2019-2020年高中英语 第一模块教案 外研版必修4.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 第一模块教案 外研版必修4词汇:1. Alternative(1) adj. 两者选一的可选择的。Have you got an alternative suggestion? 你有没有其他的选择。The alternative means of getting there is by ship. 另一种到达那儿的方法就是乘船。(2)n. 选择,抉择 可供选择的事物Thats the only alternative. 没有选择的余地(那是唯一的选择) 扩展: have no choice / alternative but to do sth. 除做之外 别无选择 as an alternative 作为一种变通的方法。eg: I have no alternative but to report him to police. 除了向警察举报他,我别无选择。 辨析 alternative choice alternative “取舍,抉择”一般指从两个中选择一个。只限于办法,打算等。而不指具体的事物。choice “选择” 常用词 强调自由地选择,不论选择方式及选择对象多少。2. Prediction n. 预测 vt. predict 预测 预料 adj. predictable 可预言的 扩展: make a prediction 作预测 He likes making predictions I find it hard to make a prediction 我发现这难以预料3. risky adj. 危险的;冒险的 n. risk 冒险扩展::at ones own risk 自担风险 at the risk of doing sth. 冒险(做某事)的危险。4. load vt. 装;装载扩展::load sth. into / onto Load with sth . 把装到里面。The plane is loaded with food to be sent to the disaster of Sichuan.5. arrest vt. 逮捕;拘留阻止吸引 eg: My husband was arrested for dangerous driving. 我丈夫因危险驾驶被拘留。 The newly developed drug has arrested the spread of the disaster 这种新药阻止了疾病蔓延。 An unusual noise arrested his attention. 一阵不寻常的嘈杂声引起了他的注意。6. fire v. 开火;启动 n. 火;火灾;炉火 He fires several shots at the target. 他向目标射出了几发子弹。 A forest fire left hundreds of people homeless. 一场森林大火使数百人无家可归。拓展: fire “解雇” hire “雇用” fire 泛指火时,是不可数名词There is no smoke without fire. fire 指火灾或为某种目的(如取暖;烧饭)而生火是可数名词 They collected firewood and lit a fire 他们收集了一些柴火,生了一堆火。7. limit n. 范围(常作复数)As we grow older, we learn the limits of our abilities. 随着我们长大,我们了解我们能力的限度。 v. 限制,表 “限制在某种程度”与介词to 连用。The teacher limited his students to words for their position. 老师把学生的作文限制在500字以内。区别limit 和 limitation limit 可指形式无形的(如时间,智力,权利方面)限制 limitation 着重强调“能力的缺陷和局限性”。outdoors adv 在户外 -adj. 都是副词不能作定语。indoors adv 在户内 - adj. 都是形容词只能作定语。8. mand n. 命令 n. 统治,统率 n. 运用能力 vt. 命令 拓展:in mand of 指挥,统率 have a good mand of 对运用自如 be at ones mand 听从某人吩咐 in/under the mand of sb. 由某人统帅。 All his mand were quickly obeyed. 所有他的命令都很快执行了。 Who is in mand of our navy. 海军由谁指挥。He has a good mand of spoken English. 他的英语说的很流利。 He mand me to go at once.He mand that I (should)go at once. 他命令现在就走。 区别:in mand of 与 in the mand of in mand of 表示“某人统帅某事物”主语一般为人。 in the mand of 表“某事物在某人统帅下”主语一般是物。 “Who is in mand of the army?” “The army is in the mand of general Brown” “谁统帅陆军”。 “陆军由布朗将军统帅”。9.charge n.价钱;费用 拓展:(1)free of charge (= at no cost) 免费 They gave us the tickets for the film free of charge. 他们免费送给我们电影票。 (2)in charge of 负责,掌管 in the charge of 在掌管下;由负责 The teacher who is in charge of a class is called a heateacher. 负责一个班的老师叫班主任。 (3) charge (sb.)for sth./doing sth.因为某事(做某事)(向某人)索价 How much should we charge our customers for using the phones? 顾客用电话,我们应要多少钱?10. power vt. 供给动力 The train is powered by electricity. n. 能力,才能 Man is the only animal that has the power of speech. n. 力量,力,动力 You can really feel the power of sun here. n. 权利,权限 The police have been given special power. 短语:take power 掌权 e to / into power 掌权,得势 hand power over to sb. 把权利转让给某人 beyond/ out of ones power 某人能力所不能及/ 不能胜任11. switch n. 开关,闸 Which switch do I press to turn it off. 我按哪个开关就能把它关了? n. 彻底改变 They switched the location of the movie to pairs. 他们把电影外景拍摄地换为巴黎。 v. 改变 变换 wait the lights have switched to green. 拓展(1)开关(门,盒子,窗户) open the door/ window close/ shut off the door/window (2)开关(电路:收音机,电视,电灯) Switch on the radio/ TV/light switch off the radio/TV (3)开关(收音机,水,电) Turn on the radio/ water/ gas turn off the radio/water/gas12.attach vt. 系;贴;连接拓展:attach sb. to 参加,归属 be attach to 附属于;依恋于;爱惜 attach sth. to sth. 将某物系在或附在上 attach oneself to sb./sth. 依附某人(参加某事) The picture is attached to the wall by a nail. 那画是用一颗钉子固定在墙上。 I attached myself to a group of tourist entering the museum. 我随着一队游客进了博物馆。注意:attached to 常作定语 相当于定语从句 Which is /are attached to This is a school attached to a university. 这是一所大学的附属中学。


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