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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Module 4 Great inventions,Unit 1 Paper and printing have,been used for ages.,Do you know the following inventions?Who invented them,and when?,paper,Cai,Lun,105 A.D.,printing,Bi,Sheng,1041-1045,compass,the 11th,centuryt,gunpowder,the 9th century,car,Karl Benz,in 1885,steam engine,James Watt,in 1776,telephone,Alexander Graham Bell,in 1876,electric bulb,Thomas Alva Edison,in 1876,calculator,in 1971,TV,in 1927,During the process of human beings civilization,many inventions have been invented.And we have successfully made many inventions using,connection,.Here are some examples.,+,electrical machinery,(,电机),+,storage battery,electrically operated bike,+,video phone,Genius is 1%inspiration and 99%perspiration(,汗水,).,-Thomas Alva Edison,Thomas Edison made a rule saying that he had to make an invention every ten days.,It took Edison 15,years to invent,light bulb.,Madame Curie worked,hard all her life to,discover Radium.,Yuan,Longping,has,been keeping improving,rice to contribute,agriculture.,Although disabled,Stephen Hawking has,always been keeping,doing his scientific,research.,digital camera,DC,battery,be charged,Look at the photos and tell what they are.,ordinary magazine,Many issues have been published.,Look at the photos and tell what they are.,Look at the photos and tell what they are.,online magazine,Brainstorm,Which type of magazine do you prefer,an ordinary one or an online one?,Why?(Whats the,advantage,of?),cheap,latest,saving paper,not lost,read on the screen,My opinion,I prefer an online magazine rather than an ordinary magazine.,Firstly,the online magazine is easier to get.We neednt go to the post office to buy it.,Secondly,the online magazine is cheaper than the ordinary paper magazine.,2.Reasons,1.Opinion,3.Conclusion,As a result,I,like,an,online magazine,more than,an ordinary magazine.,Finally,the ordinary paper magazine will cost a lot of trees.Instead,online magazine is environment protection.,Discuss and answer the questions.,Work in pairs.,l.Is an online magazine the same as an ordinary,magazine?,No,there are some differences.An online magazine is published on the Internet,and can be read using a computer.,2 What is the advantage of an online,magazine?,3.Will someone lend you a digital camera?,You dont have to use paper,so you can save a lot of paper.,Yes,will lend me/his/her camera./No.Because nobody around me has a digital,camera.,Listen and check the words as you hear them.,advantage,battery,borrow,camera,charge,lend,look after,online,photo,promise,same,turn off,turn on,Listen to the conversation and answer the questions.,What does Tony want to do?,What changes will be made to the school magazine?,He wants to borrow his fathers digital camera.,The school magazine will be published on the school website,and it can be read on screen.,Read the conversation.Then read the summary of the conversation and underline the wrong information.,Tony wants to borrow his fathers digital camera because the school magazine is now going to be on paper.Tony wants to take some photos of the school dance and the basketball match.Tonys dad is happy to borrow the camera and tells Tony to turn it off.He promises Tony to look after it.,Look,listen to the conversation again and correct the summary.,Tony wants to borrow his fathers digital camera because the school magazine is now going to be on paper.Tony wants to take some photos of the school dance and the basketball match.Tonys dad is happy to borrow the camera and tells Tony to turn it off.He promises Tony to look after it.,online,lend,battery hasnt been charged for a couple of months.,He tells Tony,Tony that the,Read again and answer the questions.,Why does Tony want to borrow his fathers digital camera?,Because hed like to take some photos.,2.Why does Tonys dad ask“Whats wrong,with an ordinary magazine?”,Because he wants to know why the magazine is going to be an online magazine.,3.Does Tony think books can be replaced by,computers?,We dont know his opinion.,4.How will Tony look after the camera?,The camera wont be left at school and wont be lent to others.,Language points,1.,Can I ask a,favour,?,能帮我个忙吗?,这是请求帮助的一种表达方式,类似的说法还有:,Could you do me a,favour,?,May I ask a,favour,of you?,Could you help me,please?,2.Thats an important,advantage,.,那是一个很重要的优势。,advantage,是一个可数名词,意为,“,优点,/,优势,”,它的反义词是,disadvantage,意思是,“,缺点;不利因素,”,。,Living in a big city has many advantages,such as many good schools,big libraries and theatres for you to choose from.,住在大城市里有很多优点,比如有很多好学校、大型图书馆及剧院供人们选择。,The disadvantage of this kind of fridge is it needs too much electricity.,这种冰箱的缺点是耗电太多。,One of the disadvantages of carrying out this plan is the bad climate.,执行这项计划的不利因素之一是气候不好。,3.Paper and printing,have been used for,ages.,纸和印刷术被应用了很久了。,be/get used for,意思是“被应用”,,use,在这里是被动语态。常见的,use,短语还有:,get used to,“,习惯于”,表示一个动作,含“由不适应向适应的转变”,其后接名词、代词或,v-ing,。如:,It is difficult to get used to another countrys custom.,要适应另一个国家的风俗习惯是很困难的。,Youll soon get used to the 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