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教学资料参考范本九年级英语上册Unit 5 FilmsReading 1教学案(无答案) 牛津版撰写人:_时 间:_9A Unit 5 Films总课时10第 2 课时课 题Reading (I)课 型新授教学目标知识目标To understand key vocabulary related to a profile of Audrey Hepburn能力目标To place headlines in the correct chronological order情感目标To identify statements as true or false based on the reading passage教学重难点To identify statements as true or false based on the reading passage教 学 过 程教 师 活 动自主个案预习导学读一读:下列重点词汇:mourn, young, effort, enter, industry, film, attract, novel, lead, shortly, lifetime, well-known, final, environment, devote, president, present, peacefully找一找,认真阅读课文,按时间顺序找出奥黛丽赫本一生的大事。1. In 1929, _.2. In 1951, _.3. In 1989, _.4. In 1991, _.5. In 1992, _.6. In 1993, _.根据句意、汉语提示或首字母和英文释义写出单词。1. She is one of Hollywoods _ (空前)favourite actresses.2. Put all your e (power) into your maths, and youll be successful.3. We can learn much by reading about the _ (事业) of great men.4. Edison had many inventions during his l .5. Look, there is an _ (天使) at the top of the Christmas tree.6. Audreys _ (成就)went beyond the film industry.7. China is f_(well-known)for the Great Wall in the world.教学过程Teaching ProceduresStep 1 Revision Have a dictation.Step 2 PresentationIntroduce a Hollywoods all-time favorite film star called Audrey Hepburn to the students.Step 3 Listening and Reading Read the passage on page 82 and 83. While you listen to the tape, try to get some information about Audrey Hepburn, and then answer the following questions in the box.Step 4 Practice Ask the students which of Audrey Hepburns films they like most. Then encourage them to respond orally using the following construction:Step 5 Reading 1. Read the passage again, then ask the students to read the words and definitions 2. Ask the students to read the passage again, and then tell the following sentences “true” or “false” in part B2 on page 84.Step 6 Homework 1. Read the text and try to recite it. 2. Copy the important words and phrases two times.课内研讨 听录音,边听边完课本第84页B2的判断正误练习。朗读课文第一部分(第1-3段),回答下列问题。1. Is Audrey Hepburn famous only in the USA?2. When and where was Audrey Hepburn born?3. What event marked the beginning of Hepburns successful career?朗读课文第二部分(第4-6段)。完成课本第85页C1部分练习。朗读课文第三部分(第7-8段),回答下列问题。1. Why do people also remember Audrey Hepburn as a great humanitarian?2. Which charity did she work closely with in the last few years of her life?3. What awards did she receive for her charity work?4. When did Audrey Hepburn die?学生两人一组完成课本第85页C2部分的练习。训练巩固 根据句意、汉语提示或首字母和英文释义写出单词。1. She is one of Hollywoods _ (空前)favourite actresses.2. Put all your e (power) into your maths, and youll be successful.3. We can learn much by reading about the _ (事业) of great men.4. Edison had many inventions during his l .5. Look, there is an _ (天使) at the top of the Christmas tree.句型转换1. Why dont you go out for a walk with me?(改为同义句) _ _going out for a walk with me?2. Youd better put on your coat because its cold outside.(同上) _ _for you to put on your coat because its cold outside.3. Her smile attracted him.(改为被动语态) He _ _ _her smile.4. He joined the party two years ago. Mr Lin joined the party two years ago.(合并一句) _ _he _ _Mr Lin joined the party two years ago.拓展延伸选择词空。(仔细阅读课文)lead, actress, devote, on, novel, mourn, attract, die, lifetime, peaceAudrey Heburn was found 1 , at the age of 63, 2 the morning of 10th January 1993, 3 in her sleep. We all 4 the loss of a great beauty, a great actress and a great humanitarian. Before she became one of Hollywoods all-time favourite 5 , she dreamed to be a successful ballet dancer. The writer, Colette wrote a 6 and insisted that she was the perfect person to play the 7 role in the play Gigi because her beauty and charm 8 peoples attention. During her 9 Audrey earned four more Oscar nominations. People remembered her not only as a great actress, but also as a great humanitarian because she 10 much of her time to charity. She will live on in all peoples memories.1. _ 2. _ 3._ 4. _ 5. _6._ 7. _ 8. _ 9._ 10. _教(学)后记 (我的问题,体悟,收获)4 / 4


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