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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习第一部分教材课文要点Module4Music词汇训练外研版选修一、分层单词写作词汇1.n.过路人;行人2.n.间隔;空隙3.v.变小;减少 4.adj.空的;空缺的5.n.柄;把手 6.v.尊敬;敬重7.adv.因此;所以 8.n.亲戚,亲属阅读词汇1.interpret v.2.regarding prep.3.tunnel n. 4.characteristic n.5.heritage n.拓展词汇1.v.使沮丧;使意志消沉adj.沮丧的;情绪低落的adj.令人沮丧的n.沮丧;萎靡不振2.v.创作n.作曲家n.作曲;作文3.n.志气;抱负;雄心adj.有雄心/野心的4.v.管理;规定n.管理;规章adj.有规律的adj.不规则的5.n.志愿者adj.自愿的6.n.(痛苦、忧虑等)解除;减轻v.解除;缓解7.n.斑点;地点 v.发现;察觉adj.有斑点的;有污迹的8.adj.生动的;活泼的n.活泼;生动9.v.收集;收藏n.收藏;收藏品10.v.吸引;使陶醉 n.魅力adj.有魅力的;迷人的二、高频短语1.与情况相同2.与分享3.利用;凭借4.当众;公开地5.除之外6.give life to7.dance to the music8.make contact with三、经典句型1.She graduated from the Shanghai Conservatory of Music,(1993年她还在那里学习了弹奏古筝).2.Secondly,classical Chinese music is closely connected to Chinese poetry,so(很多古典音乐作品都有很诗意的标题就不奇怪了).3.(她们一开始演奏),it is clear the members of Twelve Girls Band are among the most gifted musicians in the world.4.(利用1,500多年的中国音乐),Twelve Girls Band mixes this rich tradition with classical,folk and contemporary sounds.基础知识运用篇一、语境词汇运用(一)词汇情景拼写(注意单词短语适当形式变化)1.Some musicians play their own music to(行人) in the street so that they can earn some extra money.2.Kids should be encouraged to take part in munity service so that the (自愿) spirit can take root in their minds from childhood. 3.Gillians been working hard these days. The position of sales manager, which is still (空缺) in his pany, appeals to him very much.4.The Internet in a sense has(缩小) the world.5.The brave man was greatly (荣幸) when the organizer announced, “You deserve a medal!”6.Tom has always been working hard.(因此),he will hopefully achieve good grades in the ing test.7.Between the two parts of the concert is an i, when the audience can buy ice-cream.8.There have been many excellent questions brought up recently (关于) the new building proposal.9.The issue of protecting cultural h was so important that we could not afford to ignore it.10.Have you sent thank-you notes to the (亲戚) from whom you received gifts?(二)词形变化填空 (注意单词短语适当形式变化)1.When people travel to other towns,the problem of parking might(relief)by getting them to park outside the town.2.(bine) advanced technology with scientific management can make an increase in production.3.All the players wereabout theresult,whichthe captain,too.(depress)4.Our activities should beby the.And we should do things throughchannels.So thoseactivities should be corrected.(regulate)5.Its easier for thestudents to succeed in their studies than those with little.(ambition)6.The money(collect) should help the people who suffered a lot in the earthquake.7.Only after Mary read her (pose) a second time did she notice the spelling mistake.8.Some fireworks can damage your hearing, especially the fireworks used (公共场合) displays that give off a big BANG.9.With most things in life, practice makes perfect, and that (与情况相同) confidence skills.10.(除了) the school, the village has a clinic, which was also built with government support.11.While staying in the village, James unselfishly whatever he had (分享) the villagers without asking for anything in return.12.Alex asked the policeman with whom he worked to (和联系) him whenever there was an accident. 二、经典句型仿写1.我和朋友一起爬到了小山顶上,在那儿我们欣赏了美丽的湖景。(where引导非限制性定语从句)I walked up to the top of the hill with my friend,.2.在圣诞节那天他竟然在网上购买了那么多商品,这太难以置信了。(it+be+adj.+that引导的主语从句)he should have bought so large quantities of goods on the Internet on Christmas Day.3.一听到呼救声他们就冲了出去。(the moment引导时间状语从句),they rushed out.4.我小时候妈妈经常坐在我的床边,给我讲故事直到我睡着。(v.-ing形式作状语)When I was young,my mother used to sit by my bed,.答案精解精析基础知识默写篇一、分层单词写作词汇1.passerby2.interval3.shrink4.vacant5.handle6.honour7.therefore8.relative阅读词汇1.诠释;解释;翻译2.关于3.地道;隧道4.特征;特性;特质5.遗产拓展词汇1.depress;depressed;depressing;depression2pose;poser;position3.ambition;ambitious4.regulate;regulation;regular;irregular 5.volunteer;voluntary6.relief;relieve7.spot;spotted8.lively;liveliness9.collect;collection10.charm;charming二、高频短语1.be true of/be the same with2.share with3.draw upon4.in public5.in addition to6.赋予生命/活力7.伴着音乐跳舞8.和联系/接触三、经典句型1.where she also studied the guzheng in 19932.it isnt surprising that most classical pieces have very poetic titles3.The moment they start to play4.Drawing upon more than 1,500 years of Chinese music基础知识运用篇一、语境词汇运用(一)词汇情景拼写1.passers-by2.voluntary3.vacant4.shrunk5.honoured6.Therefore7.interval8.regarding9.heritage10. relatives (二)词形变化填空 1.be relieved2bining3.depressed;depressing;depressed 4.regulated;regulations;regular;irregular5.ambitious;ambition 6.collected7position8.in public9.is true of10.In addition to11.shared;with12.make contact with二、经典句型仿写1.where we enjoyed a splendid view of the lake2.It is unbelievable that3.The moment they heard the shout for help 4.telling me stories till I fell asleep


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