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2019-2020年八年级英语上学期寒假作业十四人教新目标版温馨寄语: 随时保持一种良好的学习状态,不要过份轻松,那样会放纵自己不学习,最后无所事事,百无聊赖,空虚寂寞!一.单项填空 (10分)1. We are all _ to hear the good news.A. happy B. exciting C. surprising friendly 2. The rest of the work _ very easy for us.A. is B. are C. have D. has3. We can do many things _ puters.A. by B. with C. in D. on 4. My clock doesnt _. Can you mend it for me?A. use B. move C. walk D. work5. - _ have you been here? - Since last year.A. How far B. How long C.How often D. How soon6. You _ get to school too early every day.A. had not better B. not had betterC. had better not D. had better not to7. All students passed their exams. They _ by having a party.A. succeeded B. shouted C. captured D. celebrated8. You cant catch up with others _ you work hard.A. until B. after C. unless D. When9. Reading English books and _ is helpful for you to learn English.A. notice B. poster C. magazines D. newspaper10. The car belongs to _.A. his B. him C. hers D. she二完形填空(15分)This story is about a beautiful, well-dressed lady who plained (抱怨) to her doctor that she felt her whole life was empty and meaningless. So the doctor asked the old lady who cleaned the office floors to e in, and then said to the rich lady, “Im going to ask Mary here to tell you 11 she found happiness. All I want you to do is to 12 .” So the old lady put down her broom (扫帚) and sat on a chair and told her 13 . “Well, my husband died of malaria (疟疾) and three months later my only son was killed by a car. I had nobody I had nothing left. I 14 sleep; I never smiled at anyone; I even thought of taking my own life. Then one evening a little cat followed me 15 from work. For no reason I felt sorry for that cat. It was 16 outside, so I decided to let the cat in. I gave it some 17 , and it licked (舔) the plate clean. Then it felt against my leg and 18 the first time in months, I smiled. Then I stopped to 19 : if helping a cat could make me smile, maybe doing something for 20 could make me happy.So the next day I made some cakes and took them to a neighbour who was 21 in hospital. Every day I tried to do something nice for someone. It made me 22 happy to see them happy. Today, I dont know of 23 who sleeps and eats better than I do. Ive found happiness by giving it to others.” As she 24 that, the rich lady cried. She had everything that money could buy, 25 she had lost the things which money couldnt buy.11. A. when B. where C. why D. how12. A. listen B. enjoy C. look D. decide13. A. story B. news C. suggestion D. family14. A. cant B. can C. couldnt D. could15. A. away B. here C. home D. out16. A. cold B. strange C. unusual D. early17. A. tea B. milk C. orange D. coffee18. A. during B. at C. by D. for 19. A. think B. cry C. write D. speak20. A. patients B. people C. children D. animals21. A. angry B. afraid C. dull D. sick22. A. too B. so C. little D. hardly23. A. someone B. everyone C. anyone D. no one24. A. got B. saw C. heard D. understood25. A. and B. but C. though D. or三阅读理解(15分) (A) Are you able to send a letter with pictures and sounds to someone, anywhere in the world without putting a stamp on it? With emails you can just do that. Using puters you can send emails quickly and easily. The post is much slower than emails. An email can send its message to the other side of the world in seconds. The email is easy to use and it saves time and money. The differences in time in different parts of the world do not matter when sending emails. It is twenty-four-hour service that you can send emails at any time or night. No one has to be there to receive emails. It does not matter if you friends are in bed when you send emails to them, or you are seeing a film at the cinema when they send emails back.( )26. With the email you can send a letter without putting _ on it.A an address B a message C a word D a stamp( )27. The writer wants to tell us something about _.A a call B a letter C the email D a puter( )28. Which of the following is TRUE?A The email is not easy to use. B The email saves time and moneyC The email es only at night D The email is slower than the post( )29. What does the underlined word “service” mean in Chinese?A. 营救 B. 挽救 C. 服务 D. 服务器( )30. When can you send emails?A In the day B At night C In the evening D At any time (B) Scientists think that most animals cant see colors. The world is black and white to them. To find out if dogs could see colors, scientists gave dogs food every time they played a certain piece of music. The dogs got ready to eat only when they heard this piece of music. They did not get ready to eat when they heard other piece of music. Then scientists gave the dogs food every time they showed them a certain color. The dogs got ready to eat when they saw this color. The scientists then showed the dogs another color. Again the dogs got ready to eat. The colors were all the same to them. Colors are not all the same to the monkeys, however, for example, if we put food in a red box and do this every day, a monkey will always go to the red box to get the food. If we put food in a blue box ,the monkey wont go to it.( )31. All colors are the same to _.A all animals B scientists C monkeys D dogs( )32. Monkeys know that red and blue are _.A. Not the same B. The same C. Colors D. Food( )33. The scientists give dogs food every time they _.A. Saw the color red B. Went to a box of foodC. Saw the color blue D. Played certain music( )34. Dogs are different from monkeys because _.A. dogs cant see any colors and monkeys can.B. dogs cant see more colors than monkeys.C. monkeys cant see any colors and dogs can.D. monkeys cant see red and blue.( )35. Some _ wanted to find out if dogs could see colors.A. animals C. doctors C. scientists D. monkeys (C) As we all know, the moon is the satellite of Earth, and it goes around the earth. Scientists have already known a lot about it, but theyre always wanted to know more about it. And they decided to send men to the moon. They think its the best way to learn more about the moon.But how do the astronauts get to the moon? The moon is about 384000 kilometres away from the earth. They cant take a plane to the moon. But something can fly even when there is no air. That is a manned spacecraft. Several astronauts have been to the moon in the manned spacecraft.