2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 5 Rhythm综合检测 北师大版必修2.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 5 Rhythm综合检测 北师大版必修2.单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1Charlie likes_folk music and plays _guitar well.A/;/Bthe;theCthe;/ D/;the2We are interested in the weather because it _ us so directlywhat we wear,what we do,and even how we feel.Abenefits BguidesCaffects Deffects3The opening ceremony of our school sports meeting is impressed _ my mind.Ato BoverCby Don4(xx蚌埠高一检测)Mary _ get up very late, but now she _ getting up so early.Aused to; is used to Bused to; used toCis used to; used to Dis used to; is used to5The boys parents gave Tom 300 dollars as a(n)_for saving their son from the fire.Aaward BrewardCprize Dgift6Have you _with your old friend Garcia?No,after all we havent seen each other for 20 years.Agot in touch Blost touchCgot on Dgot along7Im not used to the way you speak to me._,I dont want to continue our conversation.AIn a word BIn other wordsCIn word DIn words8Time will never e back once it passes, so please _ it.Atreasure BsaveCwaste Dspend9Jenny liked Fred_he was the most honest one.Abecause Bbecause ofCas with Dfor that10Did your boss phone you again the next day?No,it was a fortnight_he gave me a second call.Athat BbeforeCwhen Dsince11Can you _what happened in your childhood to your present state of mind?Aconnect to Bkeep in touch withCrelate Djoin to12He has made up his mind to _ smoking.Amake BgiveCdo Dquit13Does he often ask you for help?Oh,no,only _Aall the time Bat one timeCat a time Dat times14(xx定远高一检测)I remend that everyone _this dictionary.Ato buy BbuyingCbuy Dbought15The lady said she would buy a gift for her daughter with the_A20 dollars remainedB20 dollars to remainCremained 20 dollarsDremaining 20 dollars.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)Although Beethoven could sit down and make up music easily,his really great works did not e easily at all.They _16_ him a great deal of hard work.We know how often he wrote and _17_ his work because his notebooks are still _18_ in museums and libraries.He always found it hard to _19_ himself.When he was 28,the worst difficulty of all came to him.He began to _20_ a strange humming(发出嗡嗡声) in his ears.At first he _21_ little attention;but it grew _22_At last he went to the_23_,and they gave him the worst news that he would hear nothing.Later in his life he was _24_ going deaf.Beethoven was very sad,and he was _25_that he was going to die.He went away to a country,_26_was called Heiligenstadt.There he wrote a long letter saying _27_ to his brothers.He told them how depressed and lonely his deafness had made him.He longed to die,and said,“e when you will,and I shall meet you bravely.”In fact,Beethoven did something braver than _28_He gathered his _29_ and went on writing music,_30_ he could hear what he wrote less and less clearly.He wrote his best music,the music we remembered _31_ long after he became deaf.The music he wrote was very different from any that had been _32_ before.Instead of the elegant (优雅的) music that _33_ musicians had written for their wealthy listeners,Beethoven wrote stormy,_34_,revolutionary (革命的)music,which reminds us of his _35_ and courageous life.Because of his courage and determination to overe his terrible disaster,his music has given joy and inspiration to millions of people.16A.spent BcostCsaved Dtook17A.changed BreadCcorrected Dcopied18A.kept BstudiedCused Dhidden19A.praise BrelaxCpass Dsatisfy20A.hate BnoticeClike Denjoy21A.found BfixedCpaid Dshowed22A.worse BbetterCwider Dsmaller23A.workmates BlawyersCadvisers Ddoctors24A.suddenly BgraduallyCimmediately Dunluckily25A.sure BdoubtfulCangry Dfrightened26A.where BwhichCthat Dit27A.wele BhelloCgoodbye Dsafety28A.crying BdyingChiding Dleaving29A.strength BenergyCcourage Dpower30A.as Bas ifCbefore Dthough31A.for BwithCafter Dabout32A.played BperformedCmade Dsung33A.earlier BfoolishColder Dyoung34A.exciting BsadCquiet Dsweet35A.rich BhappyCtroubled Dsuccessful.阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)ATheres a body of water in Israel that is actually below sea level.Water often runs into it,but,because of the law of gravity (重力),nothing can flow out of it.Do you know the name of this famous lake? Its called the Dead Sea.Its called this because no living thing could live there.The water is almost dead,pared to what happens with “living water”When you think of the words “living water”,in your mind is a rushing river that is flowing.Its filled with life and movement.It doesnt just “receive”,but is also “giving” simultaneouslyMany of us believe that we need to receive more of something in order to be happy.Whether what we strongly want is money or something else,we think we need more of it in order to be fulfilled.As a result,we begin to operate in fear and therefore dont give anything because were afraid that we wont have enough.The result? Like the Dead Sea,we bee lifeless.Life is meant to flow. When a pool stops flowing,it bees stagnant (停滞的)Stagnant water develops disease and death.It cant breathe.It cant receive any more.If nothing is flowing out,theres no room for anything else to e in.The way out? Give.If so,youll receive.Its an universal law.You see it everywhere.Weve somehow been deceived (欺骗) into believing that if we dont give,well have more. Or were afraid that if we do give,we wont have anything left.On one hand,this seems to make sense.But it doesnt work.Because when we dont give,we shut off the flow of whats ing in.36What can we learn from Paragraph 1?AThe development of the Dead Sea.BThe special parts of the Dead Sea.CThe position of the Dead Sea.DThe present situation of the Dead Sea.37The underlined word“simultaneously”in Paragraph 2 means_Aat the same timeBall the wayCin the endDat once38According to the passage,we dont give anything because_Awe are really poor in factBwe dont know how to giveCwe dont know who wantDwe are still not satisfied ourselves39What would be the BEST title for the passage?AGive and Youll ReceiveBe In and e OutCAn Universal LawDThe Dead SeaBNew hand rocksImagine what you will be doing in seven years.Are you getting your first job or just studying in another country?When the Taiwan Band Relax One (轻松玩) was formed in xx,they wanted to release their own albums.And now they have.When the four group members came to the mainland to promote their first album I Want Relax One,they told teens how they made their dream e true.Guitarist Xiaomao set up his own music studio when he was only 17 after he graduated from Danjiang High School.This is the same high school from which other stars graduated,including Jay Chou and Monster from Mayday.“It doesnt mean you are a loser simply because you dont like school,”Xiaomao believed.He had a good time hanging around with music lovers.Then he met drummer Akui,who was rather rebellious at that time.Both Akuis parents are high school teachers.Born in such a family meant few choices for himgoing to a good university and finding a decent (体面的) job seemed to be his future.Akui was already on that road,being a top student in one of the top high schools in Taiwan.“But I didnt want to be planned,”said Akui.He took up drumming.The reason why he didnt choose guitar or bass (贝斯) was simply that they were too costly.“To learn to play drums,all you need is a pair of drumsticks,”Akui said with a smile.“My family didnt want me to do music,so I didnt have the money to buy a guitar.”Xiao Renguo was Akuis fellow student in Alethia University,majoring in information management.Infected by Akui enthusiasm for music,he began playing bass.They formed a band.Parents objections,financial pressure and changing of band membersnothing stopped their dream.And then lead vocalist (主唱)Summer,who now writes all the songs,joined in xx.Summer loved singing when she was a kid.After graduating from Fu Jen University,she began her exploration of music.Her voice and talent for writing songs were acknowledged (得到承认) before she joined the band.She had written songs for other singers,such as China Dolls (中国娃娃)Some producers even tried to persuade her to develop a career on her own.But Summer insisted on staying with the band.“We are a family”,Summer explained.40Guitarist Xiaomao thinks that _Ateenagers must be good at study at schoolBone can succeed in other areas even though he doesnt like studyingCone will be able to play music only after graduation from high schoolDmusic lovers are all at the age of about 1741When Akui said “But I didnt want to be planned”,he meant that _Ahe didnt like to do things as plannedBhe didnt like to take up what his parents wished him toChe liked to hang about in the streetDhe hadnt planned what he would be42AKui took up drumming because _Ahe loved it very muchBhe was good at itChe had learned how to play drumsDhe couldnt afford to buy expensive instruments43The attitude of the writer toward Band Relax One is_Asupportive BobjectiveCnegative DneutralCWhen we talk about learning a foreign language,we often talk about different methodsif you should go to school or not and how much time is ideal to spend on the target language each day.Of course,those are interesting