2019-2020年高考英语大一轮复习 Unit 14 Careers单元综合测试 北师大版必修5.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语大一轮复习 Unit 14 Careers单元综合测试 北师大版必修5.阅读理解 AMany people find it difficult to do any activity for pure pleasure.Im here to tell you about one of my favorite pleasures.It doesnt cost a thing and takes very little time.Best of all,you can do it for pure enjoyment.Its walking.Theres something about walking thats different from jogging.When Im jogging,Im constantly challenging myself to go farther or faster,sweat more,and breathe harder.But when Im walking,Im taking time to go outside and put one foot in front of the other while I look around,breathe,and feel the sun and the wind.When I walk,Im submerging(浸没) myself in life.On walks,I make friends with myself.That little voice in my head asks,“How are you going to finish three major projects this week?” I answer,“Now,calm down.This is your time.No deadlines,no projects,no havetodos.”Walks alone and walks with panions each have their own pleasures.On walks with panions,acquaintances bee friends and friendships deepen.There are always memories and thoughts to share on walks.I also enjoy walking anywhere with my children,who constantly open my eyes to new discoveriesrolling down a hill,or finding a strange rock.Walking expands their minds and teaches them about nature.Years ago,when I read “Pride and Prejudice”,I noticed Elizabeth Bennet walked three miles to visit her sister.Then I learned that the Romantic poetsWilliam Wordsworth,John Keats,and Percy Bysshe Shelleyfrequently walked for hours for creative inspiration.I might not have been able to write like these poets but I could take walks as they did,I thought.Then I became interested in the activity.Because I walk so often,I now have a list of my favorite walking spots.One of my favorite spots is a park near my house.The park lets me experience the cycle of the seasons at my convenience.Where else can you appreciate the beauty in the world except on a walk? Why not take a walk and do it for pleasure?【语篇解读】 作者结合自己的体会向读者推荐了一种业余爱好散步。1pared with jogging,walking _.Ais more boring Bis more relaxingCneeds more energy Dtakes less time答案B推理判断题。根据第二段I look around,breathe,and feel the sun and the wind.和When I walk,Im submerging myself in life.可知,作者认为散步更加使人放松。2The author seems to believe that _.Awalks may help promote friendshipBwalks help build childrens independenceCone had better walk without panionsDone can solve hard problems during walks答案A细节理解题。根据第四段acquaintances bee friends and friendships deepen.可知,散步有助于发展友谊。3From Paragraph 6 we learn _.Athe benefits of readingBwhy the author loves poemsChow the author started walkingDthe importance of creative inspiration答案C段落大意题。根据段末Then I became interested in the activity可知,作者在本段回顾了自己是如何喜欢上散步的。4Why does the author write the passage?ATo stress the importance of literature.BTo give advice about daily exercise.CTo show the benefits of doing sports.DTo remend walking to the readers.答案D写作目的题。根据第一段和最后一段可知,文章的写作目的是向读者推荐一种业余爱好散步。故选D。BA new generation addiction is quickly spreading all over the world.Weboholism,a twentieth century disease,affects people from different ages.They surf the Net,use emails and speak in chat rooms.They spend many hours on the puter,and it bees a pulsive habit.They cannot stop,and it affects their lives.Ten years ago,no one thought that using puters could bee pulsive behavior that could affect the social and physical life of puter users.This obsessional behavior has affected teenagers and college students.They are likely to log on puters and spend long hours at different websites.They bee hooked on puters and gradually their social and school life is affected by this situation.They spend all free time surfing and dont concentrate on homework,so this addiction influences their grades and success at school.Because they can find everything on the websites,they hang out there.Moreover,this addiction to websites influences their social life.They spend more time in front of puters than with their friends.The relation with their friends changes.The virtual life bees more important than their real life.They have a new language that they speak in the chat rooms and it causes cultural changes in society.Because of the change in their behavior,they begin to keep themselves apart from society and live with their virtual friends.They share their emotions and feelings with friends who they have never met in their life.Although they feel confident on the puter,they are not confident with real live friends they have known all their life.It is a problem for the future.This addictive behavior is beginning to affect all the world.【语篇解读】网瘾在全球迅速蔓延,成为世纪通病,影响着不同年龄的人群。5The authors attitude towards weboholism is that of being_.AoptimisticBdisapprovingCpositive Dacceptable答案B者态度题。结合第一段后半部分提到的网瘾的不良影响可知,作者对网瘾持不赞成的态度。