2019-2020年高二英语Unit12 Fact and fantasy 人教版.doc

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2019-2020年高二英语Unit12 Fact and fantasy 人教版Part1 Words and expressions 1. distance n.距离;远离,远方,远景,遥远 词组扩展:go the distance 继续跑完全程 in the distance 在远方 keep ones distance from sb/sth与某人某物保持距离 keep sb. at a distance 不愿与某人亲近 I would keep my distance from that dog, if I were you! 如果我是你,我就离那条狗远点。 I could see the bus ing in the distance.我看见汽车从远处开来了。 相关链接:adj. distant 远离的,遥远的 (注意: 实际距离+distant 可做状语,表语或后置定语) There was a house about two miles distant.两英里外有一个房子。 2. foundation n. 基础,根本,建立,创立,基金,基金会 He laid the foundations of his success by studying and working hard.他以读书和勤劳奠定了成功的基础。 The Gulbenkian Foundation gives money to help artists.古尔班钦基金会给艺术家以资助。 相关链接:foundation 作“创建”解是不可数名词,作“地基,基础”解是可数名词。 The foundation of a nursing home is her wish.创办一所疗养院是她的希望。 to lay the foundations of a new hospital 新医院奠基 3. collision n. 碰撞,冲撞;互撞事件 I saw a collision of a bus with a car.我看到公共和小汽车相撞。 Thirty people were killed in a collision on the railway yesterday.昨天火车相撞,死了三十人。 相关链接:in a collision 在冲突/碰撞中 through a collision with 因与相撞 avoid a collision with避免与冲突 e into collision with与冲突,抵触 Their interests es into collision with ours.他们的利益与我们的冲突。 The ship sank through a collision with an oil tanker.这条船因与油轮相撞而沉没。 4. overboard adv. 自船上落下,在船外;向船外;落水 He fell overboard. 他从船上掉入水中。 go overboard for/about 着迷;狂热的追求 throw overboard 摆脱;放弃;丢在船外;丢在水中 After losing the election, they threw their leader overboard. 在选举失败后,他们罢免了他们的领导。 5. submarine n. 潜水艇,潜艇 adj. 海生的,海中的,水下的,海底的 a submarine cable 海底电缆 submarine exploration 海中探测 6. fiction (1) 小说 (不可数名词) He writes fiction.他是写小说的。 (2) 虚构之事,想象 (可数名词) His testimony was a plete fiction.他的证词全是虚构的。 7. gentle adj. 温和的;文雅的;柔和的;高尚的;出生高贵的 Her gentle manner was forting.她和蔼的态度使人感到安慰。 Mothers are gentle with their babies.母亲对待孩子总是温柔体贴的。 相关链接:gently 温柔地,gentleman 绅士 gentleness n.温和 gentle manners 文雅的举止 a gentle wind 和风 a gentle voice/ smile柔和的声音/微笑 8. marble n.大理石(U),大理石制品(pl. marbles), 理智,普通常识 The monument is carved in marble.这个纪念碑是用大理石刻成的。 These steps are made of marble.这些台阶是大理石的。 相关链接: have all ones marbles 很聪明,很有头脑 lose ones marbles失去理智,气疯了 9. throw light on / upon 提供线索,使清楚起来 The information throws light on / upon the mystery of the Presidents death. 这消息给弄清楚总统神秘之死提供了线索。 Illustrations threw light upon the text. 插图有助于理解正文。 10. labour(labor)n. 劳动;工人;劳动力,努力 skilled labor 技术工人 tired after ones labors 工作之后的疲劳 vi./vt. 劳动,干活,工作,努力做 He is labouring in the fields.他正在田里干活。 We must labor for a better future. 我们应为更加美好的未来而努力。 相关链接:Labour Day 劳动节 labour reform 劳动改造 思维拓展 labor vi. 劳动;工作;努力做。例如: labor for a better future为更加美好的未来而努力 labor to do 努力去做 11. hesitate vi. 犹豫,踌躇 hesitate at / over / about / in hesitate to do sth.