2019-2020年高中英语 Unit5 Theme parks Period 5 Speaking and Writingg优秀教案 新人教版必修4.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit5 Theme parks Period 5 Speaking and Writingg优秀教案 新人教版必修4.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit5 Theme parks Period 5 Speaking and Writingg优秀教案 新人教版必修4This period aims at providing the students with an opportunity to apply what they have learned in this unit.Moreover,it leaves some space for them to create and imagine.Before writing the teacher can give the students a brainstorming time in class,having the students think about what they are going to write for their introduction to the park.This will probably give them an easier start.After writing,the students will get another chance to practice what they have learned about the functional item Asking the way.The teacher should encourage the students to use informal spoken forms rather than written styles in their dialogue writing,and ask the students to pay attention to their tones and intonation while presenting their role-play in front of the class.Teaching Important & Difficult PointsHow to improve students writing ability.How to train students creative thinking and imagination.Teaching MethodsCreate some situations for the students to talk actively in public.Practice to improve the students writing ability.Teaching AidsA multimedia puter Three Dimensional Teaching AimsKnowledge and SkillsHelp the students apply what they have learned in this unit.Train the students creative thinking and imagination.Practice explanatory writing and asking the way.Process and StrategiesA brainstorm to have the students think about what kind of theme parks they will write.Individual work to finish a position about a certain theme park.Feelings and ValueThis period aims at providing the students with an opportunity to apply what they have learned in this unit.Moreover,it leaves some space for them to create and imagine.Teaching ProceduresStep 1 WritingT:Hello,boys and girls,“My Own Theme Park” petition has been over and you have created your own particular theme parks,so it has been a great success.Now suppose you are a volunteer guide in your theme park.Write an introduction to the park.It should include explanation of what kind of park it is,how to get to the park,how to get to the site of activities,and what the admission fee is to the park and each activity.T:First,I would like you to work in groups of four.Here is a form for each group to fill in.Please discuss with your partners and plete this form.The theme of the parkHow to get to the park3 of the activities in the parkHow to get to the sites of these activitiesAdmission fee to these activitiesAdmission fee to the parkThe students work in groups of four and plete the following form.(Five minutes later)T:OK,have you pleted your form?Now I would like you to start writing your introduction according to the information you have written in your form.Here are some tips for you to follow.Writing tips:While writing,Ss try to use the following words and expressions.1.The main idea or theme in our park is.2.You will enjoy doing/seeing.3.We are happy to show you.4.The information room is.5.You can reach the park /rides/ buildings by.6.Each activity costs.The students write an introduction to the theme park.(Ten minutes later)The teacher shows some of the students introductions,corrects the possible mistakes with the whole class,and make some ments on their work.Sample writing:Wele to our animal kingdom theme park.You can find us twenty-five kilometers west of Kingston on highway 401.We are the biggest animal theme park in North America,and we can show you animals from all over the world.The main idea in our theme park is the preservation of endangered species,so we have special areas to allow these animals to live in a natural setting.We hope they will reproduce themselves and that we can save some of these species.Just beyond the wild area,we have an area with domestic animal where you can walk among them,watch the cows and goats being milked and play with the young animals.You will enjoy seeing the baby animals play and you can feed the horse and goats.There are rides at the north end of the park,including a merry-go-round,a roller-coaster and for those who do not like speed,a ride in a wagon pulled by our big work horses.The entrance fee is ten dollars for adults and six dollars for children,and each activity costs two dollars.We hope you enjoy your visit.Step 2 Speaking (Page 40)T:Your theme parks are so attractive that one of your friends es to visit you from another city.He wants you to show him around your park.So you are to make up a dialogue between you and your friend in pairs.You may use the words and expressions on Page 40 to develop your talk.I will call some of you to present your dialogue to the whole class later.Lets begin.