2019-2020年高二上学期国庆自主检测英语试题 缺答案.doc

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xx学年第一学期高二英语国庆自主检测卷 出卷人:高二英语备课组第一部分 听力(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)第一节(共5小题:每小题1分,满分5分) 1. What does the man want to do ? A. He wants to borrow the womans book. B. He found the womans book. C. He will help the woman read the book.2. What does the woman mean? A. She will go to graduate school. B. She doesnt want to go to graduate school. C. She is in high school now.3. What is the weather like? A. Cold B. Warm. C. Windy.4. What can we learn from the conversation? A. It is rainy. B. It is warm. C. The woman feels cold.5. What does the woman say? A. Howard had a quarrel with his girlfriend. B. Howard lost his car last night. C. Howards girlfriends car was stolen.第二节 听第6段材料, 回答第6至8题。6. What are the speakers mainly talk about? A. Drivers license B. Driving test. C. Driving skills.7. How long has the man had his drivers license? A. Fifteen years. B. Sixteen years C. Seventeen years.8. What can we learn from the conversation? A. The way of getting a drivers license in the womans country as been changed. B. The man started driving by himself when getting a learners permit. C. The man got a pretty good score on his driving test.听第7段材料, 回答第9至11题。9. What was the womans hobby last month? A. Collecting stamps B. Playing the guitar. C. Growing flowers.10. How long has the woman been playing the guitar altogether? A. Only five days B. Two weeks C. One month11. What can we learn from the conversation? A. Singing is the mans hobby. B. The womans brother plays the guitar better than her. C. The womans brother is in college.听第8段材料, 回答第12至14题。12. How long has the man been riding motorcycles? A. For fifteen years. B. Since he was fifteen years old. C. For more than fifteen years.13. How does the man usually travel? A. Alone B. In a group. C. With his father.14. What can we learn from the conversation? A. The man travels with strangers instead of friends. B. The man likes adventure on his trip. C. The man hasnt made any special friend.听第9段材料, 回答第15至17题。15. What was the womans first job? A. Sales assistant B. Sales manager. C. Sales representative(销售代表)16. How long did the woman stay at her first job? A. For three weeks B. For two months C. For half a year17. How much did the woman earn for a working Saturday? A. 13 pounds and 60 pence. B.14 pounds. C. 40 pounds.听第10段材料, 回答第18至20题。18. What can we learn about the summer school courses? A. The courses last for two weeks. B. Most of the courses are for beginners. C. There are about fifteen hours of lessons every Monday to Friday.19. How much of each course is taught in the classroom? A. One third. B. Two fifths. C. Three fourths.20. Why do the students learn English so quickly according to the passage? A. They have a good many excellent teachers from abroad. B. They take many training classes. C. They speak, read and hear English outside.第一部分 单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)21Developing_deepandlifelongfriendshipwithsomeoneisnotaneasyjobbecauseit takestimeand_effort. A.the;an B.a;an C.the;不填 D.a;不填22.Afterthespeech,wewillopenthefloor_discussionandallofyouareexpectedto takepart_it. A.for;for B.in;for C.for;in D.in;in23. We saw new houses _ wherever we went on our visit. A. built B. being built C. building D. to build 24. _ how to pronounce the word, he stopped _ a dictionary. A. Not knowing; consult B. Knowing not; look it up in C. Not to know; to turn to D. Not knowing; to look it up in 25. -What do you think of the music teacher? - _ she is an elegant lady, she can be extremely difficult to work with. A. When B. While C. Even if D. As 26. _ no use _ without taking action. A. Theres; plaining B. Theres; being plained C. Its; plaining D. Its; to plain27. Mary looks depressed. So _ you if you failed your final exam. A. will B. would C. do D. Did28. When I got back home I saw a message pinned to the door_Sorry to miss you;will call later. A. wroteB. writingC. reading D. read29. I left my handbag on the train, but luckily someone gave it to a railway official.How unbelievable to get it back! I mean, someone _ it. A. will have stolen B. might have stolen C. should have stolen D. must have stolen30._ an important decision more on emotion than on reason, you will regret it sooner or later. A. Based B. To base C.Base D. Basing31._ for the terrible coal mine accident, as the public thought, the mayor(市长) was at a loss what to do. A. Being to blame B. He was to blame C. Having blamed D.Being to be blamed32. The flu is believed _by viruses that like to reproduce in the cells inside the human nose and throat. A. causing B. being caused C. to be caused D. to have caused33. Whatever he promises, you cant _ anything. A. rely on his doing B. depend on his doing C. rely on him to do D. advise him to do34. Are you going to Toms birthday party?_.I might have to work. A. It dependsBThank you CSounds great DDont mention it 35. - Mr. Wang is a man of few words, but quick in mind. - _, you know. A. A single flower doesnt make a spring B. A great talker is a great liar C. A light heart lives long D. A still tongue makes a wise head第二部分 完型填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)The ability to laugh, play, and have fun with others not only makes life more 36 but also helps you solve problems, 37 with others, and be more creative. People who include humor and play into their daily lives find that it renews them and all of their relationships.Life brings 38 that can either get the best of you or bee playthings for your imagination. When you “bee the problem” and 39 yourself too seriously, it can be hard to 40 outside the box and find new solutions. But when you 41 with the problem, you can often 42 it into a chance for creative learning.Playing with problems seems to e 43 to children. When they are confused or afraid, they make their problems into a(n) 44 , giving them a sense of control and a chance to 45 with new solutions. Interacting with others in playful ways helps you keep this creative ability.Here is an example of a person who took everyday problems and turned them around through laughter and play.Jane worked at home designing greeting cards, a job she 46 to love but now felt had bee 47 . Two little girls who loved to draw and paint lived next door. Eventually, Jane invited the girls in to play with all the 48 supplies she had. At first, she just 49 , but in time she joined in. Laughing, coloring, and playing with the little girls transformed Janes life. Not only did playing with them 50 her loneliness and boredom, it sparked her imagination and helped her artwork flourish(兴旺). 