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绝密启用前 试卷类型:A2019-2020年七年级上学期第三模块测试英语试题注意事项:1、本试题分第卷和第卷两部分。第卷为选择题,65分;第卷为非选择题,55分;共120分。2、答第卷前务必将自己的姓名、考号、考试科目涂写在答题卡上。第卷 (选择题, 共65分)一、听力选择(一)听句子,回答问题,每个句子读一遍。(5分)1.What does he grow ?A. apples B.oranges C.vegetables2.Where did they go ?A.the mountain B.the museum Cthe park3.Who did Amy climb a mountain with ?A. her parents B.her friends C.her sisters4. What did Ken do when he was young ?A. milk a cow Bfeed chickens C.ride a horse5. What did you do in the countryside ?A. pick apples Bpick strawberries C.pick flowers(二)听句子,选择最佳应答语。每个句子读两遍。(5分)6. A. Yes,there were . B.They were red . C.Very delicious7. A. It was great . B.I was late . C.To the zoo.8. A. Yes,I do . B.No,I didnt. C.No, Im not9. A. Good idea . B.Sorry, I cant . C.Sounds good10. A. Four two hours . B.It was interesting . C.We picked grapes(三)听对话,选择正确答案。每组对话读两遍。(5分)11.How was Bobs school trip ? A. It was terrible . B.Not so good . C.It was excellent.12.When did the boy visit the farmer ?A. Last Thursday . B.Last Wednesday . C.Last Tuesday 13.What does Kate think of the robot ? A.Its cool . B.Its boring . C.Its interesting.14.Where did the boy go yesterday ? A. To the zoo. B.To a fire station . C.To the countryside .15.What didnt Sally do on the farm ?A. She didnt feed chickens. B.She didnt milk a cow . C.She didnt pick strawberries.(四)听短文,回答问题。短文读两遍。(5分)16.How was the weather ?A. Rainy . B.Sunny . C.windy17.Where did Tom go ?A. A farm. B.An art museum . C.A sports museum18.How did they go there ?A. By bus . B.By train . C.By subway19.What did they see?A. Lots of books . B.Lots of paintings. C.Lots of animals20.What did they orderr?A. Two hamburgers and an ice-cream. B. A hamburgers and an ice-cream C. Two hamburgers 二. 单项选择(15分)21.He is_boy.A. a seven-years-old B. an eight-year-oldC. the seven-year-old D. an eight-year-older22. Can I help you, sir? Yes. I dont like the coat. Would you like to show me _ one?A. another B. other C. the others D. others23. Which do you prefer, coffee or coke? _ , thanks. Id like only a cup of tea.A. Either B. Neither C. Both D. None24 Father often tells metoo much time on puter games. A dont spend B not spend C not to spend D not spending25.While I was walking along the lake, I saw some fish _ out of the water. A. jumped B. to jump C. jumping D. are jumping26.My mother lets me _English every day.A.speaks B.to speak C.speaking D.speak27.Who is _girl _long hair ? A.the,have B.a,haveC. a,having D.the ,having28. The twins_in Dalian last year. They_here now.A. are; were B. were; are C. was; are D. were; was29. Its time _ dinner.A. for B. on C. to D. at30. _beautiful sheep they are ! A.What a B.How C.What D.How a31. Who arrived late for class this morning? .A. Li Lei is B. Gina did C. Tony does D. Bill was32. How_ is it from your house to the shop? A. far B. long C. much D. many33. How does John get to school? He_ his bike to the subway station, then he _ the subway.A. rides, takes B. rides, rides C. ride, takes D. ride, take34.The Long River is one of _in China.A. longest rivers B. the longest river C.the longest rivers D. the long rivers35. I think the story is not so _ as that one.A. interesting B. interested C. more interesting D. most interesting 三、阅读理解(共20小题,计30分) (根据短文内容或表格内容选择最佳答案)(A)The Trousers ShopNew Arrivals from Europe!Trousers PatternsFromMaterialColorSizePrice ($)ItalyFranceEnglandGermanysilkcottonwoolcottonwhite / bluered / yellowcheckedblack/brownL / M / SM / SL / MXL / L60-9045-8080-10555-80Wele e-mail orders for all our trousers and we also wele credit card. Free post and packing.Tel: 67867822 E-mail: trousershopyahoo( ) 36. Which of the following is sold in this shop?A. Shoes. B. Socks. C. Trousers. D. Sweaters.( )37. Size L black cotton trousers are from _.A. England B. France C. Germany D. Italy( ) 38. Which are the cheapest trousers?A. The red cotton trousers. B. The black cotton trousers.C. The checked wool trousers. D. The white silk trousers.( )39. How much will you pay if you buy a pair of silk trousers and a pair of checked trousers?A. More than $195. B. Less than $140.C. Over $200. D. About $160.