高考英语同步练习《Unit 3 Tomorrow’s World》周未自主测评 译林版必修4

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高考英语同步练习《Unit 3 Tomorrow’s World》周未自主测评 译林版必修4_第3页
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111必修四Unit 3Tomorrows world(微型高考,自主评估,建议用时:60分钟).单项填空1(2010济宁质检)In his victory speech,_ before a huge crowd of his supporters,Obama declared that“Change has come to America”Ahaving delivered Bto be deliveredCdelivering Ddelivered 解析:delivered在句中作非限制性定语,修饰his victory speech。因为非谓语动词与所修饰词为动宾关系,故用过去分词。答案:D2Does John know any other foreign language_ English?Aexcept BbutCbesides Dbeside解析:考查介词辨析。句意:除了英语之外,约翰还会其他外语吗?except和but均表示“除之外”,无“除之外还”之意,beside为介词,意为“在旁边”,据题意可知,应选C项。答案:C3Due to the heavy rain and flooding,ten million people have been forced _ their homes.Aleaving Bto leaveCto be left Dbeing left解析:考查非谓语动词。be forced to do sth.是固定结构,意为“被迫做某事”,故选B。答案:B4One day I_ a newspaper article about one in six European mammal species threatened with extinction.Acame across Bcame aboutCcame after Dcame at解析:考查动词短语。句意:一天,我偶然在报纸上读到一篇文章,讲的是在欧洲每六种哺乳动物中就有一种面临灭绝的危险。come across“偶遇,偶然发现”。答案:A5The interviewee_ the manager with both his knowledge and his attitude.Aimpressed BprovidedCaided Dmoved解析:impress sb.with sth.“以给某人留下深刻的印象”。provide“提供,供应”;aid“帮助”;move“感动”。答案:A6After the meeting,I _ to write a report on our next terms work.Aset about Bset outCset off Dset up解析:考查由set构成的动词短语辨析。set about (doing) sth.set out to do sth.“开始做某事”;set off“动身,出发,引发”;set up“创办,建立,创立”。答案:B7It was the third time that I_ of the changes of the timetable.Ahad informed Bhad been informedChas informed Dhas been informed解析:考查时态和语态。在“It is the序数词time that.”句型中,从句常用现在完成时;而在“It was the序数词time that.”句型中,从句常用过去完成时,所以先排除C项和D项;inform sb. of sth.为固定结构,表示“通知某人某事”,此处为此结构的被动语态,所以B项正确。答案:B8The local government in Shenzhen passed a new regulation forbidding supermarkets and stores to _ free plastic bags to shoppers,in a bid to protect the environment.Agive off Bgive inCgive up Dgive out解析:句意:为了保护环境,深圳地方政府通过了一项新的规定:禁止超市和商场给购物者免费发放购物塑料袋。give off“释放(光、热、气味等)”;give in“屈服,让步”;give up“放弃”,都不符合题意。give out“释放(光、热、气味、声音等),用完、耗尽、分发”,其中“分发”一义符合句意。答案:D9He is always full of_as though he never knew tiredness.Astrength BenergyCforce Dspirit解析:句意:他总是精力充沛,仿佛从不知疲劳。strength“力量”;energy“精力”;force“力,力量,影响力”;spirit“精神”。答案:B10I always thought you were a nurse.Really? I wonder how you got that _.Aplan BsightCimpression Dsense解析:考查名词辨析。C项符合题意,意思是“印象”。B项“视力,看见”;D项“感觉,意识”。答案:C11Thank you so much. You _ me from an embarrassing situation.Aremember BrecoverCrescue Dreserve解析:rescue sb. from.意思是“把某人从中解救出来”,符合题意。答案:C12_ late he comes back,his wife is always waiting for him.ANo matter how BHowCNo matter what DWhat解析:考查句式结构。late为副词,其前应用no matter how来引导让步状语从句,故应选A项。答案:A13The machine has been used for many years,and it needs _.Arepaired Bbeing repairedCrepairing Dbeing repairing解析:need,require,want 后接动词的ing形式,为主动形式表示被动意义。答案:C14“Dear Frank, when will our wedding be?”“Ah, when? God knows,” he said and_away from her, walked rapidly away.Aturning BturnedCturn Dto turn解析:考查非谓语动词。现在分词短语turning away from her作伴随状语。答案:A15(2010江西重点中学协作体联考)We enjoyed ourselves at the party. Thanks again._ Just drop in whenever you feel like it.AWith pleasure. BIt doesnt matter.CThank you, too. DNice having you here.解析:考查交际用语。从语境可知是聚会散场时与主办人告别的用语,Nice having you here.意思是“谢谢你的光临。”答案:D.