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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习话题语篇专攻练10人物传记一外研版. 阅读理解AEdmund Halley was an English scientist who lived over 200 years ago. He studied the observations of ets(彗星)which other scientists had made. The orbit(轨道)of one particular et was a very difficult mathematical problem. He could not figure it out. Neither could other scientists who dealt with such problems. However, Halley had a friend named Isaac Newton, who was a brilliant mathematician. Newton thought he had already worked out that problem, but he could not find the papers on which he had done it. He told Halley that the orbit of a et had the shape of an ellipse(椭圆形). Now Halley set to work. He figured out(解决, 计算出)the orbits of some of the ets that had been observed by scientists. He made a surprising discovery. The ets that had appeared in the years 1531, 1607, and 1682 all had the same orbit. Yet their appearance had been 75 to 76 years apart. This seemed very strange to Halley. Three different ets followed the same orbit. The more Halley thought about it, the more he thought that there had not been three different ets as people thought. He decided that they had simply seen the same et three times. The et had gone away and had e back again. It was an astonishing idea! Halley felt certain to make a prediction(预言)of what would happen in the future. He decided that this would appear in the year 1758. There were 53 years to go before Halleys prediction could be tested. In 1758 the et appeared in the sky. Halley did not see it, for he had died some years before. Ever since then that et had been called Halleys et, in his honor. 【文章大意】文章介绍了哈雷和他发现的哈雷彗星, 以及发现验证哈雷彗星的过程。1. Edmund Halley figured out the orbit of_. A. some different ets appearing several timesB. the same et appearing at different timesC. three different ets appearing at the same timeD. several ets appearing at the same time【解析】选B。推理判断题。根据第四段中He decided that they had simply seen the same et three times. 及上文提到的看见彗星的时间分别是1531年、1607年、1682年可以判断。2. Halley made his discovery_. A. by doing experimentsB. by means of his own careful observationC. by using the working of other scientistsD. by chance【解析】选C。细节理解题。根据第一段第二句He studied the observations of ets which other scientists had made. 可知哈雷的发现是在研究其他科学家们的观察中得出来的, 故选C。3. Halley made a surprising, but correct prediction in the year_. A. 1704B. 1705C. 1706D. 1707【解析】选B。数字计算题。根据第五段中He decided that this would appear in the year 1758. There were 53 years to go before Halleys prediction could be tested. 可以推断出哈雷做出预言的时间是1705年, 故选B。4. This passage in general is about_. A. Halley and other scientistsB. the orbit of a etC. Newton and HalleyD. Halley and his discovery【解析】选D。主旨大意题。纵观全文可知文章的中心是哈雷以及他发现的哈雷彗星, 故选D。B(xx佛山模拟)Mr Selfridge, the Wisconsin-born retailer(零售商)who left school at 14, rose to bee a partner in Marshall Fields Chicago. Founded in 1852, it was one of the first and most ambitious US department scores. Mr Selfridge had done well with Marshall Fields. He liked to say, “The customer is always right, ”which made the Chicago store popular. And he is believed to have invented the phrase, “Only so many Shopping Days until Christmas”. When he visited London on holiday in 1906 he was surprised to find most of the citys department stores were no match of their American and Parisian petitors. This led Selfridge to leave the US and establish Selfridgesa department store named after