(临沂专版)2019中考英语总复习 第一部分 系统复习 成绩基石 七下 第4讲 Unit 4-6课件.ppt

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(临沂专版)2019中考英语总复习 第一部分 系统复习 成绩基石 七下 第4讲 Unit 4-6课件.ppt_第1页
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第一部分 系统复习 成绩基石,七年级下册,第 4 讲 Unit 4Unit 6,要点梳理过关,重点词汇过关,.词形转换 1Please dont be noisyThe baby is sleeping.(noise) 2The animals are from Africa,not Australia.(African) 3These children are watching TV in the classroom.(child) 4Ted is an American boy.Hes from New York City.(America) 5Animals are our friends.We must be friendly to them.(friend) 6Many kinds of animals are in danger in the world now.(dangerous),.单项填空 7There are lots of people talking in the room.Its very B Anew Bnoisy Cbig Ddirty 8Dale,dont always D that old jacket.It looks terrible. But I think its cool,mom. Atake off Bdress Cput on Dwear 9The baby dog is D interesting.I like it very much. Alittle Ba kind of Ckind Dkind of,10Tom never cleans his room.I think he is C . Asmart Bcute Clazy Dboring 112017郯城一模I lost my backpack yesterday. C ,my classmates found it and returned it to me. ASadly BUnluckily CLuckily DFirstly 122016莒南一模How is your head teacher? Our head teacher is B with us and I usually feel nervous in his lesson. Akind Bstrict Cpleased Dsoft,13Lindas father is working in South Africa.She D him a lot. Ateaches Bhelps Cforgets Dmisses 14Mike,does the fish taste good? Yes,its really D Aold Bterrible Chealthy Ddelicious 15I have a new computer,but I dont know how to C it. Ashow Bmake Cuse Dplay 16If I have much money,Ill buy a big B for my parents. Ahome Bhouse Cfamily Droom,高频考点精讲,考点1 辨析arrive,get与reach,Well,we cant arrive late for class.好吧,我们不能上学迟到。 Unit 4 P19,考点2 辨析bring,take和carry,Can we bring music players to school?我们可以把音乐播放器带进学校吗? Unit 4 P20,考点3 辨析too many,too much与much too,There are too many rules!这里有太多的规则! Unit 4 P23,【助记】 去掉前词看后头,many后接可数名词复数;much后接不可数名词;too则修饰形容词或副词。,考点4 remember的用法,.but remember,they make rules to help us.但是,记住,他们制定规则是为了帮助我们。 Unit 4 P23,【透析】 remember作动词,意为“记住;记起”。反义词为forget“忘记”。其常用结构为:,如:Please remember to turn off the lights when you leave.请你离开时记得关灯。I remember turning off the lights when I left home.出门时,我记得把灯关了。,【拓展】 与remember用法类似的动词: try to do sth.设法或努力去做某事 try doing sth.尝试着做某事 stop to do sth.停下来去做某事 stop doing sth.停止做某事 forget to do sth.忘记去做某事 forget doing sth.忘记做过某事 regret to do sth.后悔去做某事 regret doing sth.后悔做过某物,考点5 keep的用法,At school,I have to wear a school uniform,and I must keep my hair short.在学校我不得不穿校服,并且我必须留短发。 Unit 4 P24,考点6 打电话用语,Hello?This is Jenny.喂?我是詹妮。 Unit 5 P32,【透析】 这是打电话的专用语,相当于“This is Jenny speaking.”。在英语习惯中,打电话时,一般用this表示“我”,用that表示“对方”,而不用“I”或“you”。如:Hello,is that Mary speaking?你好,是玛丽吗?Yes,this is Mary.是的,我是玛丽。 【归纳】 “打电话”专用语小结: Whos that?你是谁? Whos speaking?谁在讲话? May / Could I speak to.?请接电话好吗? Is that.(speaking)?你是吗? This is.(speaking) 我是 Hold on,please.请等一会儿。 Hold on for a moment / minute.请稍等。,关联语法链接 语法1:why,what,where引导的特殊疑问句见P162 语法2:现在进行时态()见P155 语法3:情态动词can,have to 和must见P151 语法4:祈使句见P164 语法5:形容词的用法见P142,单项填空 1考点2Please _ the empty cup away and bring me a cup of tea.Im so thirsty after walking a whole day. Afetch Bbring Ccarry Dtake 2考点1I usually _ home at about 5 oclock in the afternoon. Aget to Barrive at Carrive in Dget 3考点1Mary will arrive _ Beijing tomorrow and we are going to pick her up at the airport. Ain Bat Cto Dwith,D,D,A,考点即时运用,4考点5How long can I _ this book? Five days.But you must return it on time. Aborrow Blend Ckeep Dkept 5考点3There are _ customers in the shop,so its _ crowded and noisy. Atoo many;much too Btoo much;much too Ctoo many;too much Dtoo much;too much 6考点6Hello,is that Molly speaking? _ AYoure welcome BYes,speaking,please CThis way,please DGlad to hear that,C,A,B,7考点4What do you remember about Grade 7? I remember_a prize. Ato win Bwinning Cwin Dwining 8考点6Who is that speaking? _Mike speaking. AIm BMy name is CThat is DThis is,B,D,9考点5He kept_so that he could be in good health. Aexercise Bexercising Cto exercise Dexercised 10语法42017长春中考_ for me at the bus station across from the post office.I can find you easily. AWait BTo wait CWaiting DWaits,B,A,话题写作指导,话题 2:规章制度,考情分析,分析近几年中考试题可知,与“规章制度”相关话题的书面表达通常从以下几个角度设题: 1建设文明城市,做文明市民。 