高考英语牛津译林版必修1总复习教案《Unit 3Looking good,feeling good(江苏专用)

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高考英语牛津译林版必修1总复习教案《Unit 3Looking good,feeling good(江苏专用)_第1页
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111 Unit 3Looking good,feeling good晨读在线电视产生于20世纪30年代,它使我们的日常生活发生了巨大变化。请你以“Television Is Helpful”为题写一篇英语短文。注意:词数不少于120个。【范文欣赏】 请进行完形填空(每空一词)Television Is HelpfulTelevision came into being in the 1930s.1.Since then,millions of children have grown up in front of television sets.Why do people like TV?2.Because its helpful and has brought about great changes in our daily life.TV helps open peoples eyes and brings 3.the whole world into our homes.We can know everything in our country and in 4.other parts of the world without leaving home.We can learn things better and 5.more easily on TV than over the radio or in books.They can be heard and watched 6.at the same time.TV helps open peoples minds.It always brings new ideas to us,which makes us find new ways to do things better 7.and faster.8In a word,TV is useful.It does us lots of good.Its really our good friend.(136 words)【名师点评】 该文行文流畅,层次分明,详略得当。文章应用了We can learn things better and more easily on TV than over the radio or in books;It always brings new ideas to us,which makes us find new ways to do things better and faster等高级句型结构。高级词汇的应用得体,如 came into being,bring about great changes,open peoples eyes等。Since then等衔接自然,In a word承上启下。文章从容收笔,一气呵成,很值得学生借鉴。【疯狂背诵】 请用10分钟背诵范文【还原范文】请将下列句子翻译成英语1电视诞生于20世纪三十年代。Television_came_into_being_in_the_1930s.2自那以来,数百万的孩子在电视机前长大。Since_then,millions_of_children_have_grown_up_in_front_of_television_sets.3为什么人们都喜欢看电视呢?Why_do_people_like_TV?4因为电视很有帮助,也改变了我们的日常生活。Because_TV_is_helpful_and_has_brought_about_great_changes_in_our_daily_life.5电视帮助人们开阔视野,也将整个世界带进了我们的家。TV_helps_open_peoples_eyes_and_brings_the_whole_world_into_our_homes.6我们足不出户就可了解本国以及国外的信息。We_can_know_everything_in_our_country_and_in_other_parts_of_the_world_without_leaving_home.7从电视上学东西比收音机或书本更好也更容易。We_can_learn_things_better_and_more_easily_on_TV_than_over_the_radio_or_in_books.8他们是视听同步进行的。They_can_be_heard_and_watched_at_the_same_time.9电视能帮助开放人们思想。TV_helps_open_peoples_minds.10它总是给我们带来新的理念,让我们找到新的方法去更好更快地处理事务。It_always_brings_new_ideas_to_us,which_makes_us_find_new_ways_to_do_things_better_and_faster.11总之,电视是有用的。In_a_word,TV_is_useful.12它对我们很有好处。It_does_us_lots_of_good.13电视真的是我们的好朋友。TV_is_really_our_good_friend.单词默写1figure n体形;数字;人物2failure n衰退;衰竭;失败;故障;失灵3chemical n化学物质 adj.化学的4embarrassed adj.尴尬的;不好意思的,难为情的5diet n节食;日常饮食 vi.节食;控制饮食6achievement n成就7equipment n器材;设备8comfort n安慰;舒适9system n身体;(器官)系统;体系;制度10concentrate vi. & vt.集中(注意力、思想等);全神贯注11work vi. to have an effect or outcome,often the one desired or expected12energetic adj. possessing or exerting or displaying energy13damage vt. any harm or injury resulting from a violation of a legal right14suffer v. to put up with sth or sb unpleasant;to undergo (as of injuries and illnesses)15amount na collection or mass especially of sth which cannot be counted.词汇拓展1ashamed adj.惭愧的;羞愧的shame n可耻的事(或人);羞耻,羞愧shameful adj.