2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 BookIII Unit6教学案 人教大纲版.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 BookIII Unit6教学案 人教大纲版理解:要点诠释单词1.deliver 讲:v.递送;传送;引渡;自首;发表演讲常用结构为:deliver.to.。例:The mailman delivers the mail twice a day in this area.这个地区的邮递员每天送两次信。Would you deliver my message to your mother?你可以把我的口信传给你母亲吗?He delivered himself to the police.他向警方自首了。He delivered a long speech.他发表了一场很长的演讲。链接提示 delivery n. 递送;传送;递送品练:We can_ goods to your door.A.pass B.relay C.deliver D.release答案:C2.burden讲:n.& v.负载的人或物;难以承担的责任、义务;加负担于某人例:bear/carry/shoulder a heavy burden负有负起肩负重担She bore the burden of caring for her sick mother.母亲生病,她担负起照顾的重任。The boy was a burden to his family.那个男孩是他家里的一个负担。I dont want to burden you with my problems.我不想让我的问题给你增加负担。链接提示 burdensome adj. 难以负担的;沉重的;麻烦的练:What_ me is how he will manage now his wifes died,as we are good friends.A.burdens B.worries C.affects D.interrupted提示:本句话的意思为“他妻子死了,我担心的是他可怎么办,因为我们是好朋友”。答案:B3.beyond讲: prep. 在那边;超出;晚于例:His house is beyond the river.他的家在河那边。The new housing estate stretches beyond the play-fields.新的住宅区一直延伸到游乐场的那一边。The road continues beyond the village up into the hills.这条路绵延不断越过村子直入山中。The bicycle is beyond repair.这辆自行车已不能修理了。His works are beyond all praise.他的作品怎么夸奖都不过分。Dont stay out beyond 10 oclock at night.(=later than)晚上10点以后不要在外边逗留。链接提示 表示“在那边”可用on the other side of;表示“晚于”可用later than;表示“超出能力等”可用out of或impossible for sb.。练:(006天津河西质量调查) Its _ my power to make a final decision on the matter.Im not the boss here.A.out of B.outside C.above D.beyond提示:beyond意为“超过,超越”,此处表示“这不是我的权力范围的事情”。答案:D短语1.keep up讲:该短语的意思有:使不落下;不衰退;继续保持;使某人不睡觉例:Keep up your courage.鼓起你的勇气。She kept up her spirits by singing.她靠唱歌振作精神。keep up old customs 遵守古老的风俗Keep it up;dont stop it!继续下去,不要停止。Will the fine weather keep up?这好天气会继续下去吗?How much does it cost you to keep up your large house and garden?维护你的大房子和花园需要多少花费?链接提示 (1)keep up with 赶上,不落后。如: Dave couldnt keep up with the rest of his class. 德夫跟不上班里的同学。 He walked so fast that I couldnt keep up with him. 他走得太快,我跟不上。 (2)keep短语还有:keep out (of.)不让进入;keep off 离开,避开;keep back阻止,扣留。练:Generally speaking,you can_ English without taking courses while you are staying in Britain.A.give up B.catch up C.pick up D.keep up提示:本题考查短语动词的辨析。从句子所提供的语境分析,此处用pick up,表示“不经过正规学习而偶尔学到”。答案:C2.leave behind讲:该短语的意思为“未能带或忘记带某物;留下痕迹”。例:Waitdont leave me behind.等等别把我丢下。It wont rain;you can leave your umbrella behind.不会下雨,你不必带伞了。The storm left a trail of destruction behind.暴风雨过后留下满目疮痍的景象。链接提示 (1)比较:fall behind落后。如: The major world powers are afraid of falling behind in the arms race. 世界各大强国军惟恐在军备竞赛中落后。 (2)leave 短语还有:leave.alone丢下不管,不理会;leave off使停止,戒除,省去;leave out遗漏,漏掉,删除,忽视;leave over 推迟。练:When copying the paper,be careful not to_ a single word.A.leave out Be outC.begin with De up提示:此处的意思为“漏掉”。答案:A句型v.-ing形式作时间状语讲:请观察下面教材原句:Passing through the desert,we came out into the Salt Lake Valley,which looked beautiful to us.穿过沙漠之后,我们来到盐湖谷,这个地方看起来很美丽。It is only the first step that is difficult.凡事开头难。Passing through the desert在这里为v.-ing形式作时间状语,相当于时间状语从句After we passed through the desert,.。例:Hearing the news,they all jumped with joy.听到这个消息,他们都欣喜若狂。Having finished the work,they had a short rest.完成那项工作后,他们休息了一会。Having been told many times,he still couldnt understand it.被告知了多次之后,他还是不明白。链接提示 使用该结构时,注意其逻辑主语应该是和句子的主语一致,否则就要用状语从句形式。v.-ing形式作状语一般表示主动,而被动式使用过去分词,这时使用状语从句时就应该使用被动语态。练:(xx北京海淀适应性练习) Why didnt you go to see the play?_the whole story,I decided not to see it.A.Being told B.I had been toldC.Having told D.Having been told提示:从该动词和主句谓语之间的逻辑关系分析,此处的非谓语动词作状语,与谓语动作有先后之分,故用完成式。答案:D 链接提示 在使用这一句型结构的简单句式时,要注意根据动词不定式和谓语动词之间的时间关系,选择动词不定式的正确形式一般式、进行式、完成式、主动式或被动式。练:Is Bob still writing that book?Im afraid not.He is said_ the book already to the publishing house.A.to have sent B.to sendC.to have been sent D.to be sent提示:由already可知动作已经发生,sb.is said to.=It is said that sb. .,表示“据说某人干某事”。答案:A辨析add to,add up to,add.to,add upadd to增加add up to总共有,总计达add.to.加,往添加add up合计,加起来即时练习:(1)Will you _more sugar_ your coffee?(2)These figures dont _right.(3)His illness_ the familys trouble.(4)His whole school education_ no more than one year.答案:(1)add;to (2)add up (3)added to (4)added up to诱思:实例点拨【例1】 (xx重庆模拟) Victor certainly cares too much about himself.Yes.Hes never interested in what_ is doing.A.no one else B.anyone elseC.someone else D.nobody else提示:由题意“他从来不对其他人干的事感兴趣”可知,此处anyone else“其他任何人”表泛指。someone else“其他某个人”,不合题意。答案:B讲评:语境的设置限制了选项的选择,所以要从语境去分析。学习英语的关键在于应用,其目的也在于此。【例2】 (xx辽宁模拟) Nowadays,a large number of women,especially those from the countryside, _in the clothing industry.A.is working B.worksC.work D.worked提示:由时间状语“nowadays”排除了D项,“a large number of women”是复数主语,故排除了A项和B项。答案:C讲评:主谓语一致首先要找清主语,尤其是在有干扰的情况下,此处就有插入语especially those from the countryside。【例3】 (xx江苏模拟) They_ on the program for almost one week before I joined them,and now we_ it as no good results have e out so far.A.had been working;are still working B.had working;were still workingC.have been working;have worked D.have worked;are still working提示:由for almost one week这一时间段内动作在持续,可以推知第一空应该用完成进行时,又因动作发生在I joined them之前,故要用过去完成时;and now提示下面叙述的是现在的情况,用现在进行时。答案:A讲评:此题比较简单,单从时间状语上就可以得出答案。还有些时态题目要从句子所提供的语境上去分析。


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