不愿做某事 If you hesitate too much, you will the game.如果你太犹豫,你就会输掉这一局。 He always hesitates nothing. 他从不犹豫。 I hesitate to take the risk.我不愿冒这个险。 He hesitated about going in.对进不进去他犹豫不决。 12. apply vt. 应用;运用 apply to sb/sth 对适用 vi. 申请 apply to sb for sth 向申请 apply for 申请 What I have said applies only to some of you.我所说的只适用于你们当中的一部分人 13. set out 出发,上路 set out to do sth 开始做某事 set about doing 着手做某事 扩展:set off (for)出发,起程 set aside 把某物放在一边 set up 设立,建立 set foot on/in 踏入,踏上 set free 释放 I set out to prepare for my speech. 我开始着手为演讲作准备。 They set out for the north two days later. 两天后,他们出发向北去了。 They set out on a sightseeing tour. 他们动身出去观光旅行。 Part2 Language points Warming up 1. xx0 Leagues under the Sea海底两万里 league n. 里格(长度单位=3英里或3海里);联盟;社团,联合会。例如: Our team plays in the football league.我们队在足球联赛中参加比赛。 He is in league with the Mafia.他与黑手党勾结。 全析提示 in league with 与同盟;与勾结 2. Whats the distance from the earth to the moon?从地球到月球的距离是多少? distance n. 距离;间隔;远处。例如: What distance do you have to walk to school?你到学校要走多远的距离? I could see the bus ing in the distance.我看见公共汽车从远处开来了。 Whats the distance from your home to the cinema?从你家到电影院有多远? His house is within walking distance of the hospital.他家离医院只有几步路。 at a distance 隔一段距离;距离稍远一些 from a distance 由远处 in the distance 形副在远处 思维拓展 distant adj. 远隔的;遥远的;远的;向远方去的。例如: a distant country 一个遥远的国家 a distant journey 远游在无数词时,除非是相当远的距离,否则不用distant from; 在有数词时,无论远近都可以使用distant from,但是以使用away较为普遍。例如: The station is three miles away from my house. 车站离我家有3英里远。 3. How fast does a balloon travel?气球能跑多快? balloon n. 气球;玩具气球。例如: an observation balloon 观测气球 blow up a balloon 吹气球 raise a balloon 升起气球 The balloon burst. 气球破裂了。 The balloon goes up. 口(事件、骚动等)开始。 思维拓展 balloon v. 乘气球上升;膨胀如气球。例如: Her skirt ballooned out in the wind.她的裙子被风吹得鼓了起来。 4. fantasy U空想,幻想;白日梦 C想象力的产物;幻想的文学作品 The young man lives in a world of fantasy.这个年轻人生活在幻想的世界里。 The adventurous story is a fantasy.这个冒险故事是想象的产物。 思维拓展 fantastic adj. 幻想的;荒谬的;空想的。例如:a fantastic story怪诞的故事 a fantastic plan不切实际的计划 He dreamt a fantastic dream.他做了个怪诞的梦。 Reading 1. the father of science fiction 科幻小说之父 fiction n. U & C 虚构的文学作品;小说;编造的谎话;虚构;想象。例如: science fiction 科学小说,科学幻想故事 the writer of fiction 小说家 Fact Truth is stranger than fiction. 谚事实比小说还离奇。 The account she gave of her movements is a plete fiction. 她对自己的行动所作的解释完全是虚构的。 思维拓展 fictional adj. 虚构的;小说的;杜撰的。例如: fictional characters 虚构的人物 factual adj. 事实的;实际的。例如: a factual account 真实记载 2. To make a living, Verne had to write and sell stories.为了谋生,凡尔纳不得不写小说卖。 (1)to make a living 在本句中是不定式作目的状语。又如: To do good work, one must have the proper tools. 要干出像样的活得有合适的工具。 We slept together to keep warm.我们睡在一起以保持暖和。 思维拓展 不定式作目的状语也可以用较为固定的结构:in order to和so as to。注意:so as to不用于句首。 In order to catch the train, she hurried through her work.