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2019-2020年高中英语Unit3TheMillionPoundBankNote练习试题新人教版必修【导语】马克吐温美国19世纪文坛著名的作家与幽默大师,他的许多作品至今仍脍炙人口。Mark Twain was a very famous American writer.He was also a lecturer and humorist.He is famous for his novels The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.These books are still considered classics and are very popular among readers.Mark Twains original name was Samuel Langhorne Clemens.Mark Twain is his pen name,and its an old riverboat term which means “the water is two fathoms deep”But this is not his only pen name.He used to write a lot of ic articles with the pen name Thomas Jefferson Snodgrass before he started writing with Mark Twain as his pen name.While he was a teenager, Mark Twain worked as an amateur printer.He had a lot of fondness for cats.He loved to have them around wherever he went.At one time, he worked as a steamboat pilot.He also worked as a miner and as a journalist.He was well appreciated as a lecturer.He wrote the books with characters which seem very natural to readers.The characters seem so real that we think we might have met these characters somewhere.【词海拾贝】1humorist n幽默作家; 富于幽默感的人2original adj.原始的; 独创的3ic n喜剧的; 滑稽的4amateur n业余爱好者; 外行5pilot n飞行员; 引航员【问题思考】1Whats Mark Twains original name?_答案:His original name is Samuel Langhorne Clemens.2Please name some other works of Mark Twain besides mentioned above._答案:The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County;The Prince and The Pauper.为单词选择正确释义1adventureA出生地;故乡2phrase B小说;新奇的;异常的3birthplace C奇遇;冒险4author D短语;惯用语5wander E作家6novel F漫游;漫步;漂泊7pavement G人行道答案:1C2D3A4E5F6B7G.根据所给汉语提示写出单词1_ n商人2_ adv.在前;向前3_ n黄昏4_ n通道;船费5_ n耐性;忍耐6_ n信封答案:1.businessman2.ahead3.nightfall4.passage5patience6.envelope.根据英语释义写出单词1_: a part of a play;a view of a place2_: different from something,against something3_: to find;to recognize4_: to try to get something;to look for5_: to allow something to happen6_: to look at something or someone for a long time without moving your eyes7_: to give a satisfactory explanation of why something has happened or why you did something8_:the responsibility for something wrong that has happened or been done答案:1.scene2.contrary3.spot4.seek5.permit6stare7.account8.fault .选用短语的适当形式完成句子no wonder; stare at; mind; account for; envelope; find fault with; so.that.; spot; do with; go ahead1Dont _him in the face.He is a little nervous.答案:stare at2Why do they want to build a house on the_? 答案:spot3Soon he began to _me, which made me angry.答案:find fault with4Who will have to _the mistakes in the book? 答案:account for5I wonder if I could use your typewriter.Sure, _答案:go ahead6What have you _my umbrella?答案:done with7I dont _your closing the windows of the office.答案:mind8I had _many falls _I was black and blue.答案:sothat9Its _that he is not hungry; he has been eating sweets all day! 答案:no wonder10Dont open the _until our teacher es in.答案:envelope.领会句子所用的句型并翻译成汉语1Towards nightfall,I found_myself_carried_out to sea by a strong wind._答案:傍晚时分我发现我被一阵强风刮到海上去了。2The next morning Id_just_about_given_myself up for lost when I was spotted by a ship._答案:第二天早上,我正感到绝望的时候,一艘船发现了我。3It_was the ship that brought you to England._答案:正是这艘船把你带到了英国。课文表层理解.判断正(T)误(F)1Henry pays nothing for the trip to Britain.(T)2Henry felt tired when he was talking with the two brothers.(F)3The two brothers give Henry Adams an envelope to play a trick on Henry.(F)4Henry came to Britain for the first time in his life all by accident.(T)5Henry Adams feel astonished when he got an envelope from the brothers.(T).读课文回答问题1Whats the main idea of the text?_答案:An American businessman who is lost in London but is fortunate/lucky enough to be invited to a big house by two rich brothers and given an envelope with a million pound bank note in it by them who have made a bet.2Where does Henry Adams e from? Does he know much about London?_答案:Henry es from San Francisco.No,he doesnt know London at all.3Why did he land in Britain?_答案:Because he was sailing out the bay when he was carried out to sea by a strong wind and was saved by a ship for London.表格填空阅读P1718的Reading部分,完成下列表格About a month agoHenry was 1._out of the bay.Towards nightfallHenry found himself 2._out to sea by a strong wind.The next morningHenry was 3._by a ship.LastlyHenry arrived in 4._by working on the ship as an unpaid hand.NowHenry was 5._in London and wandering in the street.Just at that time Roderick 6._him and asked him to step in.To Henrys surpriseRoderick gave Henry an 7._with money in it.