2019-2020年高三英语总复习 Unit5练习 新人教版必修4.doc

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2019-2020年高三英语总复习 Unit5练习 新人教版必修4.用所给的词的适当形式填空1. The audience was _by the performance in the _park. (amuse)答案amusedamusement2. She _her dress as fashion changes when she was a young lady because she had _kinds of dress at that time. (vary)答案variedvarious3. I think her _of the article is much better than his which has been _into many languages. (translate)答案translationtranslated4. Thailand, a country that mainly depends on _,has bee a popular destination with many _.(tour)答案tourismtourists5. City life holds few _for me;I dont find it _at all. (attract)答案attractionsattractive.短语应用e true, uptodate, take care of, experience, outing, base on,e to life,face to face,get close to,in advance1The new library _ pletion.答案gets close to2. We are keeping _ with the latest developments.答案uptodate3. Winning the medal was like a dream _.答案ing true4. One should always _ his opinions _ facts.答案baseon5. We went on an _ to London.答案outing6. She _ great _ her clothes.答案takescare of7. To our surprise,the match finally _ in the second half.答案came to life8. Its impossible to know _ what will happen.答案in advance9. After he talked with the headteacher _, he was deeply encouraged.答案face to face10. It is the first time in my life that I have _ the true hunger.答案experienced.完成句子1. I like to _ (自我消遗)by listening to music.答案amuse myself2. When I slid into the classroom, I found myself _ (碰了个正着) the teacher.答案facetoface with3. What he said _ (与不同)what he did.答案varies from4. If he _ (不靠近)the fire,he wouldnt have been killed.答案hadnt got close to5. A group of school children arrived,_ (跟随着) their teacher.答案along with/followed by.完形填空(xx年江西)Until 1954 it was thought that no man could run one mile in less than four minutes. As years went by, the record came closer and closer to four minutes and Roger Bannister,a young English athlete, began to believe he might_1_this almost magic barrier.It was a cold afternoon on May 6th, 1954, when Bannister knew he had a_2_chance. Bannister had been_3_hard and was very fit, but the weather conditions were a real_4_to him. Describing the_5_later, Bannister said,“On the way to the track the wind blew strongly. As I_6_for the start I glanced at the flag. It moved_7_now. This was the moment when I made my decision.”“The gun fired. My legs seemed to meet no resistance,as if I was_8_forward by some unknown force. The noise from the faithful_9_gave me greater strength. I felt the_10_of a lifetime had e.”“I was driven on by a_11_of fear and pride. My body had long since used up all its energy but it went on running just the same. This was the critical moment when my legs were strong enough to carry me over the last few yards as they never could have done in previous years. When I leapt at (冲向) the_12_tape, I fell, almost_13_.”“I knew I had done it, even before I _14_the time.The announcement came,Result of the one mile. Time,three minutes. the rest was_15_in the noise of excitement.”解读:本文是一篇记叙文,主要描述了Roger Bannister打破一英里田径赛跑纪录的过程及感受。1. A. defeatB. moveC. beat D. break解析break the barrier打破这一纪录。答案D2. A. real B. luckyC. serious D. false解析Bannister知道真正的机会来了。real真的,真实的,符合语境。答案A3. A. peting B. trainingC. fighting D. attending解析承接上文。Bannister为此机会一直在进行艰苦的训练。答案B4. A. eagerness B. pleasureC. relief D. worry解析由but表转折可知,天气状况是他所担心的一件事。答案D5. A. accident B. eventC. issue D. topic解析event指具有重要意义的“历史事件”,也可引申为一般的“重大赛事”。答案B6. A. did up B. made upC. put up D. lined up解析line up排队等候;do up包扎,重新整修,收拾齐整;make up化妆,构成;put up搭建,举起,抬起。根据句意,选择D项。答案D7. A. safely B. heavilyC. thinly D. gently解析根据下文“这是我下定决心的时刻”可知风现在应该是轻轻地吹拂着。与上文“在去跑道的路上风刮得很猛”形成对比,现在风变小了,是比赛的好时机。答案D8. A. dragged B. drawnC. pulled D. pushed解析好像“我”被一种无形的力量推着往前跑。答案D9. A. mass B. residentsC. crowd D. team解析从上文noise可知,应该是人群中发出来的呼声。crowd人群,群众,一伙人。答案C10. A. moment B. periodC. while D. date解析“我”感到一生中期盼的时刻来了,moment时刻。答案A11. A. concentration B. collectionC. bination D. classification解析由下文fear and pride可知,应用bination。答案C12. A. starting B. lastingC. finishing D. running解析the finishing tape终点线,为固定短语。答案C13. A. unconcerned B. unconsciousC. unknown D. unnoticed解析由语境可知,此处应用unconscious意为“失去知觉的,毫无意识的”。