2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 知识排查突破 book8 unit4 pygmalion 新人教版.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 知识排查突破 book8 unit4 pygmalion 新人教版重点识记词汇1.oute n结果;效果2.pass.off as.(把某人)改变或冒充成3in amazement震惊;惊讶 4.generally speaking 一般来说5in terms of.就来说;从角度 6.show.in带或领进来7promise n& vi.妥协;折衷 8.once more再一次9in need of需要 10.status n身份;地位;职位11betray vt.显露出(本来面目);背叛 12.overlook vt.俯视;忽视;不理会13remark n谈论;言论;评述 vt.& vi.谈论;评论;说起14brilliant adj.光辉灿烂的;杰出的;才华横溢的15acquaintance n相识;了解;熟人make ones acquaintance结识;与相见16classify vt.把分类;把归类classification n分类;归类17adaptation n适应(性);改编本adapt vt.改编;(使)适应18classic adj.经典的;第一流的 n经典著作classical adj.古典的;经典的;传统的;第一流的19fateful adj.重要的;决定性的;命中注定的fate n命运20hesitate vi.犹豫;踌躇hesitation n踌躇;犹豫21unfortable adj.不舒服的;不安的;不自在的unfortably adv.不舒服地;不自在地22troublesome adj.带来麻烦的;使人心烦的trouble n麻烦23mistaken adj.(见解或判断上)错误的;不正确的mistake n& v误会24rob vt.抢劫;盗窃;剥夺robbery n抢劫(行为)robber n抢劫者;强盗25extraordinary adj.不同寻常的;非凡的ordinary adj.平常的;普通的26properly adv.适当地;恰当地proper adj.适当的27fortune n机会;运气;大笔的钱fortunate adj.幸运的fortunately adv.幸运地28amazement n惊讶;惊愕amaze v使惊异amazing adj.令人惊异的amazed adj.吃惊的29superior adj.优秀的;较高的;上级的 n上级;长官junior adj.(反义词)年少的;后进的;下级的 n年少者,晚辈30disapprove vt.& vi.不赞成;反对;认为不好approve vt.批准;赞成approval n批准;认可;赞成31musical adj.音乐的;喜爱音乐的 n音乐喜剧music n音乐,乐曲musician n音乐家32believer n信徒;教徒believe v相信;信任belief n信仰33horrible adj.可怕的;恐怖的horror n恐怖horribly adv.可怕地34effective adj.有效的effect n影响;效果;作用effectively adv.有效地,生效地35disgusting adj.使人反感的;令人厌恶的disgust vt.厌恶,反感disgusted adj.感到反感的36condemn vt.谴责;使处于不幸(不愉快)的状态;宣判,判处(某人某种刑罚)37fade vi.& vt.(使)褪色;减弱;逐渐消失fade out (声音、画面)逐渐模糊;渐淡38disguise vt.伪装;假扮;遮掩 n伪装in disguise伪装(的);假扮(的)必背经典句式1.Henry Higgins and Colonel Pickering are sitting deep in conversation.亨利希金斯正与皮克林上校坐在一起进行深入的交谈。2Suppose you have a chance to help Eliza improve her use of English language.假设你有机会帮助伊莉莎提高她运用英语的水平。3I thought perhaps you wanted her to talk into your machines.我本来还以为是你要她对着机器讲话的呢。4Its raining heavily now, isnt it? 现在雨下得很大,不是吗?5.people are more polite to those who they think are of a higher social class. 人们对那些他们认为较高社会阶层的人更有礼貌构词记忆generous /denrs/ adj.宽宏大量的;慷慨的;大方的;丰富的;丰盛的humorous /hjumrs/ adj.幽默的;诙谐的mountainous /mantIns/ adj.多山的;如山的;巨大的mysterious /mIstIrIs/ adj.神秘的;奇怪的;不易解释的A语境填词1Parents may find that a troublesome(令人烦恼的)teenager is difficult to deal with.2The man on the stage is a(n)brilliant(杰出的)young musician.3He was offered money to betray(背叛)his colleagues.4The secretary is very careful and never overlooks(忽略)any little points in her daily work.5He did not hesitate(犹豫)to jump into the river to save the drowning child.6The man was condemned(判刑) to six years in prison for treating his wife cruelly.7Talks are continuing in the hope that the two sides will reach a promise(妥协)8My father has a nodding acquaintance(认识)with the professor.9Zoologists classify(分类)them according to the structure of their bodies.10Its rude to remark(评论)on others appearance.11His knowledge of French literature is superior (更好的) to mine.12If she marries a foreigner,will her status(身份)as a British citizen be affected?13The adaptation (改编本) of the play for radio was easily done.B用所给词的适当形式填空14Yesterday her old mother mistook me for her daughter.That means I was mistaken for her daughter.In fact she often makes the same mistakes.(mistake)15Tom is often fortunate.Last year he went to Shanghai to try his fortune.Fortunately he met and married his girlfriend there.(fortune)16To her horror,she saw a boy fall from the stairs.The horrible scene often horrifies her and makes her wake up horribly.(horrible)17His disgusting jokes made everybody disgusted.(disgusting)18After taking the drug,she found it really effective.As is known to all,this kind of medicine has a good effect on such disease.(effect).