2019-2020年高二英语 Unit17《Disabilities》Warming up, listening and speaking 说课稿.doc

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2019-2020年高二英语 Unit17《Disabilities》Warming up, listening and speaking 说课稿.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高二英语 Unit17《Disabilities》Warming up, listening and speaking 说课稿.doc_第3页
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2019-2020年高二英语 Unit17DisabilitiesWarming up, listening and speaking 说课稿.Teaching goals: A. Knowledge goalCarry on the listening training effectively.Learn some useful expressions.Understand the difficulties the disabled should face.B. Ability goal Learn how to express ability and disability.Discuss with the students how to help the disabled.Train the Ss logical thinking and quick reaction capability.Develop the Ss abilities of creative thinking and cooperative studyC. Emotion goalCultivate the Ss ability of group cooperation further.Understand, care about and respect the disabled.Strive constantly for self-improvement.Teaching key points:A. ListeningB. SpeakingC. munication.Teaching difficult points:A. Introducing all kinds of people with disability.B. Creating municate atmosphere to help the disabled.C .How to let each student take part in listening , speaking and munication.Teaching methods:Main methods:1.Teaching the students in accordance with love, using Audiolingual Method2.Carrying out the ideological education through the teaching process using task-based instruction. Other methods:municative Approach Affective Approach to Language Teaching Activity-based Language Teaching Heuristic teaching .Learning methodsCo-operative learning discovery learningExperiential Learning .Teaching aidsblackboard, recorder, .multimedia. Teaching Procedures1.lead-in:Show the students several kinds of disability using pictures2. Blackboard Arrangement: Unit 17 Disabilities able /ability disable /disability disabled / the disabled people with disability1.) She has the ability to speak English fluently.2.) Blindness is a kind of disability.3.) The disabled are needed to be taken good care of. 3.Warming up: Show the Ss four pictures at the same time. The Ss can make choices about which to choose and try to find out solutions. Pay attention to their individual differences. Through assumption, cultivate the students imagination, observation and creativity. Various solutions should be OK if it can work. 4 ListeningPre-listeningWhile-listeningPost-listeningTeaching methodsLearning methodsmake clear the purpose of listeningask questionskey wordsknow something background knowledgetake notesunderstand the text and key points make choicesdiscussretell according to the questionschoicessolving more problems according to the listening guidancehelpenlightenment solving difficult points encouragement,evaluation analysissummarycreativity thinking ability5 SpeakingPre-speakingWhile-speakingPost-speakingTeaching methodsLearning methodsknow something about the topic and language atmosphereuseful expressionstask and role distributiondiscussrole-playarrangeexchange ideasmentfree talkguidancehelpsampleencouragement,appreciation solving difficult pointsCo-operationdiscovery learningexperiential learning reaction ability6 Evaluation forms of speakingItemsEvaluation Pronunciation1 2 3 4 5Intonation;1 2 3 4 5Content1 2 3 4 5Expression1 2 3 4 5Coherent1 2 3 4 5Cooperation1 2 3 4 5Scores7 A song Let the Ss to listen to the song Endless love. Certainly the song will impress them more on love and care.8 Summary 1. Talk about disabilities and care about the disabled.2. Useful expressions and sentence patterns.disability, imagine, overe the difficultyWhatto do with? / How to deal with?Its +adj. for/of sb to do somethingIf I were, I would.9 HomeworkSurf the Internet or go to the library to find out more information about the disabled, for example: the number of the disabled in the world or in China,great famous disabled persons and so on, then arrange them and exchange the ideas in the next period; Prepare for the next period - Reading After learning this period the Ss and I will e to realize:When God closes a door he will always open a window. And we should co


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