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初二8A英语期末模拟试卷(满分140分)姓名 得分 一 单项选择题(每题1分,共25分)( )1.Would you like milk? Yes,just a little. A.few B.a few C.little D.some ( ) 2.We will go on a trip if it tomorrow. A.wont rain B.doesnt rain C.rains D.will rain ( )3. I dont know if there is in the box. A.something useful B.useful something C.anything useful D.useful anything ( )4.Please give me some paper A.to write B.write C.to write on D.to write with ( )5.I didnt see , for there wasnt . A.enough clearly, light enough B. clearly enough, enough light C.enough clearly, enough light D. clearly enough, light enough ( )6.My little brother become animals when he was five years old. A.interesting B.interested C.interesting in D.interested in ( )7.The table is too big. Can you make for it? A.a space B.some spaces C.some more rooms D.some space ( )8.What happened Millie? A.with B.in C.to D.of ( )9.Its today than yesterday. A.sun B.sunny C.sunner D.sunnier ( )10.Why are you late for school? I got up too late this morning. A.As B.Because C.Since D.Because of ( )11. You should study hard. No one can you a good future. A.provide;for B.provide;with C.keep;/ D.protect;to have ( )12.The little girl TV all day. She did nothing. A.keep watching B.kept to watching C.keeps watching D.kept watching ( )13.So much work usually make him very tired. A.feels B.feeling C.feel D.to feel ( )14.Can you hearing the girls in the next room? A.sang B.to sing C.singing D.sing ( )15.Her parents are busy, but his much . A.is;busier B.are;busier C.is;the busier D.are;the busier ( )16.These animals are now. A.in a danger B.in dangers C.out of danger D.out of the danger ( )17. visitors will come to China, I think. A.More and more B.Many and many C.Much and more D.Less and less ( )18.His father looked at my medal. He looked . A.happy;happy B.happy;happily C.happily;happy D.happily;happily ( )19.Please tell me the changes the number of the birds. A.in B.into C.on D.for ( )20.We must stop the children from with fire. A.play B.to play C.playing D.are playing ( )21.There is going to a basketball match in their school. A.have B.has C.is D.be ( )22.Mother advised me warm clothes. A.wear B.wearing C.wore D.to wear ( )23.Its very hot today, Its going to get tomorrow, I think. A.hot B.hotter C.very hot D.hoter ( )24.Our teacher told me forget the door. A.not;to lock B.not to;to lock C.not;locking D.doesnt;to lock ( )25.What about going to the park? . A.Thank you B.Here you are C.Not at all D.Good idea二 根据所给汉语写出单词,每空一词(每空1分,共10分)26. It was (多云) yesterday.27. Tim was (困在) in a dark place when the earth stopped.28. Our train (离开)at nice oclock tonight.29. Paper is (制作) from wood.30 He is better than me at (讲) stories.31. Weekends are his (繁忙的)time of the week.32. He always drives (小心).33. Why are you talking so (吵闹) ?34. In the past,few people knew that the earth (移动)around the sun.35. Would you like some (再,又)coffee?三 情景交际(A)(从B栏中找出与A栏相对应的答语)A B 36.Ive got a serious headache. A. Ive no idea.37.Why did he go to see Dr Wang? B. Nothing much. 38.Let me help you with your English. C. Oh,thatscool! 39.What are you going to do? D. Thats terrible40.I will go to Haiwai to spend my summer holiday. E. Ill be very grateful. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. B)(从下面的选项中选出恰当的答语填入对话中,使对话意思完整)A: Excuse me. 41 B:Yes. And you are?A: 42 This is my membership card. Would you show me your passport(护照)?B:OK. 43 A:Welcome to Nanjing, Miss Brown. I am so glad that the first one I asked is the guest(客人) I will receiveB:Thank you,Miss Gao. 44 A:Let me help you with your luggage(行李). Our car is waiting for us at the entrance. 45 B:Thank you very much for your good service.A:Its a pleasure. A.Here they are. B.I am from Nanjing China Travel Service C.Are you Miss Brown from the USA? D.Do you know me? E.I am so lucky that I could meet my guide as soon as I get off the plane. F.Here you are. G.It will take us right to the hotel.四 下例各句A,B,C,D四个划线部分中有一处错误,请找出,将其序号填入题前的括号内并订正在题后的横线上(每题2分,共10分) ( )46. keep healthy is very important for all of us. A B C D ( )47.We often have a great time to talk with each other. A B C D ( )48.Mr wu told his students dont play football in the classroom yesterday. A B C D ( )49.Tiger live for a family if they have babies. A B C D ( )50.There is somebody knocks at the door. Go and see who it is. A B C D五 你能准确地从方框中挑选五个单词并为它们找到自己的安乐窝么?