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银川一中2014/2015学年度(下)高二期末考试英 语 试 卷 命题教师: 王金凤 李林莉第卷 (选择题)第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节:(共5小题;第小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What will the woman do this year? A. Stay at a hotel B. Rent a house C. Buy some furniture2. When does the conversation take place? A. At a school B. At a party C. At a dentists3. How does one get to Linden Street ? A. By taking the No.1 trainB. By crossing a park C. By finding the downtown platform4. Why does the man want to apologize? A. He is sorry that the womans homework is so terrible. B. He has forgotten to bring her homework. C. He wont finish his homework until tomorrow.5. What can we learn about the scheduled flight? A. It takes off every Tuesday morning. B. The fare is $428 return.C. There are no discounts.第二节:(共15小题;每小题1.5分,共22.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A.B.C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读两遍。听第六段材料,回答第67题。6. How are the speakers spending the weekend? A. Listening to music B. Camping out C. Staying at home7. What does the woman think the mans idea is like? A. Great B. Not so good C. Just so-so听第七段材料,回答第8-9题。8. What does the woman dislike? A. Parties in her house B. Mozart C. Coca-Cola9. What will the woman do tonight? A. Drink some Coca-Cola B. Stay with her cousin C. Move to Japan听第八段材料,回答第10-12题。10. What is the relationship between the speakers? A. Teacher and student B. Brother and sister C. Mother and son11. Why has the boy come into the kitchen? A. Because he is hungry. B. To feed the kitty.C. To clean the refrigerator.12. Where did the boy find the kitty? A. In a garbage can. B. Beside his school gate. C. In front of his home.听第九段材料,回答第13-16题。13. What is the woman? A. A professor B. A bookseller C. A librarian14. Why does the man need the book? A. To prepare for his sociology class. B. To learn something about the modern age. C. To satisfy his professor.15. What can a student do with a book in the reserves room? A. Take it out of the room. B. Read it for a few hours. C. Place it on a special shelf.16. What is the man going to do next? A. Find his professor. B. Go to the reserves room C. Return to his classroom听第十段材料,回答第17-20题。17. Why do many students like online education? A. It leaves them independent. B. It has a set time.C. There are no classrooms.18. Where is the University of Phoenix located ? A. In Arizona B. In Colorado C. In Illinois19. Which university offers both Bachelors and Masters degrees? A. The University of Phoenix B. Jones International University C. Cardean University 20. What is the educational advisers advice? A. To find a famous university.B. To complete the courses as soon as possible.C. To make sure the degree is recognized in your country.第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AMy father was Chief engineer of a merchant ship, which was sunk in World War II. The book Night of the U-boats told the story. MemoriesIn September, 1940, my mother, sister and I went to Swansea, where my fathers ship was getting ready to sail. We brought him a family photograph to be kept with him at all times and keep him safe.Then I remembered my mother lying face down, sobbing. She had heard from a friend that the ship had been sunk by a torpedo(鱼雷).I can remember the arrival of the telegram, Which in those days always brought bad news. My grandmother opened it. It read, “Safe, Love Ted.”My most vivid memory was being woken and brought down to sit on my fathers knee, his arm in a bandage.He was judged unfit to return to sea and took a shore job in Glasgow for the rest of the war. For as long as I can remember, he had a weak heart. Mother said it was caused by the torpedoes. He said it was because of the cigarettes. Whichever, he died suddenly in his early 50s.Ten years later I read Night of the U-boats and was able to complete the story.TorpedoOne torpedo struck the ship. Father was in the engine room, where the third engineer was killed. He shut down the engines to slow the ship making it easier for it to be abandoned.By the time he got on deck he was alone. Every lifeboat was gone except one which had been stuck . When he tried to cut it free, it swung against the ship, injuring his hand and arm. He had no choice but to jumpstill with the photograph in his pocket.Three days later, he and other survivors were safe in Glasgow. All 23 with him signed the back of the photograph.In my room is the book and the photograph. Often, glass in hand, I have wondered how I would have dealt with an explosion, a sinking ship, a jump into a vast ocean and a wait for rescue? Lest(以免)we forget, I have some more whisky and toast the heroes of the war.21. We can infer that the mother and children went to Swansea _. A. to see the father off B. to meet a friend C. to take a family photo D. to enjoy the sailing of the ship22. What did the author learn about the father from the telegram? A. He had arrived in Glasgow. B. His knee was broken. C. His ship had been sunk. D. He was still alive.23. What can we know about the authors father after his ship was attacked? A. He lost his arm B. He repaired the engines. C. He was the last to leave the ship. D. He managed to take a lifeboat.x_k_b_124. What is the passage mainly about? A. A group of forgotten heroes B. A ship engineers wartime experience. C. A book describing a terrifying battle. D. A merchants memories of a sea rescue.B When we think about giving help to developing countries, we often think about giving money so that these countries can build schools and hospitals, buy food and medicine, or find clean water suppliesThese seem to be most important basic needs of the people we are trying to helpHowever, its far from enoughWe have to come up with some better ideas to help them I was very surprised, then ,when I read about a plan to make cheap laptop computers for children in developing countriesA man called Nicholas Negroponte invented a cheap laptop computer, which can run without electricityHe