(Five minutes later)T:Have you got your dialogue ready?Now who would like to present your dialogue to us?e on!Sample dialogue:You:Im really happy you could e to the animal kingdom park.Lets have a look around.Friend:Where is the endangered species area?I want to see the red monkeys.You:Down the path you can see the big fence.Thats where the Siberian tiger is and the monkeys are just behind him.We dont want him to eat them.Friend:How far is the amusement area?I wouldnt mind a trip on the Ferris wheel before lunch.You:Over there is the building where you buy your ticket for the rides.Friend:How can we get to the farm where the cows and goats are?Will we have time to see them?You:Well,we cant do everything,but we want people to have some choices about what they see.Friend:This is going to be good.I can make a report on the theme park for my class.Step 3 Conclusion and homeworkT:You all did a good job as a tour guide.Since you all can be good tour guides,shall we set up a travel agency?OK,its only a joke.Now homework for you today.You will go over the whole unit,and tomorrow we will have an assessment on this unit.The Design of the Writing on the BlackboardUnit 5Theme ParksPeriod 5Speaking & Writing1.Writing:Introduction to a theme parkWriting tips:2.Speaking:Make up a dialogueWords and expressions for reference:Record after TeachingActivities and Research Before the students start their writing,a brainstorm will be give to students to sort out their thoughts,which is of great help to them.Reference for TeachingLearning Tips高考英语书面表达技巧如何提高书面表达的档次,争取得高分甚至满分?不少同学们可能很不理解:考试时,写出的书面表达要点齐全,表达也正确,可就是不知道为什么打不上高分。是啊,为什么呢?今天,我们就来研究如何解决这个问题。首先让我们来看近年来全国高考英语书面表达的评分标准:第五档(很好):“覆盖所有主要内容;应用了较多的语法结构和词汇;语法结构或词汇方面有些许错误,但为尽力使用较复杂结构或较高级词汇所致;应用简单的语句间的连接成分,使全文结构紧凑;达到了预期的写作目的。” 可见,高考书面表达评分标准在语言的运用上对考生提出了更高的要求。也就是说在考查考生语言准确性的基础上,进一步强调了用词的得体性、表达方式的多样性。如果同学们仅运用基础的词汇和基本的句型,不能体现出较强的语言运用能力,即使要点齐全,表达没有语法错误,也不能给人一种含金量高的审美享受,因此很难在考试的评分中得到较高档次。评分标准给我们传递了另外一个信息,如果有意识地使用较高级词汇或复杂结构,即使有些错误,也不扣分,仍属于最高档次。因此要使一个平淡的文章变得丰富起来,从而提高书面表达的档次。我认为同学们应着力于从以下三个方面来增强书面表达的效果。1.学会使用较高级的词汇词汇反映你知识贮存量的多少,也是衡量英语水平的一个重要标志。从评分标准可知,运用高级的词汇对提高书面表达的分数至关重要。大家先来看下面这些句子:(1)Because the weather was good,our journey was fortable.Thanks to the good weather,our journey was fortable.(2)We all think he is a great man.We all think highly of him.(3)Suddenly I thought out a good idea. .came upon.A good idea occurred to me./A good idea suddenly struck me.(4)The students there neednt pay for their books.Books are free for the students there.(5)As a result the plan was a failure.The plan turned out (to be) a failure.(6)When she heard he had died,she went pale with sorrow.At the news of his death,she went pale with sorrow.(7)She went to Austria in order to study music.She went to Austria for/with the purpose of studying music.(8)When he spoke,he felt more and more excited.The more he spoke,the more excited he felt.(9)In our school,there are twenty-six classrooms.Our school is made up of twenty-six classrooms./Twenty-six classrooms make up our school.(10)You can find my house easily.Youll have no trouble/difficulty finding my house.2.学会使用较丰富的句式在整篇文章中,避免只使用一两个句型,要灵活运用各种语法结构,运用得当的句子结构可以给文章增色不少,从而使整篇文章因此而生辉。例如:(1)When he arrives,please give me an e-mail.(使用v.-ing形式)On his arriving/arrival,please give me an e-mail.(2)To his surprise,the little girl knows so many things.(使用名词性从句)What surprises him is that the little girl knows so many things.(That the little girl knows so many things surprises him./It surprises him that the little girl knows so many things.) (3)Though Im weak,Ill make the effort.(使用倒装句)Weak as I am,Ill make the effort.(4)He did not know what had happened until he had read the news in the newspaper.(使用强调句型It was. not until.)It was not until he had read the news in the newspaper that he knew what had happened.Not until he had read the news in the newspaper did he know what had happened.(5)I passed the physics exam because of your help.(使用虚拟语气)I could not have passed the physics exam but for your help.If you had not helped me,I could not have passed the physics exam.(6)She walked out of the lab and many students followed her.(用过去分词)Followed by many students,she walked out of the lab.(7)They sang and laughed as they went back to school.(使用v.-ing形式)Singing and laughing,they went back to school.(8)I wont believe what he says.(使用状语从句)No matter what he says,I wont believe.(9)If you study hard,you will make rapid progress.(使用并列句)Study hard and youll make rapid progress.(10)He had no sooner e back from Beijing than he was sent abroad.(使用倒装句)No sooner had he e back from Beijing than he was sent abroad.


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