2019-2020年高考英语大一轮复习 book1 Unit2 Growing pains单元综合测试 译林版必修1.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语大一轮复习 book1 Unit2 Growing pains单元综合测试 译林版必修1.单项填空1. I dont believe weve met before,_I must say you do look familiar.Atherefore BalthoughCsince Dunless答案 B 考查状语从句。句意:尽管我必须说你的确看起来面熟,但我认为我们没见过面。此处为让步状语从句,故用although引导。2After five hours on your feet,you _a break.Aconserve BdeserveCobserve Dreserve答案Bconserve保存;deserve值得;应该;observe观察;遵守;reserve保留。由句意“站了五个小时后,你应该休息一下。”可知,B项正确。3The reason_he told me_he was late is an excuse.Awhy;that Bthat;whyCwhich;that Dthat;which答案 B 解析:句意:他告诉我的为什么他会迟到的原因完全是个借口。本句的主干是:the reason is an excuse。其中的he told me是定语从句,省略了在定语从句中作宾语的引导词which或that;其中的he was late也是定语从句,也修饰先行词the reason。引导词可以用that,for which,why或者不填,在定语从句中作原因状语。4I have heard that John wrote a long letter to the president.His uncle insisted that he _it.Adid Bhad doneCdo Dwould do答案C句中的insist意为“坚持要求”之意,因此宾语从句应用虚拟语气形式,故C为正确答案。5The growing speed of a plant is influenced by a number of factors,_are beyond our control.Amost of them Bmost of whichCmost of what Dmost of that答案B句意:植物的生长速度受诸多因素的影响,绝大多数的因素是我们控制不了的。which引导非限制性定语从句,且作介词of的宾语。6Last week,only two people came to look at the house,_wanted to buy it.Anone of them Bboth of themCnone of whom Dneither of whom答案D此处考查“of关系代词whom”引导非限制性定语从句;两者之间用neither表示否定。7Many of them turned a deaf ear to his advice,_they knew it to be valuable.Aas if Bnow thatCeven though Dso that答案C句意:他们中的许多人不听他的建议,尽管他们知道那很有价值。本题考查连词的用法。 as if好像;now that既然;even though尽管;so that结果是。故选C。8He introduced himself and his dog at the same time.So I _their names and called the dogs name instead of his.Ashowed up Badded upCmade up Dmixed up答案Dshow up出现,到场;add up加起来;make up编造,弥补,化妆,构成;mix up混合,搞糊涂,分不清,故选D。9I feel like _ for a walk.Will you go with me?If Mary goes,_.Ato go;I also Bto go;so do ICgoing;so will I Dgoing;so do I答案 C 第一空表示“想要去散步”,用feel like doing sth.;第二空表示“如果Mary去,那么我也去”,表示与前一情况相同,且为肯定句时,用so助动词/系动词/情态动词主语(代词的主格),而且条件从句用现在时,主句多用一般将来时。10He was _to be a musician,but he became a lawyer.Athought Bsaid Cconsidered Dsupposed答案D句意:他应该成为一名音乐家,但是他成了一名律师。be supposed to应该。11I dont know why youre so concerned;it isnt your problems _.Aafter all BafterwardsCworse still Dabove all答案A句意:我不知道你为什么这么担心,这毕竟不是你的问题。after all毕竟,符合句意。12We promise _attends the party a chance to have a photo taken with the movie star.Awho BwhomCwhoever Dwhomever答案C句意:我们许诺,任何参加这个聚会的人都会有与那个电影明星合影的机会。本句中promise sb sth表“答应某人某事”,whoever引导一个宾语从句,作promise的间接宾语,且whoever在宾语从句中作主语,故选C。13The traffic police were searching for evidence to prove the accused mans _,but in vain.Amistake Bguilt Cfault Dshorting答案C句意:交警一直在寻找证据以证明被告有责任,但未能找到。mistake是统称词,表示一般概念;guilt罪责,内疚,尤指道德方面的过失;fault过失,(承担错误的)责任,缺点;shorting缺点。14. I hope the government will take effective measures to bring down the housing price. _, most of the people now are not very rich.A. After all B. Above allC. In all D. First of all答案 A after all毕竟,到底;above all首先,最重要的是;in all总共;first of all首先。由句意可知选A。句意:我希望政府能采取有效措施降低房价。毕竟,现在大部分人还不富有。15So you missed the meeting._.I got there five minutes before it finished.ANot at all BNot exactlyCNot especially DNot really答案B本题是对情景交际用语的考查。“你错过了开会”,而从答语中的“我在会议结束前五分钟到达会场”,可以看出答话者认为对方讲话不够确切,毕竟答话者参加了会议,只不过迟到而已。.