2019-2020年九年级英语词汇整理4 人教新目标版.doc

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2019-2020年九年级英语词汇整理4 人教新目标版1. hundred(num.)百 考点: 数字+hundred / hundreds of 2. hungry (adj.) 饥饿的-hunger(n.) 饥饿 go hungry 挨饿; be hungry for 渴望(获得)in hunger处于饥饿状态3. hurry (v./n.)慌忙, 赶快 hurry to +地点 匆忙赶到某地; hurry to do sth. 匆忙做某事; hurry up 快点; in a hurry 匆忙地4. hurt(v.)伤害; 疼痛 hurt-hurt ; 部位+hurt 某部位疼痛; hurt sb. /sth. 伤到; be badly hurt 受伤严重 5. husband(n.)丈夫6. I主格-me宾格-my形容词性物主代词-mine名词性物主代词-myself反身代词7. ice (n.)冰 不可数名词; ice cream(n.)冰淇淋9. idea(n.)主意想法 an idea; I have no idea= I dont know 10. if(conj.) 如果引导条件状语从句,具有主将从现、主祈从现, 主情从现的原则。ifnot=unless; as if 好像; even if 即使,虽然11. ill(adj.) 病的- illness(n.) 疾病 ill 只能作表语; sick 既能作表语,又能作定语12. imagine(v.) 想象-imagination (n.) 想象力-imaginative (adj.) 富有想象力的 imagine doing sth.; 13. important(adj.)重要的-importance (n.)重要性 be important to 对于.来说是重要的; the importance of 的重要性14. impossible (adj.) 不可能的-(opp.) possible (adj.)可能的15. in(prep.)在里 in addition(to)此外; in all 总共; in front of 在.前面(外部); in the front of 在前面(内部); in a word 总而言之 ; in order to+V原, 为了; in order that +句子, 为了; in public 在公共场所; in the end 最后 in the middle of 在中间; in turn 轮流; putin order 有序放置16. include(v.) 包含,包括-including (prep.) including 前有逗号17. increase(v.)增加 增长; 提高 ; increase by +倍数/百分数 表示“增加了倍或百分之”; increase to +具体的增长后的数字, 表示增加到了18. India (n.) 印度 -Indian(adj./n.) 印度的; 印度人 an Indian; Indian ocean 印度洋19. industry(n.) 工业20. influence(n./ v.)影响 have a good/ bad influence on sb. 21. information(n.) 信息 不可数名词22. inside(n./prep.) 里边; 内部; 在之内23. instead(adv.) 代替; 反而 instead 位于句首或句尾(位于句首时,常用逗号与后边隔开); instead of +n. / pron. / v-ing 代替; 而不是24 instruction (n.) 说明; 指示命令25. instrument(n.)器具; 工具26. interest(n.) 兴趣 - interesting(adj.) 令人感兴趣的-interested (adj.) 感兴趣的常见短语: places of interest 名胜古迹; show an interest in对.感兴趣=be interested in27. international (adj.) 国际的28. Internet (n.)网络;互联网, on the Internet29. interview(n./v.) 采访,面试,interviewer(n.)面试者30. into(prep.)进入之内31. introduce(v.) 介绍-introduction(n.) introduce to介绍给认识introduceinto 把某事物传入或引进某地(into后接地点) introduce oneself 自我介绍32. invent (v.)发明-invention(n.)发明物-inventor(n.)发明家 an invention/inventor词汇331. speaker (n) 说话者,演讲者,发言者,扬声器, speak-spoke-spoken2. special (adj.) 特殊的,专门的 (比较级)more special (最高级) most special (adv) specially特别地,专门地,格外地3. speech (n) 演说,演讲,发言 (pl)speeches4. speed (n) 速度,(v ) 加速5. spell(v) 拼写-spelled/spelt-spelled/spelt6. spend (v)花费,消耗 过去式 spent 过去分词 spent 人+spend +时间、金钱+(in)doing sth /on sth ; spend +时间with sb.7. spirit (n) 精神,心灵 (pl)spirits7. spoon (n) 汤匙 ,匙 (V)用汤匙舀取8. sport (n)运动,运动会,游戏, play sports, sports meeting9. spread 伸开,展开,传播, 过去式 spread 过去分词 spread10. spring (n) 春季, in spring11. square (n) 正方形,广场,平方12. stamp (n) 邮票,13. stand (V) 站立 过去式 stood 过去分词 stood (n) 看台14. standard (n)标准,规格 (adj) 标准的,合格的;meet ones standard符合某人的标准15. star (n) 明星,星星 (pl)stars16. start (n)开始 (v)出发,启程 start off 出发17. state (n) 国家, 州 ; statement(n)陈述,声明18. station (n)车站,站 19. stay (v) 停留,停止-stayed-stayed-stays-staying,(n)逗留,延期; stay at home, stay healthy, stay +adj., stay away from远离, stay up熬夜.20. steal (v) 偷 过去式 stole 过去分词 stolen21. step (n) 脚步,步骤 ; take steps采取措施22. stick (v) 粘贴,张贴,插入 stuck-stuck; stick into 把插入 ; stick to坚持 (n) 棍棒,枝条23. stomach (n) 胃 have a stomachache 胃疼24. stone (n) 石头 ,宝石,矿石25. store (n) 商店 (V) 储存26. storm (n) 暴风雨,暴风雪27. story (n) 故事, (pl) stories 讲故事 tell a story28. straight (adj) 直率的,直线的 (adv.)