questions to ask,but I think theyre not as important as one thingmotivation.Woody Allen once said,“80% of success in life is showing up.”When youre not motivated,you wont show up to learn your target language. Unfortunately,its not possible to learn a language through osmosis(耳濡目染);you need to work,and you need to show up.Its possible to learn many things in a short amount of time,but to truly learn a language to fluency you need years of input,study and practice.Ask yourself:Why do I want to learn this language? Can I actually use it? Are there enough materials to learn it from? If your answers to those questions are yes,youre probably motivated enough to go on and learn the language you want to learn.Still,take your time to decide which language you want to learn.Make a plan to learn it;dont just rush in with a dream of “speaking it one day”If you dont set your goals,youll just fail.In any field of study you need to have a goal;otherwise youll just give up and look for something else to do.Methods,schools and the amount of time you put in all matter,but its the motivation that can make or break your study.When all else fails,you need at least your motivation to get you through and continue learning.Are you currently learning a language?If so,Ill give you some “homework”Think about why youre learning the language.What are your longterm goals regarding your target language? Are you having fun learning it,or do you just see it as a daily chore? Sometimes its not a shame to quit studying a language.If you are not enjoying it and have no real motivation for learning it,youd better invest your time in another language.44According to the author,to learn a language_Ayou must find a suitable learning methodByou should be good at asking questionsCyou need to set a goal for yourselfDyou have to choose a good school45The author gives us some “homework” in the last paragraph to_Aaid us in choosing another language to learnBexamine how well we are learning a foreign languageCencourage us not to give up a language quicklyDhelp judge if we should continue to learn a language46The author develops his argument by _Apresenting questions and suggestionsBproviding examples and factsCanalyzing causes and effectsDoffering the data and time47According to the text,if you dont really like the language,you_Ashouldnt give it up until you find your motivationBcan try learning another language insteadCshould turn to your friends or teachers for helpDcan change your methods and spend more time on itDAsk people “What is country music?”and you are likely to get a wide variety of answers.With so many different theories about how the music has developed and who the best musicians are,everyone has their own definitions of the sound and style of country music.Country music includes a range of musical styles from“hillbilly”and “honkytonk”to traditional Irish folk music and modern pop. Even rock hands like the Rolling Stones have recorded songs which could be classified as country.Although the traditions of country music can be traced back over centuries,the term “country”is a relatively modern invention.In 1944,the American magazine,Billboard,started listing the “most played folk records” on jukeboxes (自动点唱机) in America.By late 1940s,“folk” was replaced by “country and western”The “western” part of the title was dropped in 1962 when the Billboard chart was renamed “Hot Country Singles”In Britain the music is still referred to as “country and western”But_if_you_were_to_use_this_term_in_Nashville,USA,the_home_of_country_music,people_would_wonder_where_you_had_been_all_these_years.Country music owes a lot to the folk songs which were brought across the Atlantic by British emigrants and passed down the generations.These songs told stories about love,family life and tragedy.Country songs tell colorful stories about the trials of real life,tragic tales of heartbreak,marital problems,poverty,and even death.Country stars like Patsy Cline,Tammy Wynette,Johnny Cash and Dolly Partton have close relationships with their audiences and they have taken country music to new fans all over the world.48According to the passage,when did the term “country music” probably appear?AIn the 1940s.BIn 1962.CCenturies ago.DIn 1940.49The following are classified as country music EXCEPT_Amodern popBtraditional Irish folk musicCmodern JazzDPatsy Clines songs50What does the underlined sentence mean?APeople in Nashville have dropped the “western”part for many years.BThe term “country and western”is still popular now in Nashville.CNashville is no longer the home of country music.DPeople in Nashville dont know about the term “country and western”at all.51From the passage,we can infer that _Afolk music has a longer history than country musicBrock hands cannot record country musicCcountry music has nothing to do with real lifeDcountry music refers to the folk songsEInterestingly,a boy who never had any interest in singing would in the end turn out to be a world famous pop star.He Rundong is just a boy of this kind.