短语运用A用方框内所给动词短语的适当形式填空pass.off as.,make ones acquaintance,rob.of.,fade out,treat sb.like dirt,betray oneself,condemn sb.to sth.,take.for19Id been looking forward to making her acquaintance for a long time.20As the program ended,the music slowly faded out and someone began to speak.21He escaped by passing himself off as a guard. 22She was terrified of saying something that would make her betray herself. 23His illness condemned him to bed.24Daniel was robbed of his car,briefcase,and mobile phone last night.25He speaks German so well that hes often taken for a native.26Micky is a crumb(人渣),and he treats me like dirt.B用方框内所给短语填空in disguise,generally speaking,in terms of,once more,in amazement,in need of,in return,in delight27Generally speaking,older people are less able to speak up for their rights.28In terms of quality and quantity,the clothes factory in our town is doing much better than last year.29He stared in amazement and his jaw dropped.30Acting upon my remendation,he has decided to read the novel once more.31When they got there,they found the people suffering the storm were in need of food and water supplies.32When she saw the gift,she exclaimed in delight.33He was motivated by love,and expected nothing in return.34I thought maybe you were a policeman in disguise.经典句式35Absorbed in the book,he didnt notice me enter the room.陷入读书之中,他没注意到我进入房间。36Sallys never seen a play in the Shanghai Grand Theatre,has she?Sally从来没有在上海大剧院看过演出,是吗?37He bought a suit of sports clothes of poor quality.他买了件质量很差的运动服。38I thought he would tell me about it in advance.我本以为他会事先告诉我的。39Suppose we cant raise enough money,what shall we do?如果我们筹不到足够的资金,那我们该怎么办?1 hesitate v.犹豫,迟疑不决(be slow to act or do);顾虑;疑虑(be worried about)应试指导写作中用do.without hesitation代替dont hesitate to do.hesitate to do sth.迟疑做;不愿做hesitate about/in/at/over (doing) sth.(做)某事犹豫不决without hesitation毫不犹豫地have no hesitation in doing sth.毫不犹豫地做某事She hesitated a long time and then said “Yes”她犹豫了很长时间,然后才说“行”。I will not hesitate to take unpopular decisions.我会毫不犹豫地作出并不受欢迎的决定。夯实基础(1)语法填空Seeing(see) the girl struggling in the lake,he threw himself in the icy water without hesitation, and saved her from drowning.He never hesitates to help(help) me whenever Im in trouble.(2)I would decline the post without hesitation.I would have no hesitation in declining the post.(用have no hesitation in.改写句子)I wouldnt hesitate to decline the post.(用hesitate改写句子)2 mistaken adj.(见解或判断上)错误的;不正确的应试指导mistaken无等级形容词的修饰语be mistaken about误解;对持有错误的见解be mistaken in doing sth.做某事是错误的mistake.for.把错当作by mistake错误地;弄错I had a mistaken view of what was happening.我对当时发生的事情曾有一种错误的认识。I see I was mistaken about you.我明白我以前错怪你了。特别提醒mistaken不能用very,much,fairly,rather等修饰,只能用quite或pletely修饰。夯实基础(1)语法填空I think she is mistaken about you.She is mistaken in thinking that the report was written last year.I took your umbrella by mistake.I mistook you for Tom.(2)I was mistaken about you so I made an apology to you.Mistaken about you,I made an apology to you. (用过去分词短语作状语改写句子)3 remark n.谈论;言论;评述;v.评论;谈论;说起多词一义remarkable,distinguished,excellent, brilliant make a remark on/upon/about就发表意见remark on/upon sth.评论/谈论某事remark that.谈到/说起remarkable adj.非凡的;显著的She has made outspoken remarks about the legalization of cannabis in Britain.她对英国关于大麻的立法进行了大胆评论。I remarked that I would go shopping that afternoon.我说过我那天下午要去购物。夯实基础(1)Dont remark on her appearance rudely. Dont make rude remarks on her appearance.(用remark的名词短语改写句子)(2)她父亲说该走了。(翻译句子)Her father remarked that it was time to leave.4 acquaintance n.认识的人;泛泛之交(a person one knows but not a close friend);熟人;(对某事物的)了解(knowledge of)make ones acquaintancemake the acquaintance of sb.结识某人have an/some acquaintance with sth.对某事有了解have a nodding/passing acquaintance with sb./sth.与某人有点头之交;对知之甚少acquaint oneself with sth.