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2019-2020年高三上学期第十三次周考考试英语试题第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节 (共5小题,每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. How many people live in the womans dorm? A. Two. B. Three. C. Four.2. What do we learn from the conversation? A. The woman has been working too hard. B. The woman is tired of her work. C. The woman is seeing a doctor.3. What do we know about the chair? A. It is damaged. B. It is blue and yellow. C. The salesman is charging 159 dollars for it.4. What are the speakers going to do? A. Learn some Chinese. B. Print the menu in English. C. Have a dinner.5. Where do the speakers plan to go? A. A shopping center. B. An opera house. C. The parking lot.第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)请听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. Whos having a party tonight? A. Pat. B. Terry. C. Brain.7. Whats the woman going to do tonight? A. Stay at home. B. Go to the party. C. Go to the cinema.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8. What languge may not be learned by the man? A. Chinese. B. Spanish. C. Japanese.9. What language is the man learning? A. Chinese. B. English. C. French.10. What does the woman think of language learning? A. In language learning, only a few languages are difficult to learn. B. The language similar to ones native one is easier to learn. C. The sound system is the hardest part of a language.听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11. What do we know about the mans last job? A. He had an ordinary salary. B. He often traveled abroad. C. He felt excited at it.12. How does the mans family feel towards his choice? A. Happy. B. Angry. C. Sad.13. What does the man think of his present life? A. Quite easy. B. Very boring. C. More balanced.听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。14. When did the woman buy the slacks? A. Yesterday. B. A week ago. C. Last month.15. Why cant the slacks be returned? A. They were on sale. B. The woman doesnt have the receipt. C. They were damaged by the woman.16. What is the result? A. The woman returns the slacks successfully. B. The woman changes other ones. C. The woman goes back angrily.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. What is the woman? A. A musician. B. A student. C. A musical teacher.18. Why does the woman often sing rock music? A. She wants to express her happiness in the music. B. She wishes to show her loneliness in the music. C. She would like to spread her flame in her heart.19. What kind of music does the woman especially like? A. Classical music. B. Pop music. C. Jazz music.20. What does the woman say about music? A. Its lonely. B. Its exciting. C. Its impotant to her.第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21 -Would you mind giving your advice on how to improve our learning efficiency ?-If you make _ most of forty-five minutes classes day after day, there will be _ switch in grades. A. 不填; 不填 B. the; a C. 不填; a D. the; 不填22.The dance performed by the disabled actors is really a hit, but years ago no one _ they were to achieve such great success.A. must have imaginedB. could have imagined C. should have imaginedD. would have imagined 23. Each of us is likely to develop a personal _ for certain types of entertainment. A. parison B. possession C. preference D. advantage24. -Was it two months ago _ you luckily got an opportunity to spend your holiday in Canada? - _,John was the lucky dog . A. when ,Not I B. when ,Not really C .that ,Not at all D. that ,Not me25. -I havent seen Tom for years .Any news about him ? -He _ in a toy factory for two years .Now he is a farmer . A .worked B .has worked C .had worked D .would work26. Though there are some differences in American education and Chinese education, both systems are excellent graduates. A. turning out B. turning away C. turning off D. turning in27This article may shock some sensitive readers,_ I offer my apologies in advance. Afrom whom Bfor whom Cto whom Dtowards whom28. Goods imported from abroad are _ those made in China.Yes. Some of the goods made in our country are of high quality. A. always as good as B. always no better than C .not so well as D. not always better than29.We have more than 80 flats in this building , each _solar heaters.A. is equipped with B. equipped with C .is equipped by D. equipped by30. Its nearly 5 years since I worked in the pany. I in a school. Ataught Bwas teaching Cam teaching Dhad been teaching31The best job is which uses your skill in doing something with your interest in the subject. Athat Bthe one Cit D one32. The biggest full moon of 2011 occurred on a Saturday night, _ Chinese observers to gather outside to record the splendor.A. to lead B. led C. leading D. having led33. We should consider the students request _ the school library _ more books _ popular science. A. that, provide, on B. which, provides, about C. that, should provide, with D. that ,provides ,on34. _ you are aware of the trick used in advertisements, I dont think you are eager to buy.AUnless BWhether COnce DAlthough35. Mum, what is the point of having friends? Friends are always there for you when youre feeling down. _.A. No problemB. Got itC. All rightD. Good idea第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 My father brought home a sailboat when I was ten, and almost each Sunday in summers we would go sailing. Dad was quite skilled in sailing, but not good at _36_.As for me, I _37_ both before twelve because of living close to Lake Ontario.The last time Dad and I set sail together is really _38_. It was a perfect weekend after I graduated from university. I came home and _39_ Dad to go sailing. Out we set soon on the _40_ lake. Dad hadnt sailed for years, but everything _41_ well with the tiller (舵柄)in his hands.When we were in the middle of the lake,a _42_ wind came all of a sudden. The boat was hit _43_. Dad was always at his best in any _44_,but at this moment he _45_. “John! _46_ !” he shouted in a trembling voice,with the tiller still in his