为了赶火车,她匆匆做完了她的工作。 (2)make a living 谋生 He makes a living as a driver. 他以开汽车谋生。 To make a living , he had to sell newspapers. 他不得不以卖报为生。 思维拓展 earn (gain, get, make) ones living 谋生 3. Jules spent many hours in Paris libraries studying geography, physics and many other subjects.儒勒凡尔纳在巴黎的图书馆里花费大量的时间研究地理、物理和许多其他的科目。 spend time (in) doing sth. 花时间做某事。例如: He spent ten years writing that book.他用了十年写那本书。 His spare time is spent in collecting stamps.他的业余时间都花在了集邮上。 思维拓展 spendon 在上花费(时间、金钱)。例如:I spent twenty yuan on this book. 我花了二十元买这本书。 4. Many of the instruments in his novels will remind the reader of Dr Benjamin Franklins experiments with electricity.他小说里描述的许多装置都会使读者想起本杰明弗兰克林所做的有关电的实验。 remind vt. 使想起;使记起;提醒。 The film reminded him of what he had seen in China. 这部影片使他回想起在中国所看到的一切。 This reminds me of last year.这使我想起去年的事。 Please remind me to leave her a message.请提醒我留给她这张纸条。 Please remind me that I must call her up before nine. 请提醒我九点前给她打个电话。 全析提示 remind sb. of sth. 使某人想起 remind sb. to do sth. 使某人想起做某事,提醒某人做某事 remind sb. that 提醒某人,警告某人 5. By taking scientific developments of his day one step further, Jules Verne laid the foundation of modern science fiction.通过将他所处时代的科学发展向前推进一步,儒勒凡尔纳奠定了现代科幻小说的基础。 (1) by在本句中是介词,表示手段或方式,可译作“通过,用” 其后常跟名词或动词-ing形式。例如: She earned money by writing.她靠写作挣钱。 We went by air.我们乘飞机走。 He saluted her _ raising his hat.他举起帽子向她致意。 I am going to Shanghai by air tomorrow.明天我乘飞机去上海。 思维拓展 by可以表示交通方式和交通手段,后面常跟名词。要表示抽象的手段或方式后常跟动词-ing形式。例如: by car 乘汽车by train 乘火车by airmail 用航空邮寄by ship 乘船by air 乘飞机by bus 乘公共汽车by the 10:30 train 乘10点半的火车 (2) lay the foundation of 奠定的基础。例如: He laid the foundations of his success by study and hard work. 他以读书和勤劳奠定了成功的基础。 Slavery provided the foundation for many ancient types of society. 奴隶制为古代社会提供了基础。 the foundation of a building 建筑物的地基 思维拓展 without foundation 无根据的 lay the foundation for 给打下基础,为奠定基础 6. Jules Verne died in 1905, long before any of his dreams came true.1905年,儒勒凡尔纳的一个梦想也没有实现,他就与世长辞了。 (1) long before 很久以前(可单独使用,一般用在过去完成时的句子里;亦可引导句子)。 She said she had seen the film long before.她说她很久以前就看过这部电影。 It will not be long before they e back.他们不久就会回来。 It was long before we knew what was wrong with our plan. 过了很长时间我们才知道计划错在哪里。 思维拓展 before long 是“很快,不久”的意思,可以用于各种时态。例如: Ill see the film before long.我不久就要看这部电影。 long ago 很久以前,用于过去时态。 It will not be long before 不久就 (2) e true(预言、梦想等)成为事实,实现。(e为系动词,意为“变为,变得”)。例如:Your dream will e true some day.你的理想早晚有一天会实现的。 The buttons came unfastened.扣子松开了。 The door came open quietly.门静悄悄地开了。 思维拓展 表示变化的系动词主要有:bee, go, e, get, grow, fall, turn, run等,它们后面要跟形容词作表语。 7. Dr Aronnax, his servant and a Canadian whale hunter set out to find the monster. 阿奈克斯博士、他的仆人和一位加拿大的捕鲸人三人出发去寻找那个海怪。 (1)servant n. 仆人;公务员;雇员。