Module 4《A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood》同步练习2(外研版必修1)

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Module 4《A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood》同步练习2(外研版必修1)_第1页
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Module 4《A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood》同步练习2(外研版必修1)_第3页
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111外研版 必修一 模块4 单元测试题第一部分 听力略单项选择:语法和词汇21. Many of the tourists _ to Zhangjiajie by the beauty of nature there. A.are attractive B. who attracted C. have attracted D. are attracted. 22- What a noise! I can hardly stand it. - It _ as if they are having a party next door. A. looks B. sounds C. feels D. happens 23Please dont bother _ tha matter. A. at B. for C. about D. to 24I dont think I could _ another year as a teacher; its just too stressful. A. survive B.survive from C. live D. live from 25 - Is the meeting held in Room 302 or 303? - It should be 302. But i hear that it _ till tomorrow. A. was put off B. will put off C. has been put off D. is put off 26Before the war broke out , many people _ in safe places possessions they could not take with them. A. threw away B. put away C. gave away. D. carried away.27The children always _ trouble at school, which worried their parents much. A. got out of B. got away from C. got to D. got into 28The oil perice has _ a lot these days because of the war. A. gone back B. gone up C. gone over D. gone out. 29-Let me introduce myself. Im Albert. - _. A. What a pleasure B. Its my pleasure C. Pleased to meet you D. Im very pleased.30Its high time that he settled down in the city and _ a new vlife. A. start B. started C. to start D. starting 31It was the fifth time that he _ late for school, which made the head teacher angry. A. was B. had been C. has been D. is 32It seems there are _ people out of work. Something must be done to create more employment. A. a great many B. a great many of C. a great deal D. a great deal of 33It was not a serious illness, and he soon _ it. A. got over B. got on with C. got to D. got out of 34- Now, where is my lunch box? - _! We will be late for the picnic. A. Dont worry B. Take your time C. Take it easy D. Come on 35.It you dont know what it means, _ the dictionary. A. look up B. refer to C. point to D. look out 第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3655各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。In some areas of the world the weather is very 36 and this fact 37 an important part in the daily lives of the peopleIf they are farmers, fishermen, or sailors, for example, they 38 know about these changes in advanceSpace scientists and airplane pilots 39 need weather 40 41 earliest time, men have 42 the sky, the wind, and the atmosphere, 43 a variety of other weather signals, 44 make weather predictionsBut often their weather predictions have not been accurate(准确的)Now there are government bureaus(局,部门)in many places that 45 weather conditions very carefullyThey use a lot of scientific equipment to help them make their forecastsFor example, they have instruments to 46 speed and direction of the windThus they can predict the path of a stormThey have 47 balloons, ships, and airplanes to help them 48 their accuracy, and they 49 use of radar, satellites, and computers to gather necessary informationToday when a pilot takes off from an airport, he can know 50 kind of weather to 51 when he reaches his destinationIf there is 52 rain or snow in the mountains, a weather bureau can predict the day and even the hour that a river may overflow its banks many miles awayWhen a storm is moving in a certain 53 , the people in that area can learn 54 it in advance and prepare for itAccurate weather forecasts are helping millions of people everywhere to save their lives and their 5536AchangedBchangingCchangeableDchangeless37AmakesBtakesCplaysDhas38AneedBmayCcanDneed to39AgenerallyBespeciallyCusuallyDspecially40AinformationBfactCadviceDresult41AFromBByCSinceDAfter42AthoughtBobservedClooked atDdiscovered43AalsoBbut alsoCas wellDas well as44Aso thatBin order thatCas toDin order to45AsearchBstudyClearnDsee46AmeasureBmakeCfindDdiscover47AusualBgeneralCordinaryDspecial48Adevelop BriseCincreaseDencourage49Amake BtakeCwantDhave50AwhichBwhatChowDthat51AexpectBwaitChelpDsuppose52AlightBslightClargeDheavy53AwayBdirectionCpathDroad54AfromBonCinDof55AhousesBcrops CpovertyDproperty第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项AWASHINGTON: Georges de Paris, who once slept homeless on the streets in the US capital, has measured US presidents inside the White House for the past 40 yearsEvery president since Lyndon Johnson has sought the silverhaired French tailors service to be in styleOf all the presidents he has spent hours measuring and fitting under the watchful eyes of Secret Service agents, Georges de Paris prefers Ronald Reagan and George WBush as the “most sympathetic and also the most elegant(优雅)The least pleasant of all was Bill Clinton, who was “very demanding, cold and always occupied”The current President Bush displayed one of Georges de Paris blue suits when he gave his nationally televised State of the Union address before the US Congress in JanuaryThe suit, made by hand by Georges and three skilled helpers, cost about US$3,000 in a shop near the White HouseBecoming the