( ) 40. You cant buy the trousers _. A. by(通过) telephone B. by letter C. by credit card D. by e-mail(B)Every year there is a Spring Festival in China. Usually it is in January or February. It is the most important festival in China. So before it es, everyone has to prepare things. They buy pork, beef, chicken, fruits and many other things. And they often make a special kind of food“dumplings”. It means “e together”. On the day before the festival, parents buy new clothes for their children. Children also buy presents for their parents. On the Spring Festival Eve(除夕),all the family members e back to their hometown. This is a happy moment. Some sing and dance,some play cards and others get the dinner ready. When they enjoy the meal,they give each other the best wishes for the ing year. They all have a good time. ( )41. Which is the most important festival in China? A. The mid-autumn Festival. B. The Spring Festival. C. Childrens Day. ( )42.When is the Chinese Spring Festival usually celebrated? A. In March or April.B. In May or June. C. In January or February( )43. is the special kind of food for the Spring Festival in China. A. Chicken B. DumplingC. Fish ( )44.Whats the meaning of the food “dumplings” for Chinese people in the Spring Festival? A. Look up. B. Help yourself.C. e together. ( )45.The family when they are having dinner together on the Spring Festival Eve. A. give each other the best wishesB. buy each other presents C. sing,dance and play cards (C)At midnight (半夜) Mr. King coughed(咳嗽) again. He got up and took some medicine(药). Before he lay down again, he smoked(吸烟). And he couldnt go to sleep any longer. He found the medicine book and began to read it. He was afraid he had lung cancer(肺癌). He seemed to see death(死) was waiting for him. Tears (眼泪)ran down his face. He didnt see his wife was standing by him.“Whats wrong with you, dear?”asked the woman.“Nothing,” the old man answered and covered his face with his hands.The old woman opened the book and understood at once. She said, “You must stop smoking right now.”“I began to smoke when I was nine, you know. How can I do that?”“But I think health is more important.”Mr. King coughed again and his wife said, “Go to see a doctor tomorrow. He help you, I think.”The doctor told Mr. King to have an X-ray examination(X光检查)of his lungs. And then he looked at the X-ray carefully for a long time.“Tell me the truth(真相), doctor.” said Mr. King, “Do you see any shadows (阴影) in my lungs?”“No, I dont see anything.”“Yes?” the old man said happily. “Really?”“Yes. Your lungs are turning(变得) black. How can I see any shadows?” ( )46. Mr. King got up to .A. smoke again B. take some medicine C. read the medicine book. ( )47. Mr. King coughed because . A. he couldnt go to sleep B. he was afraid to die C. he smoked too much ( )48. ,so tears ran down his face. A. Mr. King thought he had lung cancerB. Mr. King couldnt understand the bookC. Mr. King was too sad to go to sleep( )49. The doctor told Mr. King to have an X-ray examination because .A. he was sure the man would soon dieB. he wanted the man to stop smoking right nowC. he wanted to know if there was something wrong with his lugs.( )50. Which of the following is true?A. There was nothing serious with Mr. King. B. Smoking too much caused(引起,造成)Mr. Kings lungs to turn black.C. The doctor found some shadows in Mr. Kings lungs. (D)Long long ago, there were three tortoises(乌龟)。 hy were friends.One of them was a large tortoise, one was a medium-sized tortoise and the third was a small tortoise. One day they went into a restaurant and ordered some cakes.while(当的时候) they were waiting for the cakes, they remembered that they didnt bring any money.Hey, we forgot to bring money to pay for our cakes, the big tortoise said.The little tortoise can go home and get it, the medium-sized tortoise said. Hes the youngest, so he should be the one to go. The little tortoise wasnt very happy, but he knew he shouldnt argue with his elders, so he said, All right, Ill go. But you must promise(许诺) not to eat my cake while Im away. The large tortoise and the medium-sized tortoise agreed, and the little tortoise left for home to get some money. A few days later, the big tortoise said to the medium-sized tortoise, Lets eat the little tortoises cake. Im hungry again.So am I, the medium-sized tortoise said, and reached for the cake.As she did so, the little tortoise shouted from near the door of the restaurant, If you touch(触摸) my cake, I wont go and get the money!