小升初英语专题讲解六 名词.doc

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第六讲 名词1、 基本词汇1. mango芒果2. tomato西红柿3. potato土豆4. knife小刀5. thief小偷6. leaf树叶7. wife妻子8. shelf架子9. life生活;生命10. wolf狼11. half一半12. strawberry/str:bri/n.草莓13. milk/milk/n.牛奶14. bread/bred/n.面包15. food/fu:d/n.食物16. vegetable/veditbl/n.蔬菜17. fruit/fru:t/n.水果18. carrot/krt/n.胡萝卜19. rice/rais/n.大米;米饭20. chicken/tikin/n.鸡肉21. sock/sk/n.短袜22. shortsn.(pl.)短裤23. sweater/swet/n.毛衣24. trousersn.(pl.)裤子25. shoe/u:/n.鞋26. skirt/sk:t/n.裙子27. clothes/kluz/n.(pl.)衣服;服装28. woman/wumn/n.女子29. man /mn/ 男子30. mousemas 老鼠31. childtald32. footft33. goosegu:s34. fishfn.鱼,鱼肉,鱼类;35. Chinesetani:z n.中文;汉语;华人;中国人36. Japanese dpni:z n.日语;日本37. sheepi:p n.羊,绵羊38. deer d(r) n.鹿39. toothtu: n.齿;牙40. soupsu:p n.汤,羹;41. housework 家务 42. homework 作业43. news 新闻44. meat 肉类45. beef 牛肉46. mutton 羊肉47. pork 猪肉48. paper 纸张 49. advice 建议50. work 工作2、 重点短语集锦1. eating habit饮食习惯2. tape player录音机3. model plane飞机模型4. half an hour 半个小时 5. my family photo=a photo of my family 我的家庭照片 6. what kind of 什么类型7. different kinds of 不同种类的 8. be friendly to sb 对友好3、 知识讲解1、 名词的定义 表示某一事物,有具体的和抽象的之分。分为可数名词和不可数名词。2、 可数名词与不可数名词1) 可数名词-单数-复数 a一般情况下,直接加-s,如:book-books, bag-bags, cat-cats, bed-beds;读音:清辅音后读,浊辅音和元音后读z。 b以s. x. sh. ch结尾,加-es,如:bus-buses, box-boxes, brush-brushes, watch-watches;读音:iz。 c以“辅音字母+y”结尾,变y为i, 再加-es,如:family-families, strawberry-strawberries;读音:z。 d以“o”结尾的词,分两种情况 有生命的+es, 读音:z mango-mangoes tomato-tomatoes potato-potatoes 无生命的+s, 读音:z photo-photos e以“f或fe”结尾,变f或fe为v, 再加-es,读音:z, knife-knives, thief-thieves; 半片树叶半片黄,妻子拿刀去砍狼,架下小偷逃命忙。 half, leaf, wife, knife, wolf, shelf, thief, life halves, leaves, wives, knives, wolves, shelves, thieves, lives练习-写出下列单词的复数形式peach-_, dress-_monkey-_boy-_body-_, baby-_,library-_, leaf-_ wife-_ knife -_ thief-_ shelf-_ life-_ radio-_ zoo_family-_ school-_photo-_picture-_eraser-_box-_dictionary-_watch-_computer-_ notebook-_bag-_classroom-_basketball-_hamburger-_tomato-_birthday-_subject-_lesson-_ hour-_potato-_ zoo-_ life-_student-_geography-_history-_ sister _ parent_ girl_ dog_ telephone _ number _friend _ map _ cup _ruler _ orange _jacket _key _ quilt _ f. 不规则名词复数: man-men, woman-women, mouse-mice, child-children, foot-feet, tooth-teeth, goosegeese g. 单复同形: fish-fish, Chinese-Chinese, Japanese-Japanese, sheep-sheep, deer-deer h.常用作复数形式:vegetables, clothes, sports, shorts, pants, trousers, jeans. i.集合名词class, people, 2) 不可数名词 液体类:water, tea, coffee, milk, yogurt, cola, juice, soup 食物:food, bread, rice, 肉类:meat, beef, mutton, pork, 其他:paper, news, advice, fruit, homework, housework, work, food 3) 既可数又不可数的名词 chicken, duck, fish, orange,3、 复合名词的单复数 复合词通常由两个或者两个以上自由词组成. 1) 以两个名词构成的复合名词(不包括前面的名词为man和woman的),一般把后面的名词变为复数。 paper bagpaper bags.2) 以man或者woman为前缀的名词变复数时,前后两个名词都变成复数。 woman teacher:女教师women teachers女教师们; man doctor:男医生men doctors男医生们.练习-写出下列复合名词的复数形式boy student girl nurse man nurse apple tree model plane tape player family member country road woman driver 4、 名词所有格在英语中,要表示“某个(些)人的”时,可以在某个(些)人后加s来表示所有关系,这种形式我们称为所有格。 Mike的父亲:Mikes father, 我妈妈的名字:my mothers namev 构成1)单数名词加s. 2) 以s结尾的复数名词加读音不变。如the teachers room(老师们的房间)v 表共同所有,在最后一个名词后加“s”。 Jim and Toms mother 吉姆和汤姆的母亲(共同所有)v 表各自所有,在每个名词后加“s”Jims room and Toms room are big. 吉姆的房间和汤姆的房间都很大。(各自所有)Jim and Toms room is big.v of表示所属关系 my family photo =a photo of my family a map of China翻译小练 Leo的字典。 老师们的办公室。 我祖父母的房间。 我爸妈的照片。 李磊的房子。 奥巴马的朋友。 习近平的妻子。 Susan和Lily共同的爱好。 Susan和Lily各自的钥匙。 中国的历史。 学生们的教室。 儿童节。 人民医院。 Lucy的生日。 