高三英语二轮复习 第一篇 语法运用攻略 专题一 单项填空 第4讲 动词和动词短语课件.ppt

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高三英语二轮复习 第一篇 语法运用攻略 专题一 单项填空 第4讲 动词和动词短语课件.ppt_第1页
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高三英语二轮复习 第一篇 语法运用攻略 专题一 单项填空 第4讲 动词和动词短语课件.ppt_第2页
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高三英语二轮复习 第一篇 语法运用攻略 专题一 单项填空 第4讲 动词和动词短语课件.ppt_第3页
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第4讲 动词和动词短语,考点1 动词词义辨析 【典例】1. (2015浙江高考)If steel is heavier than water, why are ships able to_on the sea? A. float B. drown C. shrink D. split 【解析】选A。句意: 如果钢比水重, 为什么船可以浮在海面上呢? float漂浮; drown溺水, 淹死; shrink收缩; split劈开, 使分离。,2. (2015浙江高考)Studies have shown that the right and left ear _ sound differently. A. produce B. pronounce C. process D. download 【解析】选C。句意: 研究已经表明, 右耳和左耳处理声音的方式不同。produce生产, 制造; pronounce发音; process处理; download下载。根据常识, 耳朵不能生产或制造声音, 不能发音, 更不可能下载。所以答案只能选C。,3. (2014浙江高考)Last week a tennis ball hit me on the head, but I tried to _ the pain, believing that it would go away sooner or later. A. share B. realize C. ignore D. cause 【解析】选C。句意: 上周一个网球砸在了我的头上, 但是我尽力去忽视疼痛, 认为迟早会消失的。share分享; realize意识到, 实现; ignore忽略, 不理睬; cause造成, 引起。根据句意可知C项正确。,4. (2014浙江高考)No matter how carefully you plan your finances, no one can _ when the unexpected will happen. A. prove B. imply C. demand D. predict 【解析】选D。句意: 不管你多么仔细地计划你的资金, 没有人能够预测什么时候会发生意想不到的事情。prove证明; imply意味着, 暗示; demand要求, 命令; predict预测。根据句中的when the unexpected will happen可知D项正确。,5. (2013浙江高考)When the group discussion is nearing its end, make sure to_it with important points. A. conclude B. lead C. avoid D. hold 【解析】选A。句意: 当小组讨论接近尾声时, 一定要以重点结束。conclude结束; lead指导, 指引; avoid避免; hold抓住, 握住。,【解题技巧】 动词词义辨析题将四个动词置于一个特定的语境下进行考查, 旨在考查考生在特定语境中熟练应用词汇的能力。这些动词可以是毫无联系, 也可以是形式上相近, 如adapt/adopt, explode/expose, raise/arise等, 或意义上相近, 语境是唯一的考查标准。,考点2 动词短语辨析 【典例】1. (2015江苏高考)The university started some new language programs to_the countrys Silk Road Economic Belt. A. apply to B. cater for C. appeal to D. hunt for 【解析】选B。句意: 为了满足国家丝绸之路经济带的需要, 这所大学开设了新的语言课程。apply to申请; cater for迎合, 满足的需要; 为提供所需; appeal to对有吸引力, 呼吁, 恳求; hunt for搜寻, 寻找。,2. (2015江苏高考)The whole team_Cristiano Ronaldo, and he seldom lets them down. A. wait on B. focus on C. count on D. call on 【解析】选C。句意: 全队都指望克里斯蒂亚诺罗纳尔多, 他很少让他们失望。wait on服侍, 等待; focus on集中(注意力)于; count on指望; call on号召, 拜访。,3. (2015浙江高考)We tend to have a better memory for things that excite our senses or_our emotions than for straight facts. A. block off B. appeal to C. subscribe to D. come across 【解析】选B。句意: 和直接的事实相比, 我们趋向于对于一些事情记忆会比较清楚, 这些事情刺激我们的感官或者是让我们的情感产生兴趣。该句的句式使用到了一个比较句式以及一个定语从句, 句式比较复杂。所填词表达的跟前面excite our senses意思是相同的, 根据句意不难得出是appeal to“吸引”。,4. (2015浙江高考)Body language can_a lot about your mood, so standing with your arms folded can send out a signal that you are being defensive. A. take away B. throw away C. put away D. give away 【解析】选D。句意: 肢体语言可以透露很多关于你的心情的信息, 因此抱臂而站可能发出一个信号: 你是有防范的。