unofficial White House tailor was a far climb for Georges, who arrived in the US in 1960 when he was 27, carrying his life savings of US$4,000 in his pocketWithin six months he found himself penniless, living on the streets, speaking little English after his American girlfriend threw him out because he refused to marry herThe seeds of Georges tailoring business were planted when he was hired as a cutter by a FrenchCanadian tailor for US$70 a weekHe rented a small room and saved his money until he could buy a sewing machine and set on his ownHe still uses that machineA decisive meeting in a restaurant brought Georges, who became a US citizen in 1969, closer to the White HouseA conversation with the then representative Otto Passman of Louisiana, led the lawmaker to buy suits from GeorgesThe satisfied lawmaker introduced him to Johnson, then the vicepresident, who continued to enlist the tailors services when he became president56Suppose Bill Clinton took office in the year 1992, Georges de Paris _ Awas in his early sixties Bfound it was the hardest time in his lifeCwas more careful than ever before Dthought Clinton was easy to get along with57The writer wrote the passage to tell us _ Aa story about a tailor in Washington Bthe way how Georges de Paris became successful in official dutiesCthat it is uneasy to work for American presidentsDthe poor might be very rich unexpectedly58Georges de Paris once slept on the streets of the US capital, probably because _ Ahe and his wife separatedBhe had no money to afford a roomChe wanted to learn the truth of the poor in the USADhe was a stranger who couldnt find where hotels lay59The underlined word “displayed” in the passage means “_” Ashowed Bplaced Cspread Dpreferred60The main idea of the last five paragraphs is that _AGeorges de Paris was very lucky to be chosen as a White House tailorBthe way to success for Georges de Paris was very hardCrich knowledge is very useful for ones successDa decisive meeting has brought George a new lifeB There are a lot of dangerous and terrible pests in India, but the bees are the most terribleThey are killersLast year I was on holiday thereRiding along a road one sunny morning I found the air above me suddenly became thick with beesAlthough it was hot, I went cold all overTo run away fast seemed the only thing to do, but my horse was frightened, tooHe jumped and then threw me to the groundThe village was about half a mile awayI began to runBut by now I was covered from head to foot with beesThey crawled all over me, stinging (刺) with terrible painI tore them away, but make room for othersEach time I opened my lips for breath, more bees entered my mouthI could hardly breatheThen I reached the villageI ran towards a house that was being builtAs soon as the men working there saw the bees, they ran for safety at top speedMy eyes had completely closedI went into a pile of something softI pushed myself down into this until my head and shoulders were coveredThis made bees angry and they began to attack my legsI struggled but soon became tired outThe bees had wonAt last I was saved by two clever soldiersThey ran to fetch a pile of dry grass and quickly surrounded me with fireI later learned, they looked after me for the next three hours until a doctor was found and brought61When the air suddenly became thick with bees, _ Ait became coldBthe writer went cold with fear Cit was rather cold, though fineDthe horse threw the writer to the ground62The writer tore the bees away _ Ain order to make room for other bees Bbut other bees took the space again Cbut they flew away slowly Din order to let his breath out63The two soldiers _ Abuilt a thick wall to protect the writer Bsurrounded the writer to protect him Clooked for the doctors for three hours Dburnt the dry grass around the write to drive away the beesCMichael was a farmer in TexasHis parents moved to the USA from Ireland in the 1940s, and they became very richMichael decided to go back to Ireland to meet his old grandfather, who was still living on the same farmMichael booked his ticket, flew to Shannon airport, hired a car and drove to the small village where his parents had been bornHe asked for directions to the Ohagan farm, and in the end he drove up a bumpy pathHe was shocked by what he saw: a small field, and in the middle of it an old house, which looked as if it was falling downAnimals were wandering in and out of the front door, and on the porch an old man was smoking a pipe“Are you MrOhagan?” asked Michael“Yes,” replied the old man“Im your grandson, Michael,” said Michael“Aha,” replied the old manIs this your farm?” asked Michael“Yes, all the way to the wall over there,” said the old manMichael was astonished“Grandfather,” he said, “I have a farm in Texas, I can get into my car and drive all day and I still havent reached the end of the farm”“Yes,” said his grandfather“I used to have a car like that”64Michaels parents_Astill lived in Ireland aloneBowned a small farm in TexasCreturned to their birthplaceDwere Irish immigrants(移民) in America 65Which of the following shocked Michael?AThe farm was smallBThe old house looked like his ownCLiving conditions were in the fieldsDAnimals were free in the fields66The old man _ Aowned a small farm, which extended only to the wall not far awayBhad so large a farm that he couldnt cover it