六年级英语上册 Unit 2 Where is the Science Museum测试题1 人教PEP.doc

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第二单元基础全练全测一、【四会词汇】根据所给汉语写出相应的英语单词或短语。(26分)1图书馆_2.医院 _3电影院 _ 4.书店 _5在哪里;到哪里 _ 6.请 _7然后 _ 8.转弯 _9成直线地 _ 10.邮局 _11与相邻 _ 12.左边 _13右边 _二、【三会词汇】读一读,写出汉语意思或按要求写出单词。(22分)1excuse me_2science museum _3want/wnt/ _4a pair of _5minute/mInIt/ _6north/n/ _7south/sa/ _8east/ist/ _9west/west/ _10take/teIk/ _11tell/tel/ _三、【二会词汇】给英文单词或短语选出正确的汉语意思。(22分)()1.farA银行()2.supermarket B放学以后()3.bank C远()4.after school D超市()5.buy E下车()6.shoe store F购买()7.get off G第十二()8.twelfth H寻找()9.party I鞋店()10.start J聚会;晚会()11.look for K开始四、【四会句子】为下面的句子选择正确的汉语翻译。(30分)()1.Where is the cinema,please?()2.Its next to the hospital.()3.Turn left at the cinema, then go straight.Its on the left.A它与医院相邻。B请问电影院在哪里?C在电影院向左转,然后直行。它在左边。综合全练全测听力部分(40分)一、听音,选出你听到的单词。(10分)()1.A.museumBzooCpark()2.A.east Bsouth Cmouth()3.A.get on Bget off Cget out()4.A.next Bnear Cnest()5.A.light Bright Clet二、听录音,把句子补充完整。(15分)1The science museum is_of the school.2_ _at the zoo.3The shoe store is _the park.4You can go by the No._bus.5The zoo is on the _三、听对话,选出与所听内容相符的图片。(15分)()1.A. B. ()2.A. B. ()3. A. B. 笔试部分(60分)四、根据汉语意思补全单词。(8分)1li_rar_(图书馆)2.b_ _kstore(书店)3le_t(左边) 4.ci_ema(电影院)5hosp_ta_(医院) 6.ple_se(请)7th_ _(然后) 8.nor_ _(北)五、英汉互译。(10分)1在周日 _2.与相邻_3向左转 _ 4.到达 _5一直走 _ 6.far from _7look for _ 8.after school _9get off _ 10.on the right_六、选择填空。(10分)()1._,where is the school?Its near the library.ASorryBExcuse meCHello()2.Turn right _the post office.Aoff Bfor Cat()3.Come to my twelfth birthday party_ 6 pm_ Saturday.Aat;at Bon;on Cat;on()4.The shoe store is east _the zoo.Aof Boff Cat()5.Walk south _three minutes.Aof Boff Cfor()6.They _buy a new bag.Awant Bwant to Cwants to()7.The museum is _the left.Aon Bin Cat()8.How can I_the museum?Aget to Bget off Cget on()9.My mom bought _ for me yesterday.Aa pair of shoesBa pair of shoeCa pair shoes()10.Please come to my_birthday party.Afifth Bfive Cfiveth七、给下列句子选择正确的答语。(5分)()1.Where is the bank?()2.Is there a cinema near here?()3.How can I get to the library?()4.Is it far from your home?()5.What are you going to do after school?AIm going to buy a book.BIts in front of the park.CFirst go straight and then turn left at the zoo.DYes, there is.ENo,its not far.八、按要求完成下列各题。(8分)1is,a,near,there,here,cinema(?)(连词成句)_2You can get there by_the_No.1_bus(就画线部分提问)_ can _ get there?3Its near our school.(同义句)Its _ _ from our school.4The hospital is near_the_post_office(就画线部分提问)_ _ the hospital?5Is it next to the library?(作否定回答)_,it _九、阅读对话,判断正(T)误(F)。(5分)Chen Jie:Excuse me.Can you help me?John:Sure.Chen Jie:I cant find the shoe store.Where is it?John:Walk straight for 3 minutes.Then turn right at the post office.Its near the shoe store.Youll see it on the left.Chen Jie:Thank you.John:Youre welcome.()1.Chen Jie can find the shoe store.()2.The shoe store is on the left.()3.The post office is far from the shoe store.()4.John cant find the shoe store.()5.Turn left at the post office.十、书面表达。(14分)你的朋友们想去你的学校参观,但不知道去你学校的具体路线,请以“Where Is My School?”为题写一篇小短文。不少于5句话。Where Is My School?Hi!Friends. Welcome to my school._听力录音原文第二单元综合全练全测一、1.park2.east3.get off4.next5.right二、1.The science museum is east of the school.2Turn right at the zoo.3The shoe store is near the park.4You can go by the No.15 bus.5The zoo is on the left.三、1. A:Where is the cinema, please?B:Its next to the library.2A:How can I get to the park?B:Turn left at the bookstore.Then walk straight for three minutes.3A:Excuse me.Where is the post office? B:Its next to the hospital.答案第二单元基础全练全测一、1.library2.hospital3.cinema 4bookstore5.where6.please 7then8.turn9.straight 10post office11.next to12.left13.right二、1.对不起2.科学博物馆3.想要 4一双5.分钟6.北7.南8.东 9西10.乘坐11.告诉三、1.C2.D3.A4.B5.F6.I 7E8.G9.J10.K11.H四、1.B2.A3.C综合全练全测一、1.C2.A3.B4.A5.B二、 1.east2.Turn right3.near4.155.left三、 1.B2.A3.A四、 1.b,y2.oo3.f4.n5.i,l 6a7.en8.th五、1.on Sunday2.next to3.turn left 4get to5.go/walk straight6.离远7.寻找8.放学以后9.下车 10在右边六、 1.B2.C3.C4.A5.C6.B7.A 8A9.A10.A七、1.B2.D3.C4.E5.A八、1.Is there a cinema near here?2.How,I3.not far4.Where is5.No,isnt九、 1.F2.T3.F4.F5.F十、范例:Where Is My School?Hi!Friends. Welcome to my school. My school is near the hospital.Its very far.Now let me tell you how to come.Please take the No.3 bus.Get off at the hospital.Then turn right at the hospital.Go straight for two minutes.Find the yellow building on the right.Its my school.


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