例如:civil servant 公务员 Fire and water may be good servants, but bad masters.谚水火是忠仆,用之不慎成灾主。 A politician should be the servant of the people. 政治家应当是人民的公仆。 思维拓展 master n. 主人;控制者。例如:The cat obeyed his master.这只猫听主人的话。 Where is the master of the house? 房主在哪儿? (2) whale n. 鲸;庞然大物。例如:blue whale 蓝鲸 a whale of a difference 天壤之别 (3) set out to do sth. 着手干某事。(set out出发,开始) I set out to prepare for the speech. 我开始着手为演讲作准备。 They set out for the north two days later. 两天后,他们出发向北去了。 They set out on a sightseeing tour.他们动身出去观光旅行。 思维拓展 set about (doing) sth. 着手干某事。后跟名词或动名词。例如: 8. After months of searching they find it and in the collision that follows, the three men are thrown overboard.经过几个月的寻找,他们找到了那个怪物,但是在随后的冲突中他们三人被从船上抛入大海里。 that follows是定语从句,译为“随后的”。 In the years that followed, Karl Marx kept on learning English. 在随后的几年里,卡尔马克思坚持学习英语。 In the days that followed, I didnt go there any more.在随后的几天里我没有再去那儿。 全析提示 that在定语从句中作主语,相当于which,不能省略。in the years that followed也可说成:in the following years。 9. In their efforts to survive, they find themselves on the surface of the monster itself, which turns out to be a submarine.在他们努力求生时,发现自己就在怪兽的身体表面上,结果怪兽竟然是一艘潜水艇。 (1) 注意本句的句子结构,which引导的非限制性定语从句修饰the monster itself。 (2) in their efforts 中的in表示“正在进行的动作或状态”。 in a rage 在愤怒中 in a hurry 匆忙地 in prison 在监狱(服刑) in good condition 情况良好 be killed in action 阵亡 be engaged in trade 从事贸易 (3) turn out(常与to be, that连用,或句型:It +turn out that,不能用于被动语态)证明是,结果是,发展为。 The plan turned out to be a failure. 这项计划结果归于失败。 The rumor turned out to be true. 那谣言后来证明是真的。 It was turned out that two travelers had been killed.后来证实有两位旅客丧生。 思维拓展 turn out vt.(可以分开使用)关上(自来水、电灯等);生产,制造,培养出;驱逐(某人)出去;解雇(某人)。 prove to be 证明是 10. They are taken on board and Captain Nemo decides not to kill them but makes them his permanent guests.在他们被带上船后,尼摩船长决定不杀死他们而是把他们看成永久的客人。 (1) on board 在船上,在公共交通工具内。例如: We went on board the ship.我们登上了轮船。 Everybody on board was worried.飞机上的人都很着急。 They had a good time on board.他们在船上过得很愉快。 思维拓展 board n. 木板,(供特殊用途的)木板,甲板。vt. 用板盖上,上(船、飞机等)。例如: wall board 建筑纸板 warning board 警告牌,危险标示牌 wind board 挡风板 stop sign board 停车标志牌 board a ship 上船 (2) not to kill them为不定式的否定式作动词宾语。makes them his permanent guests中his permanent guests为名词短语作宾语补足语。 (3) permanent adj. 永久的,不变的,耐久的;常设的,常任的。例如: permanent address 永久地址 permanent tooth 成人齿 permanent assets 固定资产 a permanent job 固定职业 a permanent mittee 常设委员会 I have a permanent job here.我在这里有一个永久的工作。 思维拓展 permanently adv. 永久地;持久地 lasting adj. 持久的,耐久的。例如:a lasting peace 持久的和平 11. Captain Nemo takes them on a voyage across the oceans. 船长尼摩带他们在大洋中漂泊。 go (make, take,have) a voyage around the world 作环游世界的航行 voyage n. 航海;航行。voyage主要指“乘船作水上旅行”,也可指“空中旅行”。: He got seasick during the voyage. 在航行中他晕船。 They went on a pleasant voyage last month. 上个月他们进行了一次愉快的航海旅行。 