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教学资料参考范本九年级英语上册 Unit 5 Art world Study skills教案 (新版)牛津版撰写人:_时 间:_学目标Teaching aims: guessing the meaning of a word by from the context教学重难点Guessing the meaning of a word by from the context教学法指导集体智慧个人设计(二次备课)教学反思Step 1 RevisionReview the method we learnt in the last UnitGuess the meaning of a word by its formationWhen we readSometimes a prefix or a suffix changes the meaning of a wordStep 2 lead inDo you often read English newspapers or novels?If there is a word that you dont know,what do you do?Do you look it up in the dictionary or guess its meaning?Sometimes we can guess the meaning of a new word from the context.Step 3 PresentationWt need to look it up in the dictionary.The sentence itself might give the meaning of the word.When we look at the words before and after the new word,it is possible to find its meaning.Step 4 Practice1If you agree,write yes,if you dissent,write no.2 He wants to find some books on phonetics,the study of the sounds of laguage3 Can you see the fanlight, the small window above the door?Step 5drillsFinish the exercises in Part ATeachers give them help if necessary Step6 consolidation1 Although Jane and lisa are very close friends, they are very different.Jane spends a lot of money to buy things while Lisa loves to economise.2 He replied quickly. But after he considered the problem more carefully, he felt that it was not right to make such hasty question.3 The local government wants to improve the infrastructure, such as buildings and transport.Step 7 HomeworkFinish the relevant exercises要求学生熟练第一单元学习技能讲解猜单词的一些常用技巧We can help them if they need.学生的体验和经验总结对提升英语技能有很大帮助。多练习,多总结总结一些内容让学生去记。Encourage them to speak loudly.It is easy for them to master,they did well.3 / 3


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