hands.In my memory he could fix any _47_. He was the one I always _48_ for strength and security. Before I could respond,a _49_ of water got into the boat. I rushed to the tiller _50_ it was too late. Another huge wall of water _51_ the boat in a minute. We were thrown into the water,and Dad was struggling aimlessly. At that moment, I felt fiercely _52_ of him. I swam to Dad _53_ and assisted him in climbing onto the hull(船壳) of the boat. Upon sitting on the hull,Dad was a little awkward about his flash of _54_. “Its all right,Dad. We are safe now,”I forted him. That was the first time Dad had counted on me in a moment of emergency. More importantly,I found it was my turn to start _55_for my father.36.A. boating B. running C. swimming D. teaching37.A. enjoyed B. desired C. hated D. learned38.A. unforgivable B. unforgettable C. cheerful D. regretful39.A. sent B. ordered C. invited D. allowed40.A. calm B. icy C. stormy D. thundery41.A. finished B. went C. seemed D. sounded42.A. strong B. gentle C. cold D. hot43.A. repeatedly B. lightly C. hardly D. violently44.A. danger B. place C. sport D. job45.A. suffered B. fell C. froze D. withdrew46.A. Look B. Help C. Run D. Jump47.A. problem B. relationship C. machine D. boat48.A. turned to B. lived with C. argued with D. objected to49.A. fountain B. stream C. shower D. wave50.A. if B. for C. after D. but51.A. got through B. poured into C. turned over D. lifted up52.A. ashamed B. protective C. tired D. afraid53.A. hopelessly B .quickly C. slowly D. helplessly54.A. pain B. anger C. fear D. shame55.A. making up B. getting ready C. paying off D. looking out第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AEvery American family has its own traditions on Thanksgiving Day, and mine is not different. Once the national holiday arrives, my mom rises early to make the meal. She puts a turkey in the oven, chops carrots and bakes pies. Im sorry to say that the men in the family my dad, my younger brother and myself rarely pitch in to help. Our job is to wash the mountain of dirty dishes after the meal is over.Around 2 pm every Thanksgiving Day, family members seat themselves around the kitchen table. Plates of turkey, vegetables, salad, rolls and pies cover it. At this point, we can hardly keep ourselves from drooling (流口水) all over our fancy clothes, but its not yet time to eat.First, we must bow our heads, close our eyes and say a prayer of thanks aloud to God for giving us everything we have. Under normal circumstances, I would have no problem making a list of things I am thankful for. I grew up in a loving family. My parents, who arent wealthy, took out loans to help me pay for university.But, the funny thing is, every time I sit down for Thanksgiving dinner and try to say a prayer of thanks, my mind usually goes blank. I think it has something to do with my growling (咕咕叫) stomach and all of that food sitting right there under my nose.Eventually, though, we all finish our short prayers and dig in. To be sure, the day includes other highlights visiting with family and watching football. But usually around 6 pm we are all ourselves stuffed like turkeys and thankful to have a nice warm bed to sleep in. 56. The purpose of the text is to _.A. tell what the family do for Thanksgiving Day B. tell how the family spends Thanksgiving DayC. introduce foods served on Thanksgiving DayD. introduce the American Thanksgiving Day57. On Thanksgiving Day the authors family do the following except _.A. watching a movie B. making visits C. having a big meal D. watching football58. Why does the authors mind usually “go blank” when saying a prayer of thanks?A. He is too thankful to say a word. B. His mind is on the food before him.C. He feels too excited to speak. D. He is shy to speak in public.59. The underlined phrase “dig in” in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to “_”.A. chat with others B. make a hole C. mix things up D. start eating60. What can we conclude from the text?A. On Thanksgiving Day, men do nothing but eat. B. The author is a middle school student.C. The authors family is not rich, but its a loving one.D. Thanksgiving Day falls on Thursday of December.Bputer Technician (Part Time Student Helper) Government Department Flexible schedule Good opportunity for the young adults Our client, a Government Department, is now looking for numbers of Part Time puter Technicians to join their supporting team.Job Responsibilities:Responsible for answering queries to end users on the use of puter and electronic systems and facilities Provide general technical support to end users Handle on regular health checks on equipment, reset problem terminals and reinstall software Job Requirements: Diploma/ higher diploma in puter Science or related discipline obtained from Hong Kong University /IVE or abovePart-time experience in Customer Services and/or IT support is an advantageGood at verbal and written English, Cantonese and Mandarin With basic knowledge or experience in IT networking Good working attitude, energetic and self-motivated candidate is highly preferred Students in Year 1 and Year 2 are preferredTraining will be providedAttractive remuneration(报酬) package will be negotiated to the right candidate.Interested parties please email a MS Word version resume and expected salary to technologymanpowerprofessional.hk (CC: iris.cheungmanpowerprofessional.hk) and quote the job reference.Job Ref: 506-111213-IR Job Type: Contract Location: Start Date: ASAP Duration: Salary/Rate: Contact: Iris Cheung Open To: Hong Kong Residents Only Submitted: by 12/04/201161. The main purpose of this passage is to _. A. advertise a job B. introduce a pany C. introduce a career D. advertise a course 62. The job has a lot of benefits EXCEPT _.A. working in a government department B. a high salary C. flexible working plan D. opportunities for young adults 63. If someone wants to apply for the job, he must _A. have graduated from IVE B. have been trained before C. be a student in Year 1 D. submit his applications by 12/04/201164. The job will