51 of all, it rekindled(重新激起) the playfulness and spark in Janes 52 with her husband. 53 laughter, humor, and play bee an integrated part of your life, your creativity will flourish and new 54 for playing with friends, coworkers, acquaintances, and loved ones will occur to you daily. Humor takes you to a higher place where you can 55 the world from a more relaxed, positive, creative, joyful, and balanced perspective.36. A. outstandingB. enjoyableC. negativeD. particular37. A. connect B. deal C. argueD. agree38. A. challengesB. difficulties C. hardships D. sufferings39. A. make B. behave C. takeD. act40. A. measureB. predict C. master D. think41. A. playB. linkC. bineD. struggle42. A. draw B. bringC. transform D. transport43. A. gradually B. naturally C. properly D. directly44. A. stage B. alternative C. trickD. game45. A. experimentB. meetC. pareD. do46. A. used B. preferredC. hoped D. pretended47. A. virtualB. extremeC. routine D. practical48. A. foodB. art C. waterD. school49. A. listened B. glared C. wandered D. watched50. A. confirmB. endC. advocateD. allocate51. A. WorstB. Least C. MostD. Best52. A. entertainmentB. relationship C. agreement D. amusement53. A. As B. While C. AlthoughD. Unless54. A. solutionsB. problemsC. discoveries D. means55. A. rebuildB. govern C. designD. view第三部分 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)2019-2020年高二上学期国庆自主检测英语试题 缺答案What do Tom Sawyer and jumping frogs have in mon? Stories about both of them were created by one man: Mark Twain. Born Samuel Langhorne Clemens, Mark Twain was his pen name. When Twain was four, his family moved to Hannibal, Missouri, lying on the west bank of the Mississippi. Twain grew up there and was attracted greatly with life along the riverthe steamboats, the big wooden boats, and the people who worked on them.The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County is one of Twains best-loved short stories, and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is one of his most famous novels. Both these works are celebrated by events held during National Tom Sawyer Days. Theres also a fence-painting petition to see who can paint the fastest. The idea for this petition es from a scene in Tom Sawyer, in which Tom has been told to paint the fence in front of the house he lives in. Its a beautiful day, and he would rather be doing anything else. As his friends walk by, he persuades them to paint with him for fun, and they all join in the “fun”. By the end of the day, the fence has three coats of paint!Although the story of Tom Sawyer is not true, its based on facts. If you go to Hannibal, youll see the white fence, which still stands at Twains boyhood home.56.Mark Twain created Tom Sawyer and jumping frogs _.A. at the age of four B. in the same bookC. on the steamboats D. in different stories57.The sentence “the fence has three coats of paint!” means _.A. all of Toms friends wear three coatsB. the fence has been painted three timesC. three new coats are hanging on the fenceD. they have drawn three coats on the fence58.What can we infer from the passage?A. The white fence Tom once painted still exists there.B. People hold various events to celebrate National Day.C. Twain benefited greatly from his childhood experiences.D. Tom Sawyer used to join the fence-painting petition.BHappy New Year! Are you excited to begin a new year with all kinds of possibilities? I hope so, because I am! Im always ready to see what a new yearor even a new daycan bring. Life is an exciting adventure! A new year is a chance to try new things or make a change. What will you try or what changes will you make?Some changes are happening in unexpected places. In the world of science fiction, scrappy young women are rapidly taking over the lead roles. Read more about this interesting trend in our article “Move Over, Boys” (p.12) this month.Sometimes you dont like the changes that e your way. You may even think they are unfair. What can you do? On one website, angry customers are speaking out via petition (请愿书) about business practices they dont like. And panies are listening. Is this a good thing or not? Read our article “You Sign, panies Listen” (p.29) and decide for yourself.In classrooms, tablet puters are changing the way students learn. Everyone from preschool children to seniors finds tablets to be a fun way to learn. Read our article “Tablets in the Classroom” (p.24) to find out more.And finally, maybe youd like to make a change in how you vacation. Have you ever considered going “glamping”? You can read about five awesome glamping spots in Advanced (p.20) this month.One thing will not change in xx. In Advanced, well continue to keep you informed and be your window on the world. So keep reading and listening all year!59.This passage is probably _. A. an advertisement of a newspaperB. a letter from a magazine editor C. an introduction to a novelD. a booklet of a camping spot60.If youd like to find out a new form of technology in the classroom, you may read the article _. A. “Move Over, Boys”B. “You Sign, panies Listen” C. “Tablets in the Classroom”D. “Five Awesome Glamping Spots”61. “Advanced” mentioned in the last two paragraphs may be _. A. a novel B. a science fiction book C. a magazine D. a newspaperCWhen most people arrive at their offices, the first thing they do is to work at their puters. They will open up their electronic mail, and see who has written to them. This is a priority task because the business munication between modern offices is mostly through the puter networks that connect them.The most interesting development is that these emails can e from anywhere! They can arrive at the puter from colleagues