答案:1.sailing2.carried3.spotted4.London5.lost6called7.envelope课文深层理解单项选择1Which is the right order of the events according to the text?Henry wandered in London streets.About a month ago, Henry Adams was sailing out of the bay.The next morning he was spotted by a ship.Towards nightfall he found himself carried out to sea by a strong wind.On the ship he earned his passage by working as an unpaid hand.ABC D答案:D2Whats the servants name? ARoderick. BHenry.COliver. DJames.答案:D3Which of the following statements about Henry is NOT true?AHenry came from the USA.BHe worked for a mining pany in America.CHe arrived in England as planned.DHe wanted to find a job in London.答案:C4Why was Oliver so happy when hearing Henry say he had no money?ABecause they could do something good for him.BBecause they were interested to find so poor a man.CBecause they could show off their bank note to him.DBecause they finally found the right person for their bet.答案:D如何改写戏剧1确定体裁:改写戏剧类文章属于记叙文,要求将戏剧情节用自己重新组织的语言进行改写。2确定主体时态:鉴于戏剧的故事性,这类文章的主体时态通常用一般过去时。也有少许用一般现在时的情况。3确定中心人称:这类写作主要讲述戏剧中人物的故事,因此中心人称是第三人称。4确定结构:改写戏剧通常要求改写戏剧中的某一片段或是概述戏剧内容。一般情况下故事情节是完整的,因此写作时应当遵循记叙文的“开端发展高潮结局”的模式。【典型句式】改写故事类文章常用开头语:(1) Long long ago.(2) Once upon a time.展开情节:(1) In order to.he.(2) Immediately, they.(3) At that time, he was so.that.(4) In the end.请根据以下要点,为本单元课文“The Million Pound Bank Note”写一篇故事梗概。1美国人Henry Adams意外来到伦敦,身无分文。2老富翁Roderick和Oliver兄弟俩打赌,看仅有一张百万英镑钞票的人能否在伦敦生活一个月,他们选中Henry做试验。3Henry带着装有百万英镑的信封走进一家餐馆,店员和店主从不屑一顾到百般逢迎。【写作提示】1时态:一般过去时态。2人称:第三人称。3要点:(1)第一段,Henry Adams 基本情况; Roderick和 Oliver打赌;(2)第二段,Henry Adams的就餐过程。注意:1.词数100左右;2可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。【范文点评】范文点评An American named_Henry_Adams arrived in London by accident.He had no money on him and was wandering on the street when_he_was_stopped_by_two_rich_old_brothers,_Roderick_and_Oliver To_see_whether_a_man_with_only_a_million_pound_bank_note_could_survive_a_month_in_London, the brothers made a bet and gave Henry an envelope with the big note in it. Henry, without opening the envelope, came to a restaurant, where_he_was_treated_coldly_by_the_waiter_because_he_was_in_rags. When_Henry_took_out_the_million_pound_bank_note_from_the_envelope, both the waiter and the owner were shocked.Immediately,_they changed their attitudes towards Henry, trying_to_be_as_polite_as_they_could_to_him.named Henry Adams过去分词短语作定语;trying to.现在分词作状语,体现了作者的言语功底。when he was stopped.;When Henry took out,时间状语从句作状语; To see whether a man.动词不定式作目的状语;where he was treated定语从句,句式多样化,长句使用得体。Immediately,使用恰当,很好地描写了主人公的态度,又起到承上启下的作用请你按照以下提示,编写一幕戏剧剧本。人物:Sara(简写为“S”)和A Girl(简写为“G”)地点:在上学的路上戏剧冲突:S发现G长得非常像自己,并主动跟她打招呼,了解到她们姓氏相同,怀疑她们有血缘关系,于是邀请G去她家结局:一起去S家常用表达:on ones way to school walk towardslook like/look aliketell.from./tell the differences between.and.would like to do sthmake friends with/be friends with/bee friendsfeel/be puzzledsay to oneselfgo/walk together注意:词数100左右。_答案:SSara, GA Girl(Sara is on her way to school.A girl is walking towards her.)S: (Saying to herself) Wow! That girl looks just like me.S: Excuse me.G: Yes?S: Yes,you.Look, Im sorry to bother you, but I couldnt help noticing the fact that we look alike.G: Hmm.I agree.We do look very similar.Whats your family name?S: Smith, Im Sara Smith.G: Amazing! My names Smith too.Susan Smith.S: Really? I think we must be related in some way.Would you like to walk with me back to my house? We can ask my mother to help us solve this puzzle.G: Id love to.I have a feeling that were going to bee good friends.S: Me too.(They walk together to Saras home.)A级基础过关.用所给词的适当形式填空1He often speaks to his friends_Because of his_, nobody here likes him.(rude)答案:rudelyrudeness2The_told the boys about his_in the Arctic.(adventure)答案:adventureradventures3I think I am quite a patient person and I can wait with_and explain to the_(patient) 答案:patiencepatients4But_(contrary),I will go on with my work unless I get the order.答案:contrarily5He hopes_to help us and we are moved by his _(genuine)答案:genuinelygenuineness.选词填空bring up; go ahead; by chance; stare at; account for; seek for; on the contrary; take a chance; in rags; as for1_ and do it now, make mistakes, learn from your mistakes and get better.