2学校规则,包括对校纪校规的认识与建议。 3生活中的行为规范和道德规范。,常用短语句型,【积累背诵】 学校规则 1be late for迟到 2listen to music听音乐 3on time按时 4wear the uniforms穿校服 5on school nights在上学日的晚上 6keep ones hair short留短发 家庭规则 1go out出去 2visit friends拜访朋友 3do ones homework做作业 4do the dishes洗餐具,5watch TV看电视 6clean ones room打扫某人的房间 7get up起床 8make ones bed整理某人的床铺 9go to bed上床睡觉 10play with sb.和某人玩 11stay up熬夜 12develop good habits养成好习惯 13during the breaks在休息期间 14turn off关掉 交通规则 1traffic rules交通规则 2traffic safety交通安全 3be responsible for对有责任;对负责任 4deal with处理,5get lost迷路 6get off下车 7get on上车 8on ones way to某人在去的路上 9be in (great) danger处于(极大的)危险之中 10out of danger脱离危险 11pass by路过 12get in the way of挡的路;妨碍 13get out of离开;从出来 14lead to导致 其他常见短语 1make rules制定规则 2follow / obey the rules遵守规则 3be strict with sb.对某人要求严格 4be (not) allowed to do sth.(不)被允许做某事,1当我到家时,我必须先做家庭作业。 I first I get home. 2我必须在星期天学习钢琴,而且每天练习半小时。 I to play the piano on Sunday and practice it every day. 3总之,我们应该遵守以上规则。 ,we should above. 4我认为青少年应该有他们自己的爱好。 I think teenagers their own hobbies. 5依我看来,学校规则对我们青少年有益,但有时太严格。 ,school rules us teenagers,but some are ,【基础写作运用】,must do my homework,when,have to learn,for half an hour,All in all,obey the rules,should have,In my opinion,are good for,too strict,经典亮句积累,开头句 1In order to grow safely,our school has made many safety rules for us to follow.为了安全成长,我们学校为我们制定了许多要遵守的安全守则。 2As middle school students,I think we should obey the school rules.作为中学生,我认为我们应该遵守学校的规章制度。 3There are many rules in our daily life.在我们的日常生活中有许多规章制度。,中间句 1We must obey traffic rules and mustnt cross the road when the traffic lights are red.我们必须遵守交通规则,当交通灯是红色的时候,禁止横穿马路。 2We should be careful to eat healthy food and keep away from junk food.我们应该注意吃健康的食物,远离垃圾食品。 3Summer is coming,and we must remember its dangerous to swim in the rivers.夏天就要到来,我们必须记住在河里游泳是危险的。 4Dont crowd with each other,especially when we go upstairs or downstairs.不要互相拥挤,尤其是当我们上下楼梯时。 5I think we should be allowed / required to.我认为我们应该被允许/要求,结尾句 1I think safety comes first.我认为安全第一。 2If we do like this,maybe our school will be better and better.如果我们像这样做的话,我们的学校可能会变得越来越好。 3Anyway,school rules are necessary for us to make fewer mistakes and become good students.而且,学校的规章制度对于我们来说是必需的,它可以使我们犯更少的错误,成为优秀的学生。 谚语俗语 Nothing can be accomplished without norms or standards.无规矩不成方圆。,典例运用,【例】 2017黔南州中考目前,校园暴力时有发生,已经危害到中学生的身心健康。作为中学生应该懂得如何规范自身的行为习惯,保护自身安全,远离校园暴力。请以“规范自我行为,做个合格中学生”为主题写一篇短文。 内容要求如下: 1遵守学校纪律,听从老师、家长的教育,严格要求自己。 2远离网吧,按时上学,回家。 3待人礼貌,友好,不与同学打架。 4遇到困难多与父母及老师沟通。,写作要求 1必须用到以上信息,可适当发挥; 2文章中请勿提及真实人名、校名等相关信息; 3词数80左右,文章开头已给出,不计入总词数; 4要求句子连贯,语义通顺,书写规范。 参考词汇 follow the school rules,be strict with,keep away from Internet bars,fight with Campus violence (校园暴力) happens from time to time nowadays.It is harmful for students.It hurts not only our bodies but also our minds.As a students,_,【审题指导】 细读所给的文字提示,可提取以下信息: 1根据提示内容,可知应该介绍4点内容,每点内容均可进行适当拓展。 2本文介绍行为规范,写作时用第一人称,时态用一般现在时。,【拟定提纲】,【我的作品】 Campus violence (校园暴力) happens from time to time nowadays.It is harmful for students.It hurts not only our bodies but also our minds.As a students, ,Campus violence (校园暴力) happens from time to time nowadays.It is harmful for students.It hurts not only our bodies but also our minds.As a student,it is important to know how to be a good teenager. First,we should follow the school rules to behave well at school.Its good for us to obey the teachers and parents.We must be strict with ourselves.Second,we should keep away from Internet bars,and go to school and go back home on time.Third,as teenagers,we should be friendly to one another,and dont fight with classmates.Finally,if we have any difficulties in life,its best to talk about them with our teachers and parents.In a word,we should try our best to behave well.,范文借鉴,借鉴点,文章内容完整,要点齐全。首先开门见山引出话题;然后分别从四方面介绍规范自我行为,做个合格中学生的内容;最后总结全文,发出倡议。 顺序副词如first,second,third,finally等正确恰当地运用,使文章条理清晰,结构紧凑。 句式Itsadj.for sb.to do sth.和情态动词should,must等的运用,使文章行文流畅,语气亲切委婉且不失严肃,有极强的规劝效果和说服力。,

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