2019年高考总复习 语言基础知识 考点归纳拓展 Module 5 The Great Sports Personality 外研版必修5.doc

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2019年高考总复习 语言基础知识 考点归纳拓展 Module 5 The Great Sports Personality 外研版必修5perform vi.表现;性能(如何)vt.履行;执行;演出经典例句But those who frequently deal with many things at the same time were found to perform the worst at the actual multitasking test.(xx北京阅读理解D) 但是那些经常同时处理许多件事的人被发现在实际的多重任务处理测试中表现地最差。(1)perform the role of扮演角色perform a. role in在中起作用perform an operation 进行手术perform ones duty/promise 尽责任/履行承诺(2)performance n. 执行;表演;履行put on/give a performance 表演Once performed, the works of Beethoven must attract all the people present at the concert.一旦演出,贝多芬的作品一定会吸引所有出席音乐会的人。As everyone knows, she _ in our organization.大家都知道,她在我们的组织中发挥着重要的作用。Her performance at yesterdays concert was beyond pare.她在昨天音乐会中的表演精彩绝伦。答案performs an important roleguarantee vt.保证;担保;为担保n.保证;担保经典例句Consistent, hard work wont guarantee you the level of success you may want, but it will guarantee that you will bee really good at whatever it is you put all that work into.(xx广东阅读理解B)始终如一的努力工作虽然不能保证你获得你期望的那么大的成功,但它能保证你精通于你所从事的为之付出心血的事情。(1)guarantee to do sth/that.保证/担保做某事;确保guarantee sb sth保证某人某事be guaranteed to do sth 肯定会做某事(2)give sb a guarantee (that). 向某人保证under guarantee 在保修期内If you yell at him, hes guaranteed to do the opposite of what you want.如果你向他大喊大叫,他肯定会跟你对着干。Can you give me a guarantee that the work will be finished on time?你能向我保证工作会按时完成吗?The LCD television doesnt work;its still _.这台液晶电视坏了,它仍在保修期内。答案under guarantee语境巧记The puter is guaranteed for a year. That is to say, it has a years guarantee, so it is still under guarantee now.这台电脑保质期一年,也就是说,它有一年的保质期,因此现在还在保修期内。declare v宣告,宣布,宣称;声明经典例句Some scientists declare that most of our fatigue es from our mental and emotional(情感的)attitudes.(xx辽宁阅读理解C)一些科学家宣称我们的大部分疲劳来自我们的精神和情感态度。declare sb/sth to be宣布某人或某事declare for/against 表示赞成/反对declare war (on/against) (向)宣战declare sth open/closed 宣布开始/结束The accused man was declared(to be) innocent by the court.法庭宣布被告无罪。The chairman _; all of us present cheered.主席宣布仪式开幕时,我们在场的所有人都欢呼雀跃。答案declared the ceremony open【易混辨析】 declare,announcedeclare指公开、正式、郑重地“宣布、声明(战争、和平、判决、意见等)”,含有十分肯定之意announce指首次公开“宣布、宣告”一件令人关心或感兴趣的事情,一般带有预告的性质The secretary _ to the public that the result of election would be _ soon.答案announced;declared集 训 中 心.单词拼写1We cannot g_the punctual arrival of trains in foggy weather.2We have time and time again d_that we will never be the first to use nuclear weapons.3We should keep the fine q_of the working people.4Yi Jianlians s_ is now well into double figures in the match.5He works day and night to earn enough money to _(购买)a house.6Their football team _(表现)very well in the match yesterday.7He has been living here since he _(退休)at the age of 60.8Although the boxers were _(竞争对手)in the ring,they were really good friends.答案1.guarantee2.declared3.qualities4.score5.purchase6.performed7.retired8petitors.单项填空1(xx浙江卷)Your _ as a student will be excellent if you develop a habit of reflecting on how you learn.Aoperation BGrowth Cperformance Dcharacter答案C考查名词词义辨析。句意:作为学生,如果你养成对自己的学习方法进行反思的习惯,你的表现将会非常出色。performance“表现”。operation“手术;操作”;growth“成长”;character“个性”。根据句意可知选C项。2(xx江西重点中学盟校高三第一次联考)Working hard is not a _ of great success, but it is among the essential requirements.Asign Bsignal Cguarantee Dmark答案C考查名词词义辨析。句意:勤奋工作不能保证你一定会取得巨大的成功,但它是取得成功的必要条件之一。由句意可知选guarantee“保证”。3The visitor declared himself _.Asatisfying BsatisfiedCbeing satisfied Dbeing satisfying答案B考查“declare反身代词形容词”结构。句意:那位游客声称他很满意。所以用satisfied而不用satisfying (令人满意的)。核 心 短 语on the increase正在增加经典例句Thanks to the Partys leadership, peoples ines are on the increase.多亏党的领导,人民的收入正在增加。increase by倍数/百分数,表示增加了increase to增长后的数字,表示增加到The population of this city has increased to 12 million.该市人口已增长到1 200万。