酒店 7天连锁酒店管理直营操作指南

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中管网通用业频道 http:/made.21ask.com 2009版制造业企业管理大全内容更丰富、查看更轻松、利用更便利、价格更实惠、购买更放心!电话:025-68698690,68698693 手机:15895950966 QQ: 961531377 376977591 616843241 7天连锁酒店管理直营操作指南7 Days Inn Hotel Management Operation Directory甲 方:七天酒店(深圳)有限公司Party A: 7 Days Inn (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd乙 方:Party B:一、 管理直营费用Management Charge1、 合作保证金:20万(合同期满后且无违约行为,全额无息返还)Cooperation bail: 200,000(after the expiration of the contract and no breach, the full return of non-interest)2、 启动费:免 Start charge: free3、 经营管理费:营业收入6%Operation and management costs: operating income 6%二、 管理直营店筹备Management preparationsIT标准筹备(由乙方按不低于以下标准进行配置)IT standard preparation (from party B by not less than the following standard configuration)前台电脑Front desk computerC420 1.6G/1G DDR2/160G/DVD/15.4LCD经理电脑Manager computerC-M1.73G/1GDDR2/80G/WLAN/COMBO服务器Server宝德PR2280(D) PD3.0/1G DDR2/80G*2 SATA/双千兆网卡/Raid交换机PABXD-Link 24 或48 宽带网络Wide Band光4兆或至少2条 2兆ADSL操作系统Operation System前台Windows xp windows2003服务器工程筹备Engineering preparations交付图纸Delivery of blueprint在签署管理直营合作协议后,5个工作日内乙方须向甲方移交相关图纸。After signed the cooperation agreement, party B should handover the blueprint to party A in 5 days. 制定方案Programming甲方在收到合作保证金和图纸后, 15个工作日内提供准确的电子版酒店平面图、7天硬件手册、户外VI系统,甲方提供经确认的管理直营店平面布置方案(包括但不限于前台、商务中心、客房、餐厅、员工辅助用房)。After Party A received bail and blueprint, they should provide accurate electronic version of the hotel ichnography, seven days Inn hardware manual, outdoor VI system ( including but not limited to front desk, business center, guest rooms, restaurant, staff-assisted housing).进场施工Enter thearea construction乙方必须按以上提交的方案施工。Party B must be work in accordance with the above construction program.项目支持Project Support项目经理及该店总经理到岗开展工作前,按甲方标准提供办公住宿环境(电脑、电话、传真、宽带)。如该人员到岗三天后,仍未提供,甲方工作人员可按标准自行购买,费用由乙方承担。甲方工程项目经理可以提供工程咨询解答、指导,并有权检查及督促乙方施工队按甲方规范、标准或手册施工改造管理直营店。每周至少一次实地指导,每月不少于40小时。若因需要工程部支持所发生的费用(包括员工的驻场工资、差旅费或以上提到的物品采购支出)需由乙方承担或在合作保证金中抵扣。Before Project manager and general manager arrive the position, according to Party A standard to provide office & accommodation (computer, telephone, fax, broadband) for them. If the staff arrive this position more than 3 days, but still no offer those products and the staff can purchase the products by them and the cost borne by the Party B. Party A project manager may provide engineering consulting, guidance, and have the right to inspect and supervise the construction team. At least once a week for the field guide, not less than 40 hours per month. If the need for engineering support then incur the costs (including staff field wages, travel or the above-mentioned procurement expenditures) to be borne by Party B.房间数量Room quantity未经甲方书面许可不得擅自增加或减少工程改造方案中所约定的客房数,否则甲方有权终止管理直营合作合同,除已经收取费用无需退还外,还应向甲方支付10万元违约金。Without the written permission of Party A , then will not be allowed to increase or decrease the number of rooms, which agreed in engineering programs, otherwise party A has the right to terminate the cooperation contracts, besides, still need to pay RMB 100,000 to Party B as penalty fine.装修风格Decoration style酒店整体风格及装修、装饰、设备设施、系统等,按甲方所确认的标准进行。否则甲方有权终止管理直营合作合同,除已经收取费用无需退还外,还应向甲方支付10万元违约金。Hotel overall style and decoration, equipment and facilities, systems and so on, according to Party A recognized standards. Otherwise Party A has the right to terminate the management contract, Party B also need to pay RMB100,000 as penalty fine.工程采购Construction Procurement 乙方须按照甲方设施设备参数进行自行或统一采购,必须达到甲方标准;如要跟甲方进行集团式采购的要先向甲方进行申购,并把相应的货款打到甲方账户,由甲方安排采购及配送。Party B should central purchase or purchase by himself according to the parameter of Party As facility, but have to meet party As requirement; If want purchase through group purchasing from Party A, need subscribe to party A in advance and transfer the money in to Partys certain account and products will be scheduled to purchase and deliver 筹备整改Conversion接受甲方的监督检查和整改意见,并照此执行整改。Accept supervision inspection and revision comment from Party A and renovate as it.