可耻的;不体面的2recover vi.痊愈,恢复健康 vt.重新获得;恢复recovery n恢复;痊愈3contain vt.包含;容纳container n容器4effect n效果,作用;影响effective adj.有效的effectively adv.有效地affect vt.影响affection n感情;喜爱;爱慕5count vi.算数;有效discount n折扣,打折countless adj.数不清的,无数的counter n柜台accountant n会计,会计师语境助记词不离句,句不离段Considering the great damage,he felt embarrassed and ashamed for his failure and couldnt control himself and ran risks,but now he recovered from it and felt comfortable.短语落实1hear from 收到的来信2work out 锻炼3come across 遇到4get out of.从出来5build up 逐步增强6on_ones_own独立地7whats_more而且8get_into_shape强身健体9make_the_most_of尽量运用;充分利用10in_the_long_term从长远角度看.句子翻译1Healthy eating along with regular exercise is probably the only way to become fit.(Page 58)健康的饮食加上经常锻炼也许是变得健康的唯一途径。2If you follow the suggestions above,you will look and feel much better in no time at all! (Page 58)如果你能遵循以上建议,用不了多久你就会气色好得多、感觉棒得多!3我以前常去健身房,一周三次,可我现在不再锻炼了。(Page 42)I_used_to_go_to_gym_three_times_a_week,but_I_dont_work_out_any_more.4我们不应该为自己的外表感到羞愧,不是吗?(Page 43)We_shouldnt_be_ashamed_of_the_way_we_look,should_we?5步行和骑自行车有用,校内体育活动也有用。(Page 58)Walking_and_riding_your_bike_count,and_so_do_school_sports.教材设题句型转换(每空不超过3个单词) 1The pills were going to completely destroy my liver if I continued taking them.(教材P42) The pills would completely destroy my liver without my_(me)_stopping_taking them.2My computer was broken so I couldnt read your two emails until today.(教材P42) My computer was broken so not_until_today_ could I read your two emails.3As a matter of fact,loss of sleep can make you look tired,and even cause you to gain weight.(教材P58) As a matter of fact,loss of sleep can make you look tired,and even result_in/lead_to_(your) gaining weight.4If you follow the suggestions above,you will look and feel much better in no time at all.(教材P58) Following_the_suggestions above,you will look and feel much better in no time at all.5When you sleep,your body prepares you for the day to come.(教材P58)When you sleep,your body prepares you for the_coming/following_day seldom adv.很少;不常;罕见【课本原句】 But I seldom go to the gym!(P42)但是我很少去健身房。【注意】 表示否定意义的副词,如果出现在反意疑问句中,后面的问句部分要用肯定形式。如果位于句首,句子要用部分倒装。类似用法的其他否定副词或短语还有:never,not,neither,nor,little,hardly,no sooner,rarely等。看看高考怎么考Today women are seldom_dressed_by_servants(很少由仆人装扮),but buttoning form the left is still the standard for them.Is it interesting? Actually,a standard ,once set,resists change.(2010重庆卷阅读理解C)They seldom eat their meals indoors,do_they(是吗)?It is required that the students _ mobile phones in their school,so seldom _ them using one.(2012湖南邵东创新实验学校第二次月考)Ashouldnt use;you will seeBnot use;will you seeCdont use;will you seeDshant use;you will see答案 B contain vt.包含;容纳;容忍【课本原句】 They contain a harmful chemical that caused my liver to fail.(P42)那些药里含有一种有害的化学成分,导致我的肝功能衰竭。【联想拓展】container n容器;集装箱contain oneself 控制自己辨析 contain/include(1)contain意为“含有;包含;容纳;里面装有”,含有“封闭全部”的意味,侧重所含的量和成分,不用于进行时态。另外,contain还有“克制,抑制”之意。(2)include意为“包含;连在内,计入,算入;包括”用于表示所包含之物中的一部分。看看高考怎么考用contain和include的适当形式填空The band played many songs,including some of my favourites.