Emissions of carbon dioxide will _ around 5% by 2030.到2030年前,二氧化碳的排放量将会增多大约5%。答案increase by【知识链接】increase to. 表示“增加到”; increase by. 表示“增加了多大幅度”。有类似用法的动词还有:reduce,decline,drop等。rise to ones feet站起身经典例句It is good manners for students to rise to their feet when their teacher enters the classroom.老师进教室的时候学生站起来是有礼貌的行为。struggle to ones feet挣扎着站起来on foot 站着,步行jump to ones feet 跳起来set foot in/on 进入,踏上;涉足于The old man struggled to his feet,staggering out of the room.这个老人努力地站起来,摇摇晃晃地走出了屋子。He _ when he heard the bell ringing.他听到铃响就跳了起来。答案jumped to his feet集 训 中 心.完成句子1_ tigers has reduced abruptly in the last fifty years.在过去的五十年里,老虎的数目锐减。2The technical cooperation and cultural exchanges between the two countries _.两国之间的技术合作和文化交流正在与日俱增。3_ class time,or you will miss what the teacher says.利用好课堂上的时间,要不然你会错过老师讲的内容。4_ whether we accept the present or not.要不要这份礼物由你决定。5I saw two boys _ at the same time to answer the question.我看见两个男孩同时站起来回答问题。答案1.The number of2.are daily on the increase3Take advantage of4.Its up to you5.rising to their feet.单项填空1(xx泰安高三模拟)Because of poverty and wars, crime in Africa is _, even worse than before.Ain the progress Bin progressCon the increase Don increase答案C句意:由于贫困和战争,非洲的犯罪正在增加,甚至超出了以往任何时期。2As the leader es into the stadium to run the last few metres of the 42kilometre race,the crowd _ toits feet to shout and cheer.Araises Brises Clifts Dincreases答案B句意:当领先的运动员进入体育馆来跑那全程42公里的最后几米时,全场观众都站起身来向他欢呼喝彩。rise to ones feet站起身来,符合句意。其他三项都不与ones feet搭配。.单句改错1There are score of people there,maybe eighty or more._.2The members of the association have decreased by three hundred._.答案1.scorescores2.byto核 心 句 型If you go into a school or university anywhere,the chances are you will see students in Li Ning tracksuits with the familiar logo.如果你走进任何一个地方的中学或大学校园,都有可能看到身穿印有那个熟悉标志的李宁运动服的学生们。(the)chances are(that).意为“很可能”,句型中的the和that都可省略,that引导表语从句。表达此意时还可用there is a chance that.,that后面跟同位语从句。There is a chance that I will see him these days.这几天我有可能见到他。theres no chancetake a chance/chances冒险;碰运气by chance/accident偶然;碰巧You should never take chances when driving a car.开车时决不应冒险。_ he will change his mind.他不可能改变主意。答案There is no chance that集 训 中 心.完成句子1People cant get succeed _absolutely.人若想完全靠运气成功那是不可能的。2Chances _ he will e today.可能他今天来。答案1.by chance/accident2.are that.单项填空1There is much chance _ Bill will _ from his injury in time for the race.Athat;recover Bwhich;recoverCthat;relieve Dwhich;relieve答案A第一个空应填一个引导同位语从句的连词,进一步说明chance(可能性)的内容,根据后半句判断,意义已完整,所以选that;relieve意为“缓和;减轻”,不合句意;recover意为“恢复(健康)”,符合句意。2Tom, I havent received the photos taken at our party.I _ the photos! I emailed them to you last night.Ahad sent Bwill sendCdo send Ddid send答案D考查强调的用法和时态。从答语后一句可知答话者确实把照片发送给了对方,此处强调谓语动词,根据后一句的时态可以判定前一句应用一般过去时,故答案为D。3(xx河北五校高三联盟调研)Who is making so much noise in the garden? _ the children.AIt is BThey areCThat is DThere are答案A考查强调句型。此句是强调句型的省略形式,原句应为:It is the children that are making so much noise in the garden.单 元 语 法复习状语从句1(xx泸洲一诊)_, Oscar still thought he had a long way to go in filmmaking industry.ATry as he might BAs he might tryCTry although he might DThough might he try答案A句意:无论怎样努力,Oscar仍然认为在电影行业他还有很长的路要走。此处as引导让步状语从句,应用倒装句。2(xx宁夏银川一中高三二模)I was buried in reading Pride and Prejudice the whole day. Its ages _ I enjoyed myself so much.Aafter Bbefore Cwhen Dsince答案D句意:我整天都在读傲慢与偏见,我已经有好几年没有这么快乐了。此处由since引导时间状语从句,根据句意选D。3(xx山东四市联考)I had such a wonderful time _ I visited my friends in London last summer.Awhen Bthat Cwhich Das答案A句意:去年夏天我在伦敦拜访我的朋友们时,感到很快乐。此处由when引导时间状语从句。注意,本句不是such.that.的结构。4(xx乌鲁木齐市第一中学二诊) _ the Internet is of great help, I dont think its a good idea to spend too much time on it.AIf BAs CBecause DWhile答案D句意:尽管因特网很有帮助,但我认为花太多的时间在上面不是一个好的主意。 此处while意为“尽管,虽然”,引导让步状语从句。

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