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xx学年度第二学期期中考试2019-2020年八年级下学期期中调研英语试题 满分100分,考试时间100分钟第一卷(选择题,共50分)一、 单项选择(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)()1. _ a basketball match between our school and No. 1 middle school next Sunday. AThere may have BIt may be CThere may be DIt has ()2. I think_ is the fastest in the world. A. B. C. D.()3. Hello, could I speak to Sam?Sorry, he _ Australia.Ahas been toBhas been in Chas gone toDhas been at()4. How long have your family lived in the new flat, Jill?_ 2011.ABefore BIn CAfter DSince()5. The teacher always reads a story for the children _ a day.Ain the end Bat the end of Cin the end of Dby the end of()6. I have a garden _ many different kinds of beautiful flowers in it.AofBas Cwith Dfor()7. Whenever I see the birds, Ill _flying in the sky.Athink ofBpick up Cwork onDdream of()8. Thank you for providing such useful information for me. _ANever mindBMy pleasureCWith pleasureDAll right()9. Mr Smith will check our homework this afternoon. _ you _ it?Not yet. Im doing it right now.ADo; finishBHad; finishedCWill; finishDHave; finished()10. Jack will go to Dalian for his summer holidays. How about you?Sorry, I havent decided _Awhere to go toBhow to goCwhen to goDwhere to go()11. Excuse me, you _ open the door before the bus stops. AneedntBmay notCdont have toDmustnt()12. You should try your best to learn to swim _ Tom.Aas good asBas better asCas well asDso well as ()13. Youd better spend as much time as you can_ Maths and English.AlearningBto learnChave learnedDlearned()14. Remember to look around _ you cross the road, boys and girls.AtillBbeforeCuntilDafter()15.Would you please tell me what to _ my secondhand car?Sorry, I really dont know how to _ it.Adeal with; do with Bdo with; do withCdeal with; deal with Ddo with; deal with()16. How many English words _ you _ since last year?Adid; learnBhave; learnedCare; learning Ddo; learn()17.Does your aunt live _?Yes. But she never feels _Alonely; aloneBalone; aloneCalone; lonelyDlonely; lonely()18. Millie has seen the TV _. Have you seen it _?Ayet; alreadyBalready; alreadyCyet; yetDalready; yet()19. Jack has worked here since he _school.AleavesBleftChas leftDwas leaving()20. How does your uncle usually go to work?He _ drive a car, but now he _ a bike to lose weight.Aused to; is used to ride Bwas used to; is used to ridingCwas used to; is used to ride Dused to; is used to riding二、完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分) Do you often feel being neglected (被忽视) by teachers and parents? 21 in China, teachers and parents always tell children 22 they should and shouldnt do. The young only need to do what they are told. They hardly ever think 23 themselves. A 24 wrote to the magazine Teens about her family story. She was very 25 before because her father hardly played with her. After years of thinking, she finally 26 to write her father a letter, telling him about her sadness. To her 27 , her father said sorry to her. From then on, he really 28 .Sometimes, we should 29 our parents hear our voices, so that they can understand our thoughts and feelings.Dont be afraid of speaking your mind out. 30 your suggestions are denied (否定), at least you have tried your best. ( )21. A. Luckily B. Traditionally C. Finally D. Hardly ( )22. A. when B. why C. how D. what( )23. A. to B. in C. on D. by( )24. A. motherB. father C. girl D. boy( )25. A. sad B. happy C. busy D. angry ( )26. A. advised B. discovered C. decided D. allowed ( )27. A. worry B. surprise C. interest D. wish( )28. A. changed B. wrote C. left D. played ( )29. A. let B. do C. see D. fear( )30. A. Because B. Not only C. After D. Even if三、阅读理解(共10小题,每小题2分,满分20分) A An English traveller found himself in Norway with only enough money to buy the ticket for his journey back homeAs he knew that it would take him only two days to get to England,he decided that he could easily spend the time without food. So he bought a ticket and got on the ship. The man closed his ears to the sound of the lunch bellWhen dinnertime came,he didnt go to dining room,saying that he was not feeling very well The next morning he still didnt have breakfast and at lunchtime he again stayed in his room. But at dinnertime he was so hungry that he went to the dining room and ate everything the waiter put in front of him He got ready for the quarrel “Bring me the bill,”he said“The bill,Sir?” said the waiter in surprise.“There isnt any billOn our ship meals are included(包括)in the money for the ticket,”said the waiter.31. The story happened_ A. in England B .on a ship from Norway to England C .in Norway D .on a ship from England to Norway32. Why didnt the traveller go to the dining room first? A. Because he had no money B .Because he didnt feel very well C .Because he didnt want to eat anything. D. Because he didnt hear the sound of the bell33. The traveller went to the dining room to eat something because_ A. his friend had given him some money B. the waiter had asked him to change his mind C. he learned that there was no bill on the ship D .he was too hungry34. How many meals did the traveller have on the ship? A. Only one. BTwo. C .Three. D. None.35. After the traveller finished eating,_. A. he had a quarrel with the waiter over the bill B .he drank a lot C .he asked the waiter to bring him the change (零钱) D .he came to know that travellers on the ship had free meals BIn China, more and more villagers have left to make a living in big cities. As a result, their children have bee left-behind children and they need more care. The survey below is from villages in Yongzhou, Hunan Province. Three hundred children were chosen to answer the questions. What theywantLoveMoneyFreedomControlSomething else40%18%28%10%4%Who to talk withOneselfFamily membersNo one27%55%18%municate (交流) with their parents freely or notYesA little difficultNo46%44%10%The way they like to liveLiving with parentsLiving without parentsNo idea58%14%28%What they think of their parents working in citiesBadGoodNo idea20%39%41%Happiest placeSchoolHomeFriends homes48%34%18%( )36. In the survey, children were asked about many things except . A. pocket money B. places they like C. their needs D. their parents working in cities( )37. Of all the four things, the left-behind children need most.A. love B. money C. control D. freedom( )38. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. About one out of every two children has no one to talk with.B. All of the children prefer to stay at home without their parents.C. About 1/3 of the children think their parents working in cities is bad.D. More than half of the children think it is good to live with their parents. ( )39. How many children think their happiest place is their school? A. 48. B. 102.C. 144. D. 156.( )40. We can learn from the survey that .A. most left-behind children want more freedom without their parentsB. over 40% of the children have difficulty talking to their parents freelyC. all the left-behind children dream of making money in big citiesD. most villagers prefer living a peaceful life in the countryside 第二卷(非选择题,共50分)四、词汇运用(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)A) 根据句意及所给中文提示、英文解释或首字母,写出句中所缺单词,每空限填一词。41. The government is planning to build a new (小学的) school near the new munity.42. The match has been (结束) for half an hour.43 I have been to Beijing (more than two) times already.44. Mum is waiting for me at the bus stop at p.45. Tom should go south. But he is walking in the o direction, to the north.46. There are many birds on those (岛). They are good places for birdwatching.47. Egypt is one of the richest countries in (非洲).48. If we train a dog, it can be a (向导) for people in need.49. The children carefully wrote their names at the (底部) of their pictures.50. Pattaya in Thailand has some (世界闻名的) beaches.B) 根据句意或句子的语法要求,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。51.Mr And Mrs White have been (marry) for half a century.52. Would you mind _ (close) the window?53. The old man was so kind and he led us out of (dark).54. Guangzhou is the largest city in the (south) part of China.55. What do you think of those _ (Europe) rulers in history?56.It is my (please) to bee part of your group.57. I dont know how _ (use) the new camera.58. James is (able) to cook himself anything and has to eat biscuits.59. So far, we have sold out 200 (copy) of the book. 60. I saw three _ (Germany) in the street just now.五、根据所给汉语完成下列句子,每空一词。(共5小题;每空0.5分,满分10分)61. 当我感到陆地在我的脚下时,我已经筋疲力尽了。By the time I finally felt the land under my feet, I _ _ _62.我们班是由50名学生和5位老师组成的。Our class _ _ _ _ 50 students and 5 teachers.63.我追赶他们,忍不住一直拍照。 I _ _ them and couldnt _ _ _64. 乘飞机去香港花费我们大约三个半小时的时间。It took us about three and a half_ _ _ _ Hong Kong. 65.它是一天辛苦工作后放松的好地方。Its a good place _ _ after _ _ days work.六、根据句意和首字母提示写出完整单词(共10分,每小题1分) Reading is an activity people enjoy a lot in their free timeSome like reading newspapers and o 66 enjoy novels or ic(喜剧的)books. My f 67 books are those about the lives of great peopleReading them always gives me a lot of ideas on how to make my o 68 life better. Great people are remembered not because they were handsome or beautiful but because they did not give up w 69 their lives were difficult. They tried to use e 70 chance to change their lives and make the world better. One good example is Orville and Wilbur Wright the two brothers w 71 invented the airplane. The plane has m 72 the world into a small village. Hard work,not good luck,is the r 73 why the Wright Brothers could invent this convenient(方便的) machine and bee great people. Today we will remember them when we see planes i 74 the sky. Whenever I read s 75 about great people,I always learn a lot from them and they encourage me to march onThis is why I enjoy reading about great peoples lives.七、书面表达(满分10分)假如你是李华,准备参加学校举办的主题为“快乐成长”的英语演讲比赛。请按要求写一篇短文,主要内容包括:1.保持快乐的心情; 2.努力学习; 3.积极参加体育锻炼。注意:1词数80词左右,文章开头已给出,不计入总词数。2可以适当发挥想象,以使行文连贯。Dear friends, we all want to grow happily and healthily, so we have to do some things. _ 初二英语参考答案第一卷(选择题,共50分)二、 单项选择(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)1-5, CCCDB 6-10,CDBDD 11-15,DCABD 16-20,BCDBD二、完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)21-25, BDDCA26-30 CBAAD3、 阅读理解(共10小题,每小题2分,满分20分)31-35,B A D A D 36-40 AADCB第二卷(非选择题,共50分)四、词汇运用(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)A) 根据句意及所给中文提示、英文解释或首字母,写出句中所缺单词,每空限填一词.41. primary 42. over 43. several 44. present 45. Opposite46. islands 47. Africa 48. guide 49. bottom 50. world-famous B) 根据句意或句子的语法要求,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。. 51. married52,closing 53.darkness 54.southern 55.European 56. pleasure 57. to use 58. unable 59 .copies 60.Germans 五、根据所给汉语完成下列句子,每空一词。(共5小题;每空1分,满分10分)61, was tired out 62,is made up of 63, ran after,stop taking photos64, hours to fly to 65,to relax; a hard六、根据句意和首字母提示写出完整单词(共10分,每小题1分) 66others 67. favourite 68own 69. when 70. every 71. who 72. made 73. reason 74. in 75 stories七、书面表达(满分10分) Dear friends, we all want to grow happily and healthily, so we have to do some things. First, we should keep ourselves happy. Life is not always full of sunshine. When we are in trouble, we should be brave enough to deal with problems. Next, we must study hard. The more knowledge we have, the more confidence we will have. Finally, we have to do sports to keep fit. We can go running, play ball games or take a walk after a days study. If we do those things well, we will grow happily and healthily.


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