阅读理解AA young emperor penguin wont be getting a free ride all the way back to its Antarctic home,but the birds human friends in New Zealand will help it to get a little closer.The penguin is recovering well at Wellington Zoo,where it had a medical procedure on Monday to wash out much of the beach sand it had swallowed apparently mistaking it for snow.It may need a few months to recover,but wildlife officials have been trying to figure out how the 3foottall bird will get home.Transporting it to Antarctica is nearimpossible in the southern winter,and there are fears that the penguin may have acquired infections in the warmer New Zealand environment that could spread to other penguins.On Wednesday,a group headed by the Department of Conservation decided officials will help the penguin get part of the way home by releasing it into the Southern Ocean,southeast of New Zealandand letting it swim the rest of the way.“The reason for not returning the penguin directly to Antarctica is that emperor penguins of this age are usually found north of Antarctica on pack ice and in the open ocean,”the departments spokesman Peter Simpson said.The bird is estimated to be about two and a half years old,a juvenile(幼雏)in a species that reaches breeding age at around four or five.It will be released on the northern edge of the region where young emperor penguins are known to live.Simpson said he was unsure how far the penguin would have to swim before reaching its final destination.The logistics for the trip havent been set and the penguin wont be released until it has recovered,which could be months.Until then,it will remain at the zoo.The penguin drew intense interest after being spotted on North Islands Peka Peka Beach,about 2,000 miles(3,200 kilometers)from the Antarctic coast.It was the first emperor penguin spotted in the wild in New Zealand in 44 years.“The bird is isolated in an airconditioned room filled with large blocks of ice,”said zoo spokeswoman Kate Baker.【语篇解读】 这是一篇新闻报道。在新西兰的惠灵顿发现了一只年幼的帝企鹅,新西兰人决定等它身体康复了就把它放回南部的海域,然后让它自己游回南极洲。16What is the passage mainly about?AAn emperor penguin found in New Zealand.BTransporting an emperor penguin directly home.CThe warm environment of New Zealand.DThe group that saved an emperor penguin.答案A主旨大意题。本文是一篇新闻报道,主要讲的是一只帝企鹅在新西兰被发现后,人们对这只帝企鹅的救助并且打算帮它回到南极洲,因此A项适合。17According to the passage,Peter Simpson_.Ais an official working at Wellington ZooBis head of the Department of ConservationCis the spokesman of the Department of ConservationDknows exactly the distance the penguin has to swim home答案C事实细节题。由第五段中. the departments spokesman Peter Simpson said.可知他是这个部门的发言人。18The underlined word“logistics”in the passage means _.Apractical arrangementsBdesigned symbolsCskilled expertsDstrong disagreements答案A猜测词义题。由文章中倒数第三段中. for the trip havent been.released until it has recovered,which could be months.可知把这只帝企鹅送回去的具体安排还没有确定,直到它身体完全康复了,它才会被送走,因此A项正确。19What can we infer from the passage?AThe penguin is staying at the zoo with other birds.BThe penguin will not be released because it is very young.CThe people of New Zealand are concerned about animals and birds.DThe people of New Zealand havent seen this kind of penguin before.答案C推理判断题。由全文可知,新西兰人和政府很关心这只企鹅,他们为这只企鹅做体检,想方设法保护这只企鹅,并且采取了很多人性化的措施。因此C项正确。BThe European union announced plans on Tuesday to temporarily ban the use of animals cloning for food eroduction.while allowing imports of food derived from the offspring(后代)of clones from the United States and elsewhere.The report from the European mission followed a call by EU lawmakers in July for a total ban on food derived from cloned animals and their traditionally bred offspring,citing ethical concerns over the industrial production of cloned meat.The mission said a temporary fiveyear EU ban on cloning for food production was justified on animal welfare grounds,but said banning imports of food from the offspring of clones was unnecessary and would disrupt global trade.