八年级英语下册 Unit 5 Good manners reading 2课件1 (新版)牛津版.ppt

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8B Unit5 Good manners,Reading 2,Revision,They say “hello” or “nice to meet you” and shake hands.,They talk about the weather, holidays, music, books or something else.,They queue, keep their voice down, say “sorry” or “excuse me”,They say “please” or “thank you” all the time.,Manners in the UK,British people only greet relatives or close friends with a kiss 英国人只和亲戚或亲密的朋友用亲吻打招呼。 在人际交往中各国所采取的礼节 有所不同,握手几乎是全球大部分国家都能接受的问候方式。 亲吻脸颊是有些西方国家的问候方式。,Manners in the UK,They talk about the weather, holidays, music, books or something else 他们谈论人气、假期、音乐、书籍或其他一些事情。 英国天气多变,因此英国人在日常生活中常以谈论天气打开话匣子。一般来说,年龄、体重、收入及婚否等等是聊天时应尽量避免的话题。,Manners in the UK,They always queueThey think its rude to push in before others 他们总是排队等候。他们认为在别人前面插队是粗鲁无礼的。 英国人有排队的习惯,你可以看到他们一个挨一个地排队上公共汽车、上地铁,买报纸等等。 短语push in意思是“插队,加塞”,英同人常用cut in。,Language Points,1. People say “hello” or .and shake your hand when they meet you for the first time.,shake ones hand 意思是 “握手” 2)do sth. for the first time 意思是 “第一次做某事”。如: Ive been here for the first time. 我是第一次来这里。,Language Points,2. Please avoid subjects like age, weight or money. 请避免谈论想年龄、体重和金钱这样的话题。 avoid : stay clear from;keep away from (避免),avoid sth. 避免某事 avoid doing sth. 避免做某事,(1)You should avoid such mistakes. 你应当避免这样的错误。 (2) Please avoid talking about her age. 请避免谈论她的年龄。,Language Points,3. They think its rude to push in before others. 他们认为在别人前面插队是祖鲁无礼的。 push in意思是“向里推; 推进去 ” 句中的push in = cut in,意思是“插队,加 塞”,Language Points,4. If youre in the way, they wont touch you or push past you . 如果你挡道了,他们不会接触你或从你身边挤过去。 1) be in the way 挡路 2)push past 从(某人)身边挤过去,Language Points,5. Also, if they bump into someone in the street, theyll say “sorry”. 同时,如果他们撞到街上的人,他们会说“对不起” 。 bump into 撞着;撞到,Language Points,5. Theyll say “excuse me” and .to wait till you move.,till/ until 直到才,(1)昨天他一直等我到我们放学。 (2)要到完成这项工作我们才能离开。,He waited for me until our school was over.,We cant leave till we finish the work.,Language Points,6.British people are very polite at home as well, arent they?,表示“也”的几种用法: also 放在句中 too 放在句尾 as well 放在句尾,Language Points,7.When in Rome,do as the Romans do 入乡随俗。 1)这是一句英语谚语,其省略形式when in Rome也可以表达同样的意思。 2)Roman意思是“罗马人”,其复数是Romans。,as well, in ones way, in public, push in, shake sbs hand,(1) My classmates love music. I love it _. (2) It is impolite to _before others. (3) We should not speak loudly_. (4) Chinese people usually _ when they meet you for the first time. (5) Please do not stand_ . I am in a hurry.,as well,push in,in public,shake your hand,in my way,Translate the following phrases,问候别人的最好方法 第一次与某人见面 握手 在公共场所表现得很礼貌 一个吻问候好友 插队 在街上撞到某人 挡路 别的建议 大声笑,the proper way to greet others 2. meet sb. for the first time 3. shake ones hand 4. behave politely in public 5. greet close friends with a kiss 6. put in/ cut in 7. bump into sb. In teh street 8. be in ones way 9. some other tips/ advice 10. laugh loudly,Making the “Manners in China” cards,Homework,Recite the main phrases and sentences. 2. Try to introduce the different manners in different countries to your classamtes.,


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