2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors Using Language课时作业 新人教版选修8.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors Using Language课时作业 新人教版选修8.单词拼写1The _ (放射性的) waste should be buried deeply under the ground.2She is always accurate in _ (标点符号) and spelling.3We all _ (赞成) you for your decision.4The new method caught on and many peasants became very _ (熟练的) at it.5Shes beginning to get _ (皱纹) round her eyes.6The room was so hot that she felt _ (晕眩的)7He picked a _(瓜) from the field.8The leader is losing ground as the rest of the runners _ (加速)9The pilers agreed upon a _ (分割) of the textbook into twelve units.10The excitement quickened my _(脉搏).单项填空1(xx秦皇岛高二检测)Their political action _ the fall of the government.ApromotedBacceleratedChastened Dadvanced2He gets tired of the speeches delivered by some professors.That means he _the speeches.Ais fed up Bfed up withCis fed up with Dfed up3_,we must expect changes to be in our system of teaching. ALooking around BLooking ahead CWatching out DLooking about4.(xx黄山高二检测)The new electric toys in the store window _ the boys attention,and he stood there without moving. Adistracted Bcovered Carrested Dscratched5AngKor Wat is a famous temple _ the twelfth century. Adates back to Bdated back to Cdating back to Ddating from to6The teacher_my efforts by praising my progress.Aapplauded BacceptedCapplause Dadopted7The teacher explained the_of the themes expressed in the poem with passion.Areference BsignificanceCmeans Dmagnificence8The two thieves had a quarrel about the _ of the money they had stolen. Adistinction Bdivision Cdiversity Ddomination9Look at the trouble I am in!If only I _ your advice. Afollowed Bwould follow Chad followed Dshould follow10I had almost finished my washing by washing machine_the machine didnt work.Awhen BwhileCas Duntil .阅读理解AHave you ever heard of the lost continent of Atlantis? Where was the lost continent of Atlantis?In 1956 a Greek seismologist (地震学家) suggested that the great continent lay in the eastern Mediterranean Sea.More specifically south of Greece on the island of Santorini,which was called Thera in 1650 BC.Plato,a great Greek poet and historian,was interested in an ancient Egyptian story of a civilization,which Plato called Atlantis.He described Atlantis as the greatest civilization of its time.The people were famous for their beauty and their culture.Plato wrote about this beautiful place one thousand years after it was destroyed.His translation of the language of those ancient Egyptian writings was questionable.He also put the time of the disaster to be about 9,000 years,about 10 times earlier than it could have really occurred according to most historians.What happened to wipe this great civilization off the face of the Earth?A great volcanic eruption was the cause.A volcano named Santorini exploded and it blew most of the island into the heavens.When the caldera(火山口) formed,the tsunamis (海啸) produced by the crashing of the top of the volcano wiped out many cities and towns in the eastern Mediterranean.This tsunami was reported to have reached the height of over 300 feet.The earthquakes produced knocked down walls 100 miles away!Historians believe these sea waves were what caused the end of the great civilization in the Mediterranean.Archaeologists have recovered artifacts(史前古器) from the island lately that show a great ancient civilization was present on Thera about 3,800 years ago.It helps us to believe that Santorini may be the “Lost Continent of Atlantis”!1When was Atlantis destroyed by most historians?A2,000 years ago.B9,000 years ago.C900 years ago.D3,800 years ago.2What caused the production of a huge tsunami over 300 feet tall?AThe form of caldera.BThe crashing of the top of the volcano.CThe great earthquake.DThe great sea waves.3In the last paragraph,“it” probably refers to _.Athe island of SantoriniBthe ancient Egyptian historyCPlatos descriptionDthe discovery of these artifacts4The passage is most likely to be found in _.Aa history reportBa story bookCa travel guideDa technological reportBThe Roman Empire was so big that there were a lot of different people with different cultures living in it,so you cant really say there was one way of living in the Roman Empire.People of minority races or cultures would probably feel lucky to have lived under the Roman Empire.There were people of so many different cultures travelling around the