him, at the west end of Londons Oxford Street. In Oxford Street, Selfridges design team shaped an ambitious classical palace building with a wall of plate glass windows. Opened in 1909, Selfridges offered customers a hundred departments along with restaurants, a roof garden, reading and writing rooms, reception areas for foreign visitors, a first aid room and most importantly, a small army of knowledgeable floor-walking assistants who served as guides as well as being thoroughly instructed in the art of making a sale. Mr Selfridge did much to make the department store a destination rather than just a big and prehensively stocked city shop. It became a place to meet and for ladies to lunch. Mr Selfridge later introduced the department store as a key element of the 20th Century culture, and Chaplin acknowledged the growing trend for shopping in the department store in his film The Floorwalker. 【文章大意】本文主要介绍了美国著名销售大师Selfridge的销售特色以及他开拓英国市场的过程。5. What can be learned about Mr Selfridge from Paragraph 1? A. He was well-educated. B. He was a gifted businessman. C. He was a modest man. D. He was dishonest. 【解析】选B。推理判断题。根据第一段后三句可知Mr Selfridge擅长商业经营, 故选B。6. What made Selfridge build a department store in London? A. The large population in London. B. His desire to own a department store. C. His confidence in business success. D. Affection for London architecture. 【解析】选C。推理判断题。根据第二段第一句可知他在1906年来伦敦的时候, 发现没有一家伦敦的百货店能够和美国的百货店相比, 于是他就在伦敦建立了商店。说明他对自己的商业模式很自信, 认为自己一定能够取得成功, 故选C。7. What was Selfridges most impressive characteristic? A. The number of departments. B. The broad choice of goods. C. The small group of guards. D. The well-trained sales guides. 【解析】选D。推理判断题。根据第三段可知在他的商业模式中最重要的是训练有素的销售助理, 故选D。8. What is the main purpose of the article? A. To introduce the history of Selfridge. B. To pare different department stores. C. To encourage readers to spend more. D. To explain how to start a department store. 【解析】选A。目的意图题。根据全文内容可知本文主要介绍了美国著名销售大师Selfridge的特点以及他到英国开拓市场的过程。. 完形填空(xx洛阳模拟)Starting from my early young age, I was a happy child. However, at age twelve, my life had a huge_1_. I developed obsessive pulsive disorder (OCD). I started to wash my hands ten times an hour to_2_bacteria and I frequently checked my kitchen to make sure that it was_3_. This way of life continued for four_4_years, and by then, my OCD had led to_5_. I was no longer the happy little girl I had been. I told my mother that I was suffering from depression. So Mum took me to a_6_. The medicine didnt help me very much. I was still_7_sad, believing that my life no longer_8_. One autumn evening two years ago, I hit rock bottom. I_9_thought suicide was the only_10_to my depression problem, so I wrote a suicide_11_to my family. As I was folding the note, my_12_fell on a photograph. It was a picture of a lovely little girl with dark-blue eyes_13_of adventure and curiosity. It took me a few minutes to_14_that the smiling girl in the photo was me. The photo had been taken at one weekend at my uncles house when I was seven. Suddenly I felt a chill(惊悸)and it was like my younger_15_had sent me a message. Once I had been a_16_little girl, and I had to bee strong like that again. I tore up my suicide note and swore that I would have to_17_the depression with my mind, too. I could make myself happy again. It has been two years_18_I“rediscovered”myself. I am OCD and depression-free. I am prepared for whatever_19_life may bring. My hero is a seven-year-old girl, _20_back at me from a photo on my desk. 