完形填空Once in Japan there lived two frogs,one of whom made his home near the town of Osaka,while the other lived in Kyoto._1_of them liked to see a little of the world:the Kyoto frog wanted to visit Osaka,and the Osaka frog wished to go to Kyoto.So one morning they _2_.However,the journey was more _3_ than they expected,for they did not know much about travelling.Halfway between the two towns,at the top of a mountain,the two frogs _4_ each other!Soon they fell into _5_.“What a(n) _6_ we are too small,”said the Osaka frog.“Otherwise,we could see both towns from here,and _7_ if it is worth our going on.”“Oh,that is easily _8_,”replied the Kyoto frog.“We have only got to stand up on our hind (后面的) legs,and hold on to each other _9_ we wont fall down,and then we can both look at the towns we are _10_ to.”This idea _11_ the Osaka frog;he stood up and put his front paws on the shoulders of the other frog,who had _12_ also.There they both stood,stretching themselves as _13_ as they could.The Kyoto frog turned his nose towards Osaka,and the Osaka frog,towards Kyoto,but the _14_ frogs forgot that when they stood up,their eyes were in the backs of their heads,and that _15_ their noses pointed to their destinations,their eyes looked at the places _16_ which they had come.“Dear me!”cried the Osaka frog.“Kyoto is _17_ like Osaka.It is certainly not worth such a long _18_.”“If I had known that Osaka was only a copy of Kyoto I should _19_ have travelled all this way,”exclaimed the frog from Kyoto.Then they started off for their _20_ again.语篇解读:本文是篇寓言故事。两只青蛙想到对方的城市去看看,却因看的方法错误,误以为两个城市是一样的,并因此放弃了继续前进的打算。1A.Neither 龙江 BBothCOne DAnother解析:从全文来看,住在Kyoto和Osaka的青蛙都想看看外面的世界。答案:B2A.came round Bturned backCbroke up Dset out解析:前文提到它们想到外面看看,后文提到它们对旅途的感受,因此这里讲他们出发了。答案:D3A.tiring BordinaryCexciting Dfascinating 解析:从“for they did not know much about travelling”及下文的“if it is worth our going on”可知,A最适合。答案:A4A.met BacceptedCdiscouraged Dencouraged解析:这两只陌生的青蛙在中途相遇了。答案:A5A.conversation BargumentCcompetition Dconsideration解析:从下文可知,两只青蛙聊了起来。答案:A6A.honour BpleasureCsurprise Dpity解析:根据下文的“Otherwise,we could see both towns from here”,可知这里应用“what a pity.”表示遗憾。答案:D7A.doubt BwonderCshow Dtell解析:tell在这里意为“辨别,分辨”。 答案:D8A.finished BpreparedCimagined Dmanaged解析:根据后文“We have only got to”及“and then we can both look at the towns”,可知这只青蛙认为这是很容易做到的事。答案:D9A.even if Bin caseCso that Drather than解析:“我们”互相扶着,这样就不会摔倒了,so that在此表结果。答案:C10A.turning BtravellingCsettling Dadapting解析:根据第一段可知,两只青蛙只是想去看看对方的城市,故选travel,表示“长途行走”。答案:B11A.angered BdisturbedCconfused Dpleased解析:根据后文的“he stood up and put his front paws on the shoulders of the other frog”可知,来自Osaka的青蛙对这个主意很满意。答案:D12A.hold BputCrisen Dturned解析:根据后文的“There they both stood”可知,答案为C。答案:C13A.high BwideCfar Ddeep解析:他们要看到远方的城市,自然需要尽量地伸直身体,以提高高度。答案:A14A.adventurous BquietCsmart Dfoolish解析:根据后文的“forgot that when they stood up,their eyes were in the backs of their heads”可知,这两只青蛙是愚蠢的。答案:D15A.because BthoughCsince Dif解析:见下题解析。答案:B16A.from BtoCaround Din解析:虽然他们的鼻子指向他们的目标城市,但他们的眼睛看到的却是他们来的城市。答案:A17A.hardly BpartlyCmostly Dexactly解析:这只青蛙看到的就是Osaka,因此选exactly,表示“完全一样”。答案:D18A.talk BjourneyCtry Darrangement解析:选journey与后文的“have travelled all this way”对应。答案:B19A.never BagainCoften Dalways解析:根据文章内容,青蛙认为他们所想看的城市跟自己住的城市一模一样,因此不应该出这趟远门。答案:A20A.destinations BdreamsChomes Dcountries解析:由上文可知,两只青蛙认为这次旅行是不值得的,因此他们踏上了返程;由第一段可知,两只青蛙同在日本,排除D。答案:C.阅读理解A“My mother and her mother were very close,”said Barbara.