2019-2020年高二英语 阅读课The Art of Living教学设计 人教新目标版.doc

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2019-2020年高二英语 阅读课The Art of Living教学设计 人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高二英语 阅读课The Art of Living教学设计 人教新目标版一、教材分析 本课是阅读课, 阅读材料讲述了作者认为贪欲是罪恶起源从剖析人的真实内心出发,讲述了贪婪形成的原因是没有真正地去审视自己,没有明白自己真正想要的东西。而后作者提出生活的艺术在于要懂得自我满足,要有感恩的心,这样我们的内心才会平静,心胸才会豁达,内心才会真正愉悦。而一旦我们内心达到了真正的愉悦,我们需要的东西就会悄悄来到我们身边,奇迹常常会降临在我们身上。当然作者在强调要懂得满足的同时也强调了我们要热爱当下所做的事情。文章中的语言有些比较抽象,而象语文中的借代和比喻在文章中也随处可见,虽然对学生的理解会造成一定的障碍,但当障碍排除时所获得的对人生的感悟无疑是一顿美餐。二、学生分析教学对象是桐乡高级中学的高二学生,作为桐乡市生源最好的学校,桐高的学生都是百里挑一的好苗子。 高中英语已读了接近两年,本人认为他们能用日常英语获取信息、处理信息、分析问题和解决问题。他们已有自己的学习技能和策略,会把语言学习与现实生活和兴趣联系起来。相信在任务型课堂活动和学习的实践中,学生的学习自主性得到加强,不再认为英语的课堂学习很枯燥,能主动参与到活动中去,成为课堂的主体,同时也加强了与他人交流合作的能力。他们会对课文内容提出自己的疑惑和勇于阐述见解,并且从课内知识拓展到课外,通过多种渠道获取学习资源。当然,学生的水平参差不齐,因此在教学过程中,布置的任务要兼顾各个层次的学生,使他们都有所收获。三设计思想课堂教学方法的选择决定着是课堂教学效率的高低。科学的学法指导是智能发展目标得以实施的重要途径。现根据本人对教学理念的理解和桐乡高级中学中学高二年段的实际教学条件,结合本课的教学内容,在本课教学中,我将突出以阅读为主线,兼顾结构,适当拓展。通过“任务型”活动培养学生 “跳读”、“寻读”、“定位”、“推理归纳”等阅读方法以及描述、讨论等组织语言、运用语言的能力。从以下几方面体现了英语新课程的理念。1、直观演示法:通过课件、图片、影响等资料等显示给学生看,便于学生对微观知识的形象把握,并从旧知识中获得启迪,从而达到解决问题的目的。2、任务教学法:希望学生学习的知识和希望学生掌握和巩固的技能隐含在几项不同的任务中,学生通过对所提的任务进行分析、讨论,并在老师的指导和帮助下找出解决问题的方法,最后通过任务的完成而实现对所学知识的意义建构和对技能的培养和巩固。以“任务型”教学作为课堂教学设计之理念,具体采用分层次教学法和交际教学法,由浅入深,循序渐进,使每个教学环节尽量符合多数学生的认知水平,力争全班绝大多数同学都能积极参与课堂活动。学生通过听、说、读、写说等各种语言形式来学习和掌握语言,实现目标,感受成功。 3、英语教学和情感教育的有机结合。本节课中,教师除了尽量营造宽松气氛,给予学生展示成功的平台外,处处鼓励学生运用自主学习、合作学习和探究学习等新的学习方式,以形成积极的学习态度,促进语言实际运用能力的提高。这是实施新课程最为核心和关键的环节。4、利用现代教育技术,拓宽学生学习和运用英语的渠道。运用多媒体辅助教学,更体现了课堂教学的大容量、多信息、高效率的优越性,进而达到启发学生的英语思维,发展交际能力的理想教学效果。四、教学目标新课标提出:英语课程的学习,既是学生通过英语学习和实践活动,逐步掌握英语知识和技能,提高语言实际运用能力的过程;又是他们陶冶情操、拓展视野、丰富社会经历、开发思维能力和提高人文素养的过程。本课所有的语言知识和语言技能都是围饶“ the art of living ”这一中心主题而设计的。因此,我把本课的教学目标确定为:1 语言知识与技能目标:1)掌握与“the art of living”话题相关的常用词汇及主要语言表达形式。2) 通过帮助学生完成快速阅读、精读等练习来进一步理解文章的细节,提高学生的阅读能力。3)学生之间能交流、合作,共同就 given topics较好地完成一些开放性话题。2 情感态度与文化意识目标1) 在设计主题的激励下,师生互动,生生互动,调动学生的学习兴趣,加强教师的亲和力,增进彼此的了解与沟通,充分发挥情感教学的优势。2)让学生在共同完成一些交流、讲述等任务的过程中,加强团体协作意识。五、教学重点和难点 1、培养学生的阅读策略,使其形成略读、跳读和细读的能力。2、掌握与课文有关的词汇,表达法和句型,并运用到口头和书面表达中去。3、帮助学生解决本课的一些困难句型和词汇,以便让他们很好的理解文章。六、教学过程设计和分析Step 1 Organization and Warming Up Exchange greetings with the Ss and arouse the students interest to say the things that can make us happy and those that can make us annoyed. 设计说明It is a long-term and essential part of daily teaching. It is a good opportunity for Ss to practice their listening and spoken English. Step 2 Leading in: 1. Present a set of pictures in which my nephew cried first but laughed at last. The thing which made him happy was a paper plane. 2. Present a picture of my friend who runs a big pany and has made lots of money. However, my friend always feel upset because he wants to get more. 设计说明 The step of leading in is to present the key word in the text “greedy” and the key phrase “ be content with” and tell the Ss to be happy is easy in fact. It is also a transition to the text as being happy is one aspect of the art of living .Step 3 Scanning Get the Ss to read the first sentence of each paragraph and find out what is the art of living mentioned in the text. 