径直,直接地,go straight (n)直线29. strange (adj) 奇怪的,陌生的 (n) stranger 陌生人30. strawberry (n) 草莓 (pl) strawberries31. street (n) 街道 in the street / on the ground 32. strict (adj) 严格的 比较级 stricter 最高级 strictest be strict with .对某人要严格; be strict in .对某事要求严格33. strong (adj) 强烈的,强壮的 (比较级)stronger 最高级 strongest词汇341. student (n)学生,学者2. study (v/n)学习,研究 studiesstudiedstudied -studying3. stupid (adj.)愚蠢的,迟钝的=foolish4. subject (n)主题,科目,话题5. succeed (v)成功 succeed (in)doing sth. 成功的做了某事6. success (n)成功 successes ; make a success取得成功7. successful (adj.)成功的 more successful-the most successful; (adv.) successfully8. such (adj.) 如此的,这样的; 常考:such as 例如,比如 ,such bad weather, such a good child9. sudden (adj.) 突然的,忽然的 -(adv)suddenly 忽然地,突然地10. sugar (n)糖 (不可数名词)11. suggest (v)建议 suggest doing sth / advise sb to do sth12. suggestion (n)建议 some suggestions13. summer (n)夏天 in summer在夏天14. sun (n)太阳,阳光,中心人物; sunny (adj)晴朗的 such a sunny day15. Sunday (n)星期日 ;on Sunday 在星期日16. supermarket (n)超级市场,in the supermarket17. support (v) 支持,帮助,支撑,维持 (n)支撑物,支撑18. suppose (v)假定,猜想,认为 ;I dont suppose she is right. ; be supposed to do19. sure (adj) 确定的,无疑的 be sure to do sth/be sure of sth/be sure of doing sth(确定) /make sure that (确保)20. surface (n)表面,外观,外表,地面 -(v)浮出水面21. surprise (v)使惊奇- in surprise 惊奇地;to ones surprisesurprised 感到惊奇的 be surprised at sth. 对感到惊奇;surprising 令人感到惊奇的22. survey (n) 调查,测量 a survey of 一个的调查23. sweater (n)毛衣,运动衫24. sweet (adj.)甜的 -(n) sweety 甜,甜味25. swim (v/n)游泳 ;swim-swam-swum-swimming26. swimming (n) 游泳 a swimming pool27. table (n) 桌子,表,目录 ; at table用餐时, at the table在桌子旁28. tail (n)尾部,尾巴 (v)尾随29. take (v)拿,取 ,耗费(时间)take took -taken常考:It took(takes) sb. sometime to do sth.; take sb. to sp 带某人去,某地30. talk (v)说,讨论,说话 ; talk to/ with sb. 与 某人交谈 31. tall (adj.)高的,身材高的32. tape (n)磁带,胶带,卷尺33. task (n)任务,工作34. taste (v)尝起来 :感官动词+形容词35. taxi (n)出租车, by taxi词汇361. though虽然,即使=although, 表示转折,不能与but连用2. thought(n.)思想,想法;(v.)think的过去式过去分词3. thousand千,数千,常见搭配thousands of/ five thousand4. three三,基数词;third第三,序数词5. through通过,穿过,指从内部穿过,常见搭配有go through the window/ forest/ park;易混词:across (从表面上)穿过,通过; across the road / street.6. throw(v.)扔-threw-thrown, throw away扔掉7. Thursday星期四8. ticket(n.)票, the ticket to9. tidy(adj.)整洁的,比较级最高级tidier, tidiest; (v.)弄清洁10. tie(n.)领带;(v.)绑,tieto11. tiger(n.)老虎12. time(n.)时间-不可数名词,次数,倍数可数名词13. tiny(adj.)极小的,微小的,比较级最高级-tinier, tiniest14. tired(adj.)感到劳累的,修饰人, be tired of厌烦;tiring(adj.)令人劳累的,修饰事物15. to介词,常见搭配有the way to; fromto; the key to; the answer to;the ticket to;the solution to; look forward to doing; pay attention to doing; be /get used to doing; write a letter to sb.; face to face; belong to; to ones surprise;16. today今天,当今; tonight今晚17. together一起,常见搭配get together, pull together, together with18. toilet(n.)厕所19. tomato(n.)西红柿-tomatoes(heroes, potatoes)20. tomorrow明天, the day after tomorrow后天21. ton(吨) a ton of/ tons of “许多,大量”22. too太,too +adj./ adv. + to do “太不能 ”23. cool(adj.)凉爽的,酷的24. tooth牙,复数为teeth; clean / brush ones teeth 刷牙;-toothache牙疼;have a toothache牙疼; toothbrush牙刷;25. toothache牙疼-headache-stomachache26. top(n.)头,顶部,常见搭配at the top of, on the top27. total总计,总数;常见搭配in total28. touch(v.)触摸; keep / stay in touch with与保持联系29. tour(v./n. )旅行,观光; tourist(n.)游客;touristy(adj.)游客很多的30. toward(s)对于,向;move towards31. tower(n.)塔; town(n.)城镇; hometown家乡32. toy(v.)玩具,复数形式为toys33. trade(n.)贸易;(v.)做生意34. traditional(adj.)传统的,tradition(n.)传统,民族35. traffic(n.)交通, the heavy traffic, traffic accident; traffic jam交通阻塞;traffic light(s)交通灯


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