“It would be safe to say they were soul mates.”Barbara and her mother Virginia were also very close,and thus the three women had a special relationship.Barbara said,“I remember my grandma singing me her favorite song,The Tennessee Waltz. She was loving, kind and totally devoted to her family.”When she was 16, Barbaras beloved grandma died.Virginia was so sad that it took a long time before she was able to remember her mother with happiness instead of sorrow. Years passed.When she was in her fifties,Barbara needed an operation. “It was a success, and the best part about it was that, while asleep, I saw my grandma!She was young, wearing a white dress. She had beautiful curls in her hair and was dancing to The Tennessee Waltz!” When Barbara awoke, she immediately told a nurse what she had experienced, and the nurse smiled as usual, in the manner she always treated her patients.In less than a month after Barbaras operation, Virginias health became poor. Barbara took care of her mother,and her husband and children took turns watching her as well.One night, Barbara entered Virginias room. “Mom had the most beautiful look on her face,”Barbara said.Virginia was staring at the ceiling, smiling. Then she looked at Barbara and said,“I saw your grandma. She was a young girl wearing a white dress. She had beautiful curls. And she was dancing to The Tennessee Waltz!”Barbara was very surprised. She had never told her mother about her own experience. How could Virginia have known? Virginia died just nine days later. Barbara continued to believe that the three of them would meet again.语篇解读:Barbara、母亲和祖母之间有着深厚的感情,她们之间发生的故事体现了亲人之间的真挚情感。1We learn from the passage that Virginia _.Aliked singing The Tennessee WaltzBhad only one daughterCdied when Barbara was in her fiftiesDwas good at dancing解析:细节理解题。根据第二段“When she was in her fifties,Barbara needed an operation”,第三段“In less than a month after Barbaras operation,Virginias health became poor”和最后一段“Virginia died just nine days later.”可知,答案为C。答案:C2What impressed Barbara most about her operation was that _.Athe operation was successfulBshe dreamed of her grandmother during itCthe nurse took good care of herDher family looked after her well解析:细节理解题。根据第二段“.the best part about it was that,while asleep,I saw my grandma.”可知,答案为B。答案:B 3We can infer that the nurse who smiled at Barbara _.Awas friendly to her patientsBthought Barbaras dream was funnyCdidnt understand Barbaras dreamDhad a similar experience to Barbaras解析:推理判断题。根据第二段“.the nurse smiled as usual,in the manner she always treated her patients.”可推断,那位护士对病人态度比较友好,故答案为 A。答案:A4Barbara was very surprised after hearing Virginias words because _.Aher grandma was very young in the dreamBher grandma also danced in front of her Cshe had had the same dream as VirginiaDVirginia had a clear memory even though very ill解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段“She had never told her mother about her own experience.How could Virginia have known?”可知,答案为C。答案:CBBlackfooted ferrets (雪貂) used to be in big trouble. The creatures are North Americas only native ferret species.By the late 1970s, scientists thought that blackfooted ferrets had become extinct in the wild.Over the years, the number of ferrets has mirrored the number of prairie dogs (草原犬鼠) in the area. Prairie dogs make up 90 percent of what ferrets eat. Farmers have long viewed prairie dogs as pests, and used to kill them. At the same time, diseases swept through the prairie dog community and wiped out many of them.As their food supply declined, ferret populations suffered as well. In the 1970s, scientists tried to raise ferrets and introduce them into the wild after they grew up. Their efforts failed, and biologists thought that the animals had become extinct.Then, in 