2019-2020年高中英语 Module 5 Newspapers and Magazines 教案 外研版必修2.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Module 5 Newspapers and Magazines 教案 外研版必修2教学内容分析 本模块以Newspapers and Magazines为话题,引入了与报刊f杂志有关的词汇,并介绍了中国首位宇航员杨利伟遨游太空的事迹。通过模块教学,使学生了解新闻体裁的文章的特点,并通过各种途径来了解有关太空进步的相关知识,培养学生采集资料的能力。在发展学生语言能力的同时,培养学生热爱科学、立志国家作出贡献情感和信念。Introduction 部分通过两幅中外著名报刊杂志的图片切入话题,使学生了解报刊杂志的相关术语;第二个活动以介绍报刊杂志的板块方式学习单词,并通过说的活动来达到运用的目的,为后面的各项学习活动做好准备。Reading and Vocabulary 部分以Chinese Taikonaut Back on Earth为话题,以新闻报道的方式,介绍了中国太空人杨利伟遨游太空的事迹,并说明了此次航天飞行的重大意义。根据文章的内容,编者设计了五个活动,如:词汇练习,主旨大意题,阅读理解题,判断题,讨论题。通过这些题目让学生熟悉课文内容和学会使用与探索太空有关的词汇。使学生受到了一次极好的爱国主义教育。Grammar 1 部分通过让学生观察例句,从中发现时间状语从句的特点,并通过相关的练习巩固,使学生掌握并正确使用when, while等连词以及所引导的从句中的动词时态。Reading and Listening 部分有两个主要的目的,一是阅读三篇新闻报道,并了解主旨大意,初步了解新闻的形式。二是听新闻广播录音,然后完成与录音内容相关的练习。该部分给学生提供了读写结合的活动,要求学生在具体的活动过程中熟悉内容和有关单词,训练学生听新闻广播并理解各种体裁新闻的能力。Grammar 2 部分通过观察句子,了解原因状语从句的引导词和特点,并通过相关练习,使学生掌握并正确使用原因状语从句。Pronunciation 部分主要是通过听课文录音,注意体会句子根据意群停顿,通过跟读让学生体会句子停顿的规律,掌握如何在口语练习中根据意群停顿。Writing 部分通过阅读新闻体裁的文章,使学生初步了解此类文章的结构,并让学生展开想象进行写作,拓展学生的想像空间。Listening and Speaking 部分以相关词汇作为导入,激活学生的背景图式,通过听一段有关电影的采访,根据所听的内容回答问题,通过所获取的信息来确定事情发展的先后顺序,并就此展开讨论。要求学生在这些听说活动中熟悉有关词汇的用法。Function and Everyday English 部分通过发现式的活动列举了“表示相信与不相信”及一些日常用语的句子,使学生在一定的语境下理解、学习和掌握语言,并鼓励学生大胆表达自己的喜好。Cultural Corner部分是一篇介绍“英国、美国的日报”的文章,通过阅读该文章,可以增加学生对西方国家新闻业的了解,拓宽学生就报纸杂志这一话题的知识面和相关词汇量,为后面的Task做好准备。Task部分是对本模块的一个复习与应用,要求学生小组活动,上网查找资料,利用本模块所学的词汇谈谈自己所喜爱的报纸或杂志。Module File部分有助于学生对本模块学习内容进行归纳,对自己的学习进行反思和检验。Period 1 Introduction, Cultural Corner,Function and Everyday EnglishTeaching Goals:1. To arouse Ss interest in learning about newspaper and magazines;2. To introduce the topic “Newspapers and Magazines”;3. To get Ss to learn some words to describe newspapers and magazines;4. To get Ss to know something about daily newspaper in Britain and the United States;Teaching Procedures:Step 1. IntroductionPurpose: To arouse Ss interest in learning about newspaper and magazines.1. Leading-in(1) Show two pictures on the screen and introduce the new words about newspaper and magazines.Suggested Answers: front cover article front page headline photograph celebrity / politician(2) Hand out a piece of China Daily and ask Ss to find out types of news items they can see in it.For your reference:business, celebrity, economy, fashion, international, politics, sport, nation, etc.2. Word StudyAsk Ss to match the words with their definitions. (1) journalist a. someone who is very famous (2) editor b. someone who writes for a newspaper (3) celebrity c. a person who edits or who is in charge of a part of a newspaper (4) photographer d. the title of a newspaper article (5) article e. piece of writing (6) headline f. a person who takes photographsSuggested Answers:(1) b (2) c (3) a (4) f (5) e (6) dStep 2. Cultural CornerPurpose: To enable Ss to know some daily newspaper in Britain and the United States.1. Leading-inAsk some questions to arouse Ss interest to know foreign newspaper.Q1. How many foreign newspaper do you know? What are they?Q2. Have you ever read them before? If so, how is your feeling about that?Q3. Do you have some foreign newspaper of magazines?2. Pair WorkAsk Ss to read the passage and try to plete the following chart.types of the pressCharacteristicsExamplesthe quality pressconcentrate on news, sports, finance and cultural events(more serious)The Timesthe popular press(tabloid)concentrate on famous people, the royal family, and has large headlines and lots of big photosThe SunThe New York Daily News3. (Individual Work) Ask