We had a voyage to Australia.我们航行到澳洲去。 He is now on the voyage home.他正在回航途中。 vi. 航海,航行 vt. 渡过,飞过 They voyaged across the Indian Ocean.他们作了穿越印度洋的旅行。 思维拓展 journey 应用范围很广,指“有预定地点的陆上、水上或空中的单程长、短途旅行”,一般来说,它着重指“长距离的陆上旅行”。trip为一般用语,指“任何方式的,从事业务或游览的旅行”,往往着重于“短途旅行”。travel属广义词,指游历性质的旅行,尤指远途或海外旅行。 12. The furniture is precious and huge glass windows that can be opened and closed give a view of the underwater world.摆设很精致,巨大的玻璃窗可以打开或关闭,让人看到水下世界。 that can be opened and closed 引导的是定语从句,修饰 huge glass windows。 give a view of 让人看到例如: The big windows of my house give a view of the beautiful scenery outside. 我房间的大窗子让我看到外面的美景。 思维拓展 in view 看得见 in view of 在(从)看得见的地方;鉴于;考虑到 e into view 看得见 out of view 看不见 with a view to doing(介)为了目的,打算做 He went to Los Angeles with a view to opening a restaurant. 他为了开一家新餐馆而到洛杉矶去。 13. Electricity is used for light, heating, power, and to defend the ship against attacks. 电被用来照明、取暖和作动力,也用来保卫船只免受攻击。 (1) be used for 被用于(后跟名词或动名词)。例如: Bamboo can be made for paper. 竹子可以用来造纸。 For what is the pot used? 这个锅是用来干什么的? (2) defend sb. against/from sth. 保护,保卫(defend指“ 保卫”“防御”,应用范围很广,对象可以是具体的,也可以是抽象的)。例如: She had to defend herself against the guard dog. 她不得不防备看门狗咬她。 Our duty is to defend our country against the attack of the enemies. 我们的职责就是保卫我们的祖国免受敌人的攻击。 Be careful to defend yourselves against the enemy.要小心防御敌人。 14. Dressed in diving suits, they walk around in this magic world, lighted by the lamps of the ship.穿着潜水衣,他们在船上灯光照耀的魔幻世界里遨游。 (1)本句中dressed in diving suits作方式状语;lighted by the lamps分词短语作后置定语。 (2)dress vt. 给某人穿衣服。vi. 穿衣。例如: He is well dressed 他穿得很漂亮。 Dress yourself quickly. 你快点穿衣服。 The man is dressed in blue. 那个男人身穿蓝色衣服。 思维拓展 dress sb. 给某人穿衣服 dress oneself 自己穿衣服 dress sb. in 给某人穿上什么衣服 be dressed in blue 穿着蓝衣服 be well/finely dressed 穿得好 15. They find themselves surrounded by colourful rocks, fishes, shells, and plants, all waving and moving slowly in the blue waters.他们发现自己被五颜六色的石块、鱼类、贝壳和植物包围着,所有这一切都在蓝色的海水中浮动。 本句中all waving and moving短语为代词加现在分词短语构成的独立主格结构,在句中作状语;surrounded by短语为过去分词短语作宾语补足语。常见的宾语补足语如: hear a song sung 听到有人唱歌 make oneself known to sb. 向某人作自我介绍 have ones hair cut 理发 Keep your mouth shut and your eyes open.(谚)少说多看。 16. You might think that he is a cruel man because he keeps Aronnax and the others as prisoners and destroys ships.你可能认为他是一个残酷的人,因为他把阿奈克斯和其他人当成囚犯关押起来并且毁坏了船只。 (1)prisoner n. 俘虏;失去自由的人;犯人。例如: The prisoners planned to escape but failed. 那些囚犯曾计划逃跑但没有成功。 My work kept me a prisoner all summer. 整个夏天我忙得不可开交。 prisoner of war 战俘 take sb. prisoner 俘虏某人 思维拓展 in prison 坐牢 out of prison 出狱 throw sb. into prison 把某人投进监狱 put sb. into prison 把某人关进监狱 go to prison 入狱,被监禁 (2)keep sb. as 把某人当作例如: He kept the boy as his own son.他把那个男孩当自己的儿子来看待。 That cruel man kept them as slaves. 那个残酷的人把他们当作奴隶。 