2019-2020年高三周练 英语(11.24) 含答案.doc

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2019-2020年高三周练 英语(11.24) 含答案第一部分听力(共两节,满分20分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回来有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What is the relationship between the two doctors? A. They are friends sharing similar appearance. B. They are brothers looking very much alike. C. They are colleagues teaching the same group of the students.2. What does the man mean? A. Hed prefer to study. B. He doesnt enjoy going out for a picnic. C. He has little time for going out for outdoor activities.3. What can we learn about the womans pany? A. It hasnt got a long history. B. It cant bee a large one soon. C. It provides opportunities for old and experienced workers.4. What is the relationship between the two speakers? A. Waiter and customer. B. Boss and secretary. C. Husband and wife.5. What are the two speakers doing? A. Fixing the door. B. Looking for the key. C. Turning on the light.第二节(共15小题:每小题1分,满分15分)请听下面5段对话。每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给出的A、B、C三个选项种选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个小题。,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. What are the speakers mainly talking about? A. Hotels. B. Their vacation plan. C. Lake Tahoe.7. What does the woman mean at the end of the conversation? A. She failed to book a room. B. She booked a room for the man. C. She meant not to go on vacation.听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。8. What are the speakers talking about? A. A part-time job for students. B. A teaching job in a high school. C. A job in France.9. How many hours does the job require per week? A. 25. B. 35. C. 45.听第8段材料,回答第10至l2题。10. Why do the man and the woman want to go somewhere? A. They feel lonely staying at home. B. They havent gone out for long. C. They have a long vacation.11. Whats the womans favorite? A. The film. B. The play. C. The concert.12. Where will the man and the woman go this evening? A. To the shopping mall. B. To the cinema. C. To the concert.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. What does the man do? A. A policeman. B. A postman. C. A taxi driver.14. What do we know about the woman? A. She received a ticket from the man. B. She parked her car in the wrong place. C. Her car ran into the fence.15. Why does the man ask the woman to move her car? A. Shes blocking the traffic. B. Her car damaged the No Parking sign. C. She has no driving license.16. Where can the woman park her car? A. In the park around the corner. B. In the parking lot. C. Behind the police car.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. What does the speaker think of homework? A. It is great fun for students. B. It is unnecessary for students. C. It is a major part for studies.18. How many ways are mentioned to make homework easier? A. Five. B. Four. C. Three.19. What should students do if they have problems? A. Turn to the teacher for help. B. Refer to the dictionary. C. Only keep the problems in mind.20. What should a good place to do homework be like? A. fortable. B. Quiet. C. Clean.第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,35分)第一节 单项填空(共15题;每小题1分;满分15分)21. -Excuse me, would you please give _ novel to Jane ? - Sorry, but I dont think there is_ Jane in my class. A. a; / B. the; / C. the; a D. a; a22. On the one side of the road grass should be planted, and _. A. on the other are flowers B. on another flowers C. on the other flowers D. on another are flowers23. Mary is very clever and _ worth teaching, but Jack isnt. Look, he is now _ asleep in class.A. very; fast B. much; very C. well; very D. well; fast24. He would have paid _ for the house if the salesgirl had insisted because he really wanted it.A. twice as much B. much as twice C. as much twice D. twice much as25.By _ the monuments, people will be able to enjoy this historic site for generations to e.A. not learning how to damage B. learning not how to damageC. learning how not to damage D. learning how to not damage26. When you _with the dictionary, dont forget to put it back on my desk, will you?A. will finish B. are finishing C. will have finished D. have finished27. Just before dark, they came to a house on the door of _ was a plate with “John Smith” on it. A. it B. what C. that D. which28. Watch out for these animals! They could be terrified _ a sudden loud noiseA. being thereB. should there beC. there wasD. there have been29. What will people die of in 100 years? If you think that is a simple question, you _ attention to the revolution taking place in biotechnologyA. have not been payingB. had not been payingC. were not payingD. will not be paying30. Dont you know _, my dear friend, it is you that she loves?A who B which C that D what31. There, _ Mrs. Tailor, stretching out to gather her precious eggs laid by her henA. standing on a wooden box wasB. was standing on a wooden boxC. on a wooden box was standingD. was on a wooden box standing32. The reason why physicians are among the best-paid professions in the United States is the long and expensive preparation _ to bee qualified physiciansA. to require B. having been required C. required D. requiring33. - David is often absent from class. - Tell him he _ answer for it if he goes on like that.A. shall B. will C. would D. can 34. -What else do you want to say for yourselves?-Well, there is one point_ we must insist on.A . / B. how C. where D. why35. Do you think the weather will be all right this summer? No, _we are lucky. The newspaper says itll be very hot anyway.A. if B. though C. unless D. as第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.