Ss to read the passage again and decide whether the following statements are true or false. (1) The quality press is more serious. ( ) (2) You can know about famous pop stars in a popular newspaper. ( ) (3) You can find large headlines and a lot of big photographs in The Times. ( ) (4) The Sun is the most successful quality newspaper in Britain. ( ) (5) The New York Times is produced in New York. ( )Suggested Answers:Statements 1, 2, 5 are true, while 3, 4 are false.4. Group WorkLet Ss say which kind of newspaper they like best and say why.(Allow them to discuss within 5 minutes. Show some questions to help them if necessary.) (1) I think / believe . / In my opinion, . (2) I like / love / enjoy . (3) Its funny, useful, interesting . (4) It has got good articles / photographs. (5) It is full of information about my favourite pop star / sport / puter games.Step 3. Function and Everyday EnglishPurpose: To enable Ss to know how to express the belief and disbelief.1. Individual WorkAsk Ss to read the conversation on P48 and underline the sentences showing belief and disbelief.Expressing beliefExpressing disbelief1. theres some interesting evidence2. Yes, its quite possible.3. You never know, stranger things have happened.4. Im pretty sure .5. I strongly believe .1. You dont believe in , do you?2. I cant believe you said that!3. I dont believe a word of it! Its a crazy idea!4. You must be joking!5. It simple isnt possible. It is impossible.6. You cant be serious!2. Pair Workplete the conversation with expressions of belief or disbelief just learnt. A: It says here in the newspaper that by the year 2050, there will be cities on the moon. B: _(1)_! _(2)_. A: Well, _(3)_. We have the technology to do it. B: _(4)_! Who wants to live on the moon? A: I think it would be very interesting. B: _(5)_! It would be terrible! A: _(6)_. I may want to do it myself. B: In 2050? _(7)_. Youll be nearly sixty years old!Suggested Answers: (1) Oh, e on! (2) Thats impossible. (3) you never know. (4) Its a crazy idea! (5) You cant be serious! (6) Well, stranger things have happened. (7) You must be joking.3. Group WorkAsk Ss to think of a topic by themselves, and use the expressions of belief or disbelief to make a dialogue with their partners.For your reference:(1) A: A famous actor stole money from a beggar? You cant be serious! B: Well, I read it from the newspaper.(2) A: It is said that some UFOs were flying over Shaoguan area last night.B: Oh, e on. I cant believe what you said.A: But its possible.Step 4. Homework Review the words we have learnt in this periodPeriods 2 ReadingStep 1 Lead-inStep 2 Fast-reading. Read the text quickly , and choose the main idea for each part.A. Congratulations on the success from different countries.B. Three great astronauts conversation in space.C. A great success in Chinas space flight programme.Chinese Taikonaut Back on Earth Part2._Part3._Part1._Step 3 Further-reading.Read the text carefully and tell whether the following statements are Ture(T) or False(F).1. The taikonaut was in space for twenty-one hours. ( )2. One of the astronauts aboard the International Space Station was born in China.