decided to invent this computer after he visited a school in Cambodia The laptop which Mr. Negroponte has designed is a little different from the normal laptop computers you can buy in shopsOne difference is that it will be covered in rubber so that it is very strong and wont be damaged easilyAs electricity supply can be a problem in developing countries, the computer also has a special handle so that children can wind the computer up to give it extra power when needed These special laptop computers will cost less than $100 and Mr. Negroponte wants to build as many as 15 million machines in the first year of productionThe idea is that these computers will help the childrens education as they will be able to access the Internet. These computers might not help the people in developing countries immediately, but by improving childrens education they should help people to find their own solutions to their problems in the long term Another idea to help children in developing countries is to recycle old mobile phones so that they can be used againIn the UK, and, probably in many other countries too, millions of mobile phones are thrown away every year. The waste created by throwing away these old phones is very bad for the environment, so it seems to be an excellent idea to recycle themIn this way we shall be able to achieve two important goals at the same timeWe will reduce the waste we produce and help othersIn other words, we will be able to kill two birds with one stone , and that is always a good thing25Its an excellent idea to recycle old mobile phones because _Ait reduces waste and can help othersBit prevents waste and can earn lots of moneyCit can send the waste produced by developed countries to other countriesDit is good for the environment and very educative for phone users26The author gives the example of Mr. Negropontes cheap computers _Ato show what high tech can bring usBto illustrate the kindness of people in the developed countriesCto give an example of how to help developing countriesDto show how to find business opportunities in developing countries27Which of the following statements is TRUE about Mr. Negropontes cheap computers?AHis computers dont need any power to function wellBHis computers will help children in developing countries to have better educationCHis computers are covered with rubber so that they are very cheapDHis computers will help people in developing countries to find all the solutions28Where does this passage probably come from?AA novel BAn advertisement CA newspaper DA lectureC A recent trend in Californian restaurants shows new eating habits among those out to have an interesting dining experience. Appetizers (开胃品) seem to be the name of the games as diners turn away from the more traditional three-course meal in favor of smaller snacks sampled in various types of restaurants, bars and cafes. In this way, in the course of an evening out, you might go to a restaurant for a tasty dish to eat at one end of town, to a bar with some live music at the other end, then for a coffee, and finally back to the restaurant for a further appetizer. Reasons for this trend are the fact that so many different types of restaurants have been set up recently, each with their own particular type of food and special atmosphere, combined with the increased sophistication in the type of snacks being offered. Gone are the cheese sticks of the old days, when appetizers were not really taken seriously. Some favorite snacks of the moment are slices of hot pizza, creamy fish-based dishes and crispy cakes and so on. Prices for appetizers are not equal to a full meal; however, their new popularity has meant that they are by no means as cheap as they used to be. Certainly, for that special occasion, a meal in a nice restaurant, complete with the piano performance, is hard to beat. However, if we see that this trend for butterfly eating- moving around several different places in one evening - continues, then all the traditional style restaurants may well have to provide their own appetizer bars as well!29. How are Californian peoples eating habits changing? A. People are dining out less. B. Californian restaurants are becoming less popular. C. A full restaurant meal is losing popularity. D. Most people eat less than they used to. 30. If you go out for an evening of appetizers, you are likely to_. A. be bored with some kinds of snacks B. need a car or a bus or other transport C. spend more time for a full meal than you would D. eat too much meat31. What does the underlined words increased sophistication in Paragraph 2 mean? A. Serving a bigger share. B. Offering better quality and variety. C. Charging more for food. D. Using healthier mixture.32. Appetizers used to be seen as_. A. cheap meal B. relatively important C. a full meal D. an expensive mealD Maybe you have ever seen a cross. A cross can be a piece of jewelry or an image ina painting. But do you know the cross is a very popular symbol for Christmas? It came from the story of Jesus death on the cross two thousand years ago in Jerusalem. Jesus was Jewish,and at that time Jewish people were under Roman rule. Jesus was badly punished because he declared to be the Son of God and the King of Jews. Surely,the Son of God could have saved himself from the death!But the Bible says that Jesus had a reason to die that day. It was in Gods purpose that it would happen. Christians call the day that Jesus died “Good Friday”. At first,it is hard to understand how a terrible day could ever be called good. Well,the story does not end there. Jesus died and he was buried. But three days later,Jesus was alive,and the whole world was changed.Today,Christians everywhere remember this important time. They celebrate Easter. Easter is the day that Jesus rose from the dead. After his death on the cross,Jesus body was placed in a tomb. On the third day from then,God raised him from the dead. Jesus stayed on earth physically for several weeks. Many people saw him. Easter is the happiest time