2019-2020年七年级英语(上)(外研衔接版)Starter 检测题(含答案).doc

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2019-2020年七年级英语(上)(外研衔接版)Starter 检测题(含答案).doc_第1页
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2019-2020年七年级英语(上)(外研衔接版)Starter 检测题(含答案).doc_第3页
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2019-2020年七年级英语(上)(外研衔接版)Starter 检测题(含答案) 本检测题满分:100分,时间:60分钟一、 听力测试(满分20分).听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。每个句子读一遍。(每小题1分,满分5分)1. A. fine B. five C. four2. A. up B. us C. one3. A. one B. two C. three4. A. Jenny lives in China. B. I live in Canada.C. My name is Jenny. 5. A. My father has long arms. B. My fathers fingers are long. C. My fathers legs are long.听句子,选出适当的答语。每个句子读一遍。(每小题1分,满分5分)6. A. Its delicious.B. Dinner is ready.C. OK. Im ing.7. A. Its a good idea! B. Dont worry! C. Sorry, I dont know.8. A. Yes, I am. B. No, he doesnt. C. Yes, I do.9. A. Its red. B. On your bed. C. Last night.10. A. Ten.B. Eight years old.C. Twelve minutes.听短文, 选择正确答案。短文读两遍。(每小题2分,满分10分)11. On which day can children have classes in Little Scientists Lab? A. On Saturday.B. On Sunday.C. On Monday.12. How many classes are there in Little Scientists Lab every Sunday?A. One.B. Two.C. Three.13. How long is each class?A. Two hours.B. Three hours.C. Five hours.14. Who can have the second class?A. Children of four years old.B. Children of six years old.C. Children of eight years old.15. For more information, what can you do?A. Send an e-mail.B. Write a letter.C. Make a phone call.二、单项填空(每小题1.5分,满分15分)16. Hello, Miss Li. This is Sam. _ , Sam.A. Good morning B. Hello C. Im Li Ping D. My name is Li Ping17. Are you ten? _.A. Yes, I be B. Yes, Im C. Yes, I am D. Yes, I is 18. _are you in? Im in Class 5.A. what class B. What class C. How D. How old19. How many _are there? A. bags B. bag C. boy D. girl20. Her name is Tina and_ is my sister.A. he B. they C. it D. she21. _ this in English?A. What B. Whats C. Whats D. Whats22. How_ you spell “ desk ”?A. are B. is C. do D. be 23. Whats this_ English?A. on B. in C. with D. of24. What colour is it? Its_.A. desk B. fine C. yellow D. wele25. Write it_ the blackboard.A. in B. on C. of D. with三、完形填空(每小题1.5分,满分15分)Hello, boys and girls. My 26 is Wang Hua. I 27 in Class Three. This is our 28 .There are 46 29 and 47 chairs in it. 30 are 22 boys and 24 girls in our class. There are 31 English girls 32 our class. They are Lucy and Lily. 33 are twins (双胞胎). We are 34 . Miss Li is 35 teacher. She is friendly (友好的). We like our class. 26. A. bookB. name C. pen 27. A. isB. areC. am 28. A. bodyB. classroomC. teacher29. A. desksB. cupsC. maps 30. A. TheseB. ThisC. There 31. A. oneB. two C. three 32. A. inB. atC. of33. A. WeB. TheyC. She34. A. headsB. daughtersC. friends35. A. ourB. yourC. her 四、阅读理解(每小题2分,满分20 分)AGood morning, class! My name is Wang Tongli. Im your new English teacher. Its nice to meet you all. This is Emma. She is an English girl. Whats his name? Oh, hes Mike. Sit down, please.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。36. Its_ now (现在).A. afternoon B. morning C. evening37. _ is speaking.A. Wang TongliB. Emma C. Mike38. Wang Tongli is a_.A. mother B. daughter C. teacher 39. Emma is a_.A. bed B. boy C. girl 40. Wang Tongli, Emma and Mike are in the_ now.A. factory B. classroom C. home BA: Good afternoon, Amy! e in, please.B: Good afternoon, Tom! Thank you!A: How are you?B: Im fine, thanks. How are you?A: Fine, thank you. Oh, a small dog.B: Its my dog, Xiaohei.A: Oh, its beautiful.B: Thank you.A: I like its eyes. They are big.B: Yes.