分,满分20分)There a secondhand clothing store in Northampton Mass, my l4-year-old son, John, and I noticed the coat. While the other coats drooped (低垂), this one looked as if it 36 holding itself up. The coat was beautifully made, with a Fifth Avenue label and an 37 price of $28, which was popular just then with 38 , but could cost several hundred dollars new. John tried it on and the 39 was perfect. John 40 the coat to school the next day and came home with a big smile. “Did the kids like your coat?” I asked. “They loved it,” he said, 41 folding it over the back of a chair and smoothing it flat. Over the next few weeks, a 42 came over John. Agreement replaced contrariness (作对) and 43 discussion replaced fierce argument. He became more mannerly and 44 , eager to please. He would generously lend his younger brother his tapes and lecture him 45 his behavior. When I mentioned this 46 to his teacher and wondered what caused the changes, she said laughing. “It 47 be his coat!” Another teacher told him she was giving him a good mark not only because he had earned 48 but because she liked his coat. At the library, we ran 49 a friend. “Could this be John?” he asked surprisingly, 50 Johns new height, appreciating the cut of his coat and holding out his hand, one gentleman to another. John and I both know we should never 51 a persons clothes for the real person within them. 52 , there is something to be said for wearing a standard of excellence for the world to see and for 53 what is on the inside with what is on the outside. For John, it is a time when it is as easy to try on different 54 to life as it is to try on a coat. The whole world, the whole future is stretched out ahead, a vast landscape 55 all the doors are open. And he could picture himself walking through those doors wearing his wonderful, magical coat. 36. A. wereB. was C. would be D. be 37. A. unreasonable B. unbelievableC. unbearableD. unfair38. A. adultsB. teenagersC. womenD. men39. A. colorB. priceC. fitD. style40. A. sentB. carriedC. broughtD. wore41. A. casuallyB. carefullyC. fortablyD. quickly42. A. happinessB. changeC. smileD. matter43. A. wildB. heatedC. reasonedD. strong 44. A. considerateB. handsomeC. hopefulD. curious45. A. of B. inC. onD. at46. A. incidentB. accidentC. affair D. event47. A. mustB. canC. will D. should48. A. thisB. themC. itD. one49. A. downB. withC. intoD. after50. A. putting up withB. looking down onC. looking up atD. ing up with51. A. changeB. mistakeC. exchangeD. turn52. A. MoreoverB. HoweverC. ThereforeD. Besides53. A. attachingB. connectingC. relatingD. matching54. A. meanB. methodsC. approachesD. measures55. A. howB. whyC. whereD. when第三部分:阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分ATeaching Boys: Developing classroom practices that workAmanda Keddie and Martin MillsBridges the gap between theory and practice to offer a practical and sustainable framework for teaching boys in classrooms of all levels.Sales points Teaching boys remains one of the most concerned issues in education today Many books have been published analysing why boys perform less well than girls, and why some boys struggle at school. But they dont show teachers what will work: this book does The authors offer a research-based framework for classroom strategies that work with boysand dont disadvantage girlsDescriptionBoys education continues to be a focus of public anxiety among teachers. Concern about boys general educational under-achievement and the impact this under-achievement has on the boys themselves, as well as on the broader society, continues to fuel disagreement and debate on the best approach to take in response.Teaching Boys provides a framework for developing practical and sustainable ways to improve boys education.The book indicates how what teachers do in the classroom can enable boys academic and social outes. With detailed case studies, Keddie & Mills outline a range of practical classroom strategies that will assist teachers to meet the challenge of teaching boys, without neglecting the girls in the process.About the AuthorsAmanda Keddie is a researcher at the University of Queensland. Her research interests and teaching areas focus on classroom teaching, curriculum and educational sociology.Martin Mills is Associate Professor in the School of Education at the University of Queensland. He has written several books, and is co-author of Teachers and Schooling Making a Difference (Allen & Unwin, 2010).56.What problem is NOT mentioned in the passage?A. Boys general educational under-achievement and its impact.B. Public opinions on classroom teaching.C. Lack of practical strategies for teaching boys.D. Teachers anxiety to teach boys.57.The purpose of this passage is _.A. to promote classroom teaching B. to analyze boys academic performanceC. to advertise a book D. to introduce two educators58. What can we know from the passage?A. Teachers concern makes the disagreement and debate on the best approach more heated.B. Teachers concern brings about the disagreement and debate on the best approach.C. The strategies remended by the book are of no benefit to girls.D. Teaching boys to improve their achievement is a newly-raised issue.BDont you just love ice skating every winter? I am sure, that since winter is approaching, your skates are set to e out, just waiting to be used. Impress your friends with your new trick on how to ice -skate backwards with the help of these tips. Skating backwards on ice is a bit difficult but once you master the basic, there s nothing like it. Follow the steps given below and you will be able to skate backwards in no time. Stand StraightThe first thing that you need to do is, stand straight. If you feel that you are falling backwards, then just put your chin up and slightly bend your knees. Dont worry; this happens to all. Confidence is What You NeedThe most important step while learning how to skate backwards, is having enough confidence in yourself and in what you are doing. How can you achieve this? By practice. Just practice rolling backwards down a gentle slop every single day or just by pushing off from a wall or something of that sort. But before you do that, make sure that the place where you are practicing is free from any kind of debris (碎片) because otherwise, you could end up in the hospital due to some accident. While going backwards, just get used to the feeling of moving backwards. One of the important ice skating tips and techniques is that if you feel that you are losing your balance, then scissor (做剪式运动) your skates. Keep practicing this till you are confident about it. Maintain SpeedConfident now? Great! Now the next step is to maintain your speed. While rolling in a straight line with one skate, with the other try sculling (滑浆), that is, keep pushing yourself backwards with an outwards stroke (滑动). Now bring the skate which you were using to scull, and then again, repeat the same process. Make sure that you put most of your weight on the skate which is moving straight and not the one with which you are sculling. Now, try the same thing using the other foot. Again keep doing this till you are confident enough. Increase Your Speed NowOnce you are confident that you can scull with either foot, the next thing that you have to do is increase your speed. Try some of your own tricks now. Scull with either foot or with both at the same time. Scull and Be AwareWhile you keep one foot straight, keep sculling with the other. You can do that simultaneously (同时,一起) with both feet. Concentrate on what you are doing but dont get so involved that you dont see where you are going. If you are not watching your back, you might just bang against something or someone. 