另外,第三、四、五段的内容都是线索提示。6What is the main idea of the passage?AThe influence of weboholism.BThe advantage of weboholism.CThe popularity of weboholism.DThe cause of weboholism.答案A旨大意题。文章第一段开门见山地阐述了网瘾的危害,然后从不同方面详细阐述了它造成的不良影响,所以A项最能概括文章大义。7What does the underlined word “obsessional” in the second paragraph most probably mean?AAttractive. BProfessional.CAddictive. DPotential.答案C义猜测题。第二段最后一句提到青少年和大学生可能会登录电脑,在不同的网站上花费很长的时间,由此可推知“obsessional”的意思是“痴迷的,上瘾的”,与“addictive”同义。8We can infer from the passage that_.Aweboholism has the greatest effect on teenagersBstudents can hardly balance real and virtual lifeCpeople are addicted to games on the InternetDvirtual life is more vivid and attractive anyway答案B理判断题。根据倒数第二段第三句“The virtual life bees more important than their real life.”以及最后一段第一句中的“they begin to keep themselves apart from society and live with their virtual friends”可推知,学生们几乎不能平衡真实生活和虚拟生活。.根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳的选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Question:I have recently got a job in sales in a super shopping mall.One of my major tasks is to sell cosmetics to female consumers.However,the mall asked for every staff to wear makeup.Actually,I have no idea about how to wear makeup.I think I need a beauty makeover1.Answer:Congratulations on your new job!I think you can manage it well._9_A beauty makeover is a way to transform a womans appearance.It consists of taking a woman from her current makeup look to a new one.A successful makeover will make a woman look beautiful and younger,with a fresher look._10_Having a flawless skin tone is the key to great makeup.Before applying foundation2,do a quick“cheek test”Rather than testing a shade of makeup on your hand or armshand skin is generally darker than your facedo a test on your cheek and jaw line.This will give you a true reading._11_BlushingUse professional brushes to apply blusher3,not the mini one that may e with a blush product.Its good to note that wherever you place your brush first will get the most makeup,so dont start in the front._12_Blush both cheeks using this method.Then apply a very light dusting of blusher all over the face.EyesThere are many ways to apply eye makeup.You may need to practise to find the right look for you._13_Apply black eyeliner4to the top of the eye only.Apply two or three coats of mascara5.Notes:1makeover/meIkv(r)/n.(外观的)改进,改善2foundation/fandeIn/n.(化妆打底用的)粉底霜3blusher/bl(r)/n.胭脂4eyeliner/aIlaIn(r)/n.(化妆的)眼线5mascara/mskr/n.睫毛膏AStart at the hairline right above your cheek bone and sweep forward.BAs for the beauty makeover,it is definitely of great importance.CCreate and show off your own makeover skills to others.DMakeUp Tones.EUse the makeup thats closest to your own skin tone.FA good basic eye makeup look consists of a light eye shadow shade on the lids.GFemale consumers often buy cosmetics while shopping.答案9.B10.D11.E12.A13.F.短文改错假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中每句中最多有两处错误。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线(_),并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;There was a man calling Ted who loved his wife deeply.He wanted to buy a present for his wife.So he went to the town and looked around some jewellery store.Because of his wife had always wanted a diamond necklace,he decided to buy her it this time.Going into a store,he asked the saleswoman show him a diamond necklace.“How much is it?” he asked.“Two thousand dollars,” replied the saleswoman.It was too expensive for him that he asked for the cheaper one.The saleswoman passed him one what cost one thousand dollars.“Anything cheaper?” asks the man.So he was shown one costing five hundred dollars.But it was still too expensive for him.“Anything really cheaper?” asked the man.The saleswoman gave him a mirror.“Its ten dollars.I guess its cheaply enough.” said the saleswoman.答案There was a man Ted who loved his wife deeply.He wanted to buy a present for his wife.So he went to the town and looked around some jewellery .Because of his wife had always wanted a diamond necklace,he decided to buy her this time.Going into a store,he asked the saleswoman show him a diamond necklace.“How much is it?” he asked.“Two thousand dollars,” replied the saleswoman.It was expensive for him that he asked for cheaper one.The saleswoman passed him one cost one thousand dollars.“Anything cheaper?” the man.So he was shown one costing five hundred dollars.But it was still too expensive for him.“Anything really cheaper?” asked the man.The saleswoman gave him a mirror.“Its ten dollars.I guess its enough.” said the saleswoman.写作素材集锦单词1delicate柔软的,精致的2strengthen加强短语be resistant to可以抵抗句子When mixed with other raw materials,these nanocellulose fibers can make plastics stronger.这些纳米纤维素与其他的原材料混合时,可以使塑料更加坚固。

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