答案:Go ahead2How do you _that in your research? 答案:account for3They have very definite ideas on how to _children.答案:bring up4_, it fills me with strength and courage.答案:On the contrary5Try this experiment: _a colour for about a minute and then close your eyes.答案:stare at6She found it _among his things when he came back.答案:by chance7We are always trying our best to _constant improvements, providing the best products and services to our customers.答案:seek for8_ his loneliness, I do understand it.答案:As for9The man _is one of his relatives.答案:in rags10Sometimes you just have to_, and correct your mistakes as you go along.答案:take a chance.完成下列句子1As is known to us all,only the theory _ (以实践为基础)can be practical.答案:based on practice2Mr Chairman,I should like to _ (提出) the question of the reorganization of the mittee.答案:bring up3The poet wanted to _(漫游那些国家) on his own.答案:wander those countries4The rules of the club dont _(不允许吸烟)答案:permit smoking5The truth is that he can _ (挑不出一点毛病) her.答案:find no fault with6I _ (刚放下) the phone when there was a knock on the door.答案:had just hung up7Bill cant e to the meeting _(因病)答案:on account of illnessB级能力提升.阅读理解阅读下面短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。When I was a kid, there was a series of books called Froggy.One particular book was Froggy Goes to Bed by Jonathan London.They would always tell how Froggy would go on these adventures in everyday life and finally his mom would call “Frooooggy” and tell him to do something he didnt want to do and he would take a long time to do it.After hearing and learning to read these books, my parents kept giving me new books to read at night before bed and I realized reading wasnt so bad, because it would help me sleep when I had trouble sleeping.Each story had an interesting plot and lesson.When I was older about the age of 11, I got really interested in Harry Potter.Once I started reading that throughout the day, I would think to myself, “If only I were a wizard and enrolled(入学) in a school like Hogwarts! Each day would be amazing and I could study whatever spells(咒语) I wanted.” I was totally absorbed in this series.My parents would read me a few chapters at nights and my mom would say “Good night, Evan!” but I would always want to hear more.Finally, I would get so interested that I would read sometimes when it was raining, or I had a long car ride ahead of me.Today looking back on reading as a kid, I thank my parents for supplying me with the books as well as the willingness to read them.If I hadnt been shown these books, my life might certainly be a lot more dull and boring, and I might not be the same person I am right now.【语篇解读】本文介绍了作者小时候的阅读故事,并对小时候的阅读进行了高度评价。1The underlined word “they” in the first paragraph refers to _AkidsBparentsCFroggy Dadventures解析:猜测词义题。仔细分析所在句可知,此处它们指的是前面的Froggy系列书。答案:C2Why did the writer consider reading wasnt so bad before bed?AReading caused his learning interest.BReading contributed to his sleep.CReading enriched his knowledge.DReading improved his life habit.解析:细节理解题。由第二段“.because it would help me sleep when I had trouble sleeping.”可知,作者认为睡觉前读书不错的原因是这样做有助于睡眠。答案:B3What is the writers attitude to Harry Potter?ADoubtful. BCurious.CCrazy. DIndifferent.解析:推理判断题。由第三段“.I got really interested in Harry Potter”,“I was totally absorbed in this series.”以及“.but I would always want to hear more.”可推知,作者对哈利波特系列着迷了。答案:C4What can be inferred from the last paragraph?AThe writer wants to be a different person.BReading makes the writers life interesting.CThe writers life is dull and boring.DThe writer works on literature now.解析:推理判断题。由最后一段第二句话可推知,作者对小时候的阅读进行了高度评价。答案:B.七选五根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。