答案B14. A. offered B. toldC. announced D. heard解析在“我”听到时间之前“我”就知道“我”做到了。答案D15. A. stuck B. involvedC. lost D. spread解析be lost in sth沉浸在、消失在之中。该句话意为“其他的人沉浸在兴奋的欢呼声中”。答案C.阅读理解(xx年江苏,A)When women sit together to watch a movie on TV, they usually talk simultaneously (同时地) about a variety of subjects, including children, men, careers and what s happening in their lives. When groups of men and women watch a movie together, the men usually end up telling the women to shut up.Men can either talk or watch the screen they cant do both and they don t understand that women can. Besides, women consider that the point of all getting together is to have a good time and develop relationships not just to sit there like couch potatoes staring at the screen.During the ad breaks, a man often asks a woman to explain the plot and tell him where the relationship between the characters is going. He is unable, unlike women, to read the subtle body language signals that reveal how the characters are feeling emotionally. Since women originally spent their days with the other women and children in the group, they developed the ability to municate successfully in order to maintain relationships. For a woman, speech continues to have such a clear purpose: to build relationships and make friends. For men, to talk is to relate the facts.Men see the telephone as a munication tool for sending facts and information to other people, but a woman sees it as a means of bonding. A woman can spend two weeks on vacation with her girlfriend and, when she returns home, telephone the same girlfriend and talk for another two hours.There is no convincing evidence that social conditioning, the fact that girls mothers talked to them more, is the reason why girls talk more than boys. Psychiatrist Dr Michael Lewis, author of Social Behaviour and Language Acquisition, conducted experiments that found mothers talked to, and looked at, baby girls more often than baby boys. Scientific evidence shows parents respond to the brain bias of their children. Since a girl s brain is better organized to send and receive speech, we therefore talk to them more. Consequently, mothers who try to talk to their sons are usually disappointed to receive only short grunts in reply.语篇解读女人在一起总是有说不完的话,甚至能一边看电影一边聊,男人却做不到,这是为什么?因为她们认为感情联络很重要,而且她们的大脑在这方面有着特殊功能。1While watching TV with others, women usually talk a lot because they_.A. are afraid of awkward silence with their families and friendsB. can both talk and watch the screen at the same timeC. think they can have a good time and develop relationshipsD. have to explain the plot and body language to their husbands解析考查细节理解。根据文章第一段的最后一句可知妇女们聚在一起总有说不完的话是因为她们认为在一起就要玩得愉快,同时加深关系。答案C2After a vacation with her girlfriend, a woman would talk to her again on the phone for hours in order to_.A. experience the happy time againB. keep a close tie with herC. remend her a new scenic spotD. remind her of something forgotten解析考查细节理解。根据文章的第三段中的a woman sees it as a means of bonding可知,女人度假回来会给朋友打电话长聊是因为她们把电话看做维系关系的纽带。答案B3What does the author want to tell us most?A. Womens brains are better organized for language and munication.B. Women love to talk because they are more sociable than men.C. Men do not like talking because they rely more on facts.D. Social conditioning is not the reason why women love talking.解析考查写作意图。根据文章最后一段中的“Since a girls brain is better organized to send and receive speech”一句可知,作者最想让读者知道的就是她们能滔滔不绝的原因是她们的大脑在交流当中更善于处理信息。答案C4Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?A. Women Are Socially Trained to TalkB. Talking Maintains RelationshipsC. Women Love to TalkD. Men Talk Differently from Women解析考查标题归纳。本文是围绕女人喜欢讲话这个话题来展开的,因此C项为最佳标题。