四年级英语下册 module 8 unit 1 he lives in the east of the us教案2 外研版.doc

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四年级英语下册 module 8 unit 1 he lives in the east of the us教案2 外研版.doc_第1页
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Module 8 Unit 1 He lives in the east of the US教案1教学目标 1 知识目标: 1)、学会单词: best east west north south country 及 capital Washington DC Los Angeles 2)学会并运用句型:He lives in the east of the US. Los Angeles is in the west of the US.2 技能目标:学会运用west east和 south north来描述自己所居住的城市及其他城市在国家的地理位置 3、情感态度及价值观:使学生简单了解中国,美国各大主要城市在国家领土内的地理位置。培养学生热爱祖国,热爱家乡的思想感情,并初步建立与其他英美国家建立良好邦交关系,待人友善的意识。2学情分析 学生基本掌握一定的语言表达能力,能运用简单的句子进行表达。掌握了一定的词汇量。3重点难点 如何让学生在实际语境中运用方位词east west和 south north来描述物体或人的所在方位。4教学过程 活动1【导入】T: We got four new words from the flash. Lets guess what do they mean? (出示一张标有east, west, north, south的中国地图)T: Tell me, please!S1: (可以用汉语描述)T: OK! Thank you. And do you know where do we live?S: We live in the North.T: Yes, we live in the north of China.(指出短语in the north/south/east/west of +地点或国家)Ppt出示四个城市的名字,让学生说出其所在中国的位置,三亚上海,拉萨,哈尔滨T: Today I will introduce a new friend to you. His name is Simon.Do you want to know where does he live?Ss: Yes.T: Ok, lets see.(Show them a picture of America)标出Simon所在的位置活动2【讲授】呈现新知1、出示课题。He lives in the east of the US.2、出示学习目标。3、Look and guess.PPT出示图片,展示句型,教授新单词。This country is China. People in China speak Chinese.This country is the UK. People in the UK speak English.This country is the US. People in the US speak English.4. Show them the map of the US. 教授新单词capitalThe capital of the US is Washington DC.Whats the capital of Beijing?The capital of China is Beijing.Whats the capital of the UK?The capital of the UK is London.出示美国地图,指出纽约在地图中的位置,教授New York再次出示美国地图,指出洛杉矶在地图中的位置,教授 Los Angeles5看动画,完成导学单任务一6、看动画,回答问题Where does Simon live?完成任务二7、听音跟读课文,小组展示读文。8、自读课文,看导学单“任务三”,完成问题。活动3【练习】1、说出自己所在班级里的位置,like “Im in the west of the classroom. Hes in the east of the classroom.2、在黑板的挂图中按指令将磁卡贴在正确的位置。


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