What teenagers can do to earn more respectAs teenagers continue to grow and develop into young adults, the transition(过渡) into adulthood has begun.With so many physical and emotional changes going on, certain manners are often forgotten and other adult traits are not yet accepted as a way of life._1_ By doing the following things, you will earn more respect.Contribute to the householdAt the very least, clean up after yourself.As a teenager, you are old enough to clean up after yourself.When you make a mess, clean it up._2_ All chores that you do help to reduce the load of the person who did them before.Now that youre old enough and capable, why shouldnt you contribute to the household? _3_Be responsible_4_ Whether they are basic things, like brushing your teeth or doing your homework, or more involved chores that contribute to the household, simply fulfill your responsibilities on time.When adults know that they can rely on you, their trust and respect for you will increase.Solve more of your own problem without asking for helpInstead of taking the easy approach and asking for help, make an effort to solve your problems on your own first.The “easy way ” is only easy for you, but it is an extra task for the person from whom you are seeking help.Seek help only after you have made an honest effort to solve your own problems._5_ When you bee a good problem solver, you increase your value to the munity.AEveryone has certain responsibilities.BBy being aware of these manners and traits, you can manage them sooner.CThe people doing the chores before will greatly appreciate the help.DThis includes, but is not limited to, your dishes and your room.EIt will make your life more pleasant.FDepending on the problem, 15 minutes of effort is usually a good guideline.GWhen speaking to a group, speak loud enough.【语篇解读】青少年要赢得别人尊敬和信任,首先要学会在家里帮忙做家务,即使从最简单的洗碗叠被做起。其次,要学会负责任,哪怕是自己个人卫生也要做好。最后,要学会独立解决问题。当把这些都做好的时候,人们自然会对你建立信任。1解析:考查上下文的推理判断能力。前句中出现的manners和traits以及后句的句式和B选项的句式以及句中的these manners和traits恰好呼应,语义上也能起到承上启下的作用,所以判断B选项正确。答案:B2解析:考查上下文的推理判断能力。前句说你应该学会自己收拾卫生,而D选项“This includes, but is not limited to, your dishes and your room.”(这包括在内,但不能局限在收拾自己碗筷和房间上)恰好能承接上文,故D选项正确。答案:D3解析:考查上下文的推理判断能力。本段内容是建议青少年要学会做家务活来帮助家人。所以所填句子应该和做家务帮忙有关,而且从段落安排上看,最后一句话应该起到总结概括作用,由此判断C选项正确。句意:如果你帮忙做家务,那么平时做这种家务的人会很感激。答案:C4解析:考查上下文的推理判断能力。由后句“Whether they are basic things”, 可以推断前句应该出现they所替代的名词,而根据下文举的例子“like brushing your teeth or doing your homework”等可知A选项符合语境,能引领下文。句意:每个人都有某些责任。故A为正确选项。答案:A5解析:考查上下文的推理判断能力。在本段中作者建议人们不要轻易向人求助,要在自己努力而未果的情况下去找人帮忙,纵观选项,只有F选项符合语境,能承接上文。答案:F.完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Heather West,27,left “disabled” by a rare brain illness,plans to do a threemile charity(慈善)walk to encourage other patients.Miss West fell ill with flu last year.She _1_ from the flu but a month later she _2_ suffering headache and poor balance(平衡)Her doctor gave her some medicine,but it didnt _3_ her condition and ten days later her father took her to the hospital.However, her condition got _4_:her speech slowed,her eyes couldnt look in one direction and she had _5_ in walking.By the time the test results came out showing great _6_ to her brain,she had bee oblivious(无知觉的)Doctors told her parents it was a rare brain illness and _7_ them she could die._8_,her father said his daughter was very strongwilled and that she wouldnt _9_ her life.For six weeks,he read to his daughter,though there was no _10_ that showed she could hear.To the doctors _11_, the 27yearold made a recovery,which is _12_ it affects just eight in a million people each year,and nobody has recovered._13_ Miss West improved.Her eyes,which stared in different _14_,got better.She learned to municate by _15_ her finger to say “yes” and putting it down to say “no”Doctors _16_ it would take her 12 weeks to learn to walk again,but Miss West _17_ it nearly half the time.“She was always _18_ and that was what helped her through.” said her father.Miss West, who will do the Race for Life in aid of(帮助)Cancer Research on Sunday,_19_,“Walking the three miles will be a big_20_ and I hope it will encourage others.”【语篇解读】文章介绍了威斯特小姐在感染流感后得了罕见的病,就连医生都认为几乎没有希望恢复,但是她没有放弃,在父母的帮助下,逐渐地康复,之后还专注于慈善事业,希望用自己的经历激励他人。1A.recoveredBsuffered Cresulted Descaped解析:根据下文:“but a month later she _2_ suffering headache and poor balance.”可知她从流感中恢复,但是后来开始遭受头疼和平衡能力变差,所以选A。答案:A2A.minded BavoidedCremembered Dstarted解析:根据上下文,她是在恢复后才开始头疼的,所以选D。答案:D3A.discover BbotherCimprove Dsatisfy解析:根据下文:“ten days later her father took her to the hospital.”可知医生给了她一些药,但是这没有能改善她的情况。所以选C。答案:C4A.worse BfairerCweaker Dbetter解析:根据下文:“her speech slowed,her eyes couldnt look in one direction”可知她的情况更糟糕了,所以选A。答案:A5A.difference BadvantageCfeeling Ddifficulty解析:由上文可知她眼睛不能看一个方向,所以她走路应该有困难。have difficulty (in)doing sth做某事有困难。答案:D6A.pressure BcontrolCattention Ddamage解析:根据下文的句子:“Doctors told her parents it was a


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