开业筹备 Opening preparation物品采购Procurement酒店日常营运用品由酒店总经理向甲方采购部统一申购,乙方按照申购物品的货款打给甲方,由甲方进行统一采购,由供货商直接配货至管理直营店;需要本地采购的由酒店总经理进行申购,开业前该类物品的采购由乙方支付;开业后该类物品的采购由店长采购并在该店的账户上进行报销。Daily operations items should be subscribe by GM consistently to Party A, Party B will transfer the payment of purchasing items to Party A and items will be central purchased by Party A, and will be delivered to hotel by vendor; GM need subscribe item need purchased locally, and items will pay by Party B if it happens before hotel opening; and the payment of purchasing these items will be reimbursed from the account of hotel operation if it happens after hotel opening.开业培训Hotel opening training管理直营店开业前向酒店工作人员提供初始培训,并在培训前支付甲方管理学院相应的培训学费;并每年提供总经理或总经理助理等酒店管理人员的强制性培训至少一次,课程免费,但管理直营店需承担培训人员差旅费及住宿费。Before the manchise hotel opening the staff need get orientation training and tuition should be paid to Party As management college; the GM and assistant to GM should get the free training at least once a year and manchise hotel needs pay the travel expense and accommodation 市场体系Marketing system甲方对管理直营店的命名、平面布局、房型比例、房型名称、门市房价、价格政策、折扣权限、VI形象设计等有决定权,乙方在未经得甲方的同意不得擅自更改以上的决定,否则甲方有权终止管理直营合作合同,除已经收取费用无需退还外,还应向甲方支付10万元违约金。Party A has the authorization of making decision of manchise hotel name, lay out, room type ratio, name of room type, rack rate, pricing system, discount range, VI design, etc, Party could not revise any without approval from Party A, otherwise Party A can terminate the manchise agreement, except all the money already paid will not be refunded, Pary A should also be paid 100,000 Yuan for term of penalty. 竣工验收Construction accomplishment inspection and acceptance甲方酒店开业筹备期为90天,乙方承诺不得以任何方式影响或缩短管理直营店筹备期的培训课时安排。同时,须经甲方工程部、运营部开业验收合格,否则不对外营业接待客人。The renovation period for hotel opening is 90 days, Party B promise will not influence or shorten the training schedule in renovation period. Meanwhile, the property should be approve by construction and operations department inspection, otherwise will not be allow to open for guest. 证照办理Certificates乙方须负责办妥营业需要的相关证照并承担相关费用,包括但不限于消防、卫生、工商、特营、税务方面及发票、银行账户及网银开立等。Party B should be responsible for all the operations related issues and expense, including but not limited with fire safety, food hygiene, business license, special industry, tax permit and FAPIAO and bank account and internet bank etc.7天授权7 Days Authorization 当该管理直营店成立项目公司后,乙方须与甲方签署品牌授权使用及委托管理协议,否则不予挂牌营业。Once the establishment of manchise project company, Party B need sign the agreement of brand authorization and entrust management, otherwise will not be allow to opening for business.三、 甲方管理直营店的人事 Party A administration on manchise hotel HR1、 结构与编制 Structure and position set up 人员结构 :由甲方人事部根据酒店客房数量和餐厅营业预测,按甲方酒店人员定编标准,核定管理直营店员工编制。Staff structure: Party As HR department will estimate the staffing according to the room count and restaurant and decide the position structure of this hotel. 酒店总经理 GM 酒店助理总经理 Assistant to GM 值班经理 Duty Manager 客房主管 Housekeeping Supervisor 前台接待员 Front desk staff 客房服务员 Housekeeping staff PA清洁服务员 PA cleaning staff 餐厅服务员Restaurant waiter 厨师chef 维修技师 maintenance technicians 保安security personnel 驻店销售Resident Sales Manager2、 salary and bonus: Party a personnel administration to manage according to party a salary, bonus and performance standards, Compensation &Benefit standards both not violate combination and comply with relevant state laws and regulations and implementation.工资与奖金:由甲方人事行政部按照甲方工资、绩效和奖金标准进行管理,薪酬福利标准均不违背并遵照结合国家相关法律法规执行和发放。3、 总经理 Gengeral manager Inform the party b management direct owned department before 90 days of project completion. The general manager of Direct Owned Hotel should be delegated, appointed, transferred by party A; party B show letter of appointment and letter of attorney after the manager arriving. The salary for hotel general manager offer the service before the hotel opened, which shall be borne by party b or guarantee of deduction; if not inform the party A the time of project completion immediately, shall take full responsibilities for the shall take full responsibilities for the interrelated result of open time. 