1981, a farmers dog discovered blackfooted ferrets near Meatiest, a town in northwest Wyoming.State wildlife managers trapped as many of the animals as they could. In total, they caught 18. Scientists from the Smithsonian Institutions National Zoological Park in Washington, DC. then attempted to feed these survivors.The researchers eventually managed to feed seven ferrets. Over many generations, the group and its offspring (后代)have successfully produced more than 4,800 animals.Since then, biologists have introduced ferrets that were raised by people in 12 other places. At least two thirds of these populations seem to be doing well. To know for sure if the reintroductions are working, scientists will have to carefully study the animals and their progress.语篇解读:北美的黑足雪貂曾经濒临灭绝,科学家们想了许多办法使它们的数目得到增加。5In the 1970s,scientists tried to _.Afeed as many prairie dogs as possible for blackfooted ferrets to eatBpersuade the public to keep blackfooted ferrets in their own housesCkill prairie dogs to keep the balance of natureDintroduce blackfooted ferrets into the wild解析:细节理解题。根据文章第三段第二句可知科学家让雪貂回到大自然中。答案:D6We can infer from the passage that _.Athe population of blackfooted ferrets will increaseBscientists will fail to save the black footed ferretsCmore blackfooted ferrets will be caught and raised by peopleDscientists are sure that the reintroductions are working well解析:推理判断题。文章最后一段提到研究者成功地培育出4800多头雪貂,然后把这些雪貂引到12个其他的地方,并且有三分之二的雪貂活得很好,因此可推出雪貂的数目将会增加。答案:A7What do scientists have to do if they want to know whether the reintroductions are working?AThey have to raise more blackfooted ferrets.BThey have to ask biologists for help.CThey have to study the blackfooted ferrets and their progress.DThey have to introduce blackfooted ferrets to some more places.解析:细节理解题。根据文章最后一段最后一句可知答案为C。答案:C8What does the passage mainly talk about?ABlackfooted ferrets are in danger of dying out.BHow to prevent blackfooted ferrets from disappearing.CWhat local people have done to protect the blackfooted ferrets.DScientists are trying to raise the number of blackfooted ferrets.解析:主旨大意题。文章主要介绍科学家想了许多办法使雪貂的数目得到增加,故D项正确。答案:DCThe Paralympics(残疾人奥运会) is a word formed from the two words “parallel” which means “similar” and “Olympics”,and while they are often in the shadow of their “older_brother”,the energy and excitement of the Paralympics is in everyway a parallel of the Olympic Games.Many of the events held in the Paralympics are similar to those of the Olympics.For example,basketball,fencing,rugby and tennis are all played,but the athletes use wheelchairs.Football,judo,and cycling are events for athletes with visual impairment.Other events included in the Paralympics are variations on familiar sports.For example,a variation of volleyball,sitting volleyball,is played by disabled athletes (for example,people who have lost one or both legs)In this game,players sit on the court rather than stand.Paralympians are a more different group than their Olympic counterparts.For one,the age range is much wider.The youngest Paralympian in 2004 was 11yearold swimmer Qingqing Xu and the oldest was 66yearold sailor David Williams.They are also different in their abilities.On the whole,these athletes prefer to be called “athletes with disabilities”rather than “disabled athletes”they wish to focus more on the word “athlete”than the word “disabled”These athletes wish to be viewed as “having” disabilities rather than “suffering from” or being “afflicted by” them.Tentime Paralympic gold medalist Caz Walton doesnt mind being called a “wheelchairuser”,but she adds,“please dont call me wheelchairbound or confined to a wheelchair.”The Paralympics have been a part of the Olympic Games since 1960,when just 400 athletes competed.In 2004,this number rose to over 4,000,and even larger numbers are expected to compete in London in 2012.