2019-2020年高三英语第一轮复习 模块六第四单元教案 牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年高三英语第一轮复习 模块六第四单元教案 牛津版ambassador n. 大使operate vt. 操作,运作;动手术honour vt. 使感到荣耀,给荣誉,尊敬purpose n. 目的,意图co-operate vi合作touch vt. 触及,涉及peacekeeping adj. 维持和平的operation n. 军事行动;操作,实施conflict n. 冲突worthy adj. 令人敬重的;值得的,相称的;有价值的voluntary adj. 志愿的;自愿的;主动的awareness n. 意识draw vt. 吸引,引起sum n. 数目,总数fund n. 资金,基金urgent adj. 紧急的,紧迫的lack n. 缺乏poverty n. 贫穷,贫困earthquake n. 地震typhoon n. 台风civilian adj. 平民的,民间的 n. 平民remote adj. 遥远的,偏僻的accessible adj. 可接近的,可得到的frustrated adj. 沮丧的,懊恼的conscience n. 良心,良知reference n. 谈及,提到;指称;查阅,funding n.提供资金,提供基金aspect n. (问题等的)方面precious adj. 宝贵的,珍贵的remind vt. 提醒,使想起charity n. 慈善,施舍collection n. 捐款;收藏,收藏品,集 face vt. 面对,面临 vi. 朝,向mountainous adj. 多山的expense n. 开销,花费;,费用,代价somewhat adv. 稍微,有点source n. 来源;消息来源;原始材料fuel n. 燃料pump n. 泵,抽水机 vt. (用泵)抽container n. 容器;集装箱fetch vt. 取来,去拿来break down 出故障,抛锚 hardship n. 艰苦,困苦,辛苦basic adj. 基本的 n. 基础,基本要素roof n. 屋顶,房顶;顶occupation n. 职业;占用force vt. 强迫,强制,迫使farm vt. 耕种protein n. 蛋白质malnutrition n. 营养不良means n. 手段,方法mitment n. 承诺,保证;投入,奉献chaos n. 混乱flee vi vt逃跑,逃避unusable adj. 不可用的,不能用的famine n. 饥荒outbreak n. (战争,疾病等的)爆发typhoid n. 伤寒colleague n. 同事vacant adj. 空缺的temporary adj. 临时的,暂时的clinic n. 诊所,医务室medication n. 药物治疗,药物cut n. 伤口,切口bacteria n. (复数)细菌meanwhile adv. 同时,其间shelter n. 住所;藏身之处staff n. 全体员工fort n.vt.安慰individual adj. 个人的,个体的,个别的,单独的课文出现短语1. around the world2. international aids3. go wrong4. keep the peace5. a shortage of food6. cause sb. to do sth.7. live in poverty8. in real life9. people in need10. belong to the UN11. a UN Goodwill ambassador12. give a speech13. be pleased to do sth.14. have the chance to do sth.15. refer to sb. / sth.16. be made up of 17. mean to do sth. / doing sth.18. be honoured to do sth.19. take on this role20. set up / about doing / down / out to do 21. be based on22. develop friendly relations with sb.23. co-operate in doing sth.24. promote respect for human rights 25. as you know26. touch the lives of people everywhere27. be involved in 28. with the help of sb.29. worthy organizations30. be worth doing sth. = be worthy of being done31. assist the victims of wars32. in addition (to)33. protect sb. from doing sth.34. prevent sb .from doing sth .35. child labour36. record sth.= make records of 37. be aware of sth. / make sb aware of38. draw ones attention=draw the attention of sb.39. add sth. to sth. / add up / add up to40. under the umbrella of 41. apart from42. meet eight development goals43. be available to sb.44. look sth. up in a dictionary / on a website45. express ones opinion46. be meant to do sth .47. a successful businesswoman48. on behalf of 49. work in remote places50. be connected to / with51. specialized agencies52. loan money to sb.53. set a standard for54. aim to sth.55. eliminate problems56. cant afford expense57. be lack of 58. remend doing sth.59. break down60. basic equipment61. force sb. to do sth.62. farm the land63. suffer from malnutrition64. be in chaos65. be in a mess66. put on weight67.look out for68. be concerned about/for69. get hold of70. remind sb. of sth71. remind sb. to do sth.72. municate with sb.73. think back to74.be proud of = take pride in75. make a difference76. put sth. into action77. from place to place78. die from79. if only80. in honour of一单词应用根据单词的首字母或汉语意思填写正确单词,注意形式变化。1. I rang Joan and r _ her that the conference had been cancelled.2. It was an unpopular policy and caused a number of c _ within the party.3. It happened in the r_ past, so no one worries about it any more.4. She does v_ work for the Red Cross two days a week.5. You didnt do anything wrongyou should have a clear c_. .6. The most _(紧急的) thing in a fire is to make sure everyone is outof the building.7. Public _ (意识) of the problem will make politicians take it seriously.8. Could you _ (取) me my glasses from the other room, please?9. We expect the new scheme to e into _(运作) early next year.10. The _ (目的) of the research is to try and find out more about the causes of the disease.11. My english teacher often_ (鼓励)us to speak English in and out of class.12.In addition, the UN helps protect human rights and works to improve international laws, for example, those on child_(劳力)二词型转换1、operate-_(n.) 2、honour-_(adj)3、worthy-_(n.) 4、voluntary - _(n.)5、awareness-_(adj.) 6、collection -_(adj.)7、mitment-_(v.) 8、fort-_(adj)9. temporary-_(adv.)