使熟悉,使了解be acquainted with了解;认识I made his acquaintance/made the acquaintance of him two years ago.我是两年前认识他的。He was my closest acquaintance.他是我的老相识。夯实基础(1)Ive been acquainted with their customs.I have acquainted myself with their customs.(用含有反身代词的短语改写句子)(2)We made the acquaintance of him four years ago.We have been acquainted with him since four years ago.(用be acquainted with改写句子)5 take for认为;以为;误以为应试指导take短语语境词义辨析take sb.for把某人看作;把某人误认为是take it for granted (that)想当然地认为;认为理所当然take after(面貌、言行等)像take to喜欢;亲近What do you take me for?你把我当什么了?We now take it for granted that science gives us otherwise invisible worlds.现在,我们都想当然地认为科学带给我们不一样的隐藏的世界。夯实基础选择方框内的短语填空(1)I take it for granted that he will succeed.(2)I took to John immediately I got to know him.(3)Jane seems to take after her grandmother more than her mother.(4)She looks so young that I took her for her sister.6 hand over把移交;交出hand down传给(后代);把某事物传下去;正式宣布hand in上交hand out颁发;分发;施舍hand on传递下去at hand(时间或空间上)尽在手边,在附近,即将到来(常与close,near等连用)on hand在近处(的),现有(的),在手头He also handed over a letter of apology from the Prime Minister.他还递交了一封首相写的道歉信。They would just catch the robbers and hand them over to the police.他们会抓住抢劫犯,并把他们交给警方。夯实基础选择方框内的短语填空(1)I wouldnt dare hand this project over to anyone else.(2)We have plenty of bread on hand so we can make sandwiches.(3)He handed out the books to everyone in the class.(4)This recipe has been handed down through generations.(5)Recent economic performance suggests that a major crisis is at hand.7 in terms of就来说;从角度应试指导作为写作高频词汇替代about,as for,as toin the long/short term从长远/短期来看in ones terms在某人看来;根据某人的观点be on good/bad terms with与关系好/坏e to terms with与达成协议;对让步;接受 on equal terms在平等的条件下Sometimes the whole is best understood in terms of the whole.有些时候,按照整体来理解整体是最好的方法。In terms of living standards,the country has a long way to go.就生活水平而言,中国还有很长的路要走。夯实基础(1)We are on good terms with(和关系很好) all our neighbors.(2)This plan is of great benefit in the long term(从长远来看)(3)In terms of health(从健康的角度来看),eating less is quite necessary.1 While watching,he makes notes.他一边观察,一边做笔记。while watching.相当于while he is watching.。在while,when,if,as if,even if/though,though,although,until,once,unless等引导的状语从句中,当状语从句的主语同主句的主语一致或从句的主语是it且从句中含有be时,可以省略状语从句的主语和动词be。When/While in Paris,she picked up a lot of French.在巴黎期间,她学会了不少法语。夯实基础把下列句中的斜体部分补充完整(1)The experiment shows that proper amounts of exercise,if carried out regularly,can improve our health.if they are carried out regularly (2)Every evening after dinner,if not tired from work,I will spend some time walking my dog.if I am not tired from work(3)You cant be too careful while crossing the street.while you are crossing the street2 How about beginning with the alphabet.先从字母教起怎么样。How/What about.?是常用句型,意为“怎么样?”介词about后可接名词、代词、动名词,多用于征求意见。征求对方对某事或某人的看法时还可用下列句型:(1)What do you think of.?(2)How do you like/find.?(3)What is/are.like?How about going for a walk?去散步好吗?Whats the weather like in London?伦敦的天气怎么样?夯实基础你对这个计划是什么看法?(一句多译)(1)What do you think of this plan? (think of)(2)How do you find the plan? (find)(3)What is the plan like? (be.like)3单元语法用分词改写下列从句(1)While he was watching TV,he heard a knock at the door.While watching TV,he heard a knock at the door.(2)If the town is seen from the top of the hill,it looks more beautiful.Seen from the top of the hill,the town looks more beautiful.(3)As the watch is used for a long time,it needs repairing.Used for a long time,the watch needs repairing.(4)The boy will be blind in both eyes unless he is treated on time.The boy will be blind in both eyes unless treated on time.(5)Though he had been told many times,he couldnt understand it.Having been told many times,he couldnt understand it.高考题组.