高二英语课下作业北师大版选修7《Unit 21 Human Biology》Section Ⅱ 语言点一应用落实

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高二英语课下作业北师大版选修7《Unit 21 Human Biology》Section Ⅱ 语言点一应用落实_第1页
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高二英语课下作业北师大版选修7《Unit 21 Human Biology》Section Ⅱ 语言点一应用落实_第2页
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111.介词填空1Its the kind of movie that caters to the worst side of human nature.2The condition is usually treated with drugs and a strict diet.3The high price of equipment prohibits many people from taking up this sport.4We are postponing our trip till_/_until the weather grows warmer.5The public has quite simply lost faith in the government.单项填空1Because of the rain, well have to _ the football match.Im free next Sunday if you would like to play then.AadvanceBpostponeCabandon Dadvocate解析:选B。postpone“推迟;拖延”。advance“推进,进展”;abandon“废弃,丢弃”;advocate“倡导”。2Although the authorities _ people from climbing up that section of the Great Wall, some people still visit that area.Aquit BprohibitCobject Doppose解析:选B。prohibit表示“禁止”,常用于prohibit sb. from doing sth.结构。quit表示“停止”,后跟动词ing形式;object常与to搭配;oppose“反对”,后跟不定式。3I cant say which wine is the best its a(n)_ of personal taste.Aaffair BeventCmatter Dvariety解析:选C。句意:我无法说哪种酒最好这是个人口味爱好的问题。a matter of .“关于的问题”。affair“政治事务,私人业务”;event“重要事情,大事”;variety“不同种类”,显然C项符合题意。4The questions in the second half of the form _ only _ married men.Acater; toBapply; toCattach; to Dturn; to解析:选B。cater to“迎合(需要,口味)”; adapt to“适应,适合”;attach to“附属于”。句意:表格中第二部分的问题只由已婚男人回答。apply to“对适用”,符合句意。5Father _ all the neighbors to dinner at a nearby restaurant to thank them all.Asupplied BacceptedCtreated Dserved解析:选C。考查动词辨析。supply“供应,提供”;accept“接受”;treat“款待,治疗,对待”;serve“服务”。根据句意“父亲在附近一家餐馆招待所有的邻居,以感谢他们。”可知应选C。6The woman who sold me the car claimed she had acted in good _.Abelief BfaithCmanners Dpurpose解析:选B。考查faith的用法。belief“信任,信仰”;faith“信心,忠实”;manners“礼貌,规矩”;purpose“目的,意图”。act in good faith“行为绝对可信、真诚”。句意:卖给我汽车的那个妇女声称她绝对可信。故选B。111

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