( )3. The other man aboard the Space Station is a Russian cosmonaut. ( )4. China received messages of congratulations from all over the world. ( )5. Sean OKeefe works for the United Nations. ( )6. Kofi Annan thought that the flight was very good news just for China. ( )7. When Yang was traveling in space, there were two other astronauts in all in space with him. ( ) 8. Edward Lu and Yuri Malenchenko are both from America. ( ).Read the text again and fill in the blanks.Chinas_taikonaut Yang Liwei_safely in Inner Mongolia, 300 kilometers _of Beijing. Yang was_for 21.5 hours and_14 orbits of the earth.Yang thought it was the_day of his life. Premier Wen Jiabao telephoned the Control Center to_his congratulations_the plete success.China became the third nation_a man into space with Yangs_off from Jiuquan.While he was traveling, Yang spoke to American_Edward Lu and Russian _Yuri Malenchenko, who were aboard the international_.Many countries around the world offered their_on Chinas success, which considered to be an important historical_. Annan called the_“a step forward for the whole world”.Step 4. Language points.1. The Beijing Space Control Centre said the flight was a “plete success”.(讲解)success 此处作可数名词,意为“成功的事;取得成就的人”;作不可数名词,意为“成就,胜利” (拓展)succeed v. 常用短语:succeed in doing sth. successful adj. 成功的 我姐姐是个非常成功的老师。My sister is_great_as a teacher.他顺利的找到了一份好工作。_You should remember that failure is the mother of _ success, if you want to be_success.A. a; / B. /; a C. a/ a D. /; / 2. Premier Wen Jiabao telephoned the Control Center to offer his congratulations.(讲解)offer/ send ones congratulations to sb. on 因向某人致以祝贺 (拓展)congratulate v. 祝贺,向致祝贺词 常用短语:congratulate sb. on为某事向某人祝贺 (辨析)celebrate和 congratulate celebrate表示庆祝某事,后接某事; congratulate 表示(为某事)祝贺某人,常用短语:congratulate sb. on sth.大家都对杜丽表示了祝贺。祝贺她在xx年奥运会上赢得第一枚金牌。Everyone_their_ _Du Li_her winning the first gold medal in the xx Olympic games.They_us on getting married.A. congratulated B. celebrated C. praised D. admiredThe three sisters decided to hold a family party to_their parentssilver wedding.A. celebrate B. memorize C. congratulate D.wele3. Yang is the 438th person to travel in space, including astronauts from 32 countries.(讲解)be the +序数词+to do:是第几个做某事的人。句式仿写_翻译:他成为这村子里第一个上大学的学生He became the first student in this village_ _ _ _.(讲解)including 包括,在句中做后置定语;include的非谓语动词形式是 including 和 included, 如果后面有宾语,用including,如果没有宾语用 included。翻译: 每个人都笑了,包括我在内_改错:There are a lot of names in the list, included his name. At least 300 people died in the accident, more than 200 children_.A. including B. being included C. included D. to include4. In total, these astronauts have spent more than 26,000 days in space. (讲解) in total 总共,共计。The Chinese athletes won 51 gold medals_at the Beijing Olympic Games.A. in total B. at all C. as a result D. in a word_200 students went for picnic, _some from No.1 middle school.A. Totally; includes B. In total; included C. Total; including D. In total; including5. While he was travelling in space, Yang spoke to two astronauts aboard the International Space Station, which is orbiting the earth. (讲解)aboard prep./adv. 在(船、飞机、火车和上):上(船、飞机、火车)Please go_the ship quickly. Theres only 10 minutes left.A. abroad B. aboard C. board D. to aboard他们是最后两位上船的。They were the last two_ _ _the ship.Step 5 DiscussionWhat were your feelings when you heard the news that shengzhoulanded safely that year? Step 6 HomeworkWrite a passage about your feelings.Periods3 VocabularyTeaching Aims:1.To learn some new words and phrases2.To master some language points3.To train the studentslearning skillsTeaching important points:1.About some new words2.How to make the class lively3.How to do some explanationsTeaching procedures:Step 1:Leading in and Warming upStep 2:Some new words and language points 1.The Beijing Space Control Centre said the flight was a “plete success”success (1) n. U成功;胜利 success in (doing) sth. 