(2011天津卷阅读理解C)Any web log may contain_the_latest_information(包含最新的信息)of the year,or equally,a madeup story that you will never be able to check.(2011上海卷Section C)My father could hardly contain_his_pride_in_me(以我为傲),and my mother eventually gave in before my success.(2011陕西卷阅读理解C)Do you think the French government can contain the crisis?The list included/includes many new names. consider vt. & vi.考虑;认为;体谅【课本原句】 Now he is considering taking some pills,which he thinks will help him become stronger.(P49)现在他正考虑吃一些他觉得能让他变得更强壮的药。【联想拓展】consideration n考虑,思考considerate adj.为他人着想的;体谅的;体贴的considerable adj.相当大的;相当多的considering prep.鉴于;就而论【注意】 consider可以跟v.ing作宾语,不可跟不定式作宾语,但可跟不定式作宾补。看看高考怎么考He considers(认为)his efforts worthwhile.(2011山东卷阅读理解B)Two thirds of customers say that environmental_considerations(考虑环境)inform their purchases to the same degree as they did a year ago,while more than a quarter say that they are now even better aware of the environmental effect on what they buy.(2010福建卷阅读理解C)All the staff in our company are considering _ to the city centre for the fashion show.(2012武冈市一中考)Ato go BgoingCto have gone Dhaving gone答案BColumbus was considered _ the great land of America.(2012湖南祁东育贤中学月考)Ato discover Bto have discoveredCdiscovering Dhaving discovered答案B effect n影响;结果;效果【课本原句】 However,they have side effects,which will damage your health.(P49)然而,这些药有一些副作用,会危害到你的健康。【联想拓展】effective adj.有效的have an effect on sth对有影响/起作用cause and effect因果have no effect on/be of no effect to无效,没有作用come/go into effect开始生效have/take effect见效,生效看看高考怎么考Deals will be struck to reduce the_immediate_effects(即时效果)(2011北京卷阅读理解D) Two thirds of customers say that environmental considerations inform their purchases to the same degree as they did a year ago,while more than a quarter say that they are now even better aware of the environmental_effect(环境影响)on what they buy.(2010福建卷阅读理解C)What type of management style do you think is effetive(effect)?Now the situation is getting worse.We cant ignore the bad _ inflation is having on the global economy.(2012长沙周南中学月考)Aeffect BfailureCresult Dimpression答案 A risk vt.冒的危险 n冒险;风险【课本原句】 I dont think your friend should take the risk.(P49)我认为你朋友不应该冒这个险。【联想拓展】at ones own risk自担风险at risk有危险;有风险at the risk of doing sth冒着做某事的危险take/run a risk冒险【注意】 risk后跟动词时,要用doing,不可以用to do。看看高考怎么考The disease is spreading,and all_children_under_five_are_at_risk(5岁以下的儿童都有患病的危险)。(2011福建卷阅读理解B)Why do we ever put ourselves in situations likely to be difficult,embarrassing,and even_risky(甚至是危险的)?(2011江苏卷任务型阅读)When alcohol is consumed,it enters your bloodstream and acts as a depressant (抑制药),damaging eyesight,judgment and coordination (协调),slowing down reaction time and greatly increasing the_risk_of_accidents(事故的危险性)(2011福建卷阅读理解A)He got wellprepared for the job interview,for he couldnt risk _ the good opportunity.(2012永州四中第一次月考)Ato lose BlosingCto be lost Dbeing lost答案 B count v计算(总数);数数;重要;认为,被视为;看做【课本原句】 Walking and riding your bike count,and so do school sports.(P58)步行和骑自行车都有用,学校里的体育活动也有用。