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2019-2020年高中英语必修10Module6TheMapleLeafCountry-IntroductionandReadingGoalsTo improve fast and careful reading skillsTo improve listening and speaking abilityTo widen vocabularyTo improve writing skillsTo learn how to send an E-mailPeriod 1 Introduction and reading Procedures Step 1: Warming up1. Warming up by introducingHello boys and girls, today we are going to look at a flag. Then please discuss the questions. 1. What the Chinese and the English for the leaf? 2. Which country does the flag belong to? 3. Why the people choose the leaf as the picture of their national flag?2. Warming up by discussing1. If a class is made up of students ing from different countries, what do you think it is like?If it is a class made up of students from different countries, it must be difficult to tell one from another in terms of nationality. Maybe to some students, it is not easy to decide which country he belongs to because he himself and his father or his grandfather are born in different countries. But it must be interesting to be in such a class because you can meet different habits, different cultures and maybe different skin colors.2. If you are a member of one of this kind of classes, what language will you speak? And why?In this kind of class, I will not speak Chinese because other people will not understand what I say pletely and I will lose something amazing. Another reason is that you should respect other cultures. When some guys are talking something belonging to themselves, it is sure that they can use their own language, but it will make others misunderstood, and feel a little bit offensive. It is very impolite in a multicultural class. I am sure.3. If a country is a multicultural one, do you like it? And why?I like it because the multicultural feature suggests its attractive to people from the whole world. That means it is more fit for people to live in, and it can provide people a high living standard. Maybe people can find jobs easily and maybe they can enjoy good health care.3. Warming up by introducingFinish Part2 on P71.Step 2: Pre-reading1. Finish Part 2 on P712. Introduce some key new words Make sure of the meanings of the following words and fill in the blanks. Change the form where necessary.diverse inhabitant skilful evidence harmony dramatic minority prosperous microcosm1. The i in this district make their living mainly by farming.2. There wasnt enough e to prove him guilty.3. There are d changes in the international situation.4. Shanghai is a m of highly developed cities in China.5. Mr. Smith is doing a p business.6. He is not very s with his chopsticks.7. His tastes are in h with mine.8. Nobody agrees me and Im in a m of one.9. The wild life in Africa is extremely d .10. He looked at his twelve children with e pride. 11. The p of this industry depends on a full order book.Keys: 1. inhabitants 2. evidence 3. dramatic 4. microcosm 5. prosperous 6. skilful 7. harmony 8. minority 9. diverse 10. evident 11. prosperityStep 3: Reading1. Leading-inBy now we have talked a lot about Canada. Now please read the text about Vancouver, a symbol of Canada and then answer the following questions:1. What makes Vancouver different from other big Canadian countries?2. Where does the main influence e from Asia or Europe?3. Why are there so many Chinese people living in Vancouver?2. Fast reading for general ideasNow read the text fast again and try to find the key sentences of the two parts.Part 1: Vancouver is one of the most culturally and racially diverse cities in Canada and the world.Part 2: There has been a Chinese munity in Vancouver for more than 200 years.3. Careful reading for detailsThis time, read the text carefully and fill in the form with as much information as you can find about the topics.Vancouverthe symbol of Multicultural CanadaTopicsDetailed informationFirst nations peopleChanges the city has seenThe different ethnic munitiesSports and activitiesRestaurantsKeys:Vancouverthe symbol of Multicultural CanadaTopicsDetailed informationFirst nations peopleThey lived mainly on products from the sea and the land. Some of them were also good at making tools, ornaments and carvings from copper, stone, bone and wood.Changes the city has seenEuropeans arrived and brought in some new ways of living. People of different ethnic groups lived in harmony.The different ethnic munitiesChinatown, Little India, Little Italy, South American, East India, Japanese munities, French-speaking munitySports and activitiesPeople can go skiing in the mountains and windsurfing in the sea on the same day.RestaurantsRestaurants mix so many global cuisines and create a new global menu.4. Finish Part4, Part5 and Part6 on P745. Listen to the tape of the text and fill in the gaps1. Vancouver is one of the most and diverse cities in Canada and the world.2. With a population of nearly two million, the city is Canadas fastest-growing .3. Vancouvers success at mixing so many global cuisines is of its success at mixing so many nations into one city.4. Canada is a microcosm of the world, where all cultures and languages are .5. Chinatown is around the Chinese Cultural Centre.Keys: 1. culturally, racially 2. metropolis 3. symbolic 4. represented 5. situated Step 4: Reading practiceChristopher Reeve(19522004)was an American actor, famous for his film portrayal of Superman. Reeve was born in New York City and received a Bachelor of Arts degree in 1974, after which he was selected to study at Juilliard School of Performing Arts under John Houseman. Reeve worked on the stage, as well as on the soap opera Love of Life, until he was selected to play the role of the Superman in 1978. This film was a great success and inspired three sequels(续集). Ironically, this was the kind of part Reeve usually looked down upon. He was a stage actor at heart who preferred doing classical period plays and films that really required him to“act.”He once said, “I want to challenge myself in my roles, not run around on screen with a machine gun.” In 1980, Reeve starred in Somewhere in Time, a time travel romance. Although this film was not popular at the time it was released, it has since enjoyed a nationwide“cult”following, especially among college students. In 1984, Reeve won critical cheers for his role as a 19th century southern lawyer in The Bostonians. On May 27, 1995, Reeve was paralyzed(瘫痪)from the neck down after being thrown from his horse and largely retired from the production of films after his paralysis. With his wife Dana, he opened the Christopher and Dana Reeve Paralysis Resource Center, devoted to teaching paralyzed people to live more independently. 1. According to the passage, we can get the conclusion that the play Love of Life _. A. gained a great success B. changed Reeves life pletely C. is just a relaxation for most audience D. talks about serious political problems 2. The underlined part in the third paragraph shows that Reeve _. A. enjoyed different kinds of roles related to high technology B. did not like to play the role of the Superman because of the danger C. was an ambitious actor who intended to play all kinds of characters D. was a peace-loving man, who hates weapons and all the military actions 3. The word“cult”in the fourth paragraph probably means _. A. popular fashion B. lovely and interesting C. of the present time D. bad-tempered dog 4. On May 27, 1995, Reeve _. A. acted out the role of a lawyer in The Bostonians B. fell down during the horse-riding and became paralyzed C. won critical cheers for his performance in Somewhere in Time D. opened the Christopher and Dana Reeve Paralysis Resource CenterKeys: 1-4 C C A B Step 5: Homework1. Work in pairs, and discuss the questions1. Why did the first nations people set up a totem pole near their houses?2. Why were the different ethnic groups able to live in harmony when Europeans arrived in Vancouver in the 1700s?3. Why is Vancouver special when it es to sports and activities?4. Why is Vancouver a magnet for visitors and new citizens from all parts of Asia?5. How can restaurants in Vancouver create a new global menu?6. Can you name some of the ethnic groups in Vancouver?7. Where is Chinatown situated in Vancouver?2. Finish Part4, Part5 and Part6 on P74 and then check your answers with your partner3. Learn the new words again, using the dictionary if necessary


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