在(做)某事上取得成功He didnt have much success in finding a job.他找工作没有什么结果。Whats the secret of your success? 你成功的秘诀是什么?(2)nC 成功的人或事The party was a big success.聚会非常成功。以下名词作不可数名词用时,表示抽象概念,用作可数名词时,表示具体的人或事物。beauty n. C 美人,美好的东西honour n. C 光荣的人或事物pleasure n. C a thing that make you happy or satisfied.She had been a beauty in her day.她年轻时是个美人。She is an honour to the profession.她是这一行业的光荣。Everyone can enjoy the pleasures and pains of everyday life.每人都能尝到日常生活的苦与乐。(3)构词解析:success n.成就,成功, 成功的人或事物; succeed vi. 成功; successful adj.成功的,一帆风顺的, successfully adv.成功地,顺利地 2.When Yang took off from Jiuquan in northwest China at 9 am. Yesterday, Chinabecame the third nation to send a man into space。take off (1) 起飞The plane took off an hour late.飞机起飞晚了一小时。(2) 脱下He took off wet boots and sat by the fire.他脱掉湿漉漉的靴子,在火炉旁坐了下来。take 相关短语take for认为,误认为; take in收留;欺骗; take on 呈现;take over接管; take up占用(时间),占据空间Even the experts took the painting for a genuine Van Gogh.连行家都误认为这幅画是凡高的真迹。He was homeless, so we took him in.他无家可归,我们就收留了他。His voice took on a more serious tone.他说话的语气变得严肃起来。The firm has been taken over by Mr. Zhang该公司已被张先生接管了。Her time is fully taken up with writing.她把时间全都用在了写作上。2) to send a man into space = that makes a man be taken into space 把人送入太空的. 动词不定式短语作定语,修饰 序数词, the last, the only 后最高级等限定的名词时,用动词不定式而不用分词作定语。She is usually the first person to arrive at the school every day.每天她通常是第一个到校的人。He was the only one to survive the crash.他是飞机坠毁中的唯一生还者。PracticeI will be the last person _, if some asks us to. (B)A. playing B. to play C. played D. plays 3.Yang is the 438th person to travel in space, including astronauts from32 countries= Yang is the 438th person who travels in space, astronauts who e from 32 countries included.包括来自32个国家的宇航员在内,杨利伟是第438个在太空旅行的人。including prep. 包括 在内 Ive got three days holiday including NewYears Day.包括元旦在内我有三天假。Its $7.5, including tax.包括税款在内共7.5美元。构词解析:including prep. 包括;include vt. 包括; included prep.(置于名词后)包括 4.In total, these astronauts have spent more than 26,000 days in space= In all, these astronauts have stayed in space for over 26,000 days.这些宇航员总共在宇宙呆的时间已经超过了26,000天。(1) total n. C 总数Out of a total 15games, they only won 2. 总共15场比赛中, 他们只胜了2场。The total of the cost is 800 yuan. 花费总数是800元。常见短语:in total= in all 总计In total I have 5000 yuan. 我总共有5000元钱。 adj. 总计的,全体的Whats the total population of the city? 这个城市的人口总数四多少? vt. 共计Each students marks were totaled and entered in a list.每个学生的总分都已计算出来并列入表中。 (2) more than 多于He weighs more than 200 pounds他有200多镑重。 不仅仅She is more than a teacher to us. He is also a good friend to us.她不仅仅是我们的老师,还是我们的好朋友。 more adj.(原级) than与其不如He is more sad than angry when his son lied again. 当他儿子再次说谎时,她的悲伤甚于烦恼。He is more (a) scholar than (a) teacher. 与其说他是教师不如说他是学者。(3)辨析 not more than 不超过; no more than: 仅仅,只有no more than 与一样不; not morethan 不比,不如There are not more than 8 people in the office.办公室里的人不超过8个。The pipe is no more than 10 feet long.这根管子仅仅十英尺长。This book is not more interesting than that one.这本书不如那部有趣。Jane is no more careful than Tom. 简和汤姆都不小心。 5.Now that I have made this first visit. I hope I can e many more times = Since Ihave e for the first time, I believe I can e often.既然已经有了第一次,那么我希望将来能常来。now that conj. Since 既然Now that kids have left home, weve got a lot of extra space.孩子离开家,我们住着更宽绰了。Now that a lot of people , can make mistakes in life, youll better give him a chance.既然许多人在生活中都可以犯错误,你最好给他一次机会。 6.You dont believe in aliens, do you ?= You dont feel certain that aliens exist, do you?你不相信有外星人,是吗?believe vt. 相信,信任;认为I dont believe you. 