阅读填空(xx新课标全国)Public Speaking TrainingGet a coach 51 ,so get help.Since there are about a billion panies out there all ready to offer you public speaking training and courses,here are some things to look for when deciding the training thats right for you.Focus on positivesAny training you do to bee more effective at public speaking should always focus on the positive aspects of what you already do well.Nothing can hurt confidence more than being told that you arent doing well. 52 ,so good public speaking training should develop those instead of telling you what you shouldnt do. 53 If you find a public speaking course that looks as though its going to give you lots of dos and donts,walk away!Your brain is so full of what youre going to be talking about. 54 .As far as were concerned,there are basically no hard and fast rules about public speaking.Your audience can be your friends.You are a special person not a cloneMost importantly,good public speaking training should treat you as a special one,with your own personal habits. 55 .Your training course should help you bring out your personality,not try to turn you into someone youre not.AYou arent like anybody elseBYou already do lots of things wellCTurn your back on too many rulesDCheck the rules about dos and dontsEWhatever the presentation,public speaking is toughFThe one thing you dont want is for them to fall asleepGSo trying to force a whole set of rules into it will just make things worse答案51.E52.B53.C54.G55.A.写作常用句翻译1我过去走到哪儿都带着我的表,可是不久前的一天,我怎么也找不到它了。(the other day)(xx湖南书面表达)I used to go everywhere in the pany of my watch but the other day I could go nowhere for it.2与此同时,我发现很难正确使用英语。(properly)(xx山东写作)Meanwhile,I find it hard to use English properly.模拟题组.语法填空1We are at your service.Dont hesitate to turn(turn) to us if you have any further problems.2He is mistaken about what I said.3His lack of knowledge condemns him to do(do) the kind of work that needs strength.4How about going(go) to the cinema tonight?5The flowers his friend gave him will die unless watered(water) every day.6Having been shown(show) several times,he still doesnt know how to do it properly.7Although small,the pany has about 1,000 buyers in over 30 countries.8Offered(offer) an important role in a new movie,Andy has got a chance to bee famous.9I must admit I have only a passing acquaintance(acquaint) with his books.10Fortunately(fortune) the fire was discovered soon after it started.单句改错1In the post office, mail has classified according to the places where it is to go.hasis2He seems to have overlooked at one important fact.去掉at3Jack has gift for painting.gift前加上a4An accident is holding on the traffic.onup5Can you explain the question to me once more again?去掉again6The doctor says I am in the need of a holiday by the seaside.去掉need前的the7An other day I went to the park and took many photos there.AnThe8The novel adapted for a film.novel后加上was9Look at the terrible situation I am in!If only I followed your advice.followed前加上had10I e from a small town, over which flows a branch of the Min River.overthrough.写作句式升级训练I think immediate action should be taken.From where I stand,immediate action should be taken.(用from where改写句子).阅读理解AAmong the many languages spoken in the world,some practices may be challenging to language learners.Some aspects of English may seem pointless,silly or redundant(多余的)The truth is that many languages would benefit from a modern update.Language has been an organically evolving process and few modern languages have had an opportunity for a global agreement on language improvements.Those who have already learned a language may not want to change their language,even though it may make the language better in general.Here are some of the challenging things learners of English should watch for and be careful of.Many words in the English language sound same or similar.These words may have very different meanings,so they can only be understood when