( )36. The underlined word “it” refers to _.A. the plants B. the moon C. the sky D. the star( )37.the moon is _ away from the earth.A. over 384000 kilometres B. only 384000 kilometresC. about 384000 kilometres D. about 348000 kilometres( )38. The best way to learn more about the moon is to _.A. send men here B. take photos of it C. live on it D. find another moon( )39. The astronauts have been to the moon in the _.A . plane B. manned spacecraft C .space station D .air( )40. The best title for this passage is_.A. The Moon B. The Exploration of the Moon C. Men to Moon D. The Manned Spacecraft4 回答问题(20分) (A) Memory is very important. It helps you remember who you are, where you live, what you have learnt and what you plan to do in the future.So, how can you improve your memory? It is important to exercise your brain. For example, you can do new things and change your daily habits. If you walk a different way to school or take a different bus, you will keep your brain active. You can try to memorize something new. You can try a Maths puzzle. You can also try to learn new skills or study a foreign language. Your brain gets lots of regular exercise if you do any of these things. If you live a healthy life, your memory will work better. You must have a balanced diet. You must give your brain enough time to rest. Unless you get enough sleep every night, you will not remember things well. If you want your brain to work well, you also need to relax. If you get too worried, your brain will slow down, and your memory will bee less sharp.So, to improve your memory, you should exercise your brain, live a healthy life and stay relaxed.41. What does memory help you do?42. How do you exercise your brain?43. Will your memory work better,if you live a unhealthy life?44. When will your brain slow down?45. How many ways can improve your memory? (B) Its not mon for me to meet American in other countries. But when I meet one, I can soon tell the person is from the US. How do I know? They give me a “high-five” Americans like giving a high-five. There are many different stories about how the high-five began. In one story, short people put their hands up high to shake hands with taller people. Then they started raising their hands up to greet each other. From then on, the high-five became popular. The high-five is an important part of American culture. Next time you meet Americans, give them a high-five. It will make your new friends feel right at home.46. Is it mon for us to meet Americans in other countries?47. How do you greet people from the US?48. Who began to use a high-five in one story?49. How many stories teach you about the high-five in the text?50. What will happen if you give a high-five when you meet Americans?五综合阅读(20分) (A) Thomas Edison was an (A) famous inventor. During his lifetime he had 1,093 inventions. That is amazing, isnt it? Many of his inventions have changed our life. You may ask why Edison (B) was able to make so many inventions. Thats because he never gave up. He always thought that no matter (C) _ difficult something seemed, he could find the answer. He believed that (D) 世上无难事,只怕有心人. Thats true.When he was a child, he was always (E) _ strange questions and trying out new idea, (F) because the strange questions had nothing to do with his lessons. He could not study at school, so his mother taught him at home. He showed great interest in science and learned very fast. When he was 22, he moved to New York to be an inventor. He worked very hard trying out new ideas. He never gave up.51. 写出划线部分(A) 和(B)的同义词和近义词: _ _52. 在 (C) 和(E) 的空白处填入适当的词:_ _53. 将 (D)部分译成英语 _.54. 将 (F) 句改写为:because the strange questions _ _ his lessons 55. 在短文中找出能说明本文主题的中心词语:_ (B) Do you write your own blog? Do you often read others blogs on the Internet? All over the world,(A) not only famous persons but also many students use blogs as diaries and places to share their experience and ask for advice or help. “I write my activities every day, including (B) funny things or in my life.” says Lali, a 16-year-old high school student at Cambridge High School in Washington. “I like putting pictures on my blog because it can(C)使我的博客更有趣 and more people will like it. Its a good way to show my life to the world.” she has had (D)her blog for eight months. Students like writing blogs because they can write anything they want to, but dont need to(E)_ any money. Once you (F)start to write your blog, you will find that you open up a new world. But what you write down may trouble you sometimes.So,use the blog carefully so that you can keep yourself away(G)_ some trouble. The blog makes everybodys life colorful.56. 将文中划线部分(A)改写为:_ famous persons _ many students use blogs.57. 写出文中划线部分(B)(F)的同义词语或近义词语:_ _58. 将文中划线部分(C)译成英语:_59. 文中划线部分(D)指代的是:_60. 在文中(E)和(G)的空白处填入一个适当的单词:_ _六阅读与写作(20分)(A)阅读短文,从A到E中选出可以填入短文空白处的正确选项A. for different reasons B. make new friends C.a strange feelingD. keep a diary E.local culture of the country When we first visit another country,we may have (1)_.We call this feeling “culture shock”. People have culture shock (2)_. They may not know the language and (3)_. They also miss their families and friends. To deal with culture shock, you can try and (4)_, you can (5)_ and write about all your new experiences.you can also call your parents and friends,etc.61_ 62_ 63_ 64_ 65_ (B) 以Winter holidays are_ 为题写篇作文。词数80左右。要点如下:1. 字迹工整,内容完整连贯,语言准确规范。2. 鼓励写出真情实感,对紧扣主题的适当发挥不予扣分。(十四)参考答案一、1-5 AABDB 6-10 CDACC二、11-15 DAACC 16-20 ABDAB 21-25 DACCB三、26-30 DCBCD 31-35 DADAB 36-40 BCABB四、41. It help you remember who you are, where you live, what you have learnt and what you plan to do in the future.42. Do new things and change daily habits43. No.44. When you get too worried.45. Three46. No.47. I give them a “high-five .48. Short people49. Only one.50. It will make your friends feel right at home.五、51. Well-known; could52. How; asked53. Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it.54. Werent about55. Thomas Edison56. Both and57. Interesting; begin58. Make my blog more interesting59. Lalis60. Spend; from六、(A)CAFBD (B)略

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