玛丽和苏珊的英语老师。 汤姆的父亲和彼得的父亲。 今天的报纸。 Tony的尺子。 五个小时的步行路程。 三小时的车程。5、 不可数名词 1) 不可数名词没有复数形式。 2) 不可数名词的数量表示练习 一瓶水 一杯酒 一壶茶 一张纸 一杯咖啡 两杯咖啡 三箱饮料 一片面包 三片面包 一斤水果 一瓶可乐 一碗汤小升初真题分类演练-名词I.单项选择1. ( ) Is Lucy from_? She knows a lot about English people. A. England B.English C.China2. ( ) I want to find a good book. Im going to the_.A. cinema B.library C.museum D.supermarket3. ( ) Where are your_? A. teacher B.friend C.sheep4. ( ) -What can I do for you, madam?-Id like two_A. bottle of milk B bottles of milks C. bottles of milk D. bottle of milks5. ( ) Ive got a toothache. Im going to the_. A. park B.dentist C.teacher6. ( ) Americans speak_, you know. A. Chinese B.Japanese C.English D.American7. ( ) The red T-shirt is five_. A.yuan B.pound C.dollar8. ( ) -Would you like some_?-No, thank you. Im not hungry at all.A. tea B.water C.bread D.coffee9. ( ) -What kind of vegetables do you often eat for dinner?- _.A.Chicken B.Milk C.Tomatoes10. ( ) -Id like something to read.-OK. Herere some_A. CDs B.pencils C.photos D.books11. ( ) The restaurant is so popular. Look, there are so many_here.A. food B.dish C.people D.waiter12. ( ) This is_room.A. Jack and Linda B.Jack and Lindas C. Jacks and Lindas D.Jacks and Linda13. ( ) The present is_;its from _A. Toms; Grandpas B.Toms; Grandpa C. Tom; Grandpas D.Tom; Grandpa14. ( ) Mrs. Sun is a friend of _. A. Marys mother B.mother of Mary C.Marys mothers15. ( ) The dresses are_. A twins B.the twinss C.the twins D.the twins16. ( ) Its a _.A. my familys picture B my family photo C photo of my family D.photos of my family17. ( ) Go to the_office and hand in your homework, please. A. teachers B.teacher C.teachers18. ( ) -Whose book is it? -Maybe its_ A. Mary B.Marys C.Marys19. ( ) The_coats are over there. A. twins B.twins C.twins20. ( ) _sister is an English teacher.A. Jim and Kate B.Jims and Kates C. Jims and Kate D.Jim and Kates21. ( ) Its a picture of_family. A. Bob B.Bobs C.Bobs D. Bobs22. ( ) My_favorite color is red. A. sister B.sisters C.sisters23. ( ) My school isnt far from here. Its only_ walk.A. fifteen minutes B.fifteen minutes C.fifteen minutes D. fifteen minute24. ( ) There are three_in that _shop.A. women; shoe B.woman, shoe C. woman, shoes D.women; shoes25. ( ) Mrs Green is_mother. They are _.A. Lucy and Lilys; twin B.Lucys and Lilys; twins C. Lucy and Lilys; twins D.Lucys and Lilys; twins26. ( ) I want to find a good book. Im going to the_.A. cinema B.library C.museum27. ( ) -What would you like for dinner? -Id like some_A. woods B.sports C.fish28. ( ) I have some problems with my English writing. Can you give me some_? A. advice B.decisions C.information D.message29. ( ) There are 23_in our class.A. boys students B.boy student C. boy students D.boys student30. ( ) This is _room.A. Jack and Linda B.Jack and Lindas C. Jacks and Lindas D.Jacks and Linda31. ( ) How many_ do you have? A. foot B.children C.tooth D.feet32. ( ) -Would you like some_?-No,thank you. Im not thirsty at all. A. bread B.water C.apple D.fish33. ( ) Is Ann from_?She knows a lot about English people. A.England B.English C.China34. ( ) I can buy stamps in the_ A. bank B.library C.post office35. ( ) These books are my_ A. students B.studentss C.students D. students of36. ( ) We are in the same class. We are_. A. classmates B.friends C.students37. ( ) Those are_. A. apple tree B.apple trees C.apples trees38. ( ) Its the third day of the week. Its_. A. Monday B.Sunday C.Tuesday39. ( ) -Mum, I want to eat some _. -Sure,it is good to eat