel is important.Interviewee: Well, I was born in Lowa and went to school there, right up through college. My farther is a doctor, and my mother is a lawyer.Interviewer: _63_ (sound) as if you e from a professional family.Interviewee: Thats right. My eldest sister is a dentist _64_ the other teaches at a university.Interviewer: What made you decide to get into puters?Interviewee: Oh, nothing _65_ particular, I guess. I always liked maths and _66_ (fix) machines.Interviewer: Now what about your experience? How long have you been working with puters?Interviewee: More than five years now. After I received my degree in Engineering, I began to specialize in puter Technology and I even had my own pany for _67_ while.Interviewer: It certainly sounds _68_ (impress). Why dont you have your qualifications _69_ (send) to me and Ill show them to the board? Well probably get it _70_ to you in a week.Interviewee: Thanks very much.KEYS:61. something62. that63. Sounds64. and65. in66. fixing67. a68. impressive69. sent70. back对话体 3 Diana: Do you have anything special this evening?Joan: No, Ive got a lot of time _61_ (kill).Diana: Why not watch TV?Joan: Well, is there anything special on tonight?Diana: I _62_ (read) the TV guide. There is a special program about World AIDS Day _63_ Channel Two.Joan: World AIDS Day is on December 1st, right?Diana:Yes. Started in 1988, World AIDS Day is _64_ just about raising money, but also about raising awareness, education and fighting prejudice. World AIDS Day is also important in reminding people that HIV has not gone away, and _65_ there are many things still to be done.Joan: Do people need to wear Red Ribbon(红丝带)?Diana: Yeah, The Red Ribbon is _66_ international symbol of AIDS awareness that _67_ (wear) by people all year round and _68_ (particular) around world AIDS day to demonstrate care and concern about HIV and AIDS, and to remind others of the need for their support and mitment(承担).Joan: So, the _69_ for World AIDS Day in xx is “Shared Responsibility: Strengthening Results for an AIDS-Free Generation”.Diana: Everyone _70_ get involved in fighting against AIDS.KEYS:61. to kill62. have read63. on64. not65. that66. an67. is worn68. particularly69. theme70. shall / should对话体 4 (A TV hostess is interviewing Kevin Olsen in the program.)Hostess: Our “Person of the Week” is Kevin Olsen. And we are glad _61_ (have) Kevin here this evening. Kevin lives and works on the coast of Washington. His job is _62_ (usual) in some ways. Part of his work is to rescue whales, fish, and sea birds _63_ they get into trouble with pollution. Wele to the program, Kevin.Kevin: Glad to be here.Hostess: What do you do in your job?Kevin: I spend a lot of my time with sea animals, trying to learn what things they need in _64_ environment. If we know what they need, we can help them survive in the future.Hostess: _65_ you tell us something about the disaster a short time ago?Kevin: The whales, small fish, and birds all _66_ (suffer) in that disaster. The birds had oil on their wings, so they couldnt fly. They couldnt eat the fish _67_ the fish were covered with oil. _68_ took a long time for many people to work on the cleanup.Hostess: Why did you choose this job? Because you _69_ (concern) about the sea animals?Kevin: I was always interested in the world of the ocean and how the plants and animals fit together in their system.Hostess: Thank you for ing in and talking to us this evening.Kevin: My _70_. KEYS:61. to have62. unusual63. when64. the65. Can / Could66. suffered67. because68. It69. were concerned70. pleasure对话体 5 Jamie: Hey, Raymond! Im hungry! What should we eat for dinner?Mary: How about the seafood restaurant on the corner? It _61_ be very popular because its always full of customers.Jamie: I could go for that. But Im afraid we wont be able to get _62_ table now. Its dinner time, and we didnt make a reservation(预定).Mary: Do you have other _63_ (suggest)?Jamie: Why dont we try _64_ unusual? How about _65_ (taste) some local snacks?Mary: I think thats a great idea. Where should we go?Jamie: Theres a snack street nearby _66_ various snacks from all over China are sold.Mary: We can try all kinds of good things. Im just not sure about donkey meat, but other than that Jamie: Oh, _67_ you know what? My mom told me not to eat street food. The cooks often use _68_ (recycle) oil and some snacks are made with too much sugar and fat. That might make me put _69_ weight.Mary: Dont think too much. Lets just go.Jamie: OK. Honestly _70_, my mouth is watering.KEYS:61. must。 考查情态动词。根据句意表示一定很流行,故用must。62. a。考查冠词,表示得到一个座位。63. suggestion / suggestions64. something。 考查名词something unusual意为一些不同的东西。65. tasting。 考查非谓语动词。how about doing sth. 为固定搭配。66. where。 考查连词。此处为定语从句。不缺成分表地点,故用where。67. but。考查连词。句意表示转折概念,故用but。68. recycled。 考查非谓语动词。过去分词表被动,被回收再利用的油。69. on。 考查介词。put on weight 增重。70. speaking。考查非谓语动词。对话体6 Cathy: Do you have the _61_, Alfred?Alfred: Its 7:20.Cathy: We are early. The film _62_ (start) at 7:30. Lets have something to drink.Alfred: Thats a good idea.Cathy: Something smells good.Alfred: Right, thats popcorn. Would you like _63_ popcorn?Cathy: Yes, Id love some. Do you know who _64_ (invent) popcorn?Alfred: It is said that popcorn is a delicacy(美味)_65_ was developed by the Indians of North America.Cathy: When did they invent it?Alfred: It _66_ (date) back thousands of years.Cathy: I see.Alfred: Do you know that the Indians were not only eating popcorn, but they also used popcorn in head-dresses, necklaces and in religious ceremonies?Cathy: Yes, we have seen these in some films and _67_ to most sources, a deerskin bag full of popcorn was served at the first Thanksgiving dinner at Plymouth Rock in 1621.Alfred: You know popcorns popularity grew during the Great Depression(大萧条)of _68_ 1930s, when people realized that a little popcorn could go a long way. But its success was clinched when movie theatres across the continent started serving the snack. By 1947, eighty-five _69_ of movie houses were selling popcorn at their concession(营业许可)_70_ (stand).Cathy: Oh, the movies about to start, lets go.KEYS:61. time。have the time 为固定搭配,意思是你知道时间吗?62. starts。考查时态。列车表时间表等一定要用一般现在时。63. some。希望对方做出肯定答复应该是some,意思是想来点吗?64. invented。考查时态,发明爆米花一定是在过去发明的。65. that / which。考查连词。该句为定语从句,缺少主语故用which和that来引导。66. dates。date表示追溯的时候一定用一般现在时,不用过去时。67. according。according to意思是根据。68. the。考查冠词。表示年代时如果看到年份后面有s,表示某世纪某年代,一定要加the。69. percent。考查名词。表示百分之八十五。70. stands。此处stand表示卖东西的摊位。


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