根据短文内容选择最佳答案, 将其标号填入题前括号内。( )51. The three tortoises _. A. didnt know each other B. knew each other C. lived in a restaurant D. were very poor( )52.The three tortoises found they didnt take money with them _ .A. when they were ordering the cake B. after they ate up the cake C. before they went into the restaurant D. after they ordered the cake( )53. The little tortoise _ .A. didnt mind getting the money B. couldnt find the money C. wanted to share his cake D. agreed to get the money( )54. The little tortoise _ .A. didnt go very far after a few days B. came back very quickly C. had some money with him D. believed in (相信)the other two tortoises( )55. The two elders decided to eat the little tortoises cake because _.A. they felt hungry again B. they wanted to leave at last C. the cake was so nice to eat D. they were angry with the little tortoiseB)根据句意,用括号中所给词的适当形式填空,每空填一词。61.The _(high) of the building is about 101meters.62.There are many _(mouse) in the kitchen.63.When do you often go _(shop)64.I hope you have a good _(lucky).65.He speaks _(clear) than his mother.五、用括号中所给动词的正确形式填空,使短文完整。(10分)Dear Sandy,Thanks for (66)_(send) me an email. My grandparents (67)_(live) in a small town thirty miles away from Lai Wu. I spent about half an hour (68)_(get) there. They(69) _(give)me a warm wele,and cooked me a big meal. We chatted far into the night and I (70) _ (tell) some happy stories about them and their neighbours. Last year,great changes(71) _(take) place in Xuzhou. I will take some photos and send some to you. Next time,Id like you and your family(72)_ (e) with me. You can(73)_(visit) many places of interest here. I hope(74) _(meet) you soon.Meeting you will make me (75)_(feel) happy.Chang Lee六、阅读表达(10分)Mr Li is a teacher.Yesterday he did a survey of what his students did last weekend.And here are the results.Lucy went to see her grandparents.Her grandparents live in the countryside.They are very old.But they didnt like to live in the city.They want to have a quite life.78.Jim帮他的父母做了些家务。He cleaned the room,watered the flowers,washed the clothes.At noon,he helped his mother cook the lunch.Tina babysat her little brother because her mother was ill. 79.Her father had to look after her mother in the hospital. Both his father and his mother hope that Jack can be good at all his subjects.They want him to study in famous university.(一)根据短文内容回答问题。76.Where do Lucys grandparents live ? .77.Why did Tina babysat her little brother?78.将短文中画线的句子译成英语. 79. 将短文中画线的句子译成汉语 .80.请给短文你一个适当的标题.七、综合填空(10分)根据短文内容及首字母提示,用单词的正确形式填空,使短文意思完整、通顺。Yesterday ,I asked three of my classmates about their vacation .Here are some of their (81)a_. Tina went to Beijing .The(82) w_was sunny and the people were (83)f_to her.She went there by bus and the bus (84)t_was relaxing.The food there was delicious.She said she had a(85)w_vacation. Toms uncle (86)i_Tom to the countryside .But the weather was windy and (87)r_during those days .So Tom had to stay at the house and watched TV. But the TV (88)P_were boring .He went shopping with his cousion ,but they forgot to take an (89)u_.They got wet .He had a terrible vacation. Sally didnt go anywhere .She helped her parents do (90)h_at home .And she also did her homework and played puter games .She thought her vacation was OK.八情景对话(5分)选择恰当的句子完成对话,有两个选项多余。A.Hi,Peter .(91) _B: It was fine .I went to visit my friend Eric.A: (92) _B:He lives near the Central Park.A: (93) _B: We went to the park first and then had lunch in a Chinese restaurant .A: Did you eat noodles?B: (94) _ They were delicious.A: Sounds good.But I had a bad day last Sunday .B. Why?.A. I went shopping with my mother ,but lost my bag there .B. (95) _ Be more careful next time.A.What did you do then?B.No,I took the subway.C.How was your last Sunday?D.Where does he live ?E.Bad luck!F.No,we had some beef dumplings.G.I agree with you .九


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