工程竣工前90天通知甲方管理直营部。管理直营店总经理由甲方委派、任命、调任;到场后乙方出具聘任书或者授权书。在开业前由于酒店总经理为分店提供的服务所发生的工资由乙方承担或在保证中抵扣;若因未及时通知甲方竣工的时间,自行承担无法准时开业之相关后果4、 financial personnel (clearly defined our responsibility and power)财务人员(需界定清楚我方责任与权力)Financial personnel who managed and dispatched by party b, responsible for hotel accounting branch, accounting statement compiling, tax calculation and tax return and pay taxes.财务人员由乙方派遣,负责分店会计核算、会计报表编制、税款计算、纳税申报及税款缴纳,该财务人员由乙方管理。Party A is responsible for daily expenditure for examination and approval(Major purchase of fixed assets and maintenance to party b for examination and approval) 甲方负责分店经营中酒店总经理经手的日常费用开支的审批(重大固定资产购置和重大维修需乙方审批)。5、 other personnel其它人员General manager of Direct Owned Opened Hotel responsible for recruiting and appointment.由管理直营店总经理负责招聘及任免。6、 welfare insurance福利保险the Direct Owned Opened Hotel management should sign labor contract and pay social insurance with the staff.管理直营店必须与员工签订劳动合同及缴纳国家规定的社会保险。四、Daily management of Property管理直营店日常管理1、License management证照管理Licenses is responsible for party b according to the relevant laws and regulations, national careful and pay relevant cost.证照由乙方负责根据国家的相关法规办理、年审并缴纳相关费用,2、The brand management品牌管理The management of property should cooperate with brand promotion and brand management according to the actual situation of party a, without party a agree, party b can not to publish any media about party a statement, speech, publicity, etc.管理直营店须根据甲方的实际情况配合品牌宣传及品牌管理,在未经得甲方的同意Without authorization不得擅自向外界媒体发表任何关于甲方的声明、言论、宣传等3、财务管理3、Financial managementOperation index经营指标The party a make and give the index to the management property, the operation index is the operation target of direct property, and is the examination for party a GM, and it is not as their investment index returns commitment. 甲方每年制定下达管理直营店经营指标,经营指标是管理直营店当年的经营目标,是甲方实施对酒店总经理考核的依据,经营指标并不作为投资业主的收益承诺。Bank account management银行账户管理The party B should open independence basic deposit account for Direct Property, which is use for their cash puts and daily costs(Direct property tax payment, rental payments is from the other bank account by party B, not from the basic deposit account in spending) 乙方须为管理直营店开设独立的基本存款账户,用于管理直营店营业款的缴存和日常费用开支(直营店税款缴纳、租金支付由乙方从其他银行账户支付,不从上述基本存款账户中开支)。A basic deposit account must open the bank on the net and odd box, which is managed by party A, and Citibank online material(include password, apply two USEKEY), both the legal reserve bank seal and signature card confirmed by bank and so on interrelated material transfer to GM, and posted to party A HQ by manager. 基本存款账户须开通网上银行与回单箱,该账户由甲方负责管理,其网上银行资料(包括密码、申请两个USBKEY)、预留银行印鉴中的法人章和通过银行确认(盖章)的印鉴卡均由甲方保管。Before hotel opening Party B turned the manages direct-owned hotel primary deposit account the account number, bank online material (including password, two USBKEY), hotel legal person chop and signature card over to hotel general manager, and hotel general manager send those material to Party A headquarter.乙方于酒店开业前须将管理直营店基本存款账户的账号、网上银行资料(包括密码、两个USBKEY)、银行预留印鉴中的法人章和通过银行确认(盖章)的印鉴卡等资料移交给酒店总经理,由酒店总经理邮寄回甲方总部。Daily expense examine and endorse日常费用开支审批After branch hotel general manager held office, Party A responsible for examine and endorse and paid each kind of daily income and expense by hotel general manager. Hotel general manager support each kind of daily income and expense bills to Party A check, Party A transfer each kind of daily income and expense original bills to Party B in April, July, October every year and next year January.分店总经理就职后,由甲方负责酒店总经理经手的各项日常收入及费用开支的审批及付款。各项收支的原始票据由酒店总经理提交甲方审核,甲方每年4月、7月、10月和次年1月分别将每季度的各项费用开支原始票据移交乙方。Easy for Party B financial accountant accounting, Party A support branch hotel income and cost email to Party B financial accountant within month end 7 days. 为便于乙方财务人员会计核算,甲方将所掌握的分店收入及成本费用信息在每月月度终了后7个工作日内,以电子表格形式提供给乙方会计人员。