take away带走, 拿走; throw away扔掉; put away放下, 收拾, 整理; give away泄露, 赠送, 分发, 出卖。,5. (2014浙江高考)How could you_such a fantastic job when you have been out of work for months? A. turn off B. turn in C. turn down D. turn to 【解析】选C。句意: 你都好几个月没有工作了, 你怎么能够拒绝这么好的一份工作呢? turn off关闭; turn in上交; turn down调小, 拒绝; turn to求助于。,【解题技巧】 牢记下列高频动词短语: (1)break类: break away from打破; 与脱离关系; break down出故障; (计划、谈判)失败; (精神、身体)垮掉; 分解; break in闯入, 插嘴; break into闯入; break out爆发, 突然发生; break up打碎, 分手, 分开, 关系破裂 (2)bring类: bring about导致, 造成, 引起; bring back恢复, 使想起; bring in引进, 带来; bring out出版, 使显现; bring up抚养, 提出, 呕吐 (3)call类: call for需要, 要求; call back回电; call in召集, 叫来(帮忙); call on号召, 拜访; call up使想起, 打电话, 征召,(4)come类: come about发生; come across偶遇; 无意中发现; come out出版; 结果是; come true实现(无被动); come up被提出; come up with提出(建议、计划、方案等) (5)get类: get across解释清楚, 使被理解; get away from避免; 摆脱, 逃离; get away with侥幸做成; get around四处走动, 传播开来; get down to开始认真; get along/on with进展; 与相处; get over克服; 从中恢复或康复; get rid of摆脱; 除去; get through通过; 完成; 接通电话,(6)give类: give away赠送; 泄露; 分发; give back归还; give in屈服, 让步; 投降, 认输; give out分发, 发出; 发表; 用尽; 筋疲力尽; give up放弃, 对不再抱有希望 (7)go类: go against违背; 不利于; 反对; go ahead(表示同意对方提出的要求或建议)说吧! 做吧! 开始吧! go around参观; (消息)传播; go by过去, 经过; go on继续; 进行; 发生; go over复习, 仔细检查; go through穿过; 经历; 仔细检查; go without没有也行 (8)hold类: hold back隐瞒; 抑制; 退缩; hold on=hang on别挂断电话; 等一会儿; 坚持下去; hold out坚持, 伸出; hold up举起; 阻挡; 使耽搁; hold on to紧紧抓住; 保留; 不放弃,(9)keep类: keep away from远离; 勿靠近; keep back扣下; 隐瞒, 抑制; keep up坚持; 继续; 使不低落; keep up with跟上; keep an eye on照看, 留意; keep an eye out for密切注意 (10)look类: look around环顾四周; look away from把目光从移开; look into调查; look back on/upon回顾; look up查找, 向上看; look up to尊敬, 敬仰; look down upon歧视, 看不起; look forward to盼望; 期待; look through浏览; look out当心, 留意; 小心; look on旁观,(11)make类: make use of利用; make up组成; 编造, 杜撰; 化妆; 和解; make up for补偿; 弥补; make for走向; 有助于; 导致; make sense有意义; 有道理; make sense of理解; make out理解; 辨认出; make it成功做到; 约定某个时间 (12)put类: put aside把搁置一边, 暂不考虑; 储蓄; put away收拾; 整理; put forward提出, 把(钟表)拨快; put down记下, 写下, 镇压; put out伸出; 扑灭; 生产; put up建造, 张贴; 提供住宿; put up with忍受; put on穿上; 上演; 增加,(13)set类: set aside不顾, 留出; set about doing sth. 着手做某事; set out出发, 动身; set out to do sth. 着手做某事; set off出发; 引起; 使爆炸; set up建立(组织、机构); 创立 (14)take类: take after长得像某人; take down记下, 拆卸; 取下; take up从事, 开始做; 占用(时间、空间), 着手处理; take in吸收; 接收; 理解; 欺骗; take off起飞; 成功; 脱下; take on呈现; 具有; 承担; 雇用; take over接管, 接手 (15)turn类: turn around转身; turn away(from)不准进入; 拒绝; turn down拒绝; turn up开大; 露面; 出现; turn to转向; 求助于; turn against反对; 背叛,(16)其他类短语: appeal to呼吁; 上诉; 对有吸引力; account for 对负责; 对作出解释; (比例)占; answer for因而受罚; 对负责; approve of同意, 赞成; apply to应用于; 适用于; apply for 申请; attach importance to重视; benefit from从受益; keep sb. company陪伴某人; concentrate on集中注意力于; 全神贯注于(=focus on); take. . . into consideration/account把考虑在内; contribute to 贡献; 捐款; 有助于, 促成; fall behind落后; fall into a habit of doing sth. 