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2019-2020年高中英语Unit4BodylanguageSectionGrammar-动词-ing形式作状语课时作业新人教版.单句语法填空1Having_spent (spend) nearly all our money, we couldnt afford to stay at a hotel.2Seeing (see) nobody at home, he decided to leave them a note.3To_finish (finish) the work ahead of time,we have to work hard.4Do you remember the name of the girl sitting (sit) next to you in the old photo?5The case shocked the public, causing (cause) a hot debate over human nature on the Internet.6The boy wearing (wear) a sad look said,“I cant find my parents.”7Leaving (leave) some questions unanswered,my friend said goodbye to me.8When you meet people from different cultures,it is important to_understand (understand) what you can and cannot do.9The children rushed out of the classroom,talking (talk) about something happily.10With the rapid development of China,the number of foreigners learning (learn) Chinese is growing all the time.阅读理解It seems that all my friends have been making the decision to put off their college education for a year, and Im happy for them. But Im not going to lie, When that call es and they inform me of their decision to take a year off from college, the joy is bittersweet (甜中有苦的). I hear the excitement in my friends voices and do my best to share their joy, but in those moments, I cant help envying them. I guess Im a classic case of the broke college kid, and I am never like the gapyear college students. At this point, it has happened so many times that Im really starting to wonder whether I have made the wrong decision by taking the road to higher learning. Maybe its a crazy thing to say, but I want that special moment very much. I want everyone close to me to say “hooray!” after I make the difficult decision of putting off the student loan (贷款) debt so that I can travel across Europe for a year instead. I hope that everyone will be proud of me and the big smile of relief will appear on my face. However, I cant help but wonder: will my mom ever get the chance to plan a party while I make a decision to travel the world for a year? At the party, will my parents ever get the chance to smile at me with pride as I listen to their speech about how proud they are without a care in the world? I feel sorry for them. And after all these years, will I ever be the one not taking out private student loans to provide money for my expensive college education? Its depressing to think about, but I may never hear the government say, “You did a great job. Highfive.” I made the decision not to increase the already too high student loan debt of the country. But the people in the government only stay in their offices, pletely unaware of the struggle of college students with student loans.【文章大意】本文是一篇议论文。作者在听到朋友决定大学休学一年的消息时很为他们高兴,但是这种高兴苦乐参半。作者设想自己如果也休学一年,会有怎样的后果。1What makes the author feel like stopping his education for a year?AHis friends are wild about travelling around.BHis friends have put off the student loan debt.CHe sees his friends all living a fortable life.DHe admires his friends for being away from study for a year.解析:D细节理解题。根据第一段的But Im not going to lie. When that call es and they inform me of their decision to take a year off from college.but in those moments, I cant help envying them.可知,作者嫉妒他的朋友能休学一年。2What does the underlined word “broke” in Paragraph 1 most probably mean?ATaking a risk.BBeing bad.CHaving no money.DDropping off school.解析:C词义猜测题。根据第三段第二句I make the difficult decision of putting off the student loan debt.可知,作者是贷款读大学,说明作者自己没有钱上学。3What does the author expect if he puts off his college education for a year?AThe people close to him will encourage him.BHis smile will reappear on his face.CHis mother will be proud of him.DHis debt will be reduced sharply.解析:A细节理解题。根据第三段的I want everyone close to me to say “hooray!” after I make the difficult decision of putting off the student loan debt.可知,作者期望:如果他能做出艰难决定,推迟学生贷款债务,身边的人可以支持他。由此推知,他希望得到身边人的鼓励。4What can we infer from the last paragraph?AThe government gives a big stress to the students.BThe government should care more about the students.CThe government should support the gapyear students.DThe government often puts the students into depression.解析:B推理判断题。根据最后一段的I made the decision not to increase the already.pletely unaware of the struggle of college students with student loans.可知,政府人员完全没有意识到有助学贷款的学生的努力。作者想到这一点心情是沮丧的,作者在抱怨政府应该多关心学生。.