be offered only to _.A. government officials B. university students C. puter technicians D. young people 65. Which of the following is NOT a responsibility? A. To provide general technical help to end users. B. To answer queries to end users. C. To reset problem terminals. D. To receive relevant training.CCoffee is one of the worlds most widely-enjoyed drinks. Now, a new research suggests that if you drink enough coffee, it might help you avoid certain kinds of cancer.Dr. Mia Hashibe of the University of Utah School of Medicine was interested in the connection between coffee drinking and certain cancers of the head and neck. Researchers have looked into this before, but without reaching any firm conclusions. She said, So this finding from our new study was quite a surprise. We didnt really have any expectation of which direction it could go into. To sort out the confusion, Hashibe and her assistants used statistical (统计学 ) techniques to, in effect, make one big study out of the earlier smaller studies. She explained, Thanks to the earlier studies, we have a lot more power than earlier studies that looked at this. And we included 4,000 cancer patients who have cancer of the mouth and throat. And then 9,000 controls, people who do not have cancer. Those studies-in Europe and the United States-found that people who drank a lot of coffee were less likely to develop cancers of the mouth and throat. We saw a protective effect for drinking more than 4 cups of coffee per day, Hashibe said. This was the 40 percent decrease in risk. We did not see the same effect for drinking three cups or less per day.Mia Hashibe said there was a weak connection between cancer risk and drinking coffee without caffeine. And she and her assistants found no proof that drinking tea provided the same protection as drinking Coffee. Their research is published in the journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention.Hashibe says it is not clear how coffee might protect drinkers from certain cancers. There are a few chemicals that are known to be antioxidants (抗氧化物)in coffee. So we are thinking perhaps they are playing some sort of protective role against several cancers.66. This passage is probably taken from _A. a literature book B. a travel journalC. an old directory D. a medical magazine67. Dr. Hashibe expected nothing of her research because _A. it was impossible to get the desired result B. the research was much surprising in factC. no conclusions had been reached before D. the research team lacked faith in success68. Which of the following might have something to do with the protection against mouth cancer?A. Coffee without chemicals. B. Coffee without caffeine.C. Four cups of tea a day. D. Antioxidants in coffee.69. What do we know about Dr. Mia Hashibe and her research?A. She knew for sure how coffee may affect drinkers.B. She included 4,000 people without cancer in study.C. She found an effect for three cups of coffee a day.D. She based her research on several earlier studies.70. What would be the best title for the text?A. Drinking Coffee May Protect Some Cancers B. Drinking Coffee May Prevent Some CancersC. Drinking Coffee May Cure Some Cancers D. Drinking Coffee May Cause Some CancersDLife is difficult.This is a great truth, one of the greatest truths. It is a great truth because once we truly see this truth, we transcend it. Once we truly know that life is difficult-once we truly understand and accept it-then life is no longer difficult. Because once it is accepted, the fact that life is difficult no longer matters.Most do not fully see this truth. Instead they plain about their problems and difficulties as if life should be easy. It seems to them that difficulties represent a special kind of suffering especially forced upon them or else upon their families, their class, or even their nation.What makes life difficult is that the process of facing and solving problems is a painful one. Problems, depending on their nature, cause us sadness, or loneliness or regret or anger or fear. These are unfortable feelings, often as painful as any kind of physical pain. And since life causes an endless series of problems, life is always difficult and is full of pain as well as joy.Yet, it is in this whole process of solving problems that life has its meaning. Problems are the serious test that tells us success from failure. When we desire to encourage the growth of human spirit, we encourage the human ability to solve problems, just as in school we set problems for our children to solve. It is through the pain of meeting and working out problems that we learn. As Benjamin Franklin said, those things that hurt, instruct. It is for this reason that wise people learn not to fear but to wele the pain of problems. 71. From the passage, it can be inferred that _. A. everybody has problems B. we bee stronger by meeting and solving the problems of life C. life is difficult because our problems bring us pain D. people like to plain about their problems 72. The writer probably used just one short sentence in the first paragraph to _. A. save space B. persuade readers C. make readers laugh D. get readers attention 73. The main idea of Paragraph 3 is that _. A. most people feel life is easy B. the writer feels life is easy C. the writer likes to plain about his problems D. most people plain about how hard their lives are 74. According to the passage, we give school children difficult problems to solve in order to_. A. encourage them to learn B. teach them to fear the pain of solving the problem C. help them learn to deal with pain D. teach them how to respect from problems 75. The saying from Benjamin Franklin “Those things that hurt, instruct” suggests that _. A. we do not learn from experience B. we do not learn when we are in painC. pain teaches us important lessons D. pain cannot be avoided第卷(非选择题满分35分)第四部分:写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节阅读表达(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


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