养成的习惯; fall in love with爱上; do away with废除; 取 消; come into sight进入视野; feel like(doing)想要(做); find fault,with找毛病, 对吹毛求疵; fit in with适应; 与相处融洽; hang up挂断电话; catch/draw/attract ones attention吸引某人的注意; head for向方向前进; be/get involved in参与; 涉及; lie in在于; participate in参加, 参与; react to对作出反应; refer to参考, 涉及; 提到; 谈到; refer to. . . as把称作; rely on依赖; 依靠; reply to答复, 回答; respond to对作出反应, 响应; give rise to引起; 导致; catch sight of看见; stick to坚持(计划、观点、承诺); stick out伸出; suffer from患病; 受痛苦; watch out小心提防; contribute to有助于; be/get accustomed to习惯于; live up to不辜负; 实践; 做到; dress up化妆; 打扮; make a difference有影响, 使不相同; lead to导致; 引起; 通向; cheer up使高兴/振作起来,考点3 动词的熟词生义 【典例】1. (2014湖北高考)The old rules have to be _ because they only applied to the circumstances that existed when they were made a hundred years ago. A. developed B. established C. observed D. revised 【解析】选D。句意: 这些旧的规则必须修改, 因为它们只适用于100年前它们被制定时存在的情况。develop开发; 发展; 发育; establish建立; observe遵守; revise修改。,2. (2014江苏高考)Top graduates from universities are_by major companies. A. chased B. registered C. offered D. compensated 【解析】选A。句意: 高才生受到各大公司的青睐, 成为争相录用的对象。chase追逐, 符合句意。register注册; offer提供; compensate补偿。,3. (2014安徽高考)Shakespeares writing is still popular today. It has really _the test of time. A. failed B. stood C. taken D. conducted 【解析】选B。句意: 莎士比亚的作品今天依旧受欢迎, 它真的已经经受了时间的检验。stand忍受, 经受; fail失败, 不及格; take带走; conduct指导, 指挥, 带领。,4. (2013浙江高考)A good listener takes part in the conversation, ideas and raising questions to keep the talk flowing. A. realizing B. copying C. offering D. misunderstanding 【解析】选C。句意: 一个好的聆听者要参与交谈, 给出自己的想法并且提出问题以使谈话顺畅进行。realize意识到; copy复制; offer(主动)提出(帮助); misunderstand误解。此处offer意为“主动提出想法/观点等”。,【解题技巧】 对于动词的熟词生义用法, 要进行专门积累(尤其在阅读理解中的此类词), 并且要通过强化训练对它们的用法进行巩固。 常见动词熟词生义用法表:,【误区纠偏】 易错点1 动词词义辨析不到位 (2014江苏高考)Legend has it that the origin of Dragon Boat Festival is to_the soul of Qu Yuan. (变式)Legend has it that the origin of Dragon Boat Festival is to_Qu Yuan, the great ancient poet. A. remember B. remind C. recover D. recall,【点拨】 (1)题由句子中the soul of Qu Yuan可知, 本句意为“传说端午节的起源是为屈原招魂。”故本题要选D项recall(召回)。 (2)题对题目中的内容进行了调整, 考查remember一词意义的理解, 句意为“传说端午节的起源是为了纪念屈原这位伟大的古代诗人。remember在此表示“纪念”之意, 符合句意。故选A。,易错点2 动词短语理解不到位 (2014天津高考)The two countries are going to meet to_some barriers to trade between them. (变式)The two countries are going to meet to_ignoring some barriers to trade between them. A. make up B. use up C. turn down D. break down,【点拨】 (1)题题干的意思是“这两个国家即将会晤来消除两国之间的贸易障碍。”题break down在本句中意为“消除(障碍, 偏见等)”, 故选D。 (2)题题干的语境是: 这两个国家即将会晤和解, 搁置两国之间的贸易障碍。题make up在本句中意为“和解”, 选A。,易错点3 熟词生义用法掌握不到位 (2013新课标全国卷)At the last moment, Tom decided to_a new character to make the story seem more likely. (变式)At the last moment, Tom decided to_a notice to find a new character to make the story seem more likely. A. put up B. put in C. put on D. put off,【点拨】 (1)题根据句意“在最后一刻, 汤姆决定添加一个新的角色, 从而使得这个故事显得更加真实。”而只有put in有“加入, 添加”的意思。故选B。 (2)题考查put up a notice这一常用结构, 意为“张贴一个通知”, 符合语境。故选A。 (3)对于put短语的积累和灵活运用很关键, 最关键的是对不同语境的准确理解。,


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