【文章大意】本文讲述的是一个女孩与抑郁症抗争的故事。1. A. requestB. breakdownC. outeD. drawback【解析】选B。根据下文可知作者患了强迫症, request请求; breakdown崩溃; oute结果; drawback缺点; 故选B。2. A. avoidB. breedC. carryD. examine【解析】选A。我每小时洗十次手以避免(avoid)细菌。3. A. downB. hotC. offD. clear【解析】选C。我频繁地检查厨房以确保远离(off)细菌。4. A. boringB. carefulC. shyD. painful【解析】选D。我度过了痛苦的(painful)四年。5. A. impressionB. pressureC. motivationD. depression【解析】选D。强迫症导致了抑郁症。6. A. doctorB. strangerC. teacherD. schoolmaster【解析】选A。根据下文的medicine可知妈妈带我去看医生了。7. A. generallyB. suddenlyC. occasionallyD. constantly【解析】选D。我依然(constantly)很伤心。8. A. changedB. matteredC. succeededD. failed【解析】选B。根据下文作者想过自杀, 可知她觉得自己的生命不再重要。故选B。9. A. stillB. evenC. yetD. barely【解析】选B。我精神到了谷底甚至想到了自杀。still仍然, 还; even甚至; yet但是, 然而; barely几乎不。故选B。10. A. situationB. methodC. solutionD. relation【解析】选C。我甚至觉得自杀是解决我抑郁症问题的唯一办法, solution to. . . , 表示“的解决办法”。11. A. essayB. noticeC. noteD. poster【解析】选C。所以给我的家人写了自杀的留言条(note)。下句As I was folding the note也有note的复现。12. A. handsB. heartC. headD. eyes【解析】选D。考查语境逻辑。我看到一张照片。13. A. fullB. freeC. proudD. fond【解析】选A。深蓝色的眼睛里充满(full)了冒险和好奇。14. A. imagineB. realizeC. predictD. guess【解析】选B。我花了很长时间才意识到(realize)照片中微笑的女孩是我。15. A. brotherB. sisterC. uncleD. self【解析】选D。我突然感到一阵寒意, 那是年轻的自己在向我传递信息。16. A. strongB. beautifulC. youngD. curious【解析】选A。曾经我是一个强大(strong)的女孩。17. A. acceptB. fightC. relieveD. distract【解析】选B。我撕碎了遗书并且发誓必须和抑郁症作斗争(fight)。18. A. whenB. afterC. beforeD. since【解析】选D。自从我重新找到自己已经两年了, 故选D。19. A. concernsB. demandsC. challengesD. chances【解析】选C。不管生活带来什么挑战, 我都准备好了。concern关注; demand需求; challenge挑战; chance机会。故选C。20. A. cryingB. shoutingC. smilingD. going【解析】选C。我的英雄是书桌上照片中在向我微笑的7岁女孩。. 语法填空阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Dr. Barone has helped many kids smile who were born with defects(缺陷), including me. She did my first operations when I was a baby, which were the most important and 1. _(effect). I dont remember the first two operations very well. But I do recall2. _third. Dr. Barone was kind and eased me into the process. She let me choose my sleep medicine, 3. _(make)sure that I was okay. I recently saw a picture of me before my operation, and I know4. _a big job she did. Dr. Barone5. _(operate)on people with all types of birth defects. She also goes to other countries where people cannot afford this treatment and helps them 6. _free. Many people benefit from her new ways7. _(invent)to fix birth defects of the head and face. She has won many awards. A few of the most recent8. _(be)Best Doctors in America xx, Americas Top Plastic Surgery, and many others. Dr. Barone was my doctor when I was a kid, and even though I was9. _(probable)just another patient to her, to me she was10. _(much)than just my doctor. She was and is my hero, and she gave me back my smile. 【文章大意】Dr. Barone帮很多出生有缺陷的孩子做手术, 她是我心目中的英雄。1. 【解析】effective。句意: 最重要最有效的。根据句意可知此处填形容词。2. 【解析】the。句意: 我确实记得第三次。序数词前用the。3. 【解析】making。现在分词作结果状语。4. 【解析】what。句意: 我知道她做了一项多么大的工作。根据句意可知用what引导宾语从句。5. 【解析】operates。句意: Dr. Barone为所有类型的出生有缺陷的人做手术。根据句意可知用一般现在时态, 主语是第三人称单数, 故填operates。6. 【解析】for。固定词组for free免费。故填for。7. 【解析】invented。过去分词作后置定语, 故填invented。8. 【解析】are。根据句子主语A few of the most recent可知填are。9. 【解析】probably。副词修饰整个句子, 故填probably。10. 【解析】more。根据后面的than可知用比较级, 故填more。figure out计算出; 解决deal with处理; 应对brilliantadj. 聪明的predictionn. 预言ambitiousadj. 有雄心的name after以命名acknowledgev. 承认defectn. 缺陷benefit from从受益awardn. 获奖


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