who are just across the room in the same office. But they can also e from colleagues overseas, thousands of miles away. It is the network connecting puters that makes this worldwide munication possible.The modern office has what is called a local area network, or LAN, which connects puters in the local office. It also connects them to printers that will produce documents on paper, which are useful references for meetings. These old style paper documents are also needed for office reference files. Some offices have scanners attached to the local network too. These act as “reverse” printers, because they convert(转换) documents into files that can then be used by the puter which sends them to other offices.But to receive messages from overseas offices, a wide area network, or WAN, es into play. This name explains that a much wider network than just LAN is used to send these messages from far away. This network consists of thousands of puters installed in different parts of the world, but all connected together.The best example of a wide area network is the Internet. It turns out that the majority of office messages from overseas use part of the Internet, and this is one of the reasons why it keeps growing. New puters and connections are added every day, making each office in the world part of the growing international business munity.This is leading to “globalization”, which we hear more and more about each day. It means that offices can easily do their business with many other offices all over the world. So, modern puters and the networks connecting them are changing the way business is done.62.According to the passage, the difference between LAN and WAN lies in _. A. the speed of access to the InternetB. the procedure of processing files C. other facilities attached to themD. the number of connected puters63.Which of the following CANNOT be done through WAN? A. Exchanging messages between the connected puters. B. Reversing the act of printers. C. Adding new puters and connections every day. D. Globalizing each office.64.What might the following paragraph talk about? A. How people do business in a globalization way. B. How people change the way of using puters. C. What the other difference between LAN and WAN is. D. How people can change the world with the help of puters.65.The best title of the passage is _. A. Modern Science and Technology B. puterized Office and GlobalizationC. puters Change Our Way of Life D. International BusinessDWhat will higher education look like in 2050? That was the question addressed Tuesday night by Michael Crow, president of Arizona State University.“Were at the end of the fourth wave of change in higher education,” Crow began, arguing that research universities followed the initial establishment of higher education, public colleges, and land-grant schools in the timeline of America.In less than a half-century, he said, global market petition will be at its fastest rates of change ever, with several multitrillion-dollar economies worldwide. According to a recent projection, the nations population could reach 435 million, with a large percentage of those residents economically disadvantaged. In addition, climate change will be “meaningfully uncontrollable” in many parts of the world.The everyday trends seen today, such as declining performance of students at all levels, particularly in math and science, and declining wages and employment among the less educated, will only continue, Crow maintained, and are, to say the least, not contributing to fulfilling the dream of climbing the social ladder mobility, quality of life, sustainable environment, and longer life spans that most Americans share.“How is it that we can have these great research universities and have negative-trending outes?” Crow said in a talk “I hold the universities accountable. We are part of the problem.”Among the “things that we do that make the things that we teach less learnable,” Crow said, are the strict separation of disciplines, academic rigidity, and conservatism, the desire of universities to imitate schools at the top of the social ranks, and the lack of the puter system ability that would allow a large number of students to be educated for a small amount of money.Since xx, when Crow started being in charge at Arizona State which he calls the “new American university” he has led more than three dozen initiatives that aim to make the school “inclusive, scalable, fast, adaptive, challenge-focused, and willing to take risks.”Among those initiatives were a restructuring of the engineering and life sciences schools to create more linkages between disciplines; the launch of the School of Earth and Space Exploration and the School of Sustainability; the start of a Teachers College to address K-12 performance and increase the status of the Education Department at the university; and broadened access, increasing the freshman class size by 42 percent and the enrollment of students living below the poverty line by 500 percent.Universities must start, Crow noted, “by being self-reflective architects, figuring out what we have and what we actually need instead of what legend tells us we have to be.” Research universities today have “run their course,” he added. “Now is the time for variety.”During a discussion afterward, Crow clarified and expanded on some of his points. He discussed, for example, the schools distance-learning program. “Nearly 40 percent of undergraduates are taking at least one course online,” he said, which helps the school to keep costs down while advancing interactive learning technologies.He said that Arizona State is working to increase the transfer and pletion rates of munity-college students, of whom only about 15 percent, historically, plete their later degrees. “Weve built a system that will allow them to track into universities,” particularly where “culturally plex barriers” beyond finances limit even the most gifted students.66. The fourth wave of change in Americas higher education refers to _.A. public collegesB. land-grant schoolsC. research universitiesD. initial higher educat


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