(共5分)51. Our government should take actions to protect the animals.52. What you from coming the day before yesterday?53. The weather will be tomorrow.54. Its important for you to write your report .55. Mr Wu felt cold and but he was not hurt. Frightened ; clearly ; frosty ; prevented ; endangered 六、完型填空。(每小题1分,共10分)Tonny从保纸上看到一篇文章,但有些词没有了,请你帮他选择一下 A deer(鹿),a monkey and an elephant are good friends,( ) the deer says to the monkey,”Im great.” But the monkey says , “Im( )greater.” So they go to see the elephant and let him decide(决定) it. The elephant says. “( )can get apples on ( )side of the river? ( )you can, you are great.” The deer can cross(越过)the river, but he cant climb up the tree. The monkey can climb up the tree,( )he cant swim. What can they do? So the deer lets the monkey( ) on his ( )and cross the river. The monkey climbs up the tree and gets( )apples. The elephant says to them, ” only if you ( )each other, you are truly great.” Their facts turn red.( )56.A.Some day B.One day C.Some days D.An day( )57.A.much B. many C.most D.lots of( )58.A.What B. Where C.Who D.How( )59.A.another B. other C.the another D.the other ( )60.A.If B.That C.So D.But( )61.A.and B. but C.or D.then( )62.A.sit B. sitting C.to sit D.sits( )63.A.head B. legs Cback D.nose( )64.A.a few B. a little C.a bit D.a lot( )65.A.help B. are help C.helping D.helps七、阅读理解。根拘短文内容,选择正确答案。(每小题2分,共30分)(A) Reading newspaper has become an important part of our life. Many people begin by reading the papers. In this way they learnt what is going on in the world. Sometimes,however, they do not have time to read the news carefully, so they just take a quick look at the front page; at other times they may be in such a hurry that have time only to look at the headlines. There are newspaper to meet the need of every reader. In big cities there are many kinds of paper. In small towns there are fewer newspapers. In some places the paper is published once a week. Today, as a group, English language newspaper enjoy the largest number of readers with the development(发展) of the world.( )66.Many people as the first thing every morning.A. read newspaperB. watch the TV newsC. listen to the radioD. listen to the news on the radio ( )67.When people are busy, they A. Do not read newspapers B.still read newspapers carefully C.only look at the front page of the paper carefully D.either take a quick look at the front page of the paper or only look at the headline( )68.Which of the following is right? A.Therere different kinds of newspapers to meet peoples need B.There are more papers in small towns than in big cities. C.In some place papers are published every two weeks. D.The most important news is not on the front page.( )69. enjoy the largest number of readers. A.Newspapers in Chinese B.Newspapers in EnglishC.Newspapers in GermanD.Newspapers in French( )70. “Some new newspapers will be published in the years to come.” Means A.more newspapers will be published next year.B.more new kinds of papers will be read in the coming yearC.a great number of new newspapers will be seen in the futurerD.some new newspapers will be sent in the future.(B)What is color?Why do some of the things around us look red,sonme green,or blue? Colors are really made by reflected light.We see color becaue most of the things reflect light.Something is red,for it reflects most of the red light.In the same way,if something is green,it reflects most of the green light.If something reflect all light,it is white.If it doesnt reflect any light,it is black. Some light is not reflect.It is taken in and turned into heat.The darker the color is,the less light is reflected,the more light is taken in.For this reason,dark-colored clothes are warmer in the sun than light-colored clothes.