思维拓展 have/take/treat/regard/look on sb. as 把某人看作 17. But at other moments you will find him gentle and weak,when he cries about the lost lives of people drowned in ships that have sunk.但是当他为沉船上因溺水而亡的人落泪的时候,你会发现他又是一个温和而软弱的人。 (1)gentle adj. 和善的;温和的;文雅的;和缓的。例如: gentle breeze 和风 gentle heart 仁慈的心肠 gentle nature 温和的性情 gentle wind (rain) 和风(细雨) (2)注意本句的句子结构:that引导的是个定语从句,修饰ships。when引导的定语从句修饰moments,因为定语从句太长,所以放在了后边,称之为分隔式定语从句。 I saw something in the paper that might be interested in. 我在报上看到一些东西,你可能感兴趣。 drowned为过去分词作定语,意为“淹死了的”修饰people, drown vt.& vi. 淹死。 Dont play by the fiver in case you fall in and drown! 不要在河边玩耍,以免你掉到河里淹死。 be (get) drowned 淹死,溺死 drown oneself 投水(自杀) 思维拓展 drown oneself in 埋头于 a drowning dog 快淹死的狗 a drowned dog 淹死的狗 18. The story begins with the discovery of an ancient document in an old book.故事以在古书中发现一旧文件为开端。 The concert began with a violin solo. 音乐会以小提琴独奏开始。 begin with 以为开始。例如: Lets begin with Lesson 1. 让我们从第一课开始。 The meeting began with the national anthem. 大会以国歌开始。 思维拓展 to start with=to begin with首先,第一。(通常置于句首,用于叙述理由)。例如: _, she is too young for that kind of job. 首先,她做这份工作还太年轻。 19. Passing through layers of coal and marble they go deeper and deeper. 穿过厚厚的煤层和大理石,他们进得越来越深。 (1)本句中passing短语为现在分词作状语。 (2)layer n. 层;地层;阶层。例如: There is a layer of dust on the dressing-table. 梳妆台上盖着一层灰尘。 This cake has a layer of chocolate in the middle. 这蛋糕中间有一层巧克力。 air layer 空气层 20. In the end, their raft is drawn into a fast stream and with ever increasing speed and temperatures they are shot out of a volcano in Southern Italy.最后他们的筏子驶进了一条湍急的小溪,随着逐步加快的速度和逐渐升高的温度,他们从意大利南部一座火山中被抛射出来。 with是个介词,在本句中意为“随着”。例如: With these words, he left the room.他说完这些话便离开了房间。 change with the temperature 随着温度而变化 increase with years 逐年增加 be up with the dawn 黎明即起 思维拓展 as conj. 随着(引导的是时间状语从句)。例如: You will grow wiser as you grow older.随着你年龄的增长,你会变得更聪明。 As time goes on, he gets stronger and stronger.随着时间的推移,他越来越壮。 Post-reading 1. Paraphrase the following sentences or parts of sentences using your own words. 用你自己的话解释下面的句子或句子的一部分。 (1)paraphrase vt. & vi.(将)释义;意译。例如: Paraphrase the passage in modern English. 用现代英语意译这段文字。 (2)using your own words 为现在分词作方式状语。 2. Under water travel and space travel have many things in mon.水下旅行和太空旅行有很多相同之处。 mon强调“常见的、不足为奇的”。in mon共同的(地),共同享有的(地)。in mon with和一样。 Snow is mon in cold countries. 在寒冷的国家雪是常见的。 mon knowledge 常识 The mon man in every country is anxious for world peace. 每个国家的老百姓都渴望世界和平。 Though they are brothers, they have nothing in mone. 虽然他们是弟兄俩,但毫无共同之处。 In mon with many people, she likes pop music.和好多人一样,她喜欢流行音乐。 思维拓展 ordinary强调“平常的”“平淡无奇的”。例如: His ordinary supper consists of only bread and milk.他通常的晚餐不过是面包和牛奶。 general意为“普遍的”“一般的”。例如: This book is intended for the general reader, not for the specialist. 