2019-2020年中考英语语法专题练习(一) 名词.doc

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2019-2020年中考英语语法专题练习(一) 名词一、词形变化 1The puter is considered as one of the most important (invent) in the 20th century 2There are quite a few (tomato) in these two (photo) 3After some (1ead) visit to the village,they reached an agreement 4Sometimes it requires courage to tell the (true) 5Hurry up! The (interview) have been there for 10 minutes 6We are planning to have an interview with the (win) of the football game 7The sun gives us (hot) and 1ightNothing can live without the sun 8Mike has been used to the school life and has made great (achieve) 9Fathers (silent) showed that he was very angry at what I did10She refused to join our (discuss) and finished her paper alone二、根据句意和汉语注释,写出单词的正确形式1Jim likes listening to music and enjoys watching all kinds of music (视频) in his spare time2The best gift is to let your parents see your (进步) in your studies。3Every year some people would like to work in the (东北方) of China4One of the (长处) of living in the city center is that you can buy almost everything you want5A (调查) has shown that more than half of the children like US TV series best6The (决定) you have made dont seem so goodYou need to think twice7They made a (选择) to light up 999 candles to mourn (哀悼) the death of the brave firemen8The students standing in front of the library are all (非洲人)9Bill Gates is a great man of (财富) and influence in the world10We must have the (勇气) to face all the difficulties in our lives三、单项填空( ) 1While she was in Paris,she developed a for fine art Away Btaste Crelationship Dhabit( ) 2The whole trip cost about three thousand dollars Athe Smiths B. Smiths Cthe Smiths Dthe Smith( ) 3一I am going to CarrefourLet me get you some fresh fruit Thanks for your Its so nice of you Aoffer Bplan Cadvice Dinformation( ) 4Father went to his doctor for about his hearing trouble this morning Aan advice Bsome advices Csome suggestion Dsome advice( ) 5Can you see a little in the picture? 一Yes,behind the trei.Adogs Bhorses Csheep Dducks( ) 6I need moneyWould you lend me ? Aa bit; some Ba bit of; some Ca little;any Da little of:some( ) 7Lucy tried her best to find a good job in the city,but she had no Atrouble Btime Ccourage D1uck( ) 8Im tiredThis is not the right to ask me to go for a walk Achance Bmoment Cplace Dseason( ) 9Stop talking,pleaseIve got to tell you Aa good news Bso good news Cplenty of good news Da number of news( )10I am sure Cindy will be able to find the bus stationshe has a pretty good of direction Aidea Bfeeling Cexperience Dsense( )11What is in the cupboard? A few ,but little Aapples;coffee Bcoffee;apples Capple;coffees Dcoffees;apple( )12If Peter es for me,please ask him to leave a A1etter Bsentence Cmessage Dnotice( )13There are more than 50 and two in our schoo1 Aman teachers;school shops Bwoman teachers;school shops Cwomen teachers;schools shops Dmen teachers;school shops( )14The NIKE bag is not the right for me You are very luckyThis bag is on sale now Amaterial Bsize Cprice Dstyle( )15Its over from Shanghai to our city Atwo hoursdrive Btwohours drive Ctwo hoursdrives Dtwohour drives ( )l6Your grandfather is always full of Do you know the secret? 一Well,he takes exercise every morning and keeps healthy diets Aforce Bpower Cstrength Denergy( )17一Dad,Ive got full marks in English Listening and Speaking Test 一Great! And Im sure you will do better because this is a good Away Bstart Creport Dskill ( )18During the break,I usually have and two pieces of bread Aa cup of half milk B. a half cup milk Chalf a cup of milk Dhalf a milk cup( )19With the help of his friends,he has changed a lotMaybe thats the of friendship Astation Bmagic Cdecision Dinvention( )20Huaxi Village is the of our country and were of it Apride;proud B. proud; pride Cproud;proud D. pride;pride( )21I have great in 1earning physics and I am worriedCould you help me? Sure,Id be glad to Ainterest Bfun Cquestion Dtrouble( )22To get more money,he works as a cook in the daytime and goes on to do in the evening A a second work Bthe second work Ca second job Dthe second job( )23一How was your journey to Canada? It was wonderful meaningful experience it was! AHow BWhat a CHow a Dwhat( )24There are some in Dayton Art MuseumFor example,no food or drink is allowed inside Ajobs Brecords Crules Dpromises( )25Robert has won in the 1ottery Aa million dollars Ba millions of dollarsCmillions dollar Dmillion dollars 答案一、1inventions 2tomatoes;photos 31eaders 4truth 5interviewers 6winner(s) 7heat 8achievements 9silence 10discussion二 1videos 2progress 3north-east 4advantages 5survey 6decisions 7choice 8Africans 9wealth 10courage三、15 BCADC 610 BDBCD 1115 ACDCA 1620 DBCBA 21一25 DCBCA


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