( )71.Color is really A.something itself B.the light around something C.reflected light D.your feeling( )72.Something looks red because it A.reflects most of the red light B.tskes in most of the light C.reflects little red light D.takes in only red light ( )73.Something looks black because it reflects A.most of the black light B. all light C.many different colors D. no light( )74.When light is taken in ,it is A.turned into heat B.stored at once C.reflected later D.both A and C( )75.In the sun,the warmest clothes must be A.white B.yellow C.dark-colored D.light-colored(C)A young man in a train station watched a man coming towards him carrying two big bags that were weighing him down.As the man came near,the young man asked if he had the time. “Certainly,”the man replied, then he pushed a button on his watch and a voice rang out:“Eight fifteen.” Then he pushed another button on the watch,and a small TV screen had the morning news.Another button produced music. “I have got to have that watch,”said the young man. “Ill give you 500 dollars for it.“ The man agreed and handed over the watch.As the young man stared to leave, the man called after him.”Wait.Dont you want the extra batteries(电池)?” “Sure, where are they?” “In these bags.”( )76.The story most probably took place A.in a waiting-room B. on a train C.at a shop D.on the platorm( )77.The two bags the man was carrying were A.small B.Heavy C.light D.expensive( )78.The young man asked the man A.for the batteries B.for the watch C.the way D.the time( )79.The mans watch can be used as A.a computer B.a radio C.a TV D. both B and C( )80.Which of the following is not true?A. The watch has many uses.B. The watch can tell news.C. The young man might buy the extra batteries.D. The young man was leaving by air.八 缺词填空(每空1分,共10分)There was a big e 81 under the India Ocean Area on December 26th 2004 and it c 82 a large tsunami(海啸).That morning my classmates and I went to the seaside to have breakfast when we h 83 a big noise like a bomb. People in the sea ran w 84 to the bank and s 85 ,“Water is coming!” Someone told us to run to a higher place . We did as q 86 as we could. Since we did not know what happened, we were very frighted . We looked back and saw a t 87 picture. The water was so s_88_ that cars fell upside down and the flood w 89 away everything on the seaside . We were safe but the number of v 90 was over 140000. People call the day “Black Sunday”.九 书面表达 A. 根据所给汉语完成句子,空格处词数不限。(第91-93题每题2分,第94-96题每题3分,共15分)91.如果猎人捕到老虎,他会杀死它获得它的骨头和毛皮。 If a hunter ,he will .92.许多人不了湿地的重要性,因此我们必须采取行动来保护它们。 Many people dont understand the wetlands, so we must protect them.93.因为昨夜这个城市下了一场暴风雪,今天的交通很拥挤。 There is today become a snowstorm .94.今天早上雾很浓。 There this morning .95.六合是一个距离南京大约十公里的小城市。 Liuhe is a small city nanjing .96.医生告诉这位老人多做运动,保持身体健康。 The doctor told the old man . B.作文(15分)根据老虎外形,个性,能力,生活习惯以及老虎处境,以“Tigers are in danger”为题写一篇短文 。要求:1 语言通顺连贯2 语法正确,书写规范3包括所有要点提示,可适当发挥4 不少于80个词参考答案一、选择题(每小题1分,共25分)(A) 1-5 DBCCB(B) 6-10 DDCDB(C) 11-15 BDCCB(D)16-20 CACAC(E)21-25 DDBBD二、单词拼写。(每小题1分,共10分)26.cloudy 27.trapped 28.leaves 29.made 30.telling 31.busiest 32.carefully 33.noisily 34.moves 35.more.三、情景交际。(每小题1分,共10分)(A)36-40 DAEBC(B)41-45 CBFEG四、改错(每小题2分,共10分)46.A改为keeping 47. B改为talking 48.B 改为not to 49.B 改为as 50.B 改为knocking.五、单词填空(每小题1分,共5分)51.endangered 52.prevented 53.frosty. 54.clearly. 55.frighted.六、完型填空(每小题1分,共10分)56-60 BACDA61-65 BACAA七、阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分)(A)66-70 ADABC(B)71-75 CADAC(C)76-80 DBDDD八、缺词填空(每空1分,共10分)81.earthquake 82.caused 83.heard 84.wildly 85.screamed 86.quickly. 87.terrible. 88.strong 89.washed 90.victims.九、书面表达(30分)A 完成句子 91.catches a tiger kill it for its fur and bones92.the importance of take actions to93.a lot of traffic hit the city94.was a heavy frog95.about ten kilometres away from96.to exercise more and to keep healthyB 作文(15分)Tigers are in danger!Tigers are big and strong. They have bright eyes, yellow fur and black strips. They look so beautiful. They can run very fast and they are good at swimming and hunting other animals. Tigers like to live as a family until baby tigers are two or three years old. When tigers grow up, they usually live alone.Sadly, there are very few tigers left in the world. The number of tigers is becoming smaller and smaller because the land where they live is used for farming. If people keep taking their land, tigers will have nowhere to live. Also, people hunt them for their fur and bones. We must stop this. If we do not take any actions, there will be no tigers left in the world. If we give them more land and if we stop buying their fur and bones, they will survive.


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