语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了残奥会的赛事项目,并将其与奥运会作了比较。9The underlined words “older brother” in the first paragraph refer to _.Athe winter Olympic GamesBthe players elder brothers at homeCthe energy and excitementDthe Olympic Games for the healthy players解析:推理判断题。第一段提到残奥会一直处于“老大哥”的阴影之下,接着又说,但是残奥会所带来的激情与活力一点也不输给奥运会。说明这个“老大哥”就是奥运会。答案:D10From the second paragraph we can see the main difference between the Paralympics and the Olympics is _.Athe tools the players useBthe events to be heldCthe number of the playersDthe women to be allowed to take part in解析:推理判断题。残奥会和奥运会的赛事项目基本相似,但是由于残奥会运动员的身体情况而使他们不得不借助于轮椅或者其他辅助设施,因此,二者的不同之处在于是否借助辅助设施。答案:A11According to the passage Paralympians and Olympic counterparts are also different in _.Adreams of successBefforts to winning successCage range and abilitiesDfamily history解析:细节理解题。由第四段可知,残奥会与奥运会有许多不同之处,其一就是残奥会运动员的年龄范围限制很小,其二是残疾运动员的身体情况使得他们的能力和正常的运动员的能力也有所不同。答案:C12From the fifth paragraph we can learn that Paralympian hope for _.Agold medals BrespectCsocial help Dattention解析:推理判断题。这些运动员更愿意被人们称作“有缺陷运动员”,而不是“残疾运动员”。他们希望人们的目光更多的集中在“运动员”上而不是“残疾”上。说明他们希望别人看待他们像看待正常人一样,即希望得到尊重。答案:B.任务型阅读/任务型读写阅读下面短文,根据所读内容在表格中的空白处填入恰当的单词。注意:每个空格只填一个单词。Some people believe that greed and selfishness has become the basis of modern society,and we should return to the old traditions of family and community then we will have a better life.To what extent do you agree or disagree with the above opinion?In this fastpaced world,many values are undergoing major changes.While people traditionally prioritize caring,sharing and generosity in life and work,modern people seem to be more selfabsorbed and selfconcerned.Modern people act selfishly to survive the harsh competition of life.They say that it is a jungle out there.To survive,you have to fight with whatever means that come handy.Obviously greed and selfishness go perfectly well with such ideas.In a company,employees do everything they can to get better pay and higher position,even at the cost of colleagues.We are in any way advocating any selfish conduct.It is just that people are pressured to act in a certain way due to outside influences.In spite of common practice,it is hard to conclude that modern society is built on greed and selfishness,both of which are not newly invented vocabulary.In ancient times people also did greedy and selfish things though such behaviors were more condemned then.But we can not ignore the fact that people in the past lived a relatively more isolated life and faced less pressure compared with their modern counterparts.Are we happier to share with others and be generous to them?There is no fixed answer either.Some people take great pleasurehelping and giving to others while others feel happy doing the opposite.But I personally think that people should not be too selfish.Caring for others can actually encourage the development of a mutually beneficial relationship.In conclusion,modern people appear to be more selfcentered than those in the past due to strong outside pressure.However,we should encourage people to know the importance of being caring and generous and to build a mutual


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