我不相信你的话。I believe she has e. 我想她已经到了。常见短语:believe in sb/ sth 相信某人某物的存在I dont believe in ghosts. 我不相信有鬼。辨析: believe sb. 相信某人的话。believe in sb 信任(信赖)某人I believe him, but I dont believe in him.我相信他的话,但不信任他。Step 3 conclusionStep 4 homeworkPeriod 4 grammar教学目标:1、掌握并学会运用引导时间状语从句的从属连词when, while, as, before, after, since, till(until), as soon as等的用法。2、掌握引导原因状语从句的从属连词because, as , since, for等词的用法与区别。同时了解并掌握now that, seeing that, considering that, in that引导原因状语从句的用法。3、复习前面学过的so that; such that及so that, in order that引导状语从句自学导引:1、课前预习和归纳because, as , since, for的运用(结合课本P112)2、课前复习本册书第2模块所复习的语法专题结果专语从句。3、课前完成本学案中合作探究部分练习合作探究:1、通过讨论下列例题复习时间状语从句1)When did he leave the classroom? He left _ you turned back to write on the blackboard.A. the time B. the moment C. until D. since2) Have you known each other for long? Not very, _we started to work in the ABC Motor pany.A. before B. since C. when D. after3) I didnt make great progress in my English study _ my teacher had given me some advice on how to learn the language well. A. unless B. before C. until D. when4). That was really a splendid evening. Its years _ I enjoyed myself so much. A. when B. that C. before D. since5) Did Jack e back early last night? Yes. It was not yet eight oclock _ he arrived home. A. before B. when C. that D. until 2、通过讨论下列例题归纳出because, as , since, for的用法区别以及now that的用法。6) _ Youve got a chance, you might as well make full use of it. A. Now that B. After C . Although D. As soon as7) He found it increasingly difficult to read, _ his eyesight was beginning to fail. A. though B. for C. but D. so 8) Did you return Freds call? I didnt need to _Ill see him tomorrow.A. though B. unless C. whenD. because9)_ you know it, I wont repeat it. A. For B. Because of C. Since D. Till10) May I go and play with Dick this afternoon, Mum?No, you cant go out _ your work is being done.”A. before B. until C. as D. the momentbecause, as , since, for归纳:_3、通过用不同的句型翻译该句,复习so/suchthat等引导的状语从句。他是一个如此可爱的男孩,以至于人人都非常喜欢他。_.教师点拨: 1. 重点点拨归纳合作探究练习中的1)4)5)小题和课上学生普遍有疑问的问题。 2. Seeing that its raining, wed better stay indoors. 3. I wont tell you when you wont listen. 典例评析: 1._ everyone else wouldnt go to the mountain area, he went without a second thought.A. As long as B. While C. Where D. In spite of2. Are you ready for Spain? Yes, I want the girls to experience that _ they are young A. while B. until C. if D. before巩固分层练习:(一)必做题1) Its going to rain, _ the clouds are gathering.A. for B. because C. since D. as2)_ there are only five minutes to go, Ill talk about the project in short. A. As if B. Even if C. Because of D. Now that3)Id like to arrive 20 minutes early _ I can have time for a cup of tea. A. as soon as B. as a result C. in case D. so that3. We were told that we should follow the main road _ we reached the railway station. A. whenever B. until C. while D. wherever4)The doorkeeper gave the alarm _ he saw the smoke.A. while B. the instant C. suddenly D. before(二)选做题1. _ the Internet is of great help. I dont think its a good idea to spend too much time on it. A. If B. While C. Because D. As 2. I do every single bit of housework _ my husband Bob just does the dishes now and then. A. since B. while C. when D. as拓展提高:1. Animals suffered at the hands of Man _ they were destroyed by people to make way for agricultural had to provide food for more people. A. in which B. for which C. so that D. in that2. Why do you want a new job _ youve got such a good one already? A. that B. where C. which


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