【联想拓展】counter n计算器,计数器;柜台;筹码count down倒计时count sb in把某人算入;包括count on/upon指望;依赖看看高考怎么考Today we benefit from countless_inventions(无数的发明) and innovations.(2011江苏卷阅读理解A)We are counting_on(期待着)your cooperation.You should make up before your job interview.As you know,first impressions do _.(2012浏阳市一中高三上学期期中考试)Awork Bexist Cmatch Dcount答案 D work out 锻炼;制定出;解决(问题);计算出;进展,发展【课本原句】 I used to go to the gym three times a week,but I dont work out any more.(P42)我以前也常去健身房,一周三次,可我现在不再锻炼了。【联想拓展】work out a new plan制定一项新计划work out a best solution想出一个好的解决办法work on从事,致力于;继续工作;对起作用work at从事(某活动,研究等)work for为工作work with与共事,与合作out_of work失业set to work着手工作at work在工作;活动着;在起作用看看高考怎么考Wed better discuss everything in detail before we work_out_the_plan(制定计划)(2011江苏卷单项填空32)The Jacobs family did work_out_a_solution(想出解决办法):They asked and received more aid form the schools,and each son increased his borrowing to the maximum amount through the federal loan (贷款) program.(2011山东卷阅读理解C)You cant predict everything.Often things dont _ as you expect.(2011江西卷单项填空35)Arun out Bbreak out Cwork out Dput out答案 CWe hoped to be able to move into our new house at the end of the month,but things didnt _ as we expected.(2012辽宁省沈阳二中第4次月考英语试卷)Awork out Bmove out Ccarry out Dput out答案 A fall out 闹翻;(头发或牙齿)脱落;(事情)发生;(在军队)离队【课本原句】 After your friend taking this kind of pill for some time,his hair might fall out or he might have health problems,some of which may even affect his liver or heart.(P49)你朋友服用这种药一段时间后,他的头发可能会脱落,或者他可能会有一些健康上面的问题,一些甚至会影响到他的肝和心脏。【联想拓展】fall into养成;染上fall behind落后fall asleep入睡fall in love with爱上fall down倒塌fall over被绊倒fall on/upon sb忽然降临看看高考怎么考翻译句子她向他们承诺工作时间再也不睡觉了。She_promised_them_never_to_fall_asleep_on_the_job_again!(2011江西卷完形填空55)我见到你的第一眼就爱上你了。I_fell_in_love_with_you_at_the_first_sight.He has _ with his parents for playing games online.(2012湖南攸县一中高三上学期期中考试)Afallen down Bfallen offCfallen back Dfallen out答案 D along with 连同;随同【课本原句】 If it is any comfort to you,I have also put on some weight recently,and so perhaps I can go on a diet along with you.(P57)如果这样能让你稍感安慰的话,最近我也长胖了一点,也许这样我们就能一起节食减肥呢。【联想拓展】all along 一直,始终get along with相处;进展take along随身携带【注意】 “Aalong with/with/together with/as wellas/besides/like/without/except/butB”结构作主语时,谓语动词需与A保持一致。看看高考怎么考Along_with_nine_other_children(连同九个别的孩子)whose parents were also famous scholars,Irene studied in their own school,and her mother was one of the teachers.(2011陕西卷阅读理解B)How do you get_along_with(相处)your parents?(2010重庆卷阅读理解B)An expert,together with some assistants,_ to help in this work.(2012湖南石齐学校高考复读部第3次月考)Awas sent Bwere sentCis sending Dare sending答案AJack,as well as his relatives and friends,_ a party at home now.(2012湖南隆回一中月考)Aare having Bis haveCis holding Dare holding答案CAll but the one that asked for leave yesterday _ here just now.(2012郴州调研)Ais BwasChas been Dwere答案D in the long term 从长远看【课本原句】 Diets are useless in the long term,yet approximately 20% of teenagers say they have tried going on a diet and skipping meals to control their weight.(P58)从长远角度看,节食并不能奏效,然而,有将近20%的青少年声称,他们都曾尝试过节食或者到吃饭的时候干脆什么也不吃,借以控制自己的体重。