完形填空 A woman named LaVonn lived in North Dakota. One Christmas Eve, she was helping out in her dads _1_ when a little boy, about five or six years old, came in. He was _2_ an old brown coat with a dirty worn shirt under it. When he pulled off his hat, she saw that his _3_ was in plete disorder. The boy _4_ the small toy section of the family store, picked up several items, examined them one by one, and then _5_ put them back on the shelf. LaVonns dad walked over to the child and asked if he could _6_. The little boy said, “Yes. Im looking for a _7_ for my brother.” After 20 minutes, the child picked up a toy airplane. He _8_ it to LaVonns father. “How much is this?” he asked, “My brother _9_ airplanes.”Then LaVonns dad asked, “How much money do you _10_?” The little boy reached into his coat and pulled out a handful of _11_. He spread his money out on the counter and began to _12_. “I have one dollar and twentyseven cents,” he answered. The dad then picked up the coins and announced, “How _13_ you are! That airplane _14_ costs one dollar and twentyseven cents! Wait here, and Ill have it _15_ for you.” The little boy walked out of the store with the gift decorated nicely and a smile of _16_ satisfaction on his face. LaVonn made her way back to the toy section _17_ she found the planes tag (标签). She saw that it was _18_ at $11.98. She said _19_ about it, but she later wrote in her notebook, “The _20_ gift I got during this Christmas was seeing my dads love in action.”【文章大意】 LaVonn在她父亲的店里帮忙,她看到一个穿着很破烂的小男孩给他的哥哥买一个玩具飞机做礼物。本来飞机标价$11.98,但她父亲只收了1.27美元便将飞机卖给了男孩。1A.firmBstoreCfactory Dbookshop解析:B根据后文可知,LaVonn是在父亲的“商店(store)”里帮忙。2A.wearing BwashingCcarrying Dbuying解析:A根据后文的an old brown coat以及小男孩破旧的衣服的语境可知,作者描述那个小男孩的“穿(wearing)”衣情况。3A.hair BpocketCcoat Dwatch解析:A根据前面的he pulled off his hat的语境可知,小男孩脱下帽子,LaVonn看见了他凌乱的“头发(chair)”。4A.pointed to Brushed toClooked around Dbroke into解析:C根据本句话语境可知,小男孩在玩具区“环顾四周(looking around)”,拿了几个东西,然后又放下了。5A.worriedly BnervouslyCangrily Dcarefully解析:D那孩子将玩具“小心翼翼地(carefully)”放在架子上,表明他怕损坏了玩具,且根据后文语境可知,小男孩没有多少钱,损坏了就赔不起,所以他轻拿轻放。6A.think BhelpCplain Dask解析:B根据下文小男孩的回答Yes. Im looking for.可知,LaVonn的父亲是问小男孩有没有什么能“帮忙(help)”的。7A.prize BhatCgift Dbook解析:C根据上下文语境可知,在圣诞节前夕,那个小男孩应该是要为他的哥哥买圣诞节“礼物(gift)”。8A.showed BsentCthrew Dreturned解析:A那个男孩挑选了一个玩具飞机,将飞机拿给LaVonn父亲“看(showed)”并问价。9A.designs BmakesCsells Dloves解析:D根据前后文可知,那个男孩交代他挑选飞机的原因,即:他哥哥“喜欢(loves)”飞机。10A.want BearnChave Dborrow解析:C根据那个男孩拿出钱的描述可知,LaVonn的父亲问那孩子“有(have)”多少钱。11A.toys BcoinsCballs Dstones解析:B那个男孩并没有多少钱,所以他拿出来的钱应该是一把“硬币(coins)”。12A.count BcryCexplain Dshout解析:A根据前后文可知,那个男孩将钱“数了数(count)”,说总共有1.27美元。13A.poor BmeanChappy Dlucky解析:D根据语境和下文的That airplane.costs one dollar and twentyseven cents可知,LaVonn的父亲告诉那个小男孩:“你真幸运(luck)”。14A.unfairly BprobablyCexactly Dactually解析:C因为LaVonn的父亲说这是个巧合,所以告诉小男孩;这个飞机“恰好(exactly)”卖1.27美元。15A.fixed BdecoratedCcovered Dcleaned解析:B根据后文with the gift decorated nicely可知,这位父亲说:“等一等,我为你把玩具“包装(decorated)”好。”16A.total BeasyCstrange Dlikely解析:A根据前文a smile可知,那个男孩脸上露出“十分(total)”满意的笑容。total意为“完全”,符合上下文。17A.because BalthoughCwhen Dwhere解析:DLaVonn后来在玩具区找到了那个飞机的标签,故用where引导定语从句,并在从句中作地点状语。18A.called BpricedClooked Dlaughed解析:B根据后文的价格可知,LaVonn发现上面的“标价(priced)”是11.98美元。19A.something BeverythingCnothing Danything解析:CLaVonn对于这件事“没有(nothing)”说什么,只是在她的笔记本上写了一段话。20A.real BbestCnewest Dmon解析:B根据前后文可知,LaVonn觉得她在那个圣诞节“最好的(best)”礼物是看到她父亲将对他人的爱赋予行动。.语法填空I recently experienced something during a diving (跳水) petition that I will never forget. My friends and I were cheering on our only diver, 1._ was ready to take her turn. She 2._ (perform) her dive very well. The judges held out the cards, 3._ (show) that she received two fiveandahalves, a very good score. When her score 4._ (announce), the coach from another team immediately jumped from his seat in the first row, 5._ (shake) his head. He ran to the judges and started arguing about how a certain turn in her dive was wrong. He made impolite ments right in front of 6._ (she) loudly. And he was so angry that he spoke some dirty words. It was 7._ rudest behavior I had ever seen and I couldnt believe that it came from a coach. The judges, after a brief discussion, agreed that the dive wasnt 8._ (exact) what it was supposed to be and gave the diver two twos. The coach walked away with a 9._ (satisfy) laugh. I will never forget how sorry I felt 10._ the other team, who has to work with this rude coach.【文章大意】 本文主要介绍了讲述了在一次跳水比赛时一位教练因挑出一个选手的毛病现场发火,并且还说脏话,十分粗鲁,作者对这个教练的行为感到羞耻。1解析:who考查关系代词。此处为非限制性定语从句,先行词是diver,指人,又因关系代词在从句中作主语,故填who。2解析:performed考查动词的时态。由第一句话的experienced可知,讲述的是过去的事情,应该用一般过去时,故填performed。3解析:showing考查非谓语动词。此处showing作伴随状语。4解析:was announced考查动词的时态及语态。讲述的是过去的事情应该用一般过去时,且主语score是单数,与announce之间是被动关系,故填was announced。5解析:shaking考查非谓语动词。主语the coach与shake之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,表示主动,用现在分词作伴随状语,故填shaking。6解析:her考查代词。因为前面是介词of,所以后面要用she的宾格形式,即her。7解析:the考查冠词。因为后面是rudest,是形容词的最高级,故用定冠词the修饰。8解析:exactly考查副词。此处exactly修饰整句话。句意为:那个女孩的跳水动作并不是比赛所要求的那样。9解析:satisfied考查形容词。修饰名词laugh应该用形容词,ed形容词修饰人或表情,表示“感到的”故填satisfied。10解析:for考查介词。feel sorry for.意为“同情”。句意为:我永远不会忘记我当时是多么同情那一队队员,因为他们跟着那样一位粗鲁的教练学习。


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