The expenses of the hotel send project support staff (engineering personnel, developing personnel, and hotel general manager) go in to hotel project cost during Party A management direct-owned, including but not limited salaries, mobile fee and travel fee. 甲方在管理直营店筹建期间派出的项目支持人员(工程人员、开发人员、酒店总经理等)发生的费用进入该酒店项目成本,包括但不限于工资、通讯费、差旅费。Funds management资金管理Before hotel opening Party B must be deposit hotel daily operations necessary cash flow 200 thousand to basic deposit account. 酒店开业前乙方需将酒店日常运营所必需的流动现金20万元存入基本存款账户;Hotel daily operation cash must be deposit Party A management direct-owned hotel basic deposit account. 酒店的日常营业款必须缴存到由甲方管理的管理直营店基本存款账户上;Management direct-owned hotel fee remit to Party A account from direct-owned hotel basic deposit account every month.管理直营店的经营管理费按月从管理直营店基本存款账户汇到甲方账户;After management direct-owned hotel paid management fee and obligate next month operations fee cash flow 200 thousand, remit spare money to Party B before next month 20th. 管理直营店每月支付经营管理费并预留下一个月酒店运营所必须的流动资金20万后,将余款于次月20日前划款至乙方银行账户。Attachment: Party B receive return money account information: 附:乙方收取返款的账户信息:Account name开户名称Bank开户银行Account number账号资本性支出项目审批Basic projects expense examine and endorseAfter hotel opening, Party B examine and endorse following basic projects expense (other expense need Party A examine and endorse): 酒店开业后,下列资本性支出项目须经乙方审核批准(其他费用开支均由甲方审批):(1)Purchase of fixed assets (single purchase above amount of RMB 10 thousand)重大固定资产购置(单次购买金额在一万元以上);(2)Maintenance (single maintenance above amount of RMB 50 thousand)重大维修(单项资产维修金额在五万元以上)。Tax administration税务管理Accounting, make report, tax declaration, tax paid responsible by Party B accountant and Party B will assume legal responsibility.会计核算、报表编制、纳税申报、税款缴纳均由乙方派遣的财务人员负责并由乙方承担相关的法律责任。 Purchase management采购管理Hotel manager accounting to direct-owned hotel operation mode to management, related department assistant. Purchases: general manager application - MRP system purchase - purchases department approve - vender deliver - branch hotel receiving - management direct-owned hotel paid; if arise this statement (Basic projects expense examine and endorse) promise Party B confirmation, hotel general manager need get Party B agree by in form of written. 由店长按照直营店的经营模式进行经营管理、相关部门给予相关的协助。采购:总经理申购MRP系统采购采购部下单供货商送货分店收货管理直营店进行结算;如出现本表“资本性支出项目审批”中所约定的须乙方确认的支出,总经理须取得乙方书面同意后才能进入采购流程。4、Operation management经营管理Direct-owned hotel general manager report to Party B month operation state, management act, problems, and current month management plan every month regularly; communication and report important matters of the hotel. Party B feedback with hotel general manager the management problems and suggestion of the hotel, if beyond direct-owned hotel general manager management may report franchise center support directly.管理直营酒店总经理每月定期向乙方报告酒店上月经营情况、管理举措、存在问题,及当月经营管理计划;及时沟通和报告酒店重大事项。乙方对于酒店经营管理上的问题和意见,可与酒店总经理反馈,如超出管理直营店总经理职权以外的事情可直接向加盟支持中心反映。5、Risk management风险管理Hotel insurance酒店保险Party B must purchase related insurance to direct-owned hotel, public liability insurance, property, and machine breakage cover act. 乙方必须为管理直营店购买经营所需相关的保险,如公众责任险、财产险、机损险等。Operation insurance经营风险Party A keeps related operation standard adjustment, and no need verification Party B consent. Party B know investment management direct-owned hotel risk, and also know Party A make a substantial judgment or guarantee to direct-owned hotel. 甲方保留相关运营标准的调整权力,并且无需事先征得乙方同意。乙方知晓投资管理直营店的经济风险性,也知晓甲方不会对管理直营店的收益作出实质性判断或保证。 Both parties read above the content of investment management direct-owned hotel, and recognition and follow management direct-owned hotel cooperation mode, management mode, standard, requirements and Party B expenses. 甲乙双方已充分阅读上述投资合作管理直营店的协议内容,对管理直营店的合作模式、管理模式、标准和要求以及乙方的费用承担等方面均已清楚知悉、认可并遵循。Party A: Party B: 7Day hotel (Shenzhen) company limited Sign (chop): Date: Date:甲方: 乙方:七天酒店(深圳)有限公司 签名(章):日期 日期9中管网通用业频道 http:/made.21ask.com 2009版制造业企业管理大全内容更丰富、查看更轻松、利用更便利、价格更实惠、购买更放心!电话:025-68698690,68698693 手机:15895950966 QQ: 961531377 376977591 616843241


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