59. According to the text confidence es from _ .A. good techniques B. strict coachesC. high speed D. constant exercise60. Which is the right order of ice - skating backwards?a. Increasing your speed. b .Being able to scull with one foot. c. Being about to stand straight. d. Trying some different tricks. A. cadb B. cbad C. cbda D. acbd61. In the last paragraph the author mainly wants to express _ .A. one must be brave to learn to ice - skate backwards B. its a mon thing to hit someone when ice - skating backwardsC. its difficult to concentrate when ice - skating backwardsD. skating and keeping cautious are both important62. The purpose of the text is _ . A. to pare different ways of ice - skating backwardsB. to introduce the culture of ice-skating backwardsC. to explain advantages of ice - skating backwardsD. to offer some advice on ice - skating backwardsCAbuse can be defined as “to treat wrongfully or harmfully”. There are different categories of abuse that have been recognized and within our case study there appear to be two distinct forms of abuse, family abuse and child abuse. These can be subdivided into terms of physical abuse and psychological abuse. Physical abuse is the intentional physical injury or harm or deliberately not preventing harm occurring. The minimum physical signs seen in our study of James are bruises but they might feel more painful to his heart than the more serious invisible injuries. Emotional abuse is the continual failure to meet basic emotional needs. Emotional development is prevented and well-being harmed. The emotional signs in our case study can be seen in James by his actions of being withdrawn and non-municative. The behavioural sign to abuse taking place to James is his aggressive behaviour.The short term effect of physical abuse on James is physical pain. In the long term, injuries that often happen can result in secondary illness and plications, permanent scars or even disabilities. His emotional effects in the short term are a fear of people, withdrawal, and poor relationship with others. The long term emotional effects could be low self-respect, depression, inability to form relationships.Abuse can arise for many reasons and there are a number of theoretical views which may be useful in clarifying why the abuse has taken place. The female view believes that sex and family roles give approval to a culture of abuse. Considering the historical and fixed ideas, men have power and control. In James case he lives in a re-constructed family with the father being rude and a heavy drinker. From a psychological angle, alcohol misuse can bring mental health problems which may increase aggression in the person and so James is more at risk from abuse by his stepfather. The relationship between the mother and James involves a dependency of James on his mother. With other problems in James mothers life, this leads to increasing stress and the inability of his mother to cope with and manage a family with four children borne by two mothers. The attachment theory states that significant separations of a child from the carer in the early years can have an effect on their emotional development and can lead to psychological and social difficulties in later life. The loss of both his father and his half sisters father with whom he lives may have contributed to his behaviour.Abusive behaviour can sometimes be the result of mental health problems, brain damage or being abused themselves. By being the abuser they believe they are taking control; some even believe that they are not doing anything wrong and cannot stop themselves. When working with individuals who have abused, it is important to be aware that they may go on to abuse again and there is a need to protect the munity from the abuser. 63. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word “bruises” in Paragraph 1? A. Body disability B. Deep Cut C. Slight injury D. Inner wound64. According to the writers case study, which of the following cases can be defined as abuse?A. A father scolds his son because he doesnt pass the exam in school. B. A car knocks down a woman but the driver doesnt take her to hospital. C. A father never talks to his daughter and shows no interest in what she does.D. A husband is angry with his wife when she stays out late into the night.65. From the passage we can infer that _.A. James step father doesnt show any concern for his motherB. James mother gave birth to a girl in the re-constructed familyC. James stepfather is rude to all the children in the familyD. James mother loves her husband more than her own son66. Which of the following can best serve as the title of the passage? A. Categories of Abuse B. Abuse and Its Causes C. How to Prevent Abuse D. Effects Caused by AbuseDThe future of agriculture must achieve several goals at the same time.First, it now appears that we will have to double world food production in the next 40 years due to population growth, increasing meat consumption and pressure from biofuels (生物燃料). We will also have to reduce the environmental impacts from our farming practices, which have caused widespread damage to soils, ecosystems, waters and even the atmosphere. In fact, agricultures impacts are as bad as climate change as an environmental concern Besides, we will have to improve food security for the worlds poor. While the Green Revolution of the 1960s made it possible to feed hundreds of millions more


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