【联想拓展】in the long run 从长远看in the short term从短期来看come to terms with甘心忍受(某种不愉快的处境)in terms of就来说in any term无论如何;在任何情况下on good terms with与关系良好看看高考怎么考He is on_good_terms_with_his_employer(和雇主的关系很好)(2011天津卷完形填空)Although the topics were local subjects,the foreign students were generally better in_terms_of(就来说)the content of the posts and their grasp of the Chinese language.(2009福建卷阅读理解A)_ achievements,last weeks ministerial meeting of the WTO here earned a low,though not failing,grade.(2012湖南津市一中月考)AIn terms of BIn case ofCAs a result DIn face of答案 A【课本原句】 I think you look great as you are,and youre a wonderful person.(P43)我觉得你目前的这个样子看起来就很棒,而且我觉得你是一个非常优秀的人。as引导方式状语从句,意为“像”、“按照的方式”,as in the way that。【联想拓展】as it is表示“实际上;事实上”,多用于句首,用于句尾,表示“照原样”。as it was是as it is的过去式。as it were意为“好像是;几乎是”,是“as if it were so”的省略式。看看高考怎么考As_it_reported(正如报道的那样),it is 100 years since Qing hua University was founded.(2011四川卷单项填空6)I travel to the Binhai New Area by light railway every day,_ do many businessmen who live in downtown Tianjin.(2009天津卷单项填空14)Aas BwhichCwhen Dthough答案AWed better leave things _ they are until the police arrive.(2012邵东创新实验学校第一次月考)Aas if Bas Cwhen Dif 答案B sobe动词/助动词/情态动词另一主语 【课本原句】 Walking and riding your bike count,and so do school sports.(P58)步行和骑自行车都有用,学校里的体育活动也有用。句中含有“so be动词/助动词/情态动词另一主语”结构。该结构用在肯定句中,表示前面所说的肯定情况也适合于另一个人或物。so作“也这样;也如此”解。【注意】 so主语be动词/助动词/情态动词”表示赞同、证实,意思是“正是这样;的确如此”,“neither/norbe动词/助动词/情态动词另一主语”,表示“也不”。So it is with.或It is the same with表示“的情况也是如此”。当前面的句子中有几种不同的谓语时,要表示相同情况,必须使用本句型。看看高考怎么考It was a simple machine that drivers could depend on.Doctors bought the Model TSo_did_farmers(农民也是如此)(2011辽宁卷阅读理解C)People who take pleasure in Blues are there,so_are_people who love Bluegrass.(喜爱蓝草音乐的人们也在那儿) (2011福建卷阅读理解B)Jane wont join us for dinner tonight and _.(2011全国语法和词汇知识13)Aneither wont Tom BTom wont eitherCTom will to D so will Tom答案BIt was careless of you to have left your clothes outside all night.My God! _.(2012江西临川一中月考)ASo did I BSo I didCSo were you DSo did you答案B.用黑体词的正确形式填空1(1)He is considered to be an expert in this field.(2)Taking everything into consideration,she decided to work in the company.2(1)He never fails to write to his mother every week.(2)The success or failure of the plan depends on you.3(1)Chemistry was her favourite subject at school.(2)Pay attention to the chemicals when youre doing the experiment.4(1)Dont touch that dishits very hot.(2)It was a touching story that moved many of us to tears.5(1)Relax when you dance.(2)He gave us a relaxed smile after the examination.6(1)This painting is priceless.(2)Its difficult to calculate its price7(1)Dont be ashamed of yourself.You have tried your best after all.(2)Its a shame to take money from those who cant afford it.8(1)We are so happy to hear about his quick recovery from illness.(2)Her mother is still recovering from her operation.9(1)Many sportsmen,whose achievements were great,died very young because they took some pills.(2)Ive achieved only half of what Id hoped to do.10(1)He leads a regular life.(2)The post arrives regularly at eight every moring.