设计说明 The step of scanning is to train the Students ability to read very fast to grasp some certain information. Step 4 Fast ReadingPresent the Ss an outline of the text but the three elements are in a false order. Get the Ss to read the text fast and find out the correct order of the three. 设计说明 The step of fast reading is intended to train the Students ability to analyze the structure of a material. Step 5 Listening Get the Ss to listen to the material which was read by a foreign teacher in our school. It may keep the pure accent of English. After listening, the students are wanted to give out the main idea of each part. 设计说明 The step of listening is intended to train the Students listening ability and the ability to sum up the main idea in each part. Step 6 Skimming Get the Ss to read carefully the three parts of the text one by one. They have some different tasks to do. Part 1 (Task 1)We want too much (greedy)reasonWe dont know how to be content and what we really need. resultSomeone else in the world may be suffering. conclusionWanting is the source of suffering. Part 2 (Task 2)Thinking: How do you understand “In todays world some are money-rich but time-poor?” Do you have real examples in your life?(Some people have enough money but dont have enough quality time. They only care about how to make more and more money but may not spare a single minute to stay with their families. )Part 3 (Task 3)1. Which of the followings do you think the author is in favor of? _ .a. Think carefully of what you really need.b. Apply whatever you can to get whatever you want.c. Be content with who you are and what you have.d. Love what you are doing at present.Aa b c B a c d C a b d Db c d 2. “When we, when we stop to smell the roses, when we, what we need automatically es”. It suggests that _. A. roses are good to smellB. we should seize each golden minute C. we should send more roses to our loversD. few people smell roses 设计说明 This step is intended to train the students ability to get the detailed information in a material and help the Ss to understand some difficult words and sentences as well.Step 7 SummaryFirst get the Ss to do a True or False exercise. Then put the true sentences together to form the summary of the text. However, the Ss have to add some conjunctions to the text to make it flowing to read. 设计说明 This step is intended to help the Ss to go over the main information in the material and train their ability to make a material smooth by adding some conjunctions. Step 8 Discussing and WritingTell the Ss one of my students are tired of studying now by using a set of pictures and ask them to write him a letter by what they have learned from the text. 设计说明 This step is intended to tell the Ss though we have learned from the text that we should be content with ourselves and what we have, we still need to study hard and work hard. In addition, it will train their ability to apply what they have learned. Step 9 Homework 1. Read the passage again.2. Finish writing the letter after class.


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