“I didnt have any interest in singing until about four years ago.My first music teacher called me a music idiot(白痴)That made me quite angry.I practiced and practiced,and I just wanted to tell him I was not a music idiot.Now singing has bee my fulltime job.Naturally,Im not as good at music as some people are,but I think hard work is just as important.”Born in the United States and brought up in Taiwan,He Rundongs first love was drawing.He has always wanted to get a book of his cartoon published.And the three cartoons in his CD collection cover were his works first published.He likes playing basketball and is a very good player.When he was in Senior High School in Canada,he was the only Chinese player on his school team which won the gold medal in the regional league games. At first,singing was He Rundongs tenth job.And then his singing for the theme(主题)song Dreams Begin in an ad made him famous overnight.Thousands of his records of the theme song were sold out as soon as they were on market.Last August he had his songbook published and it has bee quite a hit.Though he had educational background both in the States and in Canada,he is still a quite typical Chinese. He likes listening to Chinese music and eating his meals with chopsticks.He likes gentle,considerate(体贴的)and faithful girls.52He Rundong took to singing because he wanted to _Abee famous Bprove his abilityCtry a new trade Dmake more money53We can infer(推断)that He Rundong had no schooling in _Athe USA BCanadaCTaiwan DMainland of China54The writer seems to be proud of He Rundong because he _Awas born abroadBhas foreign educational backgroundCis a typical ChineseDsings Chinese pop songs55Which conclusion can we draw from the story?AWhere there is a will,there is a way.BPractice makes perfect.CFailure is the mother of success.DHumans are born equal.任务型读写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)Every culture has its own ways to show friendship.On the islands of Hawaii,friendship is part of the “aloha spirit”In the language of the Hawaiians who first settled the islands long ago,aloha had a very special meaning.That is “to be with happiness”Hawaiians believe that once somebody loves the land,they are ready to love their people or munity (社区)This is the second most important sign of friendship.It is called “lokahi” in the Hawaiian language,which means “oneness with all people”To enjoy the land you should not be selfish.The land is for everyone who lives on it.Today many different people call Hawaii their home.Indeed,Hawaii is a place where people make one big munity from many smaller munities.Each person gives kokua (help) to other people so that all feel stronger.It is believed that the islands can be a paradise(天堂) when people live in peace.When problems happen,people are asked to solve them with understanding.So when the people of Hawaii talk about ohana (family),they are really talking about all those who live on the islands.Living in peace,Hawaiians have developed a third sign of friendship.This personal friendship is shown by giving leis to another.The lei,a string of flowers,is put over a friends neck.Then the friend is given a kiss on the cheek.Visitors to the islands are also given leis.When they hear aloha,visitors begin to feel at home.Aloha also means “goodbye”,so visitors will hear it again when they leave.It can also mean“our hearts sing together”Perhaps this is how most visitors will remember their new friendship.Title56._in HawaiiThe way of57_friendshipTo say “aloha” means to be 58._with you.The59_of HawaiiansLove their people or munity once they 60._the land.To enjoy the land you should not be 61._.Give “kokua” to other people so that all feel stronger. Solve 62._ with understanding when people are in trouble.The third63_ of friendshipGiving leis to one another 64._ their personal friendship.65._ a kiss on the cheek to friends.书面表达(满分25分)最近,你班同学就“课间是否播放音乐”为主题展开了讨论。请你根据下表所提供的信息,写一篇短文,客观地介绍一下讨论情况。有的同学认为其他的同学认为1.播放音乐能活跃气氛2.能使大脑得到放松,减轻学习的疲劳3.能给我们带来欢乐和美的感受1.课间时间太短,播放音乐达不到预期的效果2.课间需要的是安静,而不是嘈杂的声音注意:1.开头已为你写好。2.词数:120左右。3参考词汇:atmosphere n. 气氛:tiredness n疲劳Our class held_


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