答案CB(xx年安徽)When I was a child, I often dreamed of the time when I could leave home and escape to the city. We lived on a farm and,in the winter especially, we were quite cut off from the outside world. As soon as I left school, I packed my bags and moved to the capital. However, I soon discovered that city life has its problems too.One big disadvantage is moneyit costs so much to go out,not to mention basics like food and housing. Another disadvantage is pollution. I suffer from asthma (哮喘), and at times the air is so bad that I am afraid to go outside. Then there is the problem of traveling round. Although I have a car, I seldom use it because of the traffic jams. One choice is to go by bicycle,but that can be quite dangerous.Of course there are advantages. First, there is so much to do in the city,whatever your tastes in culture or entertainment (娱乐活动). Besides, there are wonderful jobs and greater chances of moving to a more important job or position. Finally,if you like shopping, the variety of goods is very surprisingand, what is more, shops are often only a short walk away.Is life better then,in the city? Perhaps it is,when you are in your teens(十几岁)or twenties. However, as you get older,and especially if you have small children, the peace of the countryside may seem preferable. I certainly hope to move back there soon.5. What was the writer always thinking about when he was a child?A. Staying on the farm.B. Moving to the countryside.C. Leaving home for the city.D. Running away from the school.解析细节理解题。由文章第一段第一句“When I was a child,I often dreamed of the time when I could leave home and escape to the city.”可知作者小时候的梦想是离开家去大城市。答案C6. Which of the following is TRUE about the writer?A. He is very old now. B. He is in good health.C. He prefers driving a car. D. He lives in the city now.解析判断正误题。由文章最后一段“However,as you get older,and especially if you have small children,the peace of the countryside may seem preferable.I certainly hope to move back there soon.”可以推出D选项正确。答案D7. In the passage, the writer tries to_.A. express his opinions about way of lifeB. describe his life in the countrysideC. show an interest in the outside worldD. persuade the reader to live in the city解析推理判断题。通读全文不难判断,作者主要表达自己对生活方式的看法。答案A8. How is the passage mainly developed?A. By inferring. B. By paring.C. By listing examples. D. By giving explanations.解析推理判断题。从第二、三段的首句可以判断,文章主要通过对比展开。答案B.话题写作训练读写任务阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。Five years ago, David Smith wore an expensive suit to work every day. “I was a clothes addict,” he jokes. “I used to carry a fresh suit to work with me so I could change if my clothes got wrinkled.” Today David wears casual clothes khaki pants and sports shirt to the office. He hardly ever wears a necktie. “Im working harder than ever,” David says, “and I need to feel fortable.”More and more panies are allowing their office workers to wear casual clothes to work.In the United States, the change from formal to casual office wear has been gradual. In the early 1990s, many panies allowed their employees to wear casual clothes on Friday (but only on Friday). This became known as “dressdown Friday” or “casual Friday.” “What started out as an extra onedayaweek benefit for employees has really bee an everyday thing.” said business consultant Maisly Jones.【写作内容】1概括短文的内容要点,该部分的词数大约为30字;2同学们对穿校服的规定有不同的看法,学生会就此组织同学们进行讨论。你准备写一篇文章参加讨论,题目是“Should Students Be Required to Wear School Uniform on the Campus?”。文章至少包含以下的内容要点,该部分的词数大约为120字。(1)你们学校是否规定要穿校服?(2)你觉得上学穿校服好还是穿便装好,为什么?【参考范文】Should Students Be Required to Wear School Uniform on the Campus?David Smith, who used to wear an expensive suit to work every day, now wears casual clothes,which is allowed by more and more panies in the United States.Just like most schools, my school also requires that the students should wear school uniform on the campus.I firmly support it. For one thing, wearing school uniform, we will always remember that we are students and should behave as a student is required to. For another, with the fast development of economy of our country, more and more families are being better off and as a result parents are willing to spend more on their childrens clothes, which puts pressure on those whose families are not so well off. Now as we are required to wear school uniform, we dont have to pete with each other to see who wears the clothes of a better brand, which saves us a lot of money, especially for those students the economic state of whose family is not well off.In a word, I support that students should be required to wear school uniform on the campus.


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