2019年高考英语一轮复习 第1部分 Module 4 Fine Arts-WesternChinese and Pop Arts课堂达标 外研版必修2.doc

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2019年高考英语一轮复习 第1部分 Module 4 Fine Arts-WesternChinese and Pop Arts课堂达标 外研版必修2.doc_第1页
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2019年高考英语一轮复习 第1部分 Module 4 Fine Arts-WesternChinese and Pop Arts课堂达标 外研版必修2.doc_第3页
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2019年高考英语一轮复习 第1部分 Module 4 Fine Arts-Western,Chinese and Pop Arts课堂达标 外研版必修2.用所给词的适当形式填空1The house looks very old, but in _reality_ (realise) its quite new.2 _Realising_ (realise) my mistakes, I made an apology to her immediately.3The floods led to many deaths and serious _destruction_ (destroy) to the area.4Many people think that children learn language by _imitation_ (imitate) 5It is a _traditional_ (tradition) practice in America to eat turkey on Thanksgiving Day.6The _expression_ (express) on her face suggested that she was delighted with the result.7As a child, he liked _observing_ (observe) the behaviour of insects.8The reform and open policy has brought us Chinese people a rich and _colourful_ (colour) life.完成句子1推迟生孩子的母亲通常是最好的母亲。Women who _put_off_having_a_baby_ often make the best mothers.2我们轮流刷锅洗碗。We _take_turns_to_do/in_doing_ the washingup.3它们很相像。你能把它们区别开吗?Theyre so alike. Can you _tell_them_apart_ ?4被认为是一名医学专家的那个人事实上是个骗子。The man, _considered_to_be_a_medical_expert_ , in fact, was a cheat.5我不能忍受他们问我的私事。I wont _stand_them_asking_ about my personal affairs.句型训练 () 一句多译你对这封奇怪的信有何看法? _What_do_you_make/think_of_the_strange_letter?_ _How_to_you_like/find_the_strange_letter?_ () 句型转换1I hate to read letters that are written in pencil.I hate to read letters _written_ in pencil.2This book is very valuable to me.This book is _most_ valuable to me.语法填空根据课文内容,在空白处填入适当的内容 (1个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式。Pablo Picasso was considered _1.to_be_ (be) the greatest western artist of the twentieth century, _2.who_ was a Spanish artist. Picasso and another painter,George Braque,started Cubism.Roy Lichtenstein was _3.a_ contemporary American artist.One of his works is a world famous example of pop art.Pop art was an important modern art movement that _4.aimed_ (aim) to show ordinary twentiethcentury city life.Qi Baishi was one of Chinas _5.greatest_ (great) painters.He followed the _6.traditional_ (tradition) Chinese style of painting.Chinese painting is known _7.for_ its brush drawings in black inks and natural colours.Qi Baishis paintings are special _8.because_ he observed the world of nature very carefully.Xu Beihong _9.was_ (be) one of Chinas bestknown twentiethcentury _10.artists_ (artist) . Like Qi Baishi,Xu painted in the traditional Chinese style and is most famous for his lively paintings of horses.话题写作用本模块所学知识完成下列句子,并按照逻辑连成短文。1He is a famous contemporary painter.He _is fond of drawing landscape and is wellknown for it .他是当代有名的画家,喜欢画风景画并因此得名。2In order to make his painting alive ,he decided to give up traditional style .为了使画更有活力,他决定放弃传统的风格。3He determined to adopt a new drawing style .他决定采用一种新的绘画风格。4That meant he would stand great pressure and difficulty .那就意味着他将会承受很大的压力和困难。5He observed life very carefully and sometimes asked what others made of his works .他认真地去观察生活,征求别人对作品的看法。6 To realize his aim ,he made the best of his time and ability .为了实现目标,他充分地利用他的时间和能力。组篇公式:句1改为v.ing作状语;句4改为定语从句 Being a famous contemporary painter,he is fond of drawing landscape and is wellknown for it.In order to make his painting alive,he decided to give up traditional style and adopt a new drawing style a few years ago,which meant he would stand great pressure and difficulty.He observed life very carefully and sometimes asked what others made of his works.To realize his aim,he made the best of his time and ability.


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