_(反)三选词填空get hold of, focus on, remind of , in chaos, be involved in , break down, on behalf ofconcentrate on, take on, under the umbrella of1. The house was _after the party. It took Tom three days to clean it up.2. It is important not to _ the past,. We also have to live in the present and look to the future.3. It is also impossible to_ a ticket for tonights concert. It sold out three days ago.4. The smell of freshly-baked bread always _ me _my days in France.5. He _ no longer _ the work here because he has retired6. Id like to,_ the general manager, thank you for all your support to our pany.7.If you want to achieve high grades in your exams, you must _at the teacher say in class.8. His good education abroad enables him to _ that position.9. The small island was _Britain before it gained its independence in1970.10. If your bike _ on the way to the village, can you repair it by yourself?四句型结构课文重点短语与高考1. I am pleased to have this chance today to talk to you about the United Nations or the UN, as it is more often referred to. (P50) 我很高兴今天有机会跟大家谈谈联合国, 也叫UN-这个名称在英语里更为常用。as conj. it means “in the way or manner that”.As I said in my last letter, Im taking the exam in July.David, as you know, is a photographer.相关高考试题The Beatles, _many of you are old enough to remember, came from Liverpool. (2006 天津) A. what B. that C. how D. as答案: D refer v. refer to sb./ sth. phrasal verb 1)to talk or write about someone or sth., especially briefly: 涉及,提到In her autobiography she occasionally refers to her unhappy schooldays.He always refers to the house as his refuge.The new salary scale only refers to pany managers and directors.2)refer sb. to sth. phrasal verbto direct someone or sth. to a different place or person for information, help or action, often to a person or group with more knowledge or power:托付,交付My doctor referred me to a hospital specialist.The High Court has referred the case to the Court of Appeal. 3)refer (sb.) to sth. phrasal verbto look at, or tell someone else to look at, a book or similar record in order to find information and help:参考She spoke for an hour without once referring to her notes.He referred to a history book to find out the dates of the French Revolution.The reader is constantly referred back to the introduction.referencen. C or U a mention of sth.:提及,涉及Knowing what had happened, I avoided making any reference to (= mentioning) weddings.I am writing with/in reference to (= in connection with) your letter of 15 March.Ca writer or a book, article, etc. that is mentioned in a piece of writing, showing you where the author found their information 参考书相关高考试题1. Most of us know we should cut down on fat, but knowing such things isnt much help when it shopping and eating. (2006 天津)A. refers to B. speaks of C. focuses on D. es to2. The president spoke at the business meeting for nearly an hour without _his notes. (2005浙江) A. bringing up B. referring to C. looking for D. trying on答案及解析: 1. D. when it es to 谈到,说到2. B. refer to his notes参考他的笔记2. I feel very honored to have been to take on his role.(P50) 能够担当这一角色,我感到非常荣幸。honorn. U a quality that bines respect, pride and honesty:荣誉,荣耀a man of honourWe fought for the honour of our country.in honour of sb./ sth. in order to celebrate or show great respect for someone or sth.:为了纪念;为了表示对的敬意a banquet in honour of the presidentC a reward, prize or title that publicly expresses admiration or respect:荣耀的人或事; 荣幸She received an honour for her services to the munity.He was buried with full military honours (= with a special celebration to show respect).Its a great honour to be invited.sing a person or thing that brings credit to sth/sb 给某物(人)添光的人或事物an honour to sth/sbv. to show great respect for someone or sth., especially in public:尊敬,给予荣幸He was honoured for his bravery.We are honoured (= proud and happy) to have you here tonight.to give someone public praise or a reward: 给某人以荣誉He was honoured with a knighthood.honourable adj. honest and fair, or deserving praise and respect: 光荣的,荣耀的,应享受荣誉的an honourable personhonourablyadv.They acted honourably and returned the wallet.take ontake sth. on (BEGIN) phrasal verb: to begin to have a particular quality: 开始Her voice took on a troubled tone.take sth. on (ACCEPT) phrasal verb: to accept a particular job or responsibility: 承担工作或责任She took too much on and made herself ill.take sb. on (EMPLOY)phrasal verb: to employ someone: 雇佣某人She was taken on as a laboratory assistant.take sb. on (FIGHT)phrasal verb: to pete against or fight someone: 与某人竞争,斗争The Government took on the unions and won.take 常用短语take after sb. 