fruit often.A. juice B.cakes C.bananas40. ( ) I would like some _for breakfast tomorrow. A. egg and fruit B.bread and milk C.cake and apple41. ( ) Im hungry. Please bring me some_. A. kites B.desks C.boxes D.cakes42. ( ) -What do you want to be, Elena? -I want to be a(n)_. I like singing a lot.A. writer B.singer C.doctor D.actor43. ( ) This _ is Jims mother.A. woman teachers B.women teachers C. woman teacher D.women teacher44. ( ) The present is_; its from _.A. Toms; Grandpas B.Toms; Grandpa C.Tom; Grandpas D.Tom; Grandpa45. ( ) In summer, its very hot. I usually wear my_. A. skirt B.boots C.sweater46. ( ) There are three _ my family. A. peoples B.people C.person D.47. ( ) -Is Sally from America? -No, Sally is an_girl, but shes in_now.A. America; England B.English; America C. American; English D.England; America48. ( ) -Whos Mr Brown? -Hes_father.A. Tony and Sally B.Tonys and Sallys C. Tony and Sallys D.Tony,Sallys49. ( ) There are_ on the table.A. two bottles of milk B.two bottles milk C.two bottles of milks D.two bottle of milk50. ( ) Please give me two bottles of_.A. milk B.waters C.milks D.oranges51. ( ) Amy likes to eat_. A. potato B.rice C.hot dog52. ( ) I have some apples, Apples are my favorite(最喜欢的)_A. fruit B.fruits C.vegetable D.vegetables53. ( ) How many_are there in the picture? A. animal B.animals C.the animal54. ( ) I want some_ A. meats B.waters C.cakes D.breads55. ( ) Lets draw a _face. Acats Bcats CcatII.用所给词的适当形式填空。1. There are many_(sheep) on the farm.2. How many_(season) are there ina year?3. It is Sports Day. All the_(student) are very excited.4. How many_ (knife) did you buy yesterday?5. We should brush our_ (tooth) twice a day.6. I have many beautiful _(photo)7. Jims parents are doctors, and my parents are_(farm)8. How many_(foot) does a monkey have?9. This is_(Lily and Lucy) mother.10. June lst is _ (child) Day. My daughter likes that day best.11. Excuse me,is the coat _(Tom)?12. -_( Lily) father is at home.13. Is this_ _(he) pencil?14. -Who is the man in the blue car? -He is _(Kate and Mary) father.III.根据短文内容,用所给单词的适当形式填空。(10分) I have a good _ (friend) in my class. His name is Jim. He is from England. He is in China with his parents. He likes China. He likes Chinese 2_(food), too. He has an 3_ (egg), some 4_ (bread) and 5_ (milk) for breakfast. He doesnt like 6_ (fish). He doesnt have lunch at home. The lunch in our school is delicious. We can have different kinds of 7_ (food) for lunch. Jim often eats8_(rice), 9_(meat) and 10_. ( vegetable).IV.选择恰当的单词,并用其正确形式完成短文,有两项多余。(20分) game day China thing child March January people Every year there is a Spring Festival in l_. Usually it is in 2_ or February.In 2009, it was on January 26th. It is the most important festival China. So before it comes, everyone has to do many things. They buy pork, beef, chicken, fruit and many other 3_, and they often make a special kinds of 4_ called dumplings. On the 5_ before the festival, parents buy new clothes for their 6_. On the Festival Eve, all the family members come back to their 7_. This is a happy moment. They sing, dance and play kinds of 8_. Others get the dinner ready. When they enjoy the 9_, they give each other the best wishes for the coming year. Children usually get some lucky money(压岁钱). At 12:00, people light off fireworks(燃放烟花)to welcome the coming of the Spring Festival. All the 10_, rich and poor, old and young, are very happy at this time.


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