spoken in the context.Although these words sound similar,they may be spelled in different ways.For an English learner the difference in spelling may seem rather silly and it possibly is.Using a different spelling can mean very different things in written English.Here is one mon example.The word meet and the word meat are mon words that are spelled almost the same way.The two words sound the same,but they mean very different things.Another mon issue learners of the English language may find is the classical spelling of some words.There have actually been petitions(请求)to update the classical spelling of these words.Certain words have already changed slowly over the years and some are actually in the process of changing today.The word synaesthetic is now being accepted when spelled as synesthetic.This is an advanced word for English learners,but the spelling update is a sign of English language progress to make it easier.Another mon word that has already changed to an easier spelling is the word music.This word used to be spelled as musick.This update reportedly happened as a result of Noah Websters dictionary in the past 200 years.Such updates are often the result of mon misspellings by users of the English language.It is possibly an update made by the majority.If the majority tire of a challenging spelling,it appears to change.Many issues are a result of a difference in spelling of British and American English.The American spelling is generally a more modern update and the British spelling is apparently slower to change.The amount of words can be surprising and there are different ways to spell the same words in different dictionaries.The use of the letter “L” doubled in certain words is one example.In American English the word dialed is spelled with one “L” and in British English the word is spelled as dialled.This would be automatically corrected one way or the other by a program such as Microsoft Word,depending on which dictionary the software is using.One look at the supposed tomb of Shakespeare shows how much English spelling can change.The word friend is spelled as frend on the sign above the tomb.1The underlined word “pointless” in Paragraph 1 can best be replaced by “ ”Ameaningless BpracticalCattractive Dnecessary答案A解析词义猜测题。由下文中的内容可知在英语中有不少词音同义异或是拼写繁冗,所以pointless在此应该是表示“毫无意义”。2The words “meet” and “meat” are mentioned in Paragraph 2 to show that .Asimilar words may have the same meaningBdifferent words surely have different meaningsCsome words sound the same but have different meaningsDsome words sound different but have the same meaning答案C解析细节理解题。由第二段最后一句“The two words sound the same,but they mean very different things.”可知,之所以提到这两个词是为了说明英语中有些词发音相同,但是意思不同。3The word “synaesthetic” is spelled as “synesthetic” probably because .Athe latter is the classical spellingBpeople tend to like the simple spellingCmost people like the traditional spellingDeverything is changing rapidly today答案B解析细节理解题。由第三段中的“This is an advanced word for English learners,but the spelling update is a sign of English language progress to make it easier.”可知,人们还是更喜欢简单的拼写形式。4The author shows that British and American English are different by .Agiving examplesBlisting some historical factsCtelling a storyDintroducing some dictionaries答案A解析细节理解题。由第四段倒数第二句“In American English the word dialed is spelled with one L and in British English the word is spelled as dialled.”可知,作者通过举例来说明英国英语与美国英语的不同点。BKids love animals,so childrens magazines about wildlife are a great way to plant a love of reading in young kids.If your kids love animals,check out these magazines.National Geographic KidsNational Geographic Kids brings animals,nature,science,and fun to the little learners.Its animal stories develop prereading an


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