Unit 3《Science versus nature》Welcome to the unit学案1(牛津译林版必修5)

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Unit 3《Science versus nature》Welcome to the unit学案1(牛津译林版必修5)_第1页
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Unit 3《Science versus nature》Welcome to the unit学案1(牛津译林版必修5)_第3页
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111Words and phrases for Unit 3 1. announce: to tell people sth officially, especially about a decision, plans etceg. 政府向媒体宣布了这项计划。The government announced the plan to the media.The government announced to the media the plann. announcement make an announcement to sbannouncer 播音员2. on the one hand, on the other (hand) : used to introduce different points of view, ideas etc,especially when they are oppositeeg. 1) I love my job as a news reporter, because I get to travel around the world, but on the other hand, I feel I have sacrificed too much of my free time with my family. 2) On the one hand, I want to sell the house, but on the other hand, I cannot bear the thought of moving.3. point out: mention sth. in order to tell sb. Sth. that he/she didnt know or never thought outeg. The officer pointed out that the story was somewhat hard to believe.他向我们指出晚上独自外出的危险He pointed out to us the danger of going out alone at night. point to: All the signs point to a successful year ahead.一切迹象都预示着有一个成功的新的一年4. interfere: to get involved in and try to influence a situation that doesnt concern you; in a way that annoys other people.eg 1.I hope my mother would stop interfering and let me make my own decisions. 2. 别干涉我的私事Dont interfere in my personal affairs 3. 没有人想干预你Nobody wants to interfere with you .5. normal adj. 典型的, 正常的,一般的normal English : English is spoken at a normal speednormal temperature正常体温 lead a normal life过着正常的生活不想被人嘲笑对于我们来说是正常的Its normal for us not to be laughed at.n. 常态, 通常标准,一般水平above normal通常标准之上 below normal通常标准之下 return to normal恢复正常6. in general 1) usually, mainly, in most situation 通常大体2)as a whole 总的说来,总体来看 eg. Children in general are fond of candy. 通常大体 In general, I agree with you总的说来,总体来看7. praise vt. praise the team for their good performance称赞队员优秀的表现praise the cooking as the best称赞这个烹调技术是最好的 n. Praise makes good men better and bad men worse. in praise of 她写诗赞扬自由She wrote poems in praise of freedom. sing high praise of = praise sb highly8. break through: force a way through; discover sth new or important; deal successfully with stheg. 1) At dawn,300 tanks broke through the enemy lines.在黎明,300辆坦克突破了敌人的防线 2) 他失败了多次,但最后他取得突破成了一个著名的作家He failed many times, but he finally broke through to become a famous writer. breakthrough n. make/achieve a great breakthrough in9. intend: have a plan, result or purpose in your mind when you do stheg. 1) What do you intend to do today? 2) I had intended to call on you yesterday, but there was an unexpected visitor.=I intended to have called on you yesterday, but there was an unexpected visitor.3) My father intended me to become an author.4) The book was intended as a present for you. intended adj. the intended purpose原来的目的 intention n. I have no intention to study Greek.It was not my intention that she should suffer.我没有要她吃苦的念头He went to Paris with the intention of learning French.10. desperate adj. 1) 绝望的,孤注一掷的,不惜冒险的 eg. Her illness is desperate, but not hopeless.治好她的病希望不大,但并不是绝望的make a desperate attempt 孤注一掷 2) be desperate for/ to do 非常需要的, 极想的, 渴望的我非常想找到一份工作Im desperate to find a job.我极想抽根烟 Im desperate for a cigarett11. adopt vt. 1) take sb elses child into your family and become its legal parentsadopt a child an adopted childShe was forced to have her baby adopted.她被迫把孩子给他人收养2) start to use a particular method to show a particular attitude toward sb./sth.adopt a new teaching methodadopt different approaches to the problem adoption n.12. push ahead (with)eg. Now that the problem is solved, there is nothing to stop us pushing ahead.他们开始推行他们的新政策They began to push ahead with their new policy13. deliver vt. deliver milk/ letters/ newspapers递送,传递, 交付deliver a speech/ a lecture/ a report发表,宣布, 发布The baby was delivered by a nurse.助产,接生She was delivered of a healthy boy. 助产,接生delivery n.14. succeed vi. achieve sth. that you have been trying to do or getsucceed in doing sth be successful in doing stheg. I didnt succeed in my first lecture. I didnt succeed as a teacher.= I had no success as a teacher. 她设法使自己被别人理解She succeeded in making herself understood. She was successful in making herself understood.15. consequence n. a result of sth that has happenedin consequence=as a result 结果 in consequence of =as a result of由于的原故eg. This decision could have serious consequences for the future of the industry. 此项决定对该行业的未来可能会产生严重后果 200 people lost their jobs as a direct consequence of the accident.16. end up: to find yourself in a place or situation that you didnt intend or expect to be ineg. 1) If you go on like this, you will end up in prison. 2) 如果他继续像这样开车,总有一天会把命送掉If he carries on driving like this, he will end up dead.3) Every time she tried to argue with her husband, she ended up crying her eyes out.4) 他尝试了几种不同的工作,最后当了一个律师 He tried several different jobs, and he ended up as a lawyer.5) 他们用水果结束了这餐饭They ended the dinner up with fruit.17. for sale: available to be bought, especially from the owneron sale: 1) available to be bought, especially in a shop/store2) 折价出售,减价出售eg. 1) Im sorry. The house is not for sale. 2) Tickets are on sale from the booking office. 3) All video equipment is on sale today and tomorrow. 所有的音像设备今明两天降价出售18. comment v. express an opinion about sth.comment on/upon eg. 1).我觉得无法对他们的决定做出评价 I dont feel I can comment on their decision.2) “Not his best performance,” She commented to the woman sitting next to her. n. 评论,议论, 解释 make/give comments on no comment(回答记者问题)无可奉告19. advance eg.1)They advanced 20 miles by nightfall.夜幕降临,他们已推进了20英里 2) This research has done much to advance our understanding of language learning. (知识,技术等)发展,进步 3) They worked together t advance the cause of democracy.推进民主事业的发展 4) The article advances a new theory to explain changes in the climate.提出 5) advance the date by one week使提前 6)enemy advances敌人的推进 recent advances in medical science进步,进展 7) Its cheaper if you book the tickets in advance. 8) advanced technology先进的 advanced mathematics高级的20. in place 1) I like everything to be in place.放在(本来应放的)地方 2) That comment was not in place.适当的 3) It was out of place for Tom to laugh at the old lady.不合适的,不恰当的 4) Who will go there in my place? 代替,取代 5) put in place使准备就绪, 布置妥当111


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