这本书是为一般读者写的,不是为专家写的。 Integrating skills 1. I read all the books I could find that threw light upon these matters.我阅读了所有能找到的能解释这些事情的书籍。 (1)I could find that threw light upon these matters是两个修饰名词books的定语从句。I前省略了关系代词that。 (2) throw/cast light upon/on使某事显得非常清楚。(light n.见解)例如: The new facts threw some light on the matter. 那些新事实已使这个问题更显明朗化。 Illustrations throw light upon the text. 插图有助于理解课文。 Can you throw light upon these problems? 你能把这些问题解释清楚吗? 思维拓展 make light of sb. (sth.)轻视某人(某物);低估某人(某物) sit light on(工作等)对来说负担不重。lighted既可以作动词,又可以作形容词,意为“点燃了的”。例如:a lighted candle点燃了的蜡烛 (3)matter n. 事情;问题;内容;物质。matter所表示的“事情”在含意上比较模糊,通常指客观存在的或有待处理的问题。例如: I have an important matter to talk to you about.我有件重要的事要和你谈谈。 Everything we can see and touch is made up of matter. 我们能看见和摸到的每件东西都由物质组成。 I have an urgent matter to attend to. 我有一件急事要办。 What is the matter with you? 你怎么啦? 2. I found all that was taught at university very disappointing and decided that I would pioneer a new way, explore unknown powers, and unfold to the world the deepest mysteries of nature.我发现大学里教的东西很令人失望,因此决定自己开拓一条新路,探索未知的力量,向世人揭开大自然的奥秘。 (1)本句中that was taught是一个定语从句,修饰代词all。第二个that是一个宾语从句,作decided的宾语。Disappointing作宾语all的补足语。 (2)pioneer vt. & vi. 开拓;为开路;作先驱者。例如: The astronauts pioneered the way to the moon.那些宇航员开拓了通向月球的路。 They pioneered in modern medical science. 他们成为近代医学的先驱。 We should pioneer a new way to the research of cancer. 我们应该开拓一条癌症研究的新路。 3. One of the phenomena that attracted my attention was the structure of the human body, and any animal that was alive. 使我感兴趣的现象之一是人体和所有活动物的结构。 attention n. 注意;关心;注意力。例如: Give your whole attention to what you are doing.把全部注意力用于你所做的事。 Never mind about me. Please pay attentions to ladies.不要管我,请好好款待女客。 Attention please, fellows! 伙计们,请注意! Please give it your attention. 请对此多加关注。 We should pay attention the state affairs. 我们应该关心国家大事。 思维拓展 pay attention to注意pay ones attentions to殷勤款待某人,献殷勤 attract/catch/draw/get ones attention引起某人的注意 devote ones attention to专心于 focus ones attention on把注意力集中在 4. After days and nights of incredible labor, I discovered the cause of life and how to create life from dead matter.经过难以置信的日夜工作,我发现了生命的根源并且发现了怎样用没有生命的东西创造生命。 (1)incredible adj. 难以置信的,不可思议的。例如: It is incredible that he should have gone to live in such a dangerous country. 他竟然搬到那样危险的国家去住,实在令人难以置信。 They fought with incredible courage! 他们作战的勇气令人难以置信! 5. When I found this amazing power placed within my hands, I hesitated a long time how I should use it.当我发现这令人惊奇的力量就在我眼前的时候,我犹豫了好长时间,不知道怎样利用它。 (1)amazing adj. 令人惊异的(一般指事物)。例如: What an amazing phenomenon! 多么令人惊异的现象啊! China is developing with an amazing speed. 中国正在以惊人的速度发展着。 思维拓展 amaze vt. 使吃惊 amazed adj. 吃惊的(一般指人)


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