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2019-2020年高中英语Unit3FindingthecorrectperspectiveSection2LearningaboutLanguage知能达标新人教版选修.阅读理解As I put on the shirt,I had a look at my name tag:“Nancy Badilla.Food Services.Six Flags Great Adventure Park.”I said to myself,“I cant make mistakes;my family is depending on me.”Then I walked into the restaurant where I would spend the next couple of months,serving pizza to the theme park crowd.“Dont be nervous,” Vera,my manager,said.“Youre smart.Just remember to greet,take the order and deliver the food to their hands.”“Yeah,I got it,”I replied.But when my first customer appeared,I was at a loss.“Excuse me,do you guys serve pies?” the customer asked.Pies? Doesnt he see that this is a pizzeria(比萨饼店)?I thought to myself.“No,”I replied.The customer walked away in disbelief.“Nancy,a pie is a whole pizza.This is a pizzeria.We do indeed sell pies,”explained Vera.At that second,I felt as if I had just shown my foreign underwear to the entire theme park.I frequently looked over to the clock,counting down the minutes until it was time to go back home.The next morning I woke up still tired but I was determined to begin a new day.As I kept working that summer,I made fewer mistakes and I realized that no one looked down on me for the mistakes I made.Instead I was respected for my hard work and honesty.On the last day at Six Flags,I ran into Vera.“Hey Nancy,I want to ask you if youd like to work on weekends at the restaurant of a friend of mine.I was telling him what a hardworking and enthusiastic worker you are,” she said.Although I politely refused Veras offer,deciding to focus on school,I left Six Flags that August night standing taller than I had in June.1What happened to Nancy when she served the first customer?AShe delivered the wrong food to the customer.BShe gave the customer a wrong answer.CShe didnt greet the customer.DShe ignored the customer.【解析】细节理解题。由倒数第三段中经理的解释以及前面作者对顾客的回答可知B项正确。【答案】B2How did Nancy feel after Vera said “We do indeed sell pies”?ACurious.BNervous.CConfused. DAshamed.【解析】由倒数第三段中的“At that second,I felt as if.”可知,听到经理的解释后作者感到很惭愧。【答案】D3We can infer from the last paragraph that _.ANancy decided to work on weekends in Veras restaurantBNancy chose to work in Veras friends restaurantCVera offered to help Nancy with her studiesDVera was very satisfied with Nancy【解析】推理判断题。根据最后一段中经理Vera所说的话“I was telling him what a hardworking and enthusiastic worker you are”可知,Vera对Nancy的工作表现很满意。【答案】D4Whats the main idea of the text?AAn act of kindness can bring great joy.BHard work can make one respectable.CEvery dog has its day.DEasier said than done.【解析】主旨大意题。由全文内容以及最后一段中的“.I left Six Flags that August night standing taller than I had in June.”可知,作者通过努力工作赢得了他人的尊重,也找到了自信,故B项正确。【答案】B.完形填空Learning experience happens to us throughout our lives.Not long ago I had one that I would like to _1_.I was going to Marblehead with my sailboat team.The team was racing down the highway at 85 mph _2_ we realized we were _3_.Luckily,we saw a rest area ahead.I had a brandnew $20 bill.I was so _4_ because I had never had that kind of cash before.But spending it on _5_ seemed like throwing it away.We all rushed into the pizza line._6_ I got a pizza and a drink,and walked to my table.About halfway through the meal,I _7_ I had not actually handed any money to the cashier.I had just _8_ out,and nobody had noticed.I felt terrible.My conscience opened its mouth and swallowed me in one big bite.I couldnt _9_ over it.I just couldnt go back to the cashier and _10_ for my stolen pizza.I was so upset that I _11_ to give myself the pleasure of an ice cream in _12_ that someone would say,“Hey,Jeff,why dont you use the change _13_ the pizza instead of that nice,new $20 bill?”I was not so _14_ of my cash now.For the next two years,whenever I was _15_ of the “pizza incident”,I would say to myself “Dont think about it any more.”I have learned two things from this_16_.Maybe I was a fool for _17_ in to my conscience,and being too stupid to appreciate a _18_ pizza.But the real lesson is that even if you get away from what you have done,your conscience will _19_ up with you.This reflects the saying “A coward dies a thousand deaths,a hero dies one.”I was a coward and have felt terrible about that incident at least a thousand times.If I had been a _20_ and gone back to pay for the pizza,I would have felt a little unfortable about it only once,or maybe twice.【语篇解读】本文属于写人记事类文章。“我”在一次买比萨的过程中,忘记了付钱,但又没有勇气回去还上。在“我”以后的生活中,这件事始终折磨着“我”,使“我”遭受良心的谴责。1A.sayBtalkCshare Dexplain【解析】由下文内容可知,“我”在与读者分享“我”自己的一个生活故事。【答案】C2A.as BthenCwhile Dwhen【解析】此处be doing.when.为固定句式,意为“正在做某事时,突然”。【答案】D3A.lost BtiredChungry Danxious【解析】由下文我们去买比萨可以推测我们饿了。【答案】C4A.excited BeagerCsatisfied Dencouraged【解析】因为“我”从来没有用过这种样式的纸币,心里感到很兴奋。【答案】A5A.rest BfoodCtravel Ddrink【解析】把这张纸币花在买食品上就像扔掉一样。【答案】B6A.Luckily BFinallyCImmediately DActually【解析】最后“我”终于买到了一张比萨饼与一杯饮料,然后走向“我”的桌子。【答案】B7A.thought BrecognizedCnoticed Drealized【解析】吃到一半时,“我”意识到“我”的食物没有付钱。【答案】D8A.walked BleftCworked Dfound【解析】“我”刚刚走出来,也没有人注意到“我”。【答案】A9A.look BgetCturn Dthink【解析】“我”的良知张开它的大口吞噬着“我”,“我”始终不能克服内心的惭愧。get over克服。【答案】B10A.ask BpayCapologize Dsend【解析】“我”没有回到收银台前,为“我”偷走的比萨付钱。pay for“为支付金钱”。【答案】B11A.refused BwantedChoped Dmeant【解析】“我”如此不安,以至于拒绝购买“我”比较喜欢的冰激凌。【答案】A12A.hope BsurpriseCanger Dfear【解析】“我”害怕有人会说“嗨,Jeff,你为什么不用买比萨找的零钱,而用那张漂亮的新版的20美元纸币?”【答案】D13A.into BwithCfor Dfrom【解析】见上题。【答案】D14A.sure BupsetCproud Dpleased【解析】现在这张纸币再也引不起“我”的自豪感了。be proud of.“以为荣”。【答案】C15A.warned BremindedCthought Dtold【解析】在随后的两年里,无论什么时候“我”记起“比萨事件”,“我”就会告诉自己“不要再想它了。”be reminded of“想起”。【答案】B16A.experience BexperimentCstory Dmistake【解析】从这次经历中,“我”学到了两点。【答案】A17A.turning BtalkingChanding Dgiving【解析】“我”或许是个傻子,因为“我”向“我”的良知让步。而且还愚蠢地享用了一个没花钱的比萨。【答案】D18A.free BcheapCplain Ddelicious【解析】见上题。【答案】A19A.make BwakeCcatch Dput【解析】真正的教训是即使你逃离了你所做的事情,你的良知也会紧跟着你。catch up with“跟上,赶上”。【答案】C20A.coward BfoolCloser Dhero【解析】由上文的“A coward dies a thousand deaths,a hero dies one.”可推知。【答案】D


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