短语填空be embarrassed about;be dying to;work out;take the risk of;follow ones advice;in secret;along with1I dont want to take_the_risk_of trying this.2The couple who dont have a baby are_dying_to adopt one.3My friend Jack works_out in the gym twice a week to keep fit,and I am going to join him.4The minister was_embarrassed_about the question which was asked by a reporter at the news conference.5You should follow the doctors advice and have an operation as possible.完成译文1他衣服的颜色和鞋的颜色不相配。The colour of his coat doesnt match that of his shoes.2那个老人幸福地离开了人间。The old man died happily3那位教授每天早上都锻炼身体。The professor works out/takes exercise every morning.4这种新型的药对人体没有副作用。This new kind of medicine has no side effect on the human body.5我们的努力以失败而告终,这令我们很失望。Our effort ended in failure,which made us disappointed.单项填空1Yang Liwei is the first Chinese person considered _ in space.Ato have travelled BtravellingChaving travelled Dto travel答案A杨利伟是第一个被认为去太空旅行过的中国人。为了便于做题可将原被动句还原为主动句:People consider Yang liwei to have travelled.由此可排除B、C两项。由于travel这个动作发生在谓语动词的动作之前,所以用不定式的完成式。2She was wearing black highheeled shoes that _ her red miniskirt.Afitted Bsuited Ccompared Dmatched答案D句意:她穿着黑色的高跟鞋,鞋与她的红色迷你裙相配。match指“(颜色、款式、风格等)相匹配”。3All the patients _ by AH1N1 influenza are separated from the outside.Acaught Binfected Caffected Daddicted答案C句意:所有感染甲型HlNl流感的病人都与外界隔离起来了。infected后接介词with,意为“染上某种病”;addicted后接介词to,表示“沉溺于”;affected by表示“被感染”。4The news of the mayors coming to our school for a visit was _ on the radio yesterday.Aturned out Bfound outCgiven out Dcarried out答案C句意:市长来我们学校参观的消息昨天在电台播放了。考查动词短语。give out是“播放;公布”之意。turn out结果是;证明是;find out查明;carry out执行。5We should make the best of precious time.Every minute _.Aworks Blies Chelps Dcounts答案D句意:我们应该充分利用宝贵的时间。每一分钟都是重要的。count在此是“重要”之意。work起作用,有效果;lie在于;help帮助。6Smart as Jack is,he doesnt know _ people well.Awhere managing Bhow he manageChow managing Dhow to manage答案D句意:尽管杰克很聪明,但他不知道怎样去很好地管理人。考查“疑问词不定式”结构。B项语法不正确,若选B,manage应改为manages。7David has made great progress recently._,and _.ASo he has;so you have BSo he has;so have youCSo has he;so have you DSo has he;so you have答案B句意:David最近进步很大。确实如此。你也一样。考查so的用法。考生如能理解David has made great progress recently这个信息句的意思,就不难看出答案。前一空表示确认事实,他确实取得了很大的进步,后一空表示“你也取得了进步”。注意:在表示前者的情形也适用于后者时,要用倒装语序。8Dont mention that at the beginning of the story,or it may _ the shocking ending.Agive away Bgive outCgive up Dgive off答案A句意:不要在故事开头提到那一点,否则,它有可能泄露令人震惊的结局,give away此处作“泄露”解。9The house was greatly damaged by the truck.Wed better leave things _ they are until the police arrive.Asince Bas Cthough Dunless答案B句意:卡车对这座房子造成了严重损害。我们最好保持事物的原样等待警察到来。as引导方式状语从句,意为“按照的方式”。leave things as they are意为“让一切顺其自然”。 10Although she did not know Boston well,she made the way _ to the Home Cirele Building.Aeasy enough Benough easyCeasily enough Denough easily答案C句意。尽管对Boston不是很熟悉,但她很容易就去了家居建筑群。本题考查enough的用法。easily在句中充当状语,修饰谓语动词made;enough修饰副词时,通常放在所修饰的副词之后。11Large quantities of water _ for cooling purpose in the only one of the plants which _ steel

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