“Food from cloned animals is safe.In fact,the scientific opinion is that it cannot be differentiated in any way from food from normally bred animals.The issue is animal welfare”,EU Health and Consumer missioner John Dalli told reporters.Food derived from the offspring of clones presents no such animal welfare issues,and banning its sale and import would be impossible because the origin is untraceable,Dalli said.“Such a prohibition would lead to a ban of imports of any food of animal origin (meat,milk and processed products) from third countries allowing the cloning technique,”the report said. “Were not going to regulate for the world,”Dalli added.But animal welfare groups criticized the missions decision,saying it had bowed to pressure from third countries.“We do not accept the missions position that it would be impossible to enforce a ban that includes the offspring of cloned animals,as (other) meat traceability systems are already in place,”said Sonja Van Tichelen,director of the Eurogroup for Animals.【语篇解读】欧盟委员会近日宣布,欧盟在今后5年暂停将克隆动物用于食品生产,但是克隆动物通过传统方式繁殖的后代用于食品生产和销售不在禁止之列。这一决议受到动物保护者们的谴责。20From the passage we can infer that the ban is_.AjustifiedBweleCcontroversial Dmeaningless答案 C 推理判断题。文章首先介绍了该禁令的内容及产生的背景,最后两段又介绍了动物保护者们对该禁令的异议,由此可以推断,人们对这一禁令是有争议的(controversial)。justified“合乎情理的”;wele“受欢迎的”;meaningless“没有意义的”。21Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AThe ban is permanent.BThe imports of food from the offspring of clones are not banned.CAnimal welfare groups support the ban.DThe ban has been put into effect.答案 B 细节理解题。由第一段可知这一禁令是暂时的,且不禁止进口克隆动物的后代制成的食品,该决议目前仍在计划中,因此B项正确,A、D项错误。由倒数第二段可知动物保护者并不支持该禁令,故C项错误。22Which of the following is the reason for missions decision on the ban according to animal welfare groups?AThe origin of food derived from the offspring of clones is untraceable.BFood from cloned animals is safe.CThe issue is for animal welfare.DThe pressure es from third countries.答案 D 推理判断题。由倒数第二段可知动物保护者们认为欧盟委员会是迫于第三世界国家的压力才决定实施这一禁令的,故选D。23What might be the most suitable title for the passage?AThe plans of the European Union.BA temporary fiveyear EU ban.CThe EU proposes a ban on animal cloning for food.DThe danger of food derived from cloned animals.答案 C 标题概括题。本文主要介绍了欧盟宣布将就克隆食品提出一项立法建议,故C项最能概括全文。24The text is most probably a_.Anews report Bbook reviewCnewspaper ad Dsciencefiction story答案 A 文章出处题。通读全文可以看出,本文主要介绍了欧盟的一个决议,以及人们对此的不同看法,故最可能是一篇新闻报道,由此可以看出A项正确。.书面表达假如你是李华,你的美国朋友Alice在学校的演讲比赛中得了第一名,给她写封信,词数120左右,包括如下内容:1祝贺她取得优异成绩;2告诉她你在高三学习中的苦与乐;3邀请她方便的时候来中国玩。_【参考范文】Dear Alice,How are you doing these days?From your letter,I know that you won the first place in the speech contest of your school.Congratulations!I strongly believe that you have the ability and undoubtedly,your hard work and determination contribute to your success.It is several months since I entered Senior Three.During these days,anxiety and happiness acpany me.Sometimes when I meet with some difficulties,I feel depressed.But I feel content more often because study occupies most of my time,for I know success lies in hard work.Only by making every effort will I realize my dream of entering Peking University.Wele to China if it is convenient for you!I promise that I will take you to many places of interest and you can taste delicious dishes.I know you must like it.Im looking forward to your reply.Yours,Li Hua


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