相貌或性格像take sth. away 送走,拿走take back 取回;归还,退货;使回忆起take down 拿下;拆毁,拆散;写下,记下take in 拿进;吸入;了解;欺骗,蒙骗;把衣服改小take off 移开,除;成功;脱掉:起飞:休息;减去,减价take out 携出,拿出; 除去,拔去take over 继承,接管take up 拿起,举起: 占(时间,地点);开始(工作,兴趣);继续(中断的话)He takes after his mother/his mothers side of the family. Take these chairs away - we dont need them.Supermarkets are taking business away from small local shops.Is it too small? Take it back and get a refund.That piece of music really took me back (to my schooldays).He took down my address and phone number and said hed phone back.I had to read the letter twice before I could take it all in.It was an interesting exhibition, but there was too much to take in at once.I cant believe she was taken in by him.Ill have to take this dress in at the waist - its too big.He took off his clothes and got into the bath.Her singing career had just begun to take off.Ive had a tooth taken out.The pany he works for has recently been taken over.This desk takes up too much room.Too much of this report is taken up with out-of-date figures.Ian took up (= continued) the story where Sue had left off.相关高考试题Helen always helps her mother even though going to school _ most of her day. (2003北京)A. takes up B. makes up C. saves up D. puts up答案及解析:A. take up most of her day占据她一天中的大部分时间。3. So when was the United Nations set up? 那么, 联合国是什么时候成立的呢?set sth. up phrasal verb M 1) to formally establish a new pany, organization, system, way of working, etc:建立A mittee has been set up to organize social events in the college.She plans to set up her own business.Theyve set up a fund for victims of the earthquake.2) to arrange for an event or activity to happen: 安排,布置We need to set up a meeting to discuss the proposals.The government has agreed to set up a public enquiry.set常用短语set about 散布谣言等;着手工作 set aside 保留,储存;忽视,不顾set down 放下,卸下;写下,记下 set off 出发,启程;引爆,使爆炸set out 出发,动身;着手做 set sb. a good example 给某人树立一个榜样set sth. on fire/set fire to sth. 纵火烧 set foot in/on 踏上I tried to apologize, but I think I set about it the wrong way.What time will we have to set off for the station tomorrow?Jenny set off down the road on her new bike.You should be setting a good example to your younger brother.A peace campaigner had set herself on fire in protest at the governments involvement in the war.He refuses to set foot in an art gallery.相关高考试题For all these years I have been working for others. Im hoping Ill _ my own business someday. (2006 江西)A. turn up B. fix up C. set up D. make up答案及解析:选C. turn up找到, 出现,调大; fix up 修补,解决;make up编造,组成,化装。4The UN is based on a chart that has four main purpose:(P50) 该宪章确立了联合国的四大宗旨, 即:base n. C 1) the bottom part of an object, on which it rests, or the lowest part of sth.:根基,底座a crystal glass with a heavy baseAt the base of the cliff was a rocky beach.This cream provides an excellent base for your make-up (= a good bottom layer on which other layers can be put).2) the activity or people from which someone or sth. gets most of their support, money, etc: 基础A strong economy depends on a healthy manufacturing base.Were aiming to expand our customer base.Where is your firm based?He was based in (= He lived in or was at a military establishment in) Birmingham during the war.base sth. on sth. phrasal verbIf you base something on facts or ideas, you use those facts or ideas to develop it:The film is based on a short story by Thomas Mann.4. As you know, the UN touches the lives of people everywhere. (P50) 如你所知, 联合国触及世界各地每个人的生活。touchvi. or vt. to move especially the hand or another part of the body lightly onto and off sth. or someone: 碰触,接触That paint is wet - dont touch (it).He touched the girl on the arm to get her attention.The child touched the worm with a twig.FIGURATIVE The setting sun touched the trees with red (= made them appear red for a short time).vt. INFORMAL If you say you do not touch a food or drink, you mean that you never eat or drink it: 不吃(食物,饮料等)No thanks, I never touch chocolate/alcohol.Honestly, I havent touched a drop (= drunk any alcohol) all night.n . U the ability to know what sth. is like by feeling it with the fingers: 触觉the sense of touch I found the right coin in the dark by touch.n. C usually singular a quick light movement of one thing, especially a hand, onto and off another thing: 接触,碰触I felt a cold touch on my arm.At a/the touch of a button, the door opened.相关高考试题-Ow! Ive burnt myself!-How did you do that? (2005浙江)- I _ a hot pot.A. touched B. kept C. felt D. held答案及解析:A. touch表触摸。因触摸锅被烫伤。feel 表示触摸时,指有意识地触摸某物。5The organization is involved in peacekeeping operations to help end some of the worlds most horrible conflicts.(P50) 该组织参与维和行动, 以帮助解决世界上大部分的激烈争端。involve v. 1) to cause to bee connected 牵连,牵涉The serious incident involved a group of youths.to make sb. take part in sth. 参加,加入should involve themselves in their childrens education.involve sb. in 把某人牵涉到某事里be involved in 涉及6. This will increase peoples awareness of the work of the UN. (P51) 这会提高人们对联合国工作的意识。