empire interacting with each other that there had been in general a lot of tolerance(容忍) for other cultures.On the other hand,this contact did also cause tensions,which sometimes broke into violent killings of minority groups.People were forced into slavery in every corner of the Roman Empire,but the way slaves were treated depended on where you were and also on when.Big farms were usually worked by slave fieldhands.But other slaves were house servants,like nurses,cooks,and boys who took care of the horses and they were generally better treated.A lot of slaves also worked for the Roman government,or for private businesses,as managers,or running a shop,or in small factories.All over the Roman Empire,many boys in cities seem to have gone to school,but most girls had to stay at home.Out in the countryside, probably hardly anyone could read or write.Very few people went to college,but those that did often travelled far from home,to Athens or Alexandria in Egypt,for a good education.Partly at school,and partly through their families or just playing ball games outside,kids all over the Roman Empire did have lots of friends.Girls and boys from rich families,however,were not allowed to get romantic together.Most marriages among the upper classes were arranged by the parents,but case was probably different for the poor.5What life was like for people of minority races in the Roman Empire?ALife for them was too hard to bear.BThey couldnt municate with people of other cultures.CThey were forced to give up their own culture.DLife for them was fortable in a way.6Of the following kinds of slaves,which group may be badly treated?AHouse servants.BSlaves working on farms.CBoys taking care of horses.DSlaves running a small shop.7Which of the following statements is TRUE to education in Roman Empire?AEducation was open to both rich and poor people.BIn the countryside,only boys could receive education.CPeople could not get college education in Roman Empire.DMost of the girls were not allowed to go to school.8What would be the BEST title of the passage?AAncient Roman EmpireBAncient Roman SlaveryCAncient Roman PeopleDAncient Roman Education.翻译句子1这对老夫妻每天都去同一个公园,从不厌烦。(fed up with)_2他对美术的兴趣可以追溯到孩童时代。(date back)_3我们作出决定之前必须为将来打算。(look ahead)_4要是有一种不伤害人类身体的治疗癌症的方法该多好啊。(if only)_5观众大声呼喊,赞赏他的精彩演讲达五分钟之久。(applaud)_课时作业(十).1.radioactive2.punctuation3.applaud4.skilful5wrinkles6.dizzy7.melon8.accelerate9.division10.pulse.1.B句意:他们的政治行动加速了政府的倒台。accelerate“加速,加快”;promote“提倡,晋级,促进,推动,促销”;hasten“匆忙,急忙”;advance“前进”。2C句意:他讨厌一些教授做的演讲。意思是他厌烦那些讲话。be fed up with意为“厌烦”。3B句意:展望未来,我们必将迎来教育系统的改变。由句意知选look ahead向前看,展望未来。4C商店橱窗上的电动玩具吸引男孩的注意力,他站在那一动不动。arrest ones attention吸引某人的注意力。5C句子设空处的前面主谓结构完整,这里需要非谓语形式修饰temple,它与date之间为主动关系,故用现在分词dating back to/from。答案为C。6A句意:老师表扬了我的进步,对我的努力表示赞赏。applaud“鼓掌欢迎,赞赏”;accept“接受”;applause为名词,在此不合要求;adopt“采纳”。由句意知A项正确。7B句意:老师激情澎湃地解释这首诗所表达的主题意义。significance在此处作“意思,意义”讲。8B句意:这两个小偷就如何分他们偷来的钱发生了争执。division分开,符合句意。distinction区别;diversity多样性;domination控制,统治。答案为B。9C句意:看我所处的困境!我如果听了你的建议就好了。由句意可知if only后表示的是与过去事实相反的情况,故需用过去完成时,答案为C。10A句意:我就要用洗衣机洗完衣服了,这时洗衣机突然坏了。had almost done.when.就要完成某事这时,是固定句式。.1.C根据第二段的末句“He also put the time of the disaster to be about 9,000 years,about 10 times earlier than it could have really occurred according to most historians.”可知答案。2B根据第三段的“.the tsunamis(海啸)produced by the crashing of the top of the volcano.”可知海啸的发生是因为火山顶部的塌陷。3D根据末段的“Archaeologists have recovered artifacts.”可知考古学家在岛屿附近发现了一些史前古器,就是这些发现让人们相信圣托里尼就是传说中神秘消失的亚特兰蒂斯。4A文章主要的内容是关于传说中沉没于大西洋的岛屿,这是历史方面的话题。5D根据第二段的首句“People of minority races or cultures would probably feel lucky to have lived under the Roman Empire.”以及后面一句中提到的“.there had been in general a lot of tolerance for other cultures.”可以推断,来自少数民族或文化的人在罗马帝国生活得还算舒适。6B第三段中提到不同的奴隶所受到的待遇不同;先是提到了在农场上干活的奴隶;然后提到了“.house servants.boys who took care of the horses.”,紧接着说他们所受的待遇要好一些;然后又提到了一些努力为政府或私人企业干活、甚至是当上经理或者经营商店,这说明这类奴隶的生活也可以,由此判断待遇最差的是在农场上干活的奴隶们。7D根据第四段的“.but most girls had to stay at home.”可知D项正确。8C文章提到了在罗马帝国生活的来自少数民族和文化的人,提到了被迫成为奴隶的人,提到了罗马帝国下孩子的教育,以及婚姻等,这些都是以“人”为中心,因此最佳答案为C项。.1.The old couple is never fed up with going to the same park every day.2.His interest in art can date back to his childhood.3.We must look ahead before we make a decision.4.If only there were a cure for cancer which did not hurt the human body.5.The crowd shouted to applaud his excellent speech for five minutes.


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