of year for Christians because they believe that Jesus had victory over death and evil and that now he lives with God the Father in heaven. But before celebrating Easter, Good Friday should be remembered. Jesus died a horrible and painful death. He suffered, though he did nothing wrong. Christian believe that Jesus was Gods substitute(代表) for humans, because humans all do wrong. He died because of humans and he died for humans. Christians often wear crosses around their necks or hang them in their homes because they believe it is a very important sign. The cross helps them remember how much God loves them. It helps them remember how much his Son had to suffer. Seeing a cross always makes them think of Jesus death, and what it means.33Which is the right order of the events given in the passage?a. Jesus was sentenced to death on the cross by the Romansb Christians began to celebrate Easterc Jesus declared himself the Son of God and the King of the Jewsd Three days later,Jesus came to lifee. “Good Friday” came into being A. caedb B. a-ebdc C. cabde D. aecdb34In Christiansbelief,for what reason did God want Jesus to die?A. God wanted “Good Friday” and “Easter”mainly to be remembered by humansB. Jesus did something wrong by claiming himself the Son of GodC. God wanted His Son Jesus to live with him in heaven D. God loved humans despite humans wrongdoing,so he asked his beloved Son to die in humans place35It can be inferred from the passage that_A. a cross is a piece of jewelry or an image in a painting for ChristiansB. Christians like crosses because crosses always remind them of Gods love and Jesus deathC. if Jesus hadnt returned to life, people would often wear crosses around their necks or hang them in their homesD. Christians call the day that Jesus died “Good Friday”mainly to reduce their pain for the loss of Jesus 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Dear David,_36_After I had spent a week with my English family, I slowly began to understand their English a little better. _37_ Students in my group are from different cities of Britain and their dialects are different too! Some of their accents are quite strong and they also have their own words and expressions._38_ Before I came to England I had thought that fish and chips were eaten every day. Thats quite wrong! I get rather annoyed now when I hear all the foolish words about typical English food.I had expected to see “London fog”. Do you remember our texts about it? We had no idea that most of this “thick fog” disappeared many years ago when people stopped using coal in their homes. But the idea to speak about weather was very helpful. _39_ On the other hand, habits are different. People tell me what is typical British here in London is not always typical in Wales or Scotland. _40_But what is ordinary for all British is that they follow traditions . Probably Britain has more living signs of its past than many other countries. And people have always been proud of having ancient buildings in capitals, big cities and the countryside.I will tell you more about Britain in my other letters.Love from Britain.A. But its not the language thats different and surprising.B. Thanks for your nice letterC.I have difficulty in understanding my classmates. D. The family I live with are friendly. E. Its very different from what I learned at school. F. Local habits and traditions are not the same as what we knew. G. The weather in London is really changeable. 第三部分英语知识运用(共三节,满分45分)第一节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Some years ago when I was in my first year in college, I heard Salome Bey sing for the first timeThe moment was excitingSalomes 41 filled the room and brought the theater to lifeI was so 42 that I decided to write an article about herI 43 Salome Bey, telling her I was from Essence magazine, and that I wanted to meet her to talk about her careerShe 44 and told me to come to her studio next Tuesday When I 45 , I was scared out of my mindI 46 I was lyingI was not a writer at all and hadnt even written a grocery listI interviewed Salome Bey the next TuesdayI sat there 47 , taking notes and asking questions that all began with, “Can you tell me” I soon realized that48Salome Bey was one thing, but writing a story for a national magazine was just impossibleThe 49 was almost unbearableI struggled for days 50 draft after draftFinally I put my manuscript (手稿) into a large envelope and dropped it into a mailboxIt didnt take longMy manuscript 51 How stupid of me! I thoughtHow could I 52 in a world of professional writers? Knowing I couldnt 53 the rejection letter, I threw the unopened envelope into a drawerFive years later, I was moving to CaliforniaWhile cleaningmy apartment, I 54 the unopened envelopeThis time I opened it and read the editors letter in 55 Dear Ms Profit,Your story on Salome Bey is fantasticYet we need some 56 materialsPlease add those and return the article immediatelyWe would like to 57 your story soon Shocked, it took me a long time to 58 Fear of rejection cost me dearlyI lost at least five hundred dollars and a chance of having my article appear in a major magazineMore importantly, I lost years of enjoyable writingToday, I have become a full time writer 59 my experience, I learned a very important lesson: You cant60to doubt yourself41Ajoy BspeechCvoice Dsmile42AmovedBactive Csatisfied Dproud43Avisited BemailedCinterviewedDphoned44Arefused BagreedChesitatedDpaused45Ahung upBshowed upCturned upDput up46Areplied Bdiscovered Cknew Dexplained47Anervously Bpatiently Cseriously Dquietly48Ablaming Binviting Cfooling Durging49Ahardship BpressureCcomment Dfailure50AbyBwithCon Din51AreturnedBdisappearedCspread Dimproved52Acompare Bstruggle Ccompete Dsurvive53Aface Bdeliver Cignore Dreceive54Atook out Bpicked up Cfound outDcame across55Ahorror Banxiety Cdisbelief Dtrouble56Asubjective Bprivate Crelevant Dreliable57Abroadcast Bcreate Cassess Dpublish58Arecover BprepareCescape Dconcentrate59


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