根据对话内容,选择最佳答案。41. Who are talking?A. Amy and her dog.B. Tom and his dog. C. Amy and Tom.42. When are they talking?A. In the morning. B. In the afternoon.C. In the evening. 43. How is Amy?A. Hes fine.B. Its fine.C. Shes fine.44. What is the dogs name?A. Tom.B. Amy.C. Xiaohei.45. What does Tom like about (关于) the dog?A. Its eyes.B. Its nose.C. Its head.五、根据句意及首字母提示完成句子(每小题1分,满分5分)46. My n is Kate.47. W is your name, please?48. Whats this in E ?Its a book.49. H are you? Fine, thanks.50. What day is it today? Its M_.六、用所给词的适当形式填空(每小题1分,满分5分)51. Whats _ (you) name?52. How are_ (you)?53. He is_ (me) English teacher.54. _ (my) am Jim. And this (be) my friend Tom. 55. My name (be) Sam. 七、句型转换(每小题1分,满分5分)56. Its Tuesday today. (就画线部分提问)_ _ is it today?57. Its hot in summer. (就画线部分提问)_the weather _ in summer?58. My favourite sport is swimming(就画线部分提问) _ your favourite sport?59. I like swimming. (改为一般疑问句)_ you like swimming?60. Hows the weather? (改为同义句) _ the weather _?八、书面表达(满分15分)一周有七天,你最喜欢哪一天呢?请你以My favourite day为题,写一篇小短文,说明最喜欢这一天的原因,不能少于五句话。_Starter检测题参考答案听力原文:.听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。每个句子读一遍。1. There are five students in the classroom.2. Stand up, please.3. Linda has three books. 4. Her name is Jenny. She lives in China. 5. My father has long legs. 听句子,选出适当的答语。每个句子读一遍。6. Its time for dinner!7. Lets do an experiment!8. Do you know the famous scientist Hawking? 9. Where did you see my swimsuit?10. How many candles are there on the birthday cake?.听短文, 选择正确答案。短文读两遍。Wele to Little Scientists Lab! We have interesting science classes here and you can bring your children here on Sundays. Therere two classes every Sunday, and each class lasts 2 hours. The first class is from 9 am to 11 am. Its for the children of 4-5 years old. The second class is from 3 pm to 5 pm. Its for the children of 6-7 years old. Children can take part in all kinds of activities and do some exciting experiments. Any other questions? Call 744-7444 for more information.参考答案:15 BACAC 610 CACBA 1115 BBABC16. B 经别人介绍认识之后,向对方打招呼用Hello。17. C Are you?的肯定回答是Yes, I am.,这里I am不能缩写。18. B 由答语“我在5班”可知提问“你在几班?”,应用What class,因为此短语在句首,故第一个单词的首字母应大写,故选B。19. A How many后接可数名词复数形式,故选A。20. D 由her name可知Tina是女名,故用代词she。21. B Whats this in English?“这个用英语怎么说?”是常用句型。22. C spell为行为动词,且主语是第二人称,变疑问句时应借助于助动词do。23. B in English意为“用英语”,为固定短语。 24. C 问句What colour is it? 是提问颜色,答语应用表示颜色的词,故选C。25. B on the blackboard意为“在黑板上”。26. B 句意:我的名字是王华。27. C 主语是第一人称I,故谓语动词用am。 28. B 由后文的介绍可知应是 classroom“教室”。 29. A 由chairs可知此处应是 desks“课桌”。30. C 此处为there be句型。 31. B 由后文的Lucy and Lily可知应是两个英国女孩。32. A in our class意为“在我们班上”。33. B 指两者,故主语用They。 34. C 由上下文可推知句意:我们是朋友。35. A our 意为“我们的”。 36. B 由Good morning, class!可知。37. A 由My name is Wang Tongli.可知。38. C 由Im your new English teacher.可知。39. C 由This is Emma. She is an English girl.可知。40. B 通读全文可知,Wang Tongli, Emma 和 Mike现在都在教室里。41. C 由前两句可知是Amy和Tom在谈话。42. B 由Good afternoon可知是在下午。43. C 由Im fine, thanks.可知。44. C 由Its my dog, Xiaohei.可知。45. A 由I like its eyes. They are big.可知。46. name 47. What 48. English 49. How 50. Monday51. your 52. you 53. my 54. I, is 55. is56. What day 57. Whats, like 58. Whats 59. Do 60. Whats, likeOne possible version:My favourite dayThere are seven days in a week. My favourite day is Sunday. On Sunday, I dont go to school. I can play table tennis with my friends. Table tennis is my favourite sport. Do you like Sunday?


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