in a dayChadnt his modern car any longerDused to have as good a car as his grandsons67Which of the following is true?AMichael owned a large farm in Ireland BMichaels car was in such poor condition that it couldnt reach the end of the farm within a dayCMichaels farm was too large for a car to reach its end in a dayDMichael didnt know that to say to his grandfather68From “ I used to have a car like that “, we can see that _ Athe old man really had a car like that Bthe old man knew his sons farm in the US was quite largeCthe old man misunderstood what Michael saidDthe old man wanted to buy a car like thatDThis is John Roberts reporting from CardiffThe result of the match which finished at four this afternoon between France and Wales was a drawNeither side scored The Dutch referee(裁判) did not allow the one goal which France managed to kickThe reason for this was that a French player was unfortunately off sideSo both teams went home disappointed with the gameThey particularly admired the French forwards, who were always fast and often threatened the Welsh defenseOnce it looked as if the Welsh goalkeeper was in serious troubleHe dived to his fight to save a shot from the French centre forward and crashed his head against the goal postA doctor examined him and he soon began to play againOf course the large friendly crowd cheered for himWales will certainly welcome another visit from this splendid team69This passage is _Aa piece of sports news broadcast over the radioBa piece of sports news in a newspaper Can advertisement about sportsDan essay about sports70The word “draw” in this passage means “_”Aan act of pulling Btaking money from a bankCa state in which neither side wins Dmaking pictures with a pencil or a pen71Which of the following sentences is NOT true according to the passage?AThe French team is a visiting team while the Welsh team is the home teamBThe Welsh goalkeeper was brave and he didnt quit the match even after he had his head seriously injured in the gameCPeople liked the French forwards for they were very active on the fieldDA French player did kick a goal but the referee refused to admit itEA lawyer friend of mine has devoted herself to the service of humanityHer special area is called “public interest lawMany other lawyers serve only clients who can pay high feesAll lawyers have had expensive and highly specialized training, and they work long, difficult hours for the money they getBut what happens to the people who need legal(法律上的) help and cannot pay these lawyers fees?Public interest lawyers meet this needPatricia, like other public interest lawyers, gets less money than some lawyersBecause she is willing to take less money, her clients have the help they need, even if they can pay nothing at allSome clients need legal help because stores have cheated them with bad goodsOthers are in unsafe housesTheir cases are called “civil” casesStill others are “criminals”, and they go to those public interest lawyers who are in charge of “criminal” casesThese are just a few of the many situations in which the men and women who are public interest lawyers serve to uphold justice(伸张正义) throughout our society72From this passage, we know a client is a person who _ Aneeds legal help and can pay high feesBneeds and uses legal helpCneeds legal help but cant pay feesDhas been cheated by some stores73Why do public interest lawyers help the people who cant pay fees?ABecause they want to get less moneyBBecause they want to help the poorCBecause they wish to become famousDBecause they want to serve all kinds of people who need legal help to uphold justice in society74Public interest law includes _ Acivil cases only Bcriminal cases only Ccriminal and civil cases Dwealthy clients cases75Which of the following is not a matter for a civil case?AA tenant is turned out of a houseBA landlord refuses to fix a dangerous houseCA thief is caught by the policeDA store sells a radio which doesnt work第一节 单词拼写1 She is pretty rather than _. (吸引人)2He is lucky to _(幸存) the accident. 3. Have the children been in c_ with disease?4. We e_ our opinions about the event at the meeting.5. The lions _(接近) drove away the small animals. 6. I cant_(有能力支付) a holiday this summer.7Please state your name, age and _.(职业)8. The song _ (听起来) sweet. I like it very much. 9. The Forbidden City is one of the worlds greatest works of _ (建筑)10. A lot of _ (旅游者) are visiting our city. 第二节:书面表达(满分25分)张华是北京十二中高二、三班的班长,他认识一位在北京大学任教的英籍教师Kersey先生。班里打算6月7日星期一下午利用班会讨论如何学好英语,张华想邀请Kersey先生参加。他们班同学得知这一消息都非常高兴,急切盼望Kersey先生能参加他们的讨论。请以张华的名义给Kersey先生写一封邀请信。(词数100个左右)参考答案:2125 DBCAC 2630 BDBCB 3135 BAADB3640 CCDBA 4145 CBDDB 4650 ADCAB 5155 ADBDD 5660 CABAB 6165 BBDDC 6670 ACCAC7175 BBDCC 1. attractive 2. survive 3. contact 4. exchanged 5. approach 6. afford 7. occupation 8. sound 9. architecture. 10. touristspossible version:Dear MrKersey,Im monitor of Class 3, Grade 2, No12 Senior High SchoolOur class is going to have a talk on how to learn English well on Monday afternoon, June 7 and we would appreciate if you can join usMy classmates are happy to know that I have invited you to our school and look forward to your coming to give us some adviceCan you arrange? The talk will begin at 4: 20pmLooking forward to your replyBest wishes Yours Truly, Zhang Hua111


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