awareness n. U 意识,认识Public awareness of the problem will make politicians take it seriously.Environmental awareness has increased dramatically over the past decade.aware adj. after verb 意识到knowing that something exists, or having knowledge or experience of a particular thing:+ that I wasnt even aware that he was ill.Were you aware of the risks at the time?She was well (= very) aware that he was married.Has Claude paid the phone bill? Not as far as Im aware. (= I dont think so)I suddenly became aware of (= started to notice) him looking at me.7. In addition, my visits will encourage people working on the projects and draw local peoples attention to the situation. (P51) 此外, 我的访问还会鼓励那些致力于联合国各种项目的人,吸引当地人民对相关情形的注意力。in addition (to) = besidesI met my past teacher and some classmates in addition in the supermarket.In addition to cakes and candies, guests were also provided with fruits.attention n. 1) U notice, thought or consideration: 注意Ladies and gentlemen, could I have your attention, please?Theyre organizing a campaign to draw peoples attention to the environmentally harmful effects of using their cars.He likes being the centre of attention (= having a lot of people notice him)I knocked on the window to get/attract/catch her attention (= make her notice me).After an hour, my attention started to wander (= I stopped taking notice).Dont pay any attention to (= take any notice of) Nina - she doesnt know what shes talking about.If you dont pay attention (= listen carefully) now, youll get it all wrong later.Wait a moment and Ill give you my full/undivided attention (= Ill listen to and think about only you).Many countries are starting to turn their attention to (= to consider) new forms of energy.2) specially in the armed forces) a way of standing, with the feet together, arms by your sides, head up and shoulders back and not moving: 立正soldiers standing at/to attentionattend vi. FORMAL to give attention to what someone is saying: 仔细倾听Im afraid I wasnt attending to what was being said.attentive adj. listening carefully: 仔细倾听地an attentive audience8and add it to a sum of money the government gives them.(P51) 。将这些钱和政府资助给她们的一笔钱加在一起。add vi. or vt. to put sth. with sth. else to increase the number or amount or to improve the whole: 加入,相加If you add (= calculate the total of) three and four you get seven.Beat the butter and sugar together and slowly add the eggs.Shes added a Picasso to her collection.Her colleagues laughter only added to (= increased) her embarrassment.+ that She was sad, she said, but added (= said also) that she felt she had made the right decision.+ speech Oh, and thank you for all your help! he added as he was leaving.Its $45 - $50 if you add in (= include) the cost of postage.Dont forget to add on your travelling expenses/add your expenses on.add (sth.) up phrasal verb M to calculate the total of two or more numbers: 相加,加起来If you add those four figures up, it es to over 500.She added the bill up.Im not very good at adding up!add up to sth. phrasal verb 总计, 合计to bee a particular amount:The various building programmes add up to several thousand new homes.We thought wed bought lots of food, but it didnt add up to much when wed spread it out on the table.add up to sth. phrasal verb to have a particular result or effect:It all added up to a lot of hard work for all of us.Their proposals do not add up to any real help for the poor.added adj. extra: 额外的He had the added disadvantage of being the only man present.She lost her job last week, and now added to that shes pregnant again.addition n. C or U Twice a week the children are tested in basic mathematical skills such as addition (= calculating the total of different numbers put together) and subtraction.Most working environments are improved by the addition of (= adding) a few plants and pictures.A secretary would be a wele/useful addition to our staff.In addition to his flat in London, he has a villa in Italy and a castle in Scotland.HUMOROUS I hear youre expecting a small addition to the family (= you are going to have a baby)!相关高考试题There have been several new events _ to the program for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. (2006北京) A. add B. to add C. adding D. added答案:D 9. Apart from the urgent problems caused by wars and conflicts, the UN helps countries with other problems such as lack of education, lack of food, poverty, disasters and disease. (P51)和冲突所引起的各种紧急问题